#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that LTO flags work. """ import TestGyp import os import re import subprocess import sys if sys.platform == 'darwin': test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['ninja', 'make', 'xcode']) CHDIR = 'lto' test.run_gyp('test.gyp', chdir=CHDIR) test.build('test.gyp', test.ALL, chdir=CHDIR) def ObjPath(srcpath, target): # TODO: Move this into TestGyp if it's needed elsewhere. if test.format == 'xcode': return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'build', 'test.build', 'Default', target + '.build', 'Objects-normal', 'x86_64', srcpath + '.o') elif 'ninja' in test.format: # ninja, xcode-ninja return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'out', 'Default', 'obj', target + '.' + srcpath + '.o') elif test.format == 'make': return os.path.join(CHDIR, 'out', 'Default', 'obj.target', target, srcpath + '.o') def ObjType(p, t_expected): r = re.compile(r'nsyms\s+(\d+)') o = subprocess.check_output(['file', p]) objtype = 'unknown' if ': Mach-O ' in o: objtype = 'mach-o' elif ': LLVM bit-code ' in o: objtype = 'llvm' if objtype != t_expected: print 'Expected %s, got %s' % (t_expected, objtype) test.fail_test() ObjType(ObjPath('cfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('ccfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mmfile', 'lto'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('asmfile', 'lto'), 'mach-o') ObjType(ObjPath('cfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('ccfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('mmfile', 'lto_static'), 'llvm') ObjType(ObjPath('asmfile', 'lto_static'), 'mach-o') test.pass_test() # TODO: Probably test for -object_path_lto too, else dsymutil won't be # useful maybe?