add_executable(mbgl-glfw platform/glfw/main.cpp ) target_sources(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE platform/glfw/glfw_view.hpp PRIVATE platform/glfw/glfw_view.cpp PRIVATE platform/glfw/settings_json.hpp PRIVATE platform/glfw/settings_json.cpp PRIVATE platform/default/mbgl/util/default_styles.hpp ) # Our GL implementation is internal to mbgl-core, which causes the GL header to # be included after GLFW's own header. They both attempt to define GLAPIENTRY, # but unfortunately the GL header doesn't check if it was previously defined, # causing a macro redefinition compiler error. # There is no particular compiler warning flag to ignore this check on GCC # neither it does accept ignoring '-Werror' via diagnostics pragmas. We can # only suppress this by either replacing the header path inclusion from -I to # -isystem, or completely suppressing errors. Until the former solution is not # available, we'll suppress the errors from that definition file. set_source_files_properties(platform/glfw/glfw_view.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-error) target_compile_options(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ) target_include_directories(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE platform/default ) target_link_libraries(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE mbgl-core ) target_add_mason_package(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE cheap-ruler) target_add_mason_package(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE geojson) target_add_mason_package(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE geometry) target_add_mason_package(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE glfw) target_add_mason_package(mbgl-glfw PRIVATE variant) mbgl_platform_glfw() create_source_groups(mbgl-glfw) xcode_create_scheme( TARGET mbgl-glfw OPTIONAL_ARGS "--style=file.json" "--lon=0" "--lat=0" "--zoom=1" "--bearing=0" "--pitch=0" "--fullscreen" "--benchmark" )