version: 2.1 workflows: version: 2 mbgl-next: jobs: - next-sanity-checks - next-build-template: name: next-android-armeabi-v7a-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_android: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/android/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_CCACHE=/usr/bin/ccache -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a' - next-build-template: name: next-android-arm64-v8a-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_android: true requires: - next-android-armeabi-v7a-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/android/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_CCACHE=/usr/bin/ccache -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a' - next-build-template: name: next-android-x86-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_android: true requires: - next-android-armeabi-v7a-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/android/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_CCACHE=/usr/bin/ccache -DANDROID_ABI=x86' - next-build-template: name: next-android-x86_64-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_android: true requires: - next-android-armeabi-v7a-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/android/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_CCACHE=/usr/bin/ccache -DANDROID_ABI=x86_64' - next-build-template: name: next-linux-gcc8-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-8' - next-build-template: name: next-linux-gcc4.9-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.9' build_params: '--target mbgl-glfw' test_params: '-N -Q' - next-build-template: name: next-linux-gcc8-debug-coverage executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DebugCoverage' - next-build-template: name: next-linux-clang8-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-8' - next-build-template: name: next-FIXME-linux-asan executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-debug-coverage config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Sanitize -DMBGL_WITH_SANITIZER=address' test_params: '|| true' - next-build-template: name: next-linux-tsan executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-debug-coverage config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Sanitize -DMBGL_WITH_SANITIZER=thread' - next-build-template: name: next-FIXME-linux-memsan executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-debug-coverage config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Sanitize -DMBGL_WITH_SANITIZER=memory' test_params: '|| true' - next-build-template: name: next-FIXME-linux-ubsan executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-linux-gcc8-debug-coverage config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Sanitize -DMBGL_WITH_SANITIZER=undefined' test_params: '|| true' - next-build-template: name: next-qt5-linux-gcc5-release executor_name: ubuntu-disco target_is_linux: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-5 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-5 -DMBGL_WITH_QT=ON' - next-build-template: name: next-qt5-macos-gcc5-release executor_name: macos-11_0_0 target_is_macos: true requires: - next-qt5-linux-gcc5-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DMBGL_WITH_QT=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(echo /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.*/lib/cmake)' test_params: '-N -Q' - next-build-template: name: next-macos-xcode11-release executor_name: macos-11_0_0 target_is_macos: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache' - next-build-template: name: next-macos-xcode11-debug executor_name: macos-11_0_0 target_is_macos: true requires: - next-macos-xcode11-release config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' - next-build-template: name: next-ios-xcode11-release executor_name: macos-11_0_0 target_is_macos: true requires: - next-sanity-checks config_params: '-G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64 -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=iphonesimulator' test_params: '-Q -N' mbgl-legacy: jobs: # # Naming convention: {platform}-{additional description}-{build type} # - {platform} is the client platform/framework, which may differ from # the build platform. Specify both if applicable, e.g., "qt5-macos". # - {additional description} optionally describes the compiler or other # unique aspect of the build environment. # - {build type} is typically "debug" or "release". # - nitpick - android-debug-arm-v7-buck - android-arm-template: name: android-debug-arm-v8 - android-arm-template: name: android-gnustl-arm-v7 stl: gnustl_shared firebase_device_id: "flo" firebase_device_os: "21" image: android-ndk-r17c:1d5db0eb34 abi: arm-v7 - android-release: filters: tags: only: /android-v.*/ - node-clang39-release: filters: tags: only: /node-.*/ - node-gcc8-debug: filters: tags: only: /node-.*/ - node-macos-release: filters: tags: only: /node-.*/ - linux-clang-38-libcxx-debug: name: linux-clang-3.8-libcxx-debug - linux-clang-7-sanitize-address-undefined - linux-clang-7-sanitize-thread - linux-gcc5-debug-coverage - linux-doxygen - linux-render-tests - ios-debug - ios-debug-xcode11 - ios-release-template: name: ios-release - ios-release-tag: filters: tags: only: /ios-.