BUILDTYPE ?= Release PYTHON ?= python PREFIX ?= /usr/local ANDROID_ABI ?= arm-v7 ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin) HOST = osx HEADLESS = cgl JOBS ?= $(shell sysctl -n hw.ncpu) endif ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Linux) HOST = linux JOBS ?= $(shell sysctl -n hw.ncpu) endif JOBS ?= 1 all: mbgl include config/ #### Dependencies ############################################################## # Wildcard targets get removed after build by default, but we want to preserve the config. .PRECIOUS: config/%.gypi config/%.gypi: CMD = ./configure config/$*.gypi config/%.gypi: configure @$(ENV_$*) ./scripts/ build/Configure.lock ./configure config/$*.gypi styles/styles: git submodule update --init styles ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin) SMCalloutView: git submodule update --init platform/ios/vendor/SMCalloutView else SMCalloutView: endif KIF: git submodule update --init test/ios/KIF #### Build files ############################################################### .PRECIOUS: Makefile/project Makefile/project: config/$(HOST).gypi styles/styles SMCalloutView deps/run_gyp gyp/$(HOST).gyp $(CONFIG_$(HOST)) $(LIBS_$(HOST)) --generator-output=./build/$(HOST) -f make .PRECIOUS: Xcode/project Xcode/project: config/$(HOST).gypi styles/styles SMCalloutView deps/run_gyp gyp/$(HOST).gyp $(CONFIG_$(HOST)) $(LIBS_$(HOST)) --generator-output=./build/$(HOST) -f xcode #### Library builds ############################################################ mbgl: Makefile/project $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) everything standalone: Makefile/project LINK=`pwd`/gyp/ $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) standalone install: Makefile/project LINK=`pwd`/gyp/ $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) install ##### Test builds ############################################################## .PHONY: test test: Makefile/project $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) test test-%: test ./scripts/ "build/$(HOST)/$(BUILDTYPE)/test" --gtest_filter=$* .PHONY: xtest xtest: XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/ xtest: Xcode/project xcodebuild -project ./build/osx/gyp/osx.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDTYPE) -target test -jobs $(JOBS) $(XCPRETTY) xtest-%: xtest ./scripts/ "build/osx/Build/Products/$(BUILDTYPE)/test" --gtest_filter=$* #### Mac OS X application builds ############################################### .PHONY: osx run-osx osx: Makefile/project $(MAKE) -C build/osx BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) osxapp run-osx: osx "build/osx/$(BUILDTYPE)/Mapbox GL" .PHONY: xosx-proj xosx run-xosx xosx-proj: Xcode/project open ./build/osx/gyp/osx.xcodeproj xosx: XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/ xosx: Xcode/project xcodebuild -project ./build/osx/gyp/osx.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDTYPE) -target osxapp -jobs $(JOBS) $(XCPRETTY) run-xosx: xosx "gyp/build/$(BUILDTYPE)/Mapbox GL" # Legacy name xproj: xosx-proj #### iOS application builds #################################################### .PRECIOUS: Xcode/ios Xcode/ios: gyp/ios.gyp config/ios.gypi styles/styles SMCalloutView deps/run_gyp gyp/ios.gyp $(CONFIG_ios) $(LIBS_ios) --generator-output=./build/ios -f xcode .PHONY: ios-proj ios isim ipackage ios-proj: Xcode/ios open ./build/ios/gyp/ios.xcodeproj ios: XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/ ios: Xcode/ios xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos ARCHS="arm64 armv7 armv7s" PROVISIONING_PROFILE="2b532944-bf3d-4bf4-aa6c-a81676984ae8" -project ./build/ios/gyp/ios.xcodeproj -configuration Release -target iosapp -jobs $(JOBS) $(XCPRETTY) isim: XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/ isim: Xcode/ios xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator ARCHS="x86_64 i386" -project ./build/ios/gyp/ios.xcodeproj -configuration Debug -target iosapp -jobs $(JOBS) $(XCPRETTY) ipackage: clean Xcode/ios ./scripts/ios/ ipackage-sim: clean Xcode/ios ./scripts/ios/ sim itest: ipackage-sim KIF ./scripts/ios/ # Legacy name iproj: ios-proj #### Linux application builds ################################################## .PHONY: linux run-linux linux: Makefile/project $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) linuxapp run-linux: linux (cd build/$(HOST)/$(BUILDTYPE) && ./mapbox-gl) .PHONY: xlinux run-xlinux xlinux: XCPRETTY := $(shell ./scripts/ xlinux: Xcode/project xcodebuild -project ./build/osx/gyp/osx.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDTYPE) -target linuxapp -jobs $(JOBS) $(XCPRETTY) run-xlinux: xlinux "gyp/build/$(BUILDTYPE)/mapbox-gl" #### Android libaries ######################################################### .PRECIOUS: Makefile/android-% Makefile/android-%: CMD = deps/run_gyp android/mapboxgl-app.gyp $(CONFIG_android-$*) $(LIBS_android) --generator-output=./build/android-$* -f make-android Makefile/android-%: config/android-%.gypi styles/styles @echo $(CMD) @$(ENV_android-$*) $(CMD) # Builds a particular android architecture. android-lib-%: Makefile/android-% @$(ENV_android-$*) ./scripts/ -v build/Android.lock $(MAKE) -C build/android-$* BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) androidapp # Builds the selected/default Android library android-lib: android-lib-$(ANDROID_ABI) # Builds the selected/default Android library android: android-lib-$(ANDROID_ABI) cd android/java && ./gradlew --parallel-threads=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE) # Builds all android architectures. android-all: $(ANDROID_ABIS) cd android/java && ./gradlew --parallel-threads=$(JOBS) assemble$(BUILDTYPE) # Full build of GL Core for each architecture, build the Android Library, publish to Maven Central android-deploy: $(ANDROID_ABIS) cd android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDK && chmod ugo+x && ./ android-project: android-lib ##### Render builds ############################################################ render: Makefile/project $(MAKE) -C build/$(HOST) BUILDTYPE=$(BUILDTYPE) mbgl-render .PHONY: xrender run-xrender xrender: Xcode/project xcodebuild -project ./build/osx/gyp/osx.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDTYPE) -target mbgl-render -jobs $(JOBS) ##### Maintenace operations #################################################### .PHONY: clear_xcode_cache clear_xcode_cache: ifeq ($(PLATFORM), osx) @CUSTOM_DD=`defaults read IDECustomDerivedDataLocation 2>/dev/null`; \ if [ $$CUSTOM_DD ]; then \ echo clearing files in $$CUSTOM_DD older than one day; \ find $$CUSTOM_DD/mapboxgl-app-* -mtime +1 | xargs rm -rf; \ fi; \ if [ -d ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ ] && [ ! $$CUSTOM_DD ]; then \ echo 'clearing files in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mapboxgl-app-* older than one day'; \ find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mapboxgl-app-* -mtime +1 | xargs rm -rf; \ fi endif .PHONY: clear_sqlite_cache clear_sqlite_cache: ifeq ($(PLATFORM), osx) rm -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/Mapbox\ GL/cache.db else rm -f /tmp/mbgl-cache.db endif clean: clear_sqlite_cache clear_xcode_cache -find ./deps/gyp -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \; -rm -rf ./build/ -rm -rf ./macosx/build -rm -rf ./linux/build -rm -rf ./ios/build -rm -rf ./test/build -rm -rf ./config/*.gypi -rm -rf ./android/java/build ./android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build ./android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/build -rm -rf ./android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/jniLibs ./android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/assets -rm -f ./android/test/ distclean: clean -rm -rf ./mason_packages