diff options
authorJustin R. Miller <>2017-04-14 16:46:51 -0700
committerJustin R. Miller <>2017-04-14 16:46:51 -0700
commit23c908672da2adce71c255c33cc9b87460631d94 (patch)
parent9340b4822a9d5f43952ba71ff16315d606de50bc (diff)
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/platform/ios/src/ b/platform/ios/src/
index 5ae588d619..7bc963c1c0 100644
--- a/platform/ios/src/
+++ b/platform/ios/src/
@@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ const double MGLMinimumZoomLevelForUserTracking = 10.5;
/// Initial zoom level when entering user tracking mode from a low zoom level.
const double MGLDefaultZoomLevelForUserTracking = 14.0;
-const NSUInteger MGLTargetFrameInterval = 1; // Target FPS will be 60 divided by this value
+//const NSUInteger MGLTargetFrameInterval = 1; // Target FPS will be 60 divided by this value
+/// Target and maximum render frames per second.
+const CGFloat MGLTargetFPS = 60;
/// Tolerance for snapping to true north, measured in degrees in either direction.
const CLLocationDirection MGLToleranceForSnappingToNorth = 7;
@@ -296,7 +298,8 @@ public:
CLLocationDegrees _pendingLatitude;
CLLocationDegrees _pendingLongitude;
- CADisplayLink *_displayLink;
+// CADisplayLink *_displayLink;
+ NSDate *_lastRenderDate;
BOOL _needsDisplayRefresh;
NSUInteger _changeDelimiterSuppressionDepth;
@@ -608,6 +611,8 @@ public:
[_glView bindDrawable];
[self insertSubview:_glView atIndex:0];
_glView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
+ NSLog(@"GL view created");
- (UIImage *)compassImage
@@ -667,7 +672,8 @@ public:
[self removeAnnotations:annotations];
- [self validateDisplayLink];
+// [self validateDisplayLink];
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
if (_mbglMap)
@@ -981,12 +987,27 @@ public:
#pragma mark - Life Cycle -
-- (void)updateFromDisplayLink
+//- (void)updateFromDisplayLink
+// MGLAssertIsMainThread();
+// if (_needsDisplayRefresh)
+// {
+// _needsDisplayRefresh = NO;
+// [self.glView display];
+// }
+- (void)renderIfNeeded
- if (_needsDisplayRefresh)
+ if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:_lastRenderDate] >= 1/MGLTargetFPS && _needsDisplayRefresh)
+// NSLog(@"render pass");
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate date];
_needsDisplayRefresh = NO;
[self.glView display];
@@ -997,7 +1018,9 @@ public:
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantPast];
_needsDisplayRefresh = YES;
+ [self renderIfNeeded];
- (void)willTerminate
@@ -1006,44 +1029,59 @@ public:
if ( ! self.dormant)
- [self validateDisplayLink];
+// [self validateDisplayLink];
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
self.dormant = YES;
[self.glView deleteDrawable];
-- (void)validateDisplayLink
- BOOL isVisible = self.superview && self.window;
- if (isVisible && ! _displayLink)
- {
- if (_mbglMap->getConstrainMode() == mbgl::ConstrainMode::None)
- {
- _mbglMap->setConstrainMode(mbgl::ConstrainMode::HeightOnly);
- }
- _displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(updateFromDisplayLink)];
- _displayLink.frameInterval = MGLTargetFrameInterval;
- [_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
+//- (void)validateDisplayLink
+// BOOL isVisible = self.superview && self.window;
+// if (isVisible && ! _displayLink)
+// {
+// if (_mbglMap->getConstrainMode() == mbgl::ConstrainMode::None)
+// {
+// _mbglMap->setConstrainMode(mbgl::ConstrainMode::HeightOnly);
+// }
+// _displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(updateFromDisplayLink)];
+// _displayLink.frameInterval = MGLTargetFrameInterval;
+// [_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
+// _needsDisplayRefresh = YES;
+// [self updateFromDisplayLink];
+// }
+// else if ( ! isVisible && _displayLink)