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ - macos-debug - macos-render-tests nightly: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 5 * * *" filters: branches: only: - master jobs: - metrics-nightly - ios-release-template: name: ios-release-nightly - ios-sanitize-nightly - ios-sanitize-address-nightly - ios-static-analyzer-nightly - ios-static-analyzer-nightly-xcode11 executors: ubuntu-disco: docker: # FIXME: Move the image to mbgl/ - image: tmpsantos/mbgl_ci:1.5 resource_class: xlarge working_directory: /src environment: UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1 MSAN_OPTIONS: poison_in_dtor=1 ASAN_OPTIONS: strict_string_checks=1:detect_stack_use_after_return=1:check_initialization_order=1:strict_init_order=1 QT_INSTALL_DOCS: /usr/share/qt5/doc QT_VERSION: 5 macos-11_0_0: macos: xcode: '11.0.0' environment: HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 commands: next-prepare: steps: - restore_cache: keys: - 'ccache-v1-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}' - 'ccache-v1-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-' - 'ccache-v1-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-master' - 'ccache-v1-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-' - run: name: Prepare command: | git submodule sync git submodule update --init --recursive npm install --ignore-scripts ulimit -c unlimited next-prepare-macos: steps: - run: name: Prepare macOS command: | brew install cmake ccache glfw ninja pkgconfig qt next-config: parameters: config_params: type: string steps: - run: name: Configure command: | cmake next -B build << parameters.config_params >> next-build: parameters: build_params: type: string steps: - run: name: Build command: | ccache --zero-stats --max-size=2G cmake --build build -j 8 << parameters.build_params >> ccache --show-stats git gc next-save: steps: - save_cache: key: 'ccache-v1-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}' paths: - .git/modules - /Users/distiller/Library/Caches/Homebrew - node_modules - ~/.ccache - ~/.gradle - run: name: Collecting artifacts when: on_fail command: | mkdir -p /tmp/tests/coredumps if ls core* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then cp core* /tmp/tests/coredumps; fi mkdir -p /tmp/tests/render if [ -f mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/render-tests/index.html ]; then cp mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/render-tests/index.html /tmp/tests/render; fi - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/tests destination: tests next-test: parameters: test_wrapper: type: string test_params: type: string steps: - run: name: Test command: | cd build << parameters.test_wrapper >> ctest -j 8 --output-on-failure << parameters.test_params >> npm-install: steps: - run: name: npm install command: npm install --ignore-scripts prepare-environment: steps: - run: name: Prepare environment command: touch "$BASH_ENV" && ./scripts/environment.js | tee -a "$BASH_ENV" prepare-ccache: steps: - run: name: Prepare ccache command: | # CircleCI doesn't have any way to embed arbitrary environment variables or command output # into cache keys, so we're using the workaround of writing the desired content to a file, # and then using `{{ checksum "filename" }}` in the cache key. echo "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" echo "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" > .circle-branch echo "$CIRCLE_SHA1" echo "$CIRCLE_SHA1" > .circle-sha1 echo "$CIRCLE_TARGET_BRANCH" echo "${CIRCLE_TARGET_BRANCH:master}" > .circle-target-branch echo "$CIRCLE_MERGE_BASE" echo "${CIRCLE_MERGE_BASE:master}" > .circle-merge-base ccache --clear reset-ccache-stats: steps: - run: name: Clear ccache statistics command: | ccache --zero-stats ccache --max-size=2G ccache --show-stats show-ccache-stats: steps: - run: name: Show ccache statistics command: ccache --show-stats save-node_modules-cache: steps: - save_cache: name: Save node_modules cache key: 'node_modules/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ checksum "package.json" }}' paths: [ "node_modules" ] restore-node_modules-cache: steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore node_modules cache keys: - 'node_modules/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ checksum "package.json" }}' - 'node_modules/v1/{{ arch }}' save-mason_packages-cache: steps: - save_cache: name: Save mason_packages cache key: 'mason_packages/v3/{{ arch }}/{{ checksum "cmake/mason-dependencies.cmake" }}' paths: [ "mason_packages/.binaries" ] restore-mason_packages-cache: steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore mason_packages cache keys: - 'mason_packages/v3/{{ arch }}/{{ checksum "cmake/mason-dependencies.cmake" }}' - 'mason_packages/v3/{{ arch }}' save-ccache: steps: - save_cache: name: Save ccache key: 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}/{{ checksum ".circle-branch" }}/{{ checksum ".circle-sha1" }}' paths: [ "~/.ccache" ] restore-ccache: steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore ccache keys: - 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}/{{ checksum ".circle-branch" }}/{{ checksum ".circle-sha1" }}' - 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}/{{ checksum ".circle-branch" }}' - 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}/{{ checksum ".circle-target-branch" }}/{{ checksum ".circle-merge-base" }}' - 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}/{{ checksum ".circle-target-branch" }}' - 'ccache/v1/{{ arch }}/{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}' save-gradle-cache: steps: - save_cache: name: Save gradle cache key: 'gradle/v1/{{ checksum "platform/android/gradle/dependencies.gradle" }}/{{ checksum "platform/android/build.gradle" }}/{{ checksum "platform/android/gradle/wrapper/" }}' paths: [ "/root/.gradle" ] restore-gradle-cache: steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore gradle cache keys: - 'gradle/v1/{{ checksum "platform/android/gradle/dependencies.gradle" }}/{{ checksum "platform/android/build.gradle" }}/{{ checksum "platform/android/gradle/wrapper/" }}' - 'gradle/v1' install-dependencies: parameters: node_modules: type: boolean default: true ccache: type: boolean default: true mason: type: boolean default: true gradle: type: boolean default: false steps: - checkout - when: condition: << parameters.node_modules >> steps: [ restore-node_modules-cache, npm-install ] - prepare-environment - when: condition: << parameters.ccache >> steps: [ prepare-ccache, restore-ccache, reset-ccache-stats ] - when: condition: << parameters.mason >> steps: [ restore-mason_packages-cache ] - when: condition: << parameters.gradle >> steps: [ restore-gradle-cache ] save-dependencies: parameters: node_modules: type: boolean default: true ccache: type: boolean default: true mason: type: boolean default: true gradle: type: boolean default: false steps: - when: condition: << parameters.node_modules >> steps: [ save-node_modules-cache ] - when: condition: << parameters.ccache >> steps: [ save-ccache, show-ccache-stats ] - when: condition: << parameters.mason >> steps: [ save-mason_packages-cache ] - when: condition: << parameters.gradle >> steps: [ save-gradle-cache ] setup-llvm-symbolizer: steps: - run: name: Environment Setup command: | # LLVM has a hard check for "llvm-symbolizer" and doesn't support suffixed executables ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-* /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer # We'll use tee to redirect stderr to a file so we can check for sanitiziation # sed -i 's/"$@" 2>&1/"$@"/' /usr/bin/xvfb-run configure-cmake: steps: - run: name: CMake configuration step command: | mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DWITH_COVERAGE=${WITH_COVERAGE:0} -DWITH_OSMESA=${WITH_OSMESA:0} -DWITH_EGL=${WITH_EGL:0} .. cd .. build-node: steps: - run: name: Build node command: make node-all build-mbgl-render-test: steps: - run: name: Build mbgl-render-test command: cmake --build build --config ${BUILDTYPE} --target mbgl-render-test -- -j${JOBS} build-mbgl-expression-test: steps: - run: name: Build mbgl-expression-test command: cmake --build build --config ${BUILDTYPE} --target mbgl-expression-test -- -j${JOBS} build-linux: steps: - run: name: Build linux command: make linux build-benchmark: steps: - run: name: Build benchmark command: make benchmark build-test: steps: - run: name: Build test command: make test build-ios-test: steps: - run: name: Build ios-test command: make ios-test no_output_timeout: 2m build-ios-integration-test: steps: - run: name: Build ios-integration-test command: make ios-integration-test build-macos-test: steps: - run: name: Build and run macOS tests command: make run-test no_output_timeout: 2m check-public-symbols: steps: - run: name: Check public symbols command: make darwin-check-public-symbols conditionally-skip-firebase: steps: - run: name: Check if Firebase should be skipped command: | SKIPPABLE_TAG=$( git log -1 | grep -ioE -e "\[(skip.firebase|firebase.skip)\]" -e "\[((i|mac)os)+(, (i|mac)os)?\]" -e "\[darwin\]" || true ) if [ -n "${SKIPPABLE_TAG}" ]; then echo "Skipping Firebase tests because commit message contained: '${SKIPPABLE_TAG}'" echo 'export SKIP_FIREBASE=1' >> $BASH_ENV fi login-google-cloud-platform: steps: - run: name: Log in to Google Cloud Platform command: | if [[ -n "${GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON}" && -z "${SKIP_FIREBASE:-}" ]]; then echo "${GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON}" > secret.json gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file secret.json --project android-gl-native rm secret.json fi install-ios-packaging-dependencies: steps: - run: name: Install iOS packaging dependencies command: ./platform/ios/scripts/ background: true install-macos-dependencies: steps: - run: name: Install macOS dependencies command: brew install cmake ccache install-node-macos-dependencies: steps: - run: name: Install Node macOS dependencies command: | brew install node@8 brew link node@8 --force --overwrite run-node-macos-tests: steps: - run: name: Run node tests command: make test-node run-node-linux-tests: parameters: node_version: type: string default: v8 steps: - run: name: Run node tests command: | . "$NVM_DIR/" && nvm use << parameters.node_version >> xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" \ logbt -- apitrace trace --api=egl -v make test-node run-macos-render-tests: steps: - run: name: Run render tests (mbgl-render-test) command: | build/mbgl-render-test --recycle-map --shuffle no_output_timeout: 2m run-linux-render-tests: parameters: node_version: type: string default: v8 steps: - run: name: Run render tests (mbgl-render-test) command: | xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" \ logbt -- apitrace trace --api=egl -v build/mbgl-render-test --recycle-map --shuffle run-unit-tests: steps: - run: name: Run tests command: | xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" \ make run-test run-unit-tests-sanitized: steps: - run: name: Run tests command: | # Source.RenderTileSetSourceUpdate is filtered out due to #15294 xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" make run-test--Source.RenderTileSetSourceUpdate 2> >(tee sanitizer 1>&2) # Unfortunately, Google Test eats the status code, so we'll have to check the output. [ -z "$(sed -n '/^SUMMARY: .