// Copyright (C) 2017 André Bargull. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-typedarray-typedarray description: > When a TypedArray is created from another TypedArray with a different element-type and SpeciesConstructor detaches the source buffer, AllocateArrayBuffer is still executed. info: | TypedArray ( typedArray ) ... 16. If IsSharedArrayBuffer(srcData) is false, then a. Let bufferConstructor be ? SpeciesConstructor(srcData, %ArrayBuffer%). ... 18. If SameValue(elementType, srcType) is true, then ... 19. Else, a. Let data be ? AllocateArrayBuffer(bufferConstructor, byteLength). b. If IsDetachedBuffer(srcData) is true, throw a TypeError exception. ... AllocateArrayBuffer ( constructor, byteLength ) 1. Let obj be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, "%ArrayBufferPrototype%", « [[ArrayBufferData]], [[ArrayBufferByteLength]] »). ... includes: [testBigIntTypedArray.js, detachArrayBuffer.js] features: [BigInt, TypedArray, Symbol.species] ---*/ testWithBigIntTypedArrayConstructors(function(TA) { var speciesCallCount = 0; var bufferConstructor = Object.defineProperty({}, Symbol.species, { get: function() { speciesCallCount += 1; $DETACHBUFFER(ta.buffer); return speciesConstructor; } }); var prototypeCallCount = 0; var speciesConstructor = Object.defineProperty(function(){}.bind(), "prototype", { get: function() { prototypeCallCount += 1; return null; } }); var ta = new TA(0); ta.buffer.constructor = bufferConstructor; assert.throws(TypeError, function() { var targetType = TA !== Int32Array ? Int32Array : Uint32Array; new targetType(ta); }, "TypeError thrown for detached source buffer"); assert.sameValue(speciesCallCount, 1, "@@species getter called once"); assert.sameValue(prototypeCallCount, 1, "prototype getter called once"); });