#import #import "MGLTypes.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** A collection of convenience methods for creating style URLs of default styles provided by Mapbox. These instances of NSURL are cached. */ @interface MGLStyle : NSObject /** Returns the Streets style URL. * Mapbox Streets is a complete base map, perfect for incorporating your own data. */ + (NSURL *)streetsStyleURL; /** Returns the Emerald style URL. * Emerald is a versatile style with emphasis on road networks and public transportation. */ + (NSURL *)emeraldStyleURL; /** Returns the Light style URL. * Light is a subtle, light-colored backdrop for data visualizations. */ + (NSURL *)lightStyleURL; /** Returns the Dark style URL. * Dark is a subtle, dark-colored backdrop for data visualizations. */ + (NSURL *)darkStyleURL; /** Returns the Satellite style URL. * Mapbox Satellite is a beautiful global satellite and aerial imagery layer. */ + (NSURL *)satelliteStyleURL; /** Returns the Hybrid style URL. * Hybrid combines the global satellite and aerial imagery of Mapbox Satellite with unobtrusive labels. */ + (NSURL *)hybridStyleURL; - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END