path: root/src/mbgl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mbgl')
3 files changed, 82 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.cpp
index e75bdf8ba9..a9386d0f9a 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.cpp
@@ -96,14 +96,11 @@ inline bool CollisionIndex::overlapsTile(const CollisionBoundaries& boundaries,
boundaries[1] < tileBoundaries[3] && boundaries[3] > tileBoundaries[1];
-bool CollisionIndex::featureIntersectsTileBorders(const CollisionFeature& feature,
- Point<float> shift,
- const mat4& posMatrix,
- const float textPixelRatio,
- const CollisionBoundaries& tileEdges) const {
- assert(!feature.alongLine);
- assert(!feature.boxes.empty());
- const CollisionBox& box = feature.boxes.front();
+bool CollisionIndex::intercectsTileEdges(const CollisionBox& box,
+ Point<float> shift,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ const float textPixelRatio,
+ const CollisionBoundaries& tileEdges) const {
auto collisionBoundaries = getProjectedCollisionBoundaries(posMatrix, shift, textPixelRatio, box);
return overlapsTile(collisionBoundaries, tileEdges) && !isInsideTile(collisionBoundaries, tileEdges);
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.hpp b/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.hpp
index b9f3e9d88a..2ed3ab81bc 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/collision_index.hpp
@@ -21,12 +21,11 @@ public:
using CollisionGrid = GridIndex<IndexedSubfeature>;
explicit CollisionIndex(const TransformState&, MapMode);
- bool featureIntersectsTileBorders(const CollisionFeature& feature,
- Point<float> shift,
- const mat4& posMatrix,
- const float textPixelRatio,
- const CollisionBoundaries& tileEdges) const;
+ bool intercectsTileEdges(const CollisionBox&,
+ Point<float> shift,
+ const mat4& posMatrix,
+ const float textPixelRatio,
+ const CollisionBoundaries& tileEdges) const;
std::pair<bool, bool> placeFeature(
const CollisionFeature& feature,
Point<float> shift,
diff --git a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
index 8740e4b021..c927fdd782 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/text/placement.cpp
@@ -356,8 +356,11 @@ void Placement::placeBucket(const SymbolBucket& bucket,
if (mapMode == MapMode::Tile && !isFirstAnchor &&
- collisionIndex.featureIntersectsTileBorders(
- textCollisionFeature, shift, posMatrix, pixelRatio, *tileBorders)) {
+ collisionIndex.intercectsTileEdges(symbolInstance.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front(),
+ shift,
+ posMatrix,
+ pixelRatio,
+ *tileBorders)) {
@@ -561,19 +564,42 @@ void Placement::placeBucket(const SymbolBucket& bucket,
} else if (mapMode == MapMode::Tile && !avoidEdges) {
// In this case we first try to place symbols, which intersects the tile borders, so that
// those symbols will remain even if each tile is handled independently.
- const auto& symbolInstances = bucket.symbolInstances;
- std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const SymbolInstance>> sorted(symbolInstances.begin(),
- symbolInstances.end());
+ std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const SymbolInstance>> symbolInstances(bucket.symbolInstances.begin(),
+ bucket.symbolInstances.end());
optional<style::TextVariableAnchorType> variableAnchor;
if (!variableTextAnchors.empty()) variableAnchor = variableTextAnchors.front();
- std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> sortedCache;
- sortedCache.reserve(sorted.size());
- auto intersectsTileBorder = [&](const SymbolInstance& symbol) -> bool {
- if (symbol.textCollisionFeature.alongLine || symbol.textCollisionFeature.boxes.empty()) return false;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> locationCache;
+ locationCache.reserve(symbolInstances.size());
- auto it = sortedCache.find(symbol.crossTileID);
- if (it != sortedCache.end()) return it->second;
+ // Keeps the data necessary to find a feature location according to a tile.
+ struct NeighborTileData {
+ NeighborTileData(const CollisionIndex& collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID id_, Point<float> shift_)
+ : id(id_), shift(shift_), matrix() {
+ collisionIndex.getTransformState().matrixFor(matrix, id);
+ matrix::multiply(matrix, collisionIndex.getTransformState().getProjectionMatrix(), matrix);
+ borders = collisionIndex.projectTileBoundaries(matrix);
+ }
+ UnwrappedTileID id;
+ Point<float> shift;
+ mat4 matrix;
+ CollisionBoundaries borders;
+ };
+ uint8_t z =;
+ uint32_t x =;
+ uint32_t y =;
+ const std::array<NeighborTileData, 4> neightbors{{
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y - 1), {0.0f, util::EXTENT}}, // top
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x, y + 1), {0.0f, -util::EXTENT}}, // bottom
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x - 1, y), {util::EXTENT, 0.0f}}, // left
+ {collisionIndex, UnwrappedTileID(z, x + 1, y), {-util::EXTENT, 0.0f}} // right
+ }};
+ auto intercectsTileEdges = [&](const CollisionBox& collisionBox, const SymbolInstance& symbol) -> bool {
+ auto it = locationCache.find(symbol.crossTileID);
+ if (it != locationCache.end()) return it->second;
Point<float> offset{};
if (variableAnchor) {
@@ -589,18 +615,43 @@ void Placement::placeBucket(const SymbolBucket& bucket,
- bool result = collisionIndex.featureIntersectsTileBorders(
- symbol.textCollisionFeature, offset, posMatrix, pixelRatio, *tileBorders);
- sortedCache.insert(std::make_pair(symbol.crossTileID, result));
- return result;
- };
- std::stable_sort(
- sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [&intersectsTileBorder](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) {
- return intersectsTileBorder(a) && !intersectsTileBorder(b);
- });
+ bool intercects =
+ collisionIndex.intercectsTileEdges(collisionBox, offset, renderTile.matrix, pixelRatio, *tileBorders);
+ if (!intercects) {
+ // Check if this symbol intersects the neighbor tile borders.
+ // If so, it also shall be placed with priority (location = FeatureLocation::IntersectsTileBorder).
+ for (const auto& neighbor : neightbors) {
+ intercects = collisionIndex.intercectsTileEdges(
+ collisionBox, offset + neighbor.shift, neighbor.matrix, pixelRatio, neighbor.borders);
+ if (intercects) break;
+ }
+ }
+ locationCache.insert(std::make_pair(symbol.crossTileID, intercects));
+ return intercects;
+ };
- for (const SymbolInstance& symbol : sorted) {
+ std::stable_sort(symbolInstances.begin(),
+ symbolInstances.end(),
+ [&intercectsTileEdges](const SymbolInstance& a, const SymbolInstance& b) {
+ assert(!a.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
+ assert(!b.textCollisionFeature.alongLine);
+ if (a.textCollisionFeature.boxes.empty() || b.textCollisionFeature.boxes.empty())
+ return false;
+ auto intercectsA = intercectsTileEdges(a.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front(), a);
+ auto intercectsB = intercectsTileEdges(b.textCollisionFeature.boxes.front(), b);
+ if (intercectsA) {
+ if (!intercectsB) return true;
+ // Both symbols are inrecepting the tile borders, we need a universal cross-tile rule
+ // to define which of them shall be placed first - use anchor `y` point.
+ return a.anchor.point.y < b.anchor.point.y;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ for (const SymbolInstance& symbol : symbolInstances) {