path: root/include/mbgl/util/work_task_impl.hpp
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diff --git a/include/mbgl/util/work_task_impl.hpp b/include/mbgl/util/work_task_impl.hpp
index 8ebc7d45f8..276e0d6237 100644
--- a/include/mbgl/util/work_task_impl.hpp
+++ b/include/mbgl/util/work_task_impl.hpp
@@ -62,48 +62,4 @@ std::shared_ptr<WorkTask> WorkTask::make(Fn&& fn, Args&&... args) {
-namespace detail {
-template <class Tuple, size_t... Indexes>
-auto packageArgumentsAndCallback(std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<bool>> flag,
- Tuple&& args,
- std::index_sequence<Indexes...>) {
- auto callback = std::get<sizeof...(Indexes)>(args);
- // Create a lambda L1 that invokes another lambda L2 on the current RunLoop R, that calls
- // the callback C. Both lambdas check the flag before proceeding. L1 needs to check the flag
- // because if the request was cancelled, then R might have been destroyed. L2 needs to check
- // the flag because the request may have been cancelled after L2 was invoked but before it
- // began executing.
- auto l2 = [flag, callback] (auto&&... results) {
- if (!*flag) {
- callback(std::forward<decltype(results)>(results)...);
- }
- };
- auto l1 = [flag, current = util::RunLoop::Get(), l2_ = l2] (auto&&... results) {
- if (!*flag) {
- current->invoke(l2_, std::forward<decltype(results)>(results)...);
- }
- };
- return std::make_tuple(std::get<Indexes>(std::forward<Tuple>(args))..., l1);
-} // namespace detail
-template <class Fn, class... Args>
-std::shared_ptr<WorkTask> WorkTask::makeWithCallback(Fn&& fn, Args&&... args) {
- auto flag = std::make_shared<std::atomic<bool>>();
- *flag = false;
- auto tuple = detail::packageArgumentsAndCallback(flag,
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
- std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args) - 1>());
- return std::make_shared<WorkTaskImpl<std::decay_t<Fn>, decltype(tuple)>>(
- std::forward<Fn>(fn),
- std::move(tuple),
- flag);
} // namespace mbgl