*Sanitizer:/p' sanitizer)" ] run-expression-tests: steps: - run: name: Run expression tests command: | build/mbgl-expression-test -s --seed=$RANDOM upload-expression-tests: steps: - store_artifacts: path: mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/expression-tests/index.html destination: expression-tests publish-node-package: steps: - run: name: Publish node package when: on_success command: platform/node/scripts/ upload-render-tests: steps: - store_artifacts: path: mapbox-gl-js/test/integration/render-tests/index.html destination: render-tests collect-xcode-build-logs: steps: - run: name: Collect Xcode build logs when: always command: | export XCODE_LOG_DIR=build/logs mkdir -p $XCODE_LOG_DIR cp build/*.log $XCODE_LOG_DIR upload-xcode-build-logs: steps: - store_artifacts: path: build/logs notify-slack-nightly-failure: steps: - run: name: Send a Slack notification on nightly failure when: on_fail command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then export SLACK_MESSAGE="Nightly build of \`$CIRCLE_JOB\` <$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|failed>." export SLACK_COLOR="danger" scripts/ fi # # Add this step to all regular jobs to enable skipping of certain non-code-related changes. # # Do not include this step in nightly or release deployment jobs. # # To make a job potentially skippable on changes unrelated to its platform, it must: # - Target one of the skippable platforms: Android, iOS, or macOS. # - Have a job name that begins with a supported platform name. # - Not be related to core functionality or rendering tests. Job names that # contain "render-tests" cannot be skipped by platform changes. # # See the script in the following step for how to implement support for other platforms. # check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped: steps: - run: name: Check if this job can be skipped command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH != master ]] && [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH != release-* ]] && [[ -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then scripts/check-ci-job-skippability.js fi jobs: next-sanity-checks: executor: ubuntu-disco steps: - checkout - next-prepare - next-config: config_params: '-DMBGL_WITH_CORE_ONLY=ON' - run: name: CMake Format command: | cmake-format -i $(find next -type f -name CMakeLists.txt -o -name '*.cmake') git diff --exit-code - run: name: Clang Format command: | git diff -U0 --ignore-submodules=all --no-color origin/master... *.cpp *.hpp | clang-format-diff-8 -p1 -i git diff --exit-code - run: name: Code Generators command: | platform/android/scripts/generate-style-code.js scripts/generate-file-lists.js scripts/generate-shaders.js scripts/generate-style-code.js git add -A && git diff --staged --exit-code - next-save next-build-template: parameters: config_params: type: string default: '' build_params: type: string default: '' test_params: type: string default: '' executor_name: type: string target_is_android: type: boolean default: false target_is_linux: type: boolean default: false target_is_macos: type: boolean default: false executor: << parameters.executor_name >> steps: - checkout - next-prepare - when: condition: << parameters.target_is_android >> steps: - next-config: config_params: << parameters.config_params >> - next-build: build_params: << parameters.build_params >> - when: condition: << parameters.target_is_linux >> steps: - next-config: config_params: << parameters.config_params >> - next-build: build_params: << parameters.build_params >> - next-test: test_wrapper: 'xvfb-run -s -noreset' test_params: << parameters.test_params >> - when: condition: << parameters.target_is_macos >> steps: - next-prepare-macos - next-config: config_params: << parameters.config_params >> - next-build: build_params: << parameters.build_params >> - next-test: test_wrapper: '' test_params: << parameters.test_params >> - next-save nitpick: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-7:a5a3c52107 working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 2 JOBS: 2 BUILDTYPE: Debug steps: - install-dependencies: { mason: false, ccache: false } - run: name: Initialize submodules command: | git submodule update --init git submodule foreach git submodule update --init - run: name: Verify submodule pin command: scripts/nitpick/submodule-pin.js when: always - run: name: Source file list generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js sources when: always - run: name: Shader code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js shader when: always - run: name: Style code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js style when: always - run: name: Android code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js android when: always # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ android-arm-template: parameters: stl: type: string default: "c++_static" image: type: string default: android-ndk-r20:7b7c4b42cf firebase_device_id: type: string default: sailfish firebase_device_os: type: string default: "26" abi: type: string default: "arm-v8" docker: - image: mbgl/<< parameters.image >> resource_class: xlarge working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 8 JOBS: 8 BUILDTYPE: Debug IS_LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT: false MBGL_ANDROID_STL: << parameters.stl >> steps: - install-dependencies: { gradle: true } - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - run: name: Initialize vendor submodules command: git submodule update --init platform/android/vendor - run: name: Check code style command: make android-check - run: name: Run Android unit tests command: make