#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { args::ArgumentParser p("Mapbox GL cache tool", ""); args::HelpFlag helpFlag(p, "help", "Display this help menu", {'h'}); args::ValueFlag urlValue(p, "URL", "Resource URL (required)", {'u'}, args::Options::Required); args::ValueFlag cacheValue( p, "cache", "Path to the cache database (required)", {'c'}, args::Options::Required); args::ValueFlag dataValue( p, "data", "Path to the resource data (required)", {'d'}, args::Options::Required); args::ValueFlag etagValue(p, "etag", "Cache eTag, none otherwise", {'t'}); args::ValueFlag expiresValue(p, "expires", "Expires date, will use 'now' otherwise", {'e'}); args::ValueFlag modifiedValue(p, "modified", "Modified date, will use 'now' otherwise", {'m'}); std::unordered_map typeMap{{"glyphs", mbgl::Resource::Glyphs}, {"image", mbgl::Resource::Image}, {"source", mbgl::Resource::Source}, {"sprite-image", mbgl::Resource::SpriteImage}, {"sprite-json", mbgl::Resource::SpriteJSON}, {"style", mbgl::Resource::Style}, {"tile", mbgl::Resource::Tile}}; std::string typeHelp("One of the following (required):"); for (auto key : typeMap) { typeHelp += " " + key.first; } args::MapFlag typeFlag( p, "type", typeHelp, {"type"}, typeMap, args::Options::Required); args::Group tileIdGroup(p, "Coordinates (required for 'tile')", args::Group::Validators::AllOrNone); args::ValueFlag xValueFlag(tileIdGroup, "x", "Tile x coordinate", {'x'}); args::ValueFlag yValueFlag(tileIdGroup, "y", "Tile y coordinate", {'y'}); args::ValueFlag zValueFlag(tileIdGroup, "z", "The zoom level", {'z'}); try { p.ParseCLI(argc, argv); } catch (const args::Help&) { std::cout << p; exit(0); } catch (const args::ParseError& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << p; exit(1); } catch (const args::ValidationError& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << p; exit(2); } auto file = mapbox::base::io::readFile(args::get(dataValue)); if (!file) { std::cerr << file.error() << std::endl; exit(3); } mbgl::Response response; response.data = std::make_shared(*file); response.etag = etagValue ? args::get(etagValue) : std::string(); response.expires = expiresValue ? mbgl::Timestamp(mbgl::Seconds(args::get(expiresValue))) : mbgl::util::now(); response.modified = modifiedValue ? mbgl::Timestamp(mbgl::Seconds(args::get(modifiedValue))) : mbgl::util::now(); mbgl::Resource resource(args::get(typeFlag), args::get(urlValue)); if (args::get(typeFlag) == mbgl::Resource::Tile) { if (!xValueFlag || !yValueFlag || !zValueFlag) { std::cerr << "Error: -x, -y and -z must be provided for tiles" << std::endl; exit(1); } resource.tileData = {{args::get(urlValue), 1, args::get(xValueFlag), args::get(yValueFlag), static_cast(args::get(zValueFlag))}}; } mbgl::util::RunLoop loop; auto dbfs = mbgl::FileSourceManager::get()->getFileSource( mbgl::FileSourceType::Database, mbgl::ResourceOptions().withCachePath(args::get(cacheValue))); dbfs->forward(resource, response, [&loop] { loop.stop(); }); loop.run(); return 0; }