#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; std::string readFile(const std::string& fileName) { std::ifstream stream(fileName.c_str()); if (!stream.good()) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read file: " + fileName); } std::stringstream buffer; buffer << stream.rdbuf(); stream.close(); return buffer.str(); } mapbox::geometry::geometry parseGeometry(const std::string& json) { using namespace mapbox::geojson; auto geojson = parse(json); return geojson.match( [](const geometry& geom) { return geom; }, [](const feature& feature) { return feature.geometry; }, [](const feature_collection& featureCollection) { if (featureCollection.size() < 1) { throw std::runtime_error("No features in feature collection"); } geometry_collection geometries; for (auto feature : featureCollection) { geometries.push_back(feature.geometry); } return geometries; }); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, mbgl::Response::Error::Reason r) { switch (r) { case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::Success: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::Success"; case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::NotFound: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::NotFound"; case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::Server: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::Server"; case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::Connection: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::Connection"; case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::RateLimit: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::RateLimit"; case mbgl::Response::Error::Reason::Other: return os << "Response::Error::Reason::Other"; } // The above switch is exhaustive, but placate GCC nonetheless: assert(false); return os; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { args::ArgumentParser argumentParser("Mapbox GL offline tool"); args::HelpFlag helpFlag(argumentParser, "help", "Display this help menu", {'h', "help"}); args::ValueFlag tokenValue(argumentParser, "key", "Mapbox access token", {'t', "token"}); args::ValueFlag styleValue(argumentParser, "URL", "Map stylesheet", {'s', "style"}); args::ValueFlag outputValue(argumentParser, "file", "Output database file name", {'o', "output"}); args::ValueFlag apiBaseValue(argumentParser, "URL", "API Base URL", {'a', "apiBaseURL"}); args::Group mergeGroup(argumentParser, "Merge databases:", args::Group::Validators::AllOrNone); args::ValueFlag mergePathValue(mergeGroup, "merge", "Database to merge from", {'m', "merge"}); args::ValueFlag inputValue(mergeGroup, "input", "Database to merge into. Use with --merge option.", {'i', "input"}); // LatLngBounds args::Group latLngBoundsGroup(argumentParser, "LatLng bounds:", args::Group::Validators::AllOrNone); args::ValueFlag northValue(latLngBoundsGroup, "degrees", "North latitude", {"north"}); args::ValueFlag westValue(latLngBoundsGroup, "degrees", "West longitude", {"west"}); args::ValueFlag southValue(latLngBoundsGroup, "degrees", "South latitude", {"south"}); args::ValueFlag eastValue(latLngBoundsGroup, "degrees", "East longitude", {"east"}); // Geometry args::Group geoJSONGroup(argumentParser, "GeoJson geometry:", args::Group::Validators::AllOrNone); args::ValueFlag geometryValue(geoJSONGroup, "file", "GeoJSON Feature file containing the region geometry (can't be a FeatureCollection)", {"geojson"}); args::ValueFlag minZoomValue(argumentParser, "number", "Min zoom level", {"minZoom"}); args::ValueFlag maxZoomValue(argumentParser, "number", "Max zoom level", {"maxZoom"}); args::ValueFlag pixelRatioValue(argumentParser, "number", "Pixel ratio", {"pixelRatio"}); args::ValueFlag includeIdeographsValue(argumentParser, "boolean", "Include CJK glyphs", {"includeIdeographs"}); try { argumentParser.ParseCLI(argc, argv); } catch (const args::Help&) { std::cout << argumentParser; exit(0); } catch (const args::ParseError& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << argumentParser; exit(1); } catch (const args::ValidationError& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << argumentParser; exit(2); } std::string style = styleValue ? args::get(styleValue) : mbgl::util::default_styles::streets.url; mbgl::optional mergePath = {}; if (mergePathValue) mergePath = args::get(mergePathValue); mbgl::optional inputDb = {}; if (inputValue) inputDb = args::get(inputValue); const double minZoom = minZoomValue ? args::get(minZoomValue) : 0.0; const double maxZoom = maxZoomValue ? args::get(maxZoomValue) : 15.0; const double