# Mapbox GL (Native) [![Travis](https://api.travis-ci.org/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/builds) [![Bitrise](https://www.bitrise.io/app/7514e4cf3da2cc57.svg?token=OwqZE5rSBR9MVWNr_lf4sA&branch=master)](https://www.bitrise.io/app/7514e4cf3da2cc57) An OpenGL ES-based renderer for [Mapbox Vector Tiles](https://www.mapbox.com/blog/vector-tiles), consisting of a C++ library for OS X and Linux and SDK bindings for iOS, Android and Node.js. **This repository is for development on Mapbox GL itself.** If you want to use products _based on_ Mapbox GL, check out: - [Mapbox Mobile](http://mapbox.com/mobile) — iOS and Android native development libraries for vector maps in apps - [`react-native-mapbox-gl`](https://github.com/mapbox/react-native-mapbox-gl) — React Native library for vector maps in apps - [`qmapboxgl`](https://github.com/tmpsantos/qmapboxgl) — Qt library for vector map rendering - [`Mapbox Cordova Plugin`](http://plugins.telerik.com/cordova/plugin/mapbox) - Telerik's Apache Cordova plugin for vector maps in apps -- See [`INSTALL.md`](./INSTALL.md) for development setup and install instructions, including dependencies.