// Copyright (C) 2013 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qqnxglobal.h" #include "qqnxintegration.h" #include "qqnxscreeneventthread.h" #include "qqnxnativeinterface.h" #include "qqnxrasterbackingstore.h" #include "qqnxscreen.h" #include "qqnxscreeneventhandler.h" #include "qqnxwindow.h" #include "qqnxnavigatoreventhandler.h" #include "qqnxabstractnavigator.h" #include "qqnxabstractvirtualkeyboard.h" #include "qqnxservices.h" #include "qqnxforeignwindow.h" #include "qqnxrasterwindow.h" #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENGL) #include "qqnxeglwindow.h" #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) #include "qqnxnavigatorpps.h" #include "qqnxnavigatoreventnotifier.h" #include "qqnxvirtualkeyboardpps.h" #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) # include "qqnxbuttoneventnotifier.h" # include "qqnxclipboard.h" # if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_imf) # include "qqnxinputcontext_imf.h" # else # include "qqnxinputcontext_noimf.h" # endif #endif #include #include #include "private/qgenericunixfontdatabase_p.h" #include "private/qgenericunixeventdispatcher_p.h" #include #include #include #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENGL) #include "qqnxglcontext.h" #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(QQNXINTEGRATION_DEBUG) #define qIntegrationDebug qDebug #else #define qIntegrationDebug QT_NO_QDEBUG_MACRO #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; QQnxIntegration *QQnxIntegration::ms_instance; static inline QQnxIntegration::Options parseOptions(const QStringList ¶mList) { QQnxIntegration::Options options = QQnxIntegration::NoOptions; if (!paramList.contains("no-fullscreen"_L1)) { options |= QQnxIntegration::FullScreenApplication; } if (paramList.contains("flush-screen-context"_L1)) { options |= QQnxIntegration::AlwaysFlushScreenContext; } if (paramList.contains("rootwindow"_L1)) { options |= QQnxIntegration::RootWindow; } if (!paramList.contains("disable-EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context"_L1)) { options |= QQnxIntegration::SurfacelessEGLContext; } return options; } static inline int getContextCapabilities(const QStringList ¶mList) { QString contextCapabilitiesPrefix = QStringLiteral("screen-context-capabilities="); int contextCapabilities = SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT; for (const QString ¶m : paramList) { if (param.startsWith(contextCapabilitiesPrefix)) { auto value = QStringView{param}.mid(contextCapabilitiesPrefix.length()); bool ok = false; contextCapabilities = value.toInt(&ok, 0); if (!ok) contextCapabilities = SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT; } } return contextCapabilities; } QQnxIntegration::QQnxIntegration(const QStringList ¶mList) : QPlatformIntegration() , m_screenContextId(256, 0) , m_screenEventThread(0) , m_navigatorEventHandler(new QQnxNavigatorEventHandler()) , m_virtualKeyboard(0) #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) , m_navigatorEventNotifier(0) , m_inputContext(0) , m_buttonsNotifier(new QQnxButtonEventNotifier()) #endif , m_qpaInputContext(0) , m_services(0) , m_fontDatabase(new QGenericUnixFontDatabase()) , m_eventDispatcher(createUnixEventDispatcher()) , m_nativeInterface(new QQnxNativeInterface(this)) , m_screenEventHandler(new QQnxScreenEventHandler(this)) #if !defined(QT_NO_CLIPBOARD) , m_clipboard(0) #endif , m_navigator(0) #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) , m_drag(new QSimpleDrag()) #endif #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) , m_eglDisplay(EGL_NO_DISPLAY) #endif { ms_instance = this; m_options = parseOptions(paramList); qIntegrationDebug(); // Open connection to QNX composition manager if (screen_create_context(&m_screenContext, getContextCapabilities(paramList))) { qFatal("%s - Screen: Failed to create screen context - Error: %s (%i)", Q_FUNC_INFO, strerror(errno), errno); } screen_get_context_property_cv(m_screenContext, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ID, m_screenContextId.size(), m_screenContextId.data()); m_screenContextId.resize(strlen(m_screenContextId.constData())); #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) // Create/start navigator event notifier m_navigatorEventNotifier = new QQnxNavigatorEventNotifier(m_navigatorEventHandler); // delay invocation of start() to the time the event loop is up and running // needed to have the QThread internals of the main thread properly initialized QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_navigatorEventNotifier, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) createEglDisplay(); #endif // Create/start event thread m_screenEventThread = new QQnxScreenEventThread(m_screenContext); m_screenEventHandler->setScreenEventThread(m_screenEventThread); m_screenEventThread->start(); m_qpaInputContext = QPlatformInputContextFactory::create(); #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) if (!m_qpaInputContext) { // Create/start the keyboard class. m_virtualKeyboard = new QQnxVirtualKeyboardPps(); // delay invocation of start() to the time the event loop is up and running // needed to have the QThread internals of the main thread properly initialized QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_virtualKeyboard, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection); } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) m_navigator = new QQnxNavigatorPps(); #endif // Create services handling class if (m_navigator) m_services = new QQnxServices(m_navigator); createDisplays(); if (m_virtualKeyboard) { // TODO check if we need to do this for all screens or only the primary one QObject::connect(m_virtualKeyboard, SIGNAL(heightChanged(int)), primaryDisplay(), SLOT(keyboardHeightChanged(int))); #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) // Set up the input context m_inputContext = new QQnxInputContext(this, *m_virtualKeyboard); #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_imf) m_screenEventHandler->addScreenEventFilter(m_inputContext); #endif #endif } #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) // delay invocation of start() to the time the event loop is up and running // needed to have the QThread internals of the main thread properly initialized QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_buttonsNotifier, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection); #endif } QQnxIntegration::~QQnxIntegration() { qIntegrationDebug("platform plugin shutdown begin"); delete m_nativeInterface; #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) // Destroy the drag object delete m_drag; #endif #if !defined(QT_NO_CLIPBOARD) // Delete the clipboard delete m_clipboard; #endif // Stop/destroy navigator event notifier #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) delete m_navigatorEventNotifier; #endif delete m_navigatorEventHandler; // Stop/destroy screen event thread delete m_screenEventThread; // In case the event-dispatcher was never transferred to QCoreApplication delete m_eventDispatcher; delete m_screenEventHandler; // Destroy all displays destroyDisplays(); // Close connection to QNX composition manager screen_destroy_context(m_screenContext); #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) destroyEglDisplay(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) // Destroy the hardware button notifier delete m_buttonsNotifier; // Destroy input context delete m_inputContext; #endif delete m_qpaInputContext; // Destroy the keyboard class. delete m_virtualKeyboard; // Destroy services class delete m_services; // Destroy navigator interface delete m_navigator; ms_instance = nullptr; qIntegrationDebug("platform plugin shutdown end"); } bool QQnxIntegration::hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::Capability cap) const { qIntegrationDebug(); switch (cap) { case MultipleWindows: case ForeignWindows: case ThreadedPixmaps: return true; #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENGL) case OpenGL: case ThreadedOpenGL: case BufferQueueingOpenGL: return true; #endif default: return QPlatformIntegration::hasCapability(cap); } } QPlatformWindow *QQnxIntegration::createForeignWindow(QWindow *window, WId nativeHandle) const { screen_window_t screenWindow = reinterpret_cast(nativeHandle); if (this->window(screenWindow)) { qWarning() << "QWindow already created for foreign window" << screenWindow; return nullptr; } return new QQnxForeignWindow(window, m_screenContext, screenWindow); } QPlatformWindow *QQnxIntegration::createPlatformWindow(QWindow *window) const { qIntegrationDebug(); QSurface::SurfaceType surfaceType = window->surfaceType(); const bool needRootWindow = options() & RootWindow; switch (surfaceType) { case QSurface::RasterSurface: return new QQnxRasterWindow(window, m_screenContext, needRootWindow); #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENGL) case QSurface::OpenGLSurface: return new QQnxEglWindow(window, m_screenContext, needRootWindow); #endif default: qFatal("QQnxWindow: unsupported window API"); } return 0; } QPlatformBackingStore *QQnxIntegration::createPlatformBackingStore(QWindow *window) const { qIntegrationDebug(); return new QQnxRasterBackingStore(window); } #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENGL) QPlatformOpenGLContext *QQnxIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext(QOpenGLContext *context) const { qIntegrationDebug(); // Get color channel sizes from window format QSurfaceFormat format = context->format(); int alphaSize = format.alphaBufferSize(); int redSize = format.redBufferSize(); int greenSize = format.greenBufferSize(); int blueSize = format.blueBufferSize(); // Check if all channels are don't care if (alphaSize == -1 && redSize == -1 && greenSize == -1 && blueSize == -1) { // Set color channels based on depth of window's screen QQnxScreen *screen = static_cast(context->screen()->handle()); int depth = screen->depth(); if (depth == 32) { // SCREEN_FORMAT_RGBA8888 alphaSize = 8; redSize = 8; greenSize = 8; blueSize = 8; } else { // SCREEN_FORMAT_RGB565 alphaSize = 0; redSize = 5; greenSize = 6; blueSize = 5; } } else { // Choose best match based on supported pixel formats if (alphaSize <= 0 && redSize <= 5 && greenSize <= 6 && blueSize <= 5) { // SCREEN_FORMAT_RGB565 alphaSize = 0; redSize = 5; greenSize = 6; blueSize = 5; } else { // SCREEN_FORMAT_RGBA8888 alphaSize = 8; redSize = 8; greenSize = 8; blueSize = 8; } } // Update color channel sizes in window format format.setAlphaBufferSize(alphaSize); format.setRedBufferSize(redSize); format.setGreenBufferSize(greenSize); format.setBlueBufferSize(blueSize); context->setFormat(format); QQnxGLContext *ctx = new QQnxGLContext(context->format(), context->shareHandle()); return ctx; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) QPlatformInputContext *QQnxIntegration::inputContext() const { qIntegrationDebug(); if (m_qpaInputContext) return m_qpaInputContext; return m_inputContext; } #endif void QQnxIntegration::moveToScreen(QWindow *window, int screen) { qIntegrationDebug() << "w =" << window << ", s =" << screen; // get platform window used by widget QQnxWindow *platformWindow = static_cast(window->handle()); // lookup platform screen by index QQnxScreen *platformScreen = m_screens.at(screen); // move the platform window to the platform screen platformWindow->setScreen(platformScreen); } QAbstractEventDispatcher *QQnxIntegration::createEventDispatcher() const { qIntegrationDebug(); // We transfer ownersip of the event-dispatcher to QtCoreApplication QAbstractEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher = m_eventDispatcher; m_eventDispatcher = 0; return eventDispatcher; } QPlatformNativeInterface *QQnxIntegration::nativeInterface() const { return m_nativeInterface; } #if !defined(QT_NO_CLIPBOARD) QPlatformClipboard *QQnxIntegration::clipboard() const { qIntegrationDebug(); #if QT_CONFIG(qqnx_pps) if (!m_clipboard) m_clipboard = new QQnxClipboard; #endif return m_clipboard; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) QPlatformDrag *QQnxIntegration::drag() const { return m_drag; } #endif QVariant QQnxIntegration::styleHint(QPlatformIntegration::StyleHint hint) const { qIntegrationDebug(); if ((hint == ShowIsFullScreen) && (m_options & FullScreenApplication)) return true; return QPlatformIntegration::styleHint(hint); } QPlatformServices * QQnxIntegration::services() const { return m_services; } QWindow *QQnxIntegration::window(screen_window_t qnxWindow) const { qIntegrationDebug(); QMutexLocker locker(&m_windowMapperMutex); Q_UNUSED(locker); return m_windowMapper.value(qnxWindow, 0); } void QQnxIntegration::addWindow(screen_window_t qnxWindow, QWindow *window) { qIntegrationDebug(); QMutexLocker locker(&m_windowMapperMutex); Q_UNUSED(locker); m_windowMapper.insert(qnxWindow, window); } void QQnxIntegration::removeWindow(screen_window_t qnxWindow) { qIntegrationDebug(); QMutexLocker locker(&m_windowMapperMutex); Q_UNUSED(locker); m_windowMapper.remove(qnxWindow); } /*! Get display ID for given \a display Returns -1 for failure, otherwise returns display ID */ static int getIdOfDisplay(screen_display_t display) { int displayId; if (screen_get_display_property_iv(display, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ID, &displayId) == 0) { return displayId; } return -1; } /*! Read JSON configuration file for the QNX display order Returns true if file was read successfully and fills \a requestedDisplays */ static bool getRequestedDisplays(QJsonArray &requestedDisplays) { // Check if display configuration file is provided QByteArray json = qgetenv("QT_QPA_QNX_DISPLAY_CONFIG"); if (json.isEmpty()) return false; // Check if configuration file exists QFile file(QString::fromUtf8(json)); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Could not open config file" << json << "for reading"; return false; } // Read config file and check it's json const QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll()); if (!doc.isObject()) { qWarning() << "Invalid config file" << json << "- no top-level JSON object"; return false; } // Read the requested display order const QJsonObject object = doc.object(); requestedDisplays = object.value("displayOrder"_L1).toArray(); return true; } /*! Match \a availableDisplays with display order defined in a json file pointed to by QT_QPA_QNX_DISPLAY_CONFIG. Display order must use same identifiers as defined for displays in graphics.conf. Number of available displays must