pixelRatio = pixelRatioValue ? args::get(pixelRatioValue) : 1.0; const bool includeIdeographs = includeIdeographsValue ? args::get(includeIdeographsValue) : false; const std::string output = outputValue ? args::get(outputValue) : "offline.db"; using namespace mbgl; OfflineRegionDefinition definition = [&]() { if (geometryValue) { try { std::string json = readFile(geometryValue.Get()); auto geometry = parseGeometry(json); return OfflineRegionDefinition{ OfflineGeometryRegionDefinition(style, geometry, minZoom, maxZoom, pixelRatio, includeIdeographs) }; } catch(const std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Could not parse geojson file " << geometryValue.Get() << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(1); } } else { // Bay area const double north = northValue ? args::get(northValue) : 37.2; const double west = westValue ? args::get(westValue) : -122.8; const double south = southValue ? args::get(southValue) : 38.1; const double east = eastValue ? args::get(eastValue) : -121.7; LatLngBounds boundingBox = LatLngBounds::hull(LatLng(north, west), LatLng(south, east)); return OfflineRegionDefinition{ OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition(style, boundingBox, minZoom, maxZoom, pixelRatio, includeIdeographs) }; } }(); const char* tokenEnv = getenv("MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"); const std::string token = tokenValue ? args::get(tokenValue) : (tokenEnv ? tokenEnv : std::string()); const std::string apiBaseURL = apiBaseValue ? args::get(apiBaseValue) : mbgl::util::API_BASE_URL; util::RunLoop loop; DefaultFileSource fileSource(output, "."); std::unique_ptr region; fileSource.setAccessToken(token); fileSource.setAPIBaseURL(apiBaseURL); if (inputDb && mergePath) { DefaultFileSource inputSource(*inputDb, "."); inputSource.setAccessToken(token); inputSource.setAPIBaseURL(apiBaseURL); int retCode = 0; std::cout << "Start Merge" << std::endl; inputSource.mergeOfflineRegions(*mergePath, [&] (mbgl::expected, std::exception_ptr> result) { if (!result) { std::cerr << "Error merging database: " << util::toString(result.error()) << std::endl; retCode = 1; } else { std::cout << " Added " << result->size() << " Regions" << std::endl; std::cout << "Finished Merge" << std::endl; } loop.stop(); }); loop.run(); return retCode; } OfflineRegionMetadata metadata; class Observer : public OfflineRegionObserver { public: Observer(OfflineRegion& region_, DefaultFileSource& fileSource_, util::RunLoop& loop_, mbgl::optional mergePath_) : region(region_), fileSource(fileSource_), loop(loop_), mergePath(std::move(mergePath_)), start(std::chrono::system_clock::now()) { } void statusChanged(OfflineRegionStatus status) override { if (status.downloadState == OfflineRegionDownloadState::Inactive) { std::cout << "stopped" << std::endl; loop.stop(); return; } std::string bytesPerSecond = "-"; auto elapsedSeconds = (std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start) / 1s; if (elapsedSeconds != 0) { bytesPerSecond = util::toString(status.completedResourceSize / elapsedSeconds); } std::cout << status.completedResourceCount << " / " << status.requiredResourceCount << " resources" << (status.requiredResourceCountIsPrecise ? "; " : " (indeterminate); ") << status.completedResourceSize << " bytes downloaded" << " (" << bytesPerSecond << " bytes/sec)" << std::endl; if (status.complete()) { std::cout << "Finished Download" << std::endl; loop.stop(); } } void responseError(Response::Error error) override { std::cerr << error.reason << " downloading resource: " << error.message << std::endl; } void mapboxTileCountLimitExceeded(uint64_t limit) override { std::cerr << "Error: reached limit of " << limit << " offline tiles" << std::endl; } OfflineRegion& region; DefaultFileSource& fileSource; util::RunLoop& loop; mbgl::optional mergePath; Timestamp start; }; static auto stop = [&] { if (region) { std::cout << "Stopping download... "; fileSource.setOfflineRegionDownloadState(*region, OfflineRegionDownloadState::Inactive); } }; std::signal(SIGINT, [] (int) { stop(); }); fileSource.createOfflineRegion(definition, metadata, [&] (mbgl::expected region_) { if (!region_) { std::cerr << "Error creating region: " << util::toString(region_.error()) << std::endl; loop.stop(); exit(1); } else { assert(region_); region = std::make_unique(std::move(*region_)); fileSource.setOfflineRegionObserver(*region, std::make_unique(*region, fileSource, loop, mergePath)); fileSource.setOfflineRegionDownloadState(*region, OfflineRegionDownloadState::Active); } }); loop.run(); return 0; }