run-android-unit-test - run: name: Build for << parameters.abi >> command: make android-lib-<< parameters.abi >> - run: name: Generate Espresso sanity tests command: make test-code-android - run: name: Build Test APK command: | if [ -n "${MAPBOX_DEVELOPER_CONFIG_XML}" ]; then echo "${MAPBOX_DEVELOPER_CONFIG_XML}" > platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/main/res/values/developer-config.xml make android-ui-test-<< parameters.abi >> fi - save-dependencies: { gradle: true } - conditionally-skip-firebase - login-google-cloud-platform - run: name: Run instrumentation tests on Firebase no_output_timeout: 20m command: | if [[ -n "${GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON}" && -z "${SKIP_FIREBASE:-}" ]]; then gcloud firebase test android models list gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation \ --app platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug.apk \ --test platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp-debug-androidTest.apk \ --device-ids << parameters.firebase_device_id >> --os-version-ids << parameters.firebase_device_os >> --locales en --orientations portrait --timeout 20m \ --environment-variables coverage=true,coverageFile="/sdcard/" --directories-to-pull /sdcard --results-dir mapbox-android-sdk-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM} coverageFile=`gsutil ls gs://test-lab-186672a0qp5bq-ycr70axads3nc/mapbox-android-sdk-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}/**/*.ec | tail -1` gsutil cp $coverageFile $PWD/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/jacoco | true fi - run: name: Parse and send Jacoco reports command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then make android-create-jacoco-report && make android-parse-and-send-jacoco-report fi - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/debug destination: . - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/reports/lint-results.html - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/reports/lint-results.xml - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/lint-baseline.xml - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/reports/lint-results.html - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/reports/lint-results.xml - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/lint-baseline.xml - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ android-release: docker: - image: mbgl/android-ndk-r20:7b7c4b42cf resource_class: xlarge working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 8 JOBS: 8 BUILDTYPE: Release IS_LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT: false steps: - install-dependencies: { gradle: true } - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - run: name: Initialize vendor submodules command: git submodule update --init platform/android/vendor - run: name: Android nitpick command: make run-android-nitpick - run: name: Trigger core benchmark run command: | if [ -n "${MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN}" ]; then if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then curl -u $MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN -d build_parameters[CIRCLE_JOB]=android-core-benchmark fi fi - run: name: Trigger android benchmark run command: | if [ -n "${MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN}" ]; then if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then curl -u $MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN -d build_parameters[CIRCLE_JOB]=android-benchmark fi fi - run: name: Generate Maven credentials command: | if [ -n "${BINTRAY_USER}" ]; then echo "BINTRAY_USER=$BINTRAY_USER BINTRAY_API_KEY=$BINTRAY_API_KEY GPG_PASSPHRASE=$GPG_PASSPHRASE" fi - run: name: Update version name command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_TAG == android-v* ]]; then sed -i -e "s/^VERSION_NAME=.*/VERSION_NAME=${CIRCLE_TAG:9}/" platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/ fi - run: name: Build package command: make apackage - run: name: Build release Test App command: make android - run: name: Generate javadoc command: make android-javadoc - save-dependencies: { gradle: true } - run: name: gzip debugable .so files command: | gzip platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/arm64-v8a/ && \ gzip platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/armeabi-v7a/ && \ gzip platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/x86/ && \ gzip platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/x86_64/ - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build/outputs/apk/release destination: . - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/arm64-v8a/ - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/armeabi-v7a/ - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/x86/ - store_artifacts: path: platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj/x86_64/ - deploy: name: Publish to Bintray command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]] || [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == release-* ]] || [[ $CIRCLE_TAG == android-v* ]]; then version=$(cat platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/ | grep "VERSION_NAME") if [[ $version != *"SNAPSHOT"* ]]; then make run-android-upload-to-bintray else make run-android-upload-to-artifactory fi fi - run: name: Trigger external deploy steps command: | export VERSION_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG} export GITHUB_TOKEN=${DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN} export DOCS_REPO="android-docs" scripts/ background: true - run: name: Record size command: platform/android/scripts/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ android-debug-arm-v7-buck: docker: - image: mbgl/android-ndk-r17c-buck:07c5ef2e71 working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 2 JOBS: 2 BUILDTYPE: Debug ANDROID_NDK: /android/sdk/ndk-bundle steps: - checkout - npm-install - prepare-environment - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - run: name: Checkout submodules command: | git submodule update --init git submodule foreach git submodule update --init - run: name: Build Android library command: | cd misc/buck buck build mapbox-gl-native:android-core # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ node-clang39-release: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-3.9:2077f965ed resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: RelWithDebInfo WITH_EGL: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - build-node - save-dependencies - run-node-linux-tests - publish-node-package # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ node-gcc8-debug: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-gcc-8:d2b1553d2f resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: Debug WITH_EGL: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-node - save-dependencies - publish-node-package # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ node-macos-release: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: RelWithDebInfo HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-node-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-node - save-dependencies - run-node-macos-tests - publish-node-package - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-clang-38-libcxx-debug: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-3.8-libcxx:d6800bdbb4 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: Debug WITH_EGL: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-linux - save-dependencies # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-clang-7-sanitize-address-undefined: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-7:a5a3c52107 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: Sanitize WITH_EGL: 1 GDB: '' # Do not run with GDB CXXFLAGS: -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined LDFLAGS: -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0:color=always:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1:color=always:print_summary=1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - setup-llvm-symbolizer - build-test - save-dependencies - run-unit-tests-sanitized # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-clang-7-sanitize-thread: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-7:a5a3c52107 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: Sanitize WITH_EGL: 1 GDB: '' # Do not run with GDB CXXFLAGS: -fsanitize=thread LDFLAGS: -fsanitize=thread TSAN_OPTIONS: color=always:print_summary=1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - setup-llvm-symbolizer - build-test - save-dependencies - run-unit-tests-sanitized # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-gcc5-debug-coverage: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-gcc-5:54f59e3ac5 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: Debug WITH_EGL: 1 WITH_COVERAGE: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-linux - build-benchmark - build-test - save-dependencies - run-unit-tests - run: name: Upload coverage results to command: | bash <(curl -sSfL || echo 'Codecov failed to upload' - run: name: Upload coverage metrics to s3 command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then scripts/publish_core_codecoverage.js -p Linux -s Core fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-doxygen: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-gcc-5:54f59e3ac5 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 2 JOBS: 2 BUILDTYPE: Debug WITH_EGL: 1 WITH_COVERAGE: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - run: name: Install doxygen command: apt update && apt install -y doxygen - build-linux - save-dependencies - run: name: Check documentation coverage command: | platform/linux/ninja -C "build/linux-$(uname -m)/Debug" doxygen_coverage scripts/publish_doxygen_coverage.js "build/linux-$(uname -m)/Debug/doxygen-coverage.json" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux-render-tests: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-clang-7:a5a3c52107 resource_class: large working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 4 JOBS: 4 BUILDTYPE: RelWithDebInfo WITH_EGL: 1 steps: - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - configure-cmake - build-mbgl-expression-test - build-mbgl-render-test - run-expression-tests - run-linux-render-tests - save-dependencies - upload-expression-tests - upload-render-tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-debug: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-public-symbols - run: name: Lint podspecs and plist files command: make ios-lint - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-ios-test - run: name: Check symbol namespacing for mapbox-events-ios command: make ios-check-events-symbols - run: name: Nitpick Darwin code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js darwin - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-debug-xcode11: macos: xcode: "11.0.