be specified in \a displayCount An example configuration is below: \badcode { "displayOrder": [ 3, 1 ] } \endcode Returns ordered list of displays. If no order was specified, returns displays in the same order as in the original list. */ QList QQnxIntegration::sortDisplays(screen_display_t *availableDisplays, int displayCount) { // Intermediate list for sorting QList allDisplays; for (int i = 0; i < displayCount; i++) allDisplays.append(&availableDisplays[i]); // Read requested display order if available QJsonArray requestedDisplays; if (!getRequestedDisplays(requestedDisplays)) return allDisplays; // Go through all the requested displays IDs QList orderedDisplays; for (const QJsonValue &value : std::as_const(requestedDisplays)) { int requestedValue = value.toInt(); // Move all displays with matching ID from the intermediate list // to the beginning of the ordered list for (auto it = allDisplays.begin(), end = allDisplays.end(); it != end; ++it) { screen_display_t *display = *it; if (getIdOfDisplay(*display) == requestedValue) { orderedDisplays.append(display); allDisplays.erase(it); break; } } } // Place all unordered displays to the end of list orderedDisplays.append(allDisplays); return orderedDisplays; } void QQnxIntegration::createDisplays() { qIntegrationDebug(); // Query number of displays int displayCount = 0; int result = screen_get_context_property_iv(m_screenContext, SCREEN_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_COUNT, &displayCount); Q_SCREEN_CRITICALERROR(result, "Failed to query display count"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(displayCount < 1)) { // Never happens, even if there's no display, libscreen returns 1 qFatal("QQnxIntegration: displayCount=%d", displayCount); } // Get all displays screen_display_t *displays = (screen_display_t *)alloca(sizeof(screen_display_t) * displayCount); result = screen_get_context_property_pv(m_screenContext, SCREEN_PROPERTY_DISPLAYS, (void **)displays); QList orderedDisplays = sortDisplays(displays, displayCount); Q_SCREEN_CRITICALERROR(result, "Failed to query displays"); // If it's primary, we create a QScreen for it even if it's not attached // since Qt will dereference QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() createDisplay(*orderedDisplays[0], /*isPrimary=*/true); for (int i=1; iadjustOrientation(); QObject::connect(m_screenEventHandler, SIGNAL(newWindowCreated(void*)), screen, SLOT(newWindowCreated(void*))); QObject::connect(m_screenEventHandler, SIGNAL(windowClosed(void*)), screen, SLOT(windowClosed(void*))); QObject::connect(m_navigatorEventHandler, SIGNAL(rotationChanged(int)), screen, SLOT(setRotation(int))); QObject::connect(m_navigatorEventHandler, SIGNAL(windowGroupActivated(QByteArray)), screen, SLOT(activateWindowGroup(QByteArray))); QObject::connect(m_navigatorEventHandler, SIGNAL(windowGroupDeactivated(QByteArray)), screen, SLOT(deactivateWindowGroup(QByteArray))); QObject::connect(m_navigatorEventHandler, SIGNAL(windowGroupStateChanged(QByteArray,Qt::WindowState)), screen, SLOT(windowGroupStateChanged(QByteArray,Qt::WindowState))); } void QQnxIntegration::removeDisplay(QQnxScreen *screen) { Q_CHECK_PTR(screen); Q_ASSERT(m_screens.contains(screen)); m_screens.removeAll(screen); QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved(screen); } void QQnxIntegration::destroyDisplays() { qIntegrationDebug(); Q_FOREACH (QQnxScreen *screen, m_screens) { QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved(screen); } m_screens.clear(); } QQnxScreen *QQnxIntegration::screenForNative(screen_display_t qnxScreen) const { Q_FOREACH (QQnxScreen *screen, m_screens) { if (screen->nativeDisplay() == qnxScreen) return screen; } return 0; } QQnxScreen *QQnxIntegration::primaryDisplay() const { return m_screens.first(); } QQnxIntegration::Options QQnxIntegration::options() const { return m_options; } screen_context_t QQnxIntegration::screenContext() { return m_screenContext; } QByteArray QQnxIntegration::screenContextId() { return m_screenContextId; } QQnxNavigatorEventHandler *QQnxIntegration::navigatorEventHandler() { return m_navigatorEventHandler; } bool QQnxIntegration::supportsNavigatorEvents() const { // If QQNX_PPS is defined then we have navigator return m_navigator != 0; } #if QT_CONFIG(opengl) void QQnxIntegration::createEglDisplay() { qIntegrationDebug(); // Initialize connection to EGL m_eglDisplay = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); if (Q_UNLIKELY(m_eglDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)) qFatal("QQnxiIntegration: failed to obtain EGL display: %x", eglGetError()); EGLBoolean eglResult = eglInitialize(m_eglDisplay, 0, 0); if (Q_UNLIKELY(eglResult != EGL_TRUE)) qFatal("QQnxIntegration: failed to initialize EGL display, err=%d", eglGetError()); } void QQnxIntegration::destroyEglDisplