export BUILDTYPE ?= Release export BUILD_TEST ?= 1 export BUILD_RENDER ?= 1 # Determine build platform ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin) export BUILD = osx export JOBS ?= $(shell sysctl -n hw.ncpu) export XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/xcpretty.sh) else ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Linux) export BUILD = linux export JOBS ?= $(shell grep --count processor /proc/cpuinfo) else $(error Cannot determine build platform) endif export BUILD_VERSION = $(shell uname -m) RUN = +@$(MAKE) -f scripts/main.mk default: ; @printf "You must specify a valid target\n" #### OS X targets ############################################################## ifeq ($(BUILD),osx) .PHONY: osx xosx nosx run-osx run-xosx osx: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Makefile/osxapp xosx: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Xcode/osxapp nosx: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Ninja/osxapp run-osx: osx ; @"build/osx-x86_64/$(BUILDTYPE)/Mapbox GL.app/Contents/MacOS/Mapbox GL" run-xosx: xosx ; @"gyp/build/$(BUILDTYPE)/Mapbox GL.app/Contents/MacOS/Mapbox GL" .PHONY: Xcode/osx Xcode/ios Xcode/ios: ; $(RUN) HOST=ios Xcode/__project__ Xcode/osx: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Xcode/__project__ .PHONY: xproj iproj xproj: Xcode/osx ; @open ./build/osx-x86_64/gyp/osx.xcodeproj iproj: Xcode/ios ; @open ./build/ios-all/gyp/ios.xcodeproj .PHONY: ios ibench isim ios ibench isim: export XCODEBUILD_ARGS += PROVISIONING_PROFILE="$$(PROVISIONING_PROFILE)" ios: export XCODEBUILD_ARGS += -sdk iphoneos ARCHS="arm64 armv7 armv7s" ios: ; $(RUN) HOST=ios Xcode/iosapp isim: export XCODEBUILD_ARGS += -sdk iphonesimulator ARCHS="x86_64 i386" isim: ; $(RUN) HOST=ios Xcode/iosapp ibench: export XCODEBUILD_ARGS += -sdk iphoneos ARCHS="arm64" ibench: ; $(RUN) HOST=ios Xcode/ios-bench .PHONY: ipackage ipackage-strip ipackage-sim ipackage-no-bitcode itest ipackage: Xcode/ios ; @JOBS=$(JOBS) ./scripts/ios/package.sh ipackage-strip: Xcode/ios ; @JOBS=$(JOBS) ./scripts/ios/package.sh strip ipackage-sim: Xcode/ios ; @JOBS=$(JOBS) ./scripts/ios/package.sh sim ipackage-no-bitcode: Xcode/ios ; @JOBS=$(JOBS) ./scripts/ios/package.sh no-bitcode iframework: ipackage-strip ; ./scripts/ios/framework.sh itest: ipackage-sim ; ./scripts/ios/test.sh endif #### All platforms targets ##################################################### .PHONY: linux run-linux run-valgrind-linux linux: ; $(RUN) Makefile/linuxapp nlinux: ; $(RUN) Ninja/linuxapp run-linux: linux ; (cd build/linux-x86_64/$(BUILDTYPE) && ./mapbox-gl) run-valgrind-linux: linux (cd build/linux-x86_64/$(BUILDTYPE) && valgrind --leak-check=full --suppressions=../../../scripts/valgrind.sup ./mapbox-gl) .PHONY: config compdb tidy config: ; $(RUN) config # Generates a compilation database with ninja for use in clang tooling compdb: ; $(RUN) Ninja/compdb tidy: ; $(RUN) tidy .PHONY: android android-lib # Builds a particular android architecture. android-lib-%: ; $(RUN) HOST=android HOST_VERSION=$* Makefile/androidapp # Builds the default Android library android-lib: ; $(RUN) HOST=android Makefile/androidapp # Builds the selected/default Android library android: android-lib cd android && ./gradlew --parallel --max-workers=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE) # Builds all android architectures for distribution. apackage: android-lib-arm-v5 android-lib-arm-v7 apackage: android-lib-x86 apackage: android-lib-mips cd android && ./gradlew --parallel-threads=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE) # Builds the Node.js library .PHONY: node node: ; $(RUN) HTTP=none ASSET=none CACHE=none Makefile/node .PHONY: Xcode/node Xcode/node: ; $(RUN) HTTP=none ASSET=none CACHE=none Xcode/node .PHONY: xnode xnode: Xcode/node ; @open ./build/binding.xcodeproj nproj: $(RUN) HTTP=none ASSET=none CACHE=none node/xproj @open ./build/binding.xcodeproj .PHONY: test test: ; $(RUN) Makefile/test test-%: ; $(RUN) test-$* ifeq ($(BUILD),osx) xtest: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Xcode/test endif .PHONY: render xrender render: ; $(RUN) Makefile/mbgl-render ifeq ($(BUILD),osx) xrender: ; $(RUN) HOST=osx HOST_VERSION=x86_64 Xcode/mbgl-render endif ##### Maintenace operations #################################################### .PHONY: clear_xcode_cache clear_xcode_cache: ifeq ($(BUILD), osx) @CUSTOM_DD=`defaults read com.apple.dt.Xcode IDECustomDerivedDataLocation 2>/dev/null`; \ if [ $$CUSTOM_DD ]; then \ echo clearing files in $$CUSTOM_DD older than one day; \ find $$CUSTOM_DD/mapboxgl-app-* -mtime +1 | xargs rm -rf; \ fi; \ if [ -d ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ ] && [ ! $$CUSTOM_DD ]; then \ echo 'clearing files in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mapboxgl-app-* older than one day'; \ find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mapboxgl-app-* -mtime +1 | xargs rm -rf; \ fi endif .PHONY: clear_sqlite_cache clear_sqlite_cache: ifeq ($(BUILD), osx) rm -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/Mapbox\ GL/cache.db else rm -f /tmp/mbgl-cache.db endif clean: clear_sqlite_cache clear_xcode_cache -find ./deps/gyp -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \; -rm -rf ./build/ -rm -rf ./macosx/build -rm -rf ./linux/build -rm -rf ./ios/build -rm -rf ./test/build -rm -rf ./config/*.gypi -rm -rf ./android/build ./android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/build ./android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build -rm -rf ./android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/jniLibs ./android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/obj.target ./android/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/assets distclean: clean -rm -rf ./mason_packages