#include "expression_test_runner.hpp" #include "expression_test_parser.hpp" #include "expression_test_logger.hpp" #include "filesystem.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::literals; namespace { // Strip precision for numbers, so that we can compare evaluated results with fixtures. // Copied from JS expression harness. Value stripPrecision(const Value& value) { const double decimalSigFigs = 6; if (auto num = numericValue(value)) { if (*num == 0) { return *num; } const double multiplier = std::pow(10, std::max(0.0, decimalSigFigs - std::ceil(std::log10(std::fabs(*num))))); // We strip precision twice in a row here to avoid cases where // stripping an already stripped number will modify its value // due to bad floating point precision luck // eg `Math.floor(8.16598 * 100000) / 100000` -> 8.16597 const double firstStrip = std::floor(*num * multiplier) / multiplier; return std::floor(firstStrip * multiplier) / multiplier; } if (value.is>()) { std::vector stripped; const auto& vec = value.get>(); stripped.reserve(vec.size()); for (const auto& val : vec) { stripped.emplace_back(stripPrecision(val)); } return stripped; } else if (value.is>()) { std::unordered_map stripped; const auto& map = value.get>(); for (const auto& pair : map) { stripped.emplace(pair.first, stripPrecision(pair.second)); } return stripped; } return value; } bool deepEqual(const Value& a, const Value& b) { const auto& anum = numericValue(a); const auto& bnum = numericValue(b); if (anum && bnum) { return stripPrecision(*anum) == stripPrecision(*bnum); } if (a.which() != b.which()) { return false; } if (a.is>()) { const auto& avec = a.get>(); const auto& bvec = b.get>(); if (avec.size() != bvec.size()) { return false; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < avec.size(); ++i) { if (!deepEqual(avec[i], bvec[i])) { return false; } } return true; } if (a.is>()) { const auto& amap = a.get>(); const auto& bmap = b.get>(); if (amap.size() != bmap.size()) { return false; } for (const auto& pair : amap) { auto it = bmap.find(pair.first); if (it == bmap.end()) { return false; } if (!deepEqual(pair.second, it->second)) { return false; } } return true; } return a == b; } bool deepEqual(const optional& a, const optional& b) { if ((a && !b) || (!a && b)) { return false; } if (a && b) { return deepEqual(*a, *b); } return true; } std::vector tokenize(std::string str) { std::vector tokens; std::regex re("\n"); std::copy(std::regex_token_iterator(str.begin(), str.end(), re, -1), std::regex_token_iterator(), std::back_inserter(tokens)); return tokens; } std::string simpleDiff(const Value& result, const Value& expected) { std::vector resultTokens {tokenize(toJSON(result, 2, true))}; std::vector expectedTokens {tokenize(toJSON(expected, 2, true))}; std::size_t maxLength = std::max(resultTokens.size(), expectedTokens.size()); std::ostringstream diff; const auto flush = [] (const std::vector& vec, std::size_t pos, std::ostringstream& out, std::string separator) { for (std::size_t j = pos; j < vec.size(); ++j) { out << separator << vec[j] << std::endl; } }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxLength; ++i) { if (resultTokens.size() <= i) { flush(expectedTokens, i, diff, "+"s); break; } if (expectedTokens.size() <= i) { flush(expectedTokens, i, diff, "-"s); break; } if (resultTokens[i] != expectedTokens[i]) { diff << "-"s << expectedTokens[i] << std::endl; diff << "+"s << resultTokens[i] << std::endl; } else { diff << resultTokens[i] << std::endl; } } return diff.str(); } void rewriteRoundtrippedType(const std::string& expected, std::string& actual) { if (!expected.rfind("array", 0) && !actual.rfind("array", 0)) { actual = expected; } } void updateTest(TestData& data) { assert(data.document["expected"].IsObject()); auto& expected = data.document["expected"]; auto compiled = toDocument(toValue(data.result.compiled)); assert(!compiled.HasParseError()); expected["compiled"].Swap(compiled); if (data.result.outputs) { auto outputs = toDocument(stripPrecision(data.result.outputs.value_or(Value{}))); assert(!outputs.HasParseError()); expected["outputs"].Swap(outputs); } else { expected.RemoveMember("outputs"); } if (data.result.serialized) { auto serialized = toDocument(*data.result.serialized); assert(!serialized.HasParseError()); expected["serialized"].Swap(serialized); } else { expected.RemoveMember("serialized"); } } void writeTestData(const JSDocument& document, const std::string& rootPath, const std::string& id) { rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::PrettyWriter writer(buffer); writer.SetFormatOptions(rapidjson::kFormatSingleLineArray); writer.SetIndent(' ', 2); document.Accept(writer); buffer.Put('\n'); filesystem::path path = filesystem::path(rootPath) / id / "test.json"s; try { util::write_file(path.string(), {buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize()}); } catch (std::exception&) { printf(ANSI_COLOR_RED "* ERROR can't update '%s' test" ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\n", id.c_str()); } } } // namespace TestRunOutput runExpressionTest(TestData& data, const std::string& rootPath, const std::string& id) { TestRunOutput output(id); const auto evaluateExpression = [&data](std::unique_ptr& expression, TestResult& result) { assert(expression); std::vector outputs; if (!data.inputs.empty()) { for (const auto& input : data.inputs) { auto evaluationResult = expression->evaluate(input.zoom, input.feature, input.heatmapDensity); if (!evaluationResult) { std::unordered_map error{{"error", Value{evaluationResult.error().message}}}; outputs.emplace_back(Value{std::move(error)}); } else { auto value = toValue(*evaluationResult); assert(value); outputs.emplace_back(Value{*value}); } } } result.outputs = {Value{std::move(outputs)}}; }; // Parse expression auto parsedExpression = parseExpression(data.document["expression"], data.spec, data.result); output.expression = toJSON(data.result.expression.value_or(Value{}), 2, true); // Evaluate expression if (parsedExpression) { evaluateExpression(parsedExpression, data.result); output.serialized = toJSON(data.result.serialized.value_or(Value{}), 2, true); // round trip auto recompiledExpression = parseExpression(data.result.serialized, data.spec, data.recompiled); if (recompiledExpression) { evaluateExpression(recompiledExpression, data.recompiled); rewriteRoundtrippedType(data.expected.compiled.serializedType, data.recompiled.compiled.serializedType); } } if (getenv("UPDATE")) { output.passed = true; updateTest(data); writeTestData(data.document, rootPath, id); return output; } bool compileOk = data.result.compiled == data.expected.compiled; bool evalOk = compileOk && deepEqual(data.result.outputs, data.expected.outputs); bool recompileOk = true; bool roundTripOk = true; bool serializationOk = true; if (data.expected.compiled.success) { serializationOk = compileOk && deepEqual(data.result.serialized, data.expected.serialized); recompileOk = compileOk && data.recompiled.compiled == data.expected.compiled; roundTripOk = recompileOk && deepEqual(data.recompiled.outputs, data.expected.outputs); } output.passed = compileOk && evalOk && recompileOk && roundTripOk && serializationOk; if (!compileOk) { auto resultValue = toValue(data.result.compiled); auto expectedValue = toValue(data.expected.compiled); output.text += "Compiled expression difference:\n"s + simpleDiff(resultValue, expectedValue) + "\n"s; } if (compileOk && !serializationOk) { auto diff = simpleDiff(data.expected.serialized.value_or(Value{}), data.result.serialized.value_or(Value{})); output.text += "Serialized expression difference:\n"s + diff + "\n"s; } if (compileOk && !recompileOk) { auto recompiledValue = toValue(data.recompiled.compiled); auto expectedValue = toValue(data.expected.compiled); output.text += "Recompiled expression difference:\n"s + simpleDiff(recompiledValue, expectedValue) + "\n"s; } if (compileOk && !evalOk) { auto diff = simpleDiff(data.expected.outputs.value_or(Value{}), data.result.outputs.value_or(Value{})); output.text += "Expression outputs difference:\n"s + diff + "\n"s; } if (recompileOk && !roundTripOk) { auto diff = simpleDiff(data.expected.outputs.value_or(Value{}), data.recompiled.outputs.value_or(Value{})); output.text += "Roundtripped through serialize expression outputs difference:\n"s + diff + "\n"s; } return output; }