+// {
+// [_displayLink invalidate];
+// _displayLink = nil;
+// }
+- (void)forceRenderIfEligible
+ NSLog(@"forceRenderIfEligible");
+ if (self.superview && self.window)
+ {
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantPast];
_needsDisplayRefresh = YES;
- [self updateFromDisplayLink];
- }
- else if ( ! isVisible && _displayLink)
- {
- [_displayLink invalidate];
- _displayLink = nil;
+ [self renderIfNeeded];
- (void)didMoveToWindow
- [self validateDisplayLink];
+// [self validateDisplayLink];
+ [self forceRenderIfEligible];
[super didMoveToWindow];
- (void)didMoveToSuperview
- [self validateDisplayLink];
+// [self validateDisplayLink];
+ [self forceRenderIfEligible];
[super didMoveToSuperview];
@@ -1064,7 +1102,8 @@ public:
[MGLMapboxEvents flush];
- _displayLink.paused = YES;
+// _displayLink.paused = YES;
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
if ( ! self.glSnapshotView)
@@ -1091,6 +1130,8 @@ public:
- (void)wakeGL:(__unused NSNotification *)notification
+ NSLog(@"wakeGL");
if (self.dormant && [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState != UIApplicationStateBackground)
@@ -1105,7 +1146,10 @@ public:
[self.glView bindDrawable];
- _displayLink.paused = NO;
+// _displayLink.paused = NO;
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantPast];
+ _needsDisplayRefresh = YES;
+ [self renderIfNeeded];
[self validateLocationServices];
@@ -1116,7 +1160,16 @@ public:
- (void)setHidden:(BOOL)hidden
super.hidden = hidden;
- _displayLink.paused = hidden;
+// _displayLink.paused = hidden;
+ if (hidden)
+ {
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _lastRenderDate = [NSDate distantPast];
+ [self renderIfNeeded];
+ }
- (void)tintColorDidChange
@@ -4904,6 +4957,8 @@ public:
+// NSLog(@"mapViewDidFinishRenderingFrameFullyRendered");
if (_isChangingAnnotationLayers)
_isChangingAnnotationLayers = NO;
@@ -4958,6 +5013,8 @@ public:
- (void)updateAnnotationViews
+ NSLog(@"updateAnnotationViews");
BOOL delegateImplementsViewForAnnotation = [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(mapView:viewForAnnotation:)];
if (!delegateImplementsViewForAnnotation)
@@ -4979,6 +5036,7 @@ public:
[offscreenAnnotations removeObjectsInArray:visibleAnnotations];
// Update the center of visible annotation views
+ NSLog(@"%i visible annotations", visibleAnnotations.count);
for (id<MGLAnnotation> annotation in visibleAnnotations)
// Defer to the shape/polygon styling delegate methods
@@ -5014,12 +5072,18 @@ public:
if (annotationView)
{ = [self convertCoordinate:annotationContext.annotation.coordinate toPointToView:self];
+ if ([[visibleAnnotations firstObject] isEqual:annotation])
+ {
+ NSLog(@"%f, %f",,;
+ }
MGLCoordinateBounds coordinateBounds = [self convertRect:viewPort toCoordinateBoundsFromView:self];
// Enqueue (and move if required) offscreen annotation views
+ NSLog(@"%i offscreen annotations", offscreenAnnotations.count);
for (id<MGLAnnotation> annotation in offscreenAnnotations)
// Defer to the shape/polygon styling delegate methods
@@ -5138,11 +5202,14 @@ public:
userPoint = [self convertCoordinate:self.userLocation.coordinate toPointToView:self];
+ NSLog(@"updating user location: %f, %f", userPoint.x, userPoint.y);
if ( ! annotationView.superview)
[self.glView addSubview:annotationView];
// Prevents the view from sliding in from the origin. = userPoint;
+ NSLog(@"instant update user");
if (CGRectContainsPoint(CGRectInset(self.bounds, -MGLAnnotationUpdateViewportOutset.width,
@@ -5164,6 +5231,7 @@ public:
userPoint.y -;
} = userPoint;
+ NSLog(@"animated update user");
} completion:NULL];
_userLocationAnimationCompletionDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:duration];