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-public-symbols - run: name: Lint podspecs and plist files command: make ios-lint - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-ios-test - run: name: Check symbol namespacing for mapbox-events-ios command: make ios-check-events-symbols - run: name: Nitpick Darwin code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js darwin - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-sanitize-nightly: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - run: name: Build and run SDK unit tests with thread and undefined behavior sanitizers command: make ios-sanitize - run: name: Get iOS code coverage command: | platform/ios/scripts/ CI - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - notify-slack-nightly-failure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-sanitize-address-nightly: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - run: name: Build and run SDK unit tests with address sanitizer command: make ios-sanitize-address - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - notify-slack-nightly-failure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-static-analyzer-nightly: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - run: name: Build and run SDK unit tests with the static analyzer command: make ios-static-analyzer - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - notify-slack-nightly-failure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-static-analyzer-nightly-xcode11: macos: xcode: "11.0.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - run: name: Build and run SDK unit tests with the static analyzer command: make ios-static-analyzer - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - notify-slack-nightly-failure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-release-template: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Release HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - install-ios-packaging-dependencies - run: name: Build dynamic framework for device and simulator command: make iframework no_output_timeout: 5m - deploy: name: Upload snapshot build to s3 command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then platform/ios/scripts/ fi - deploy: name: Deploy to Mapbox CocoaPods spec repo command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then platform/ios/scripts/ fi - run: name: Record size command: platform/ios/scripts/ - run: name: Trigger metrics command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == master ]]; then if [ -n "${MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN}" ]; then curl -u $MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN -d build_parameters[CIRCLE_JOB]=ios-maps-benchmark else echo "MOBILE_METRICS_TOKEN not provided" fi fi - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - notify-slack-nightly-failure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ios-release-tag: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Release HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 SLACK_CHANNEL: C0ACM9Q2C steps: - checkout - run: name: Send a Slack notification on start command: | export SLACK_MESSAGE="<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|Release build for \`$CIRCLE_TAG\` started.>" scripts/ - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - install-ios-packaging-dependencies - run: name: Trigger external deploy steps command: | export VERSION_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG} export GITHUB_TOKEN=${DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN} export DOCS_REPO="ios-sdk" scripts/ - run: name: Build, package, and upload iOS release command: | export VERSION_TAG=${CIRCLE_TAG} export GITHUB_TOKEN=${DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN} platform/ios/scripts/ - deploy: name: Deploy to CocoaPods command: platform/ios/scripts/ - save-dependencies - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs - run: name: Send a Slack notification on failure when: on_fail command: | export SLACK_MESSAGE="<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|Release build for \`$CIRCLE_TAG\` failed.>" export SLACK_COLOR="danger" scripts/ - run: name: Send a Slack notification on success when: on_success command: | export SLACK_MESSAGE="<$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL|Release build for \`$CIRCLE_TAG\` succeeded.>" export SLACK_COLOR="good" scripts/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ macos-debug: macos: xcode: "10.1.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: Debug HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - build-macos-test - check-public-symbols - run: name: Lint plist files command: make macos-lint - run: name: Nitpick Darwin code generation command: scripts/nitpick/generated-code.js darwin - save-dependencies - store_artifacts: path: test/fixtures destination: test/fixtures - collect-xcode-build-logs - upload-xcode-build-logs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ macos-render-tests: macos: xcode: "10.3.0" environment: BUILDTYPE: RelWithDebInfo HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE: 1 HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP: 1 JOBS: 2 steps: - install-macos-dependencies - install-dependencies - check-if-this-job-can-be-skipped - configure-cmake - build-mbgl-expression-test - build-mbgl-render-test - save-dependencies - run-expression-tests - run-macos-render-tests - upload-expression-tests - upload-render-tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ metrics-nightly: docker: - image: mbgl/linux-gcc-5:54f59e3ac5 working_directory: /src environment: LIBSYSCONFCPUS: 2 JOBS: 2 steps: - install-dependencies - run: name: Collect GitHub statistics command: | scripts/publish_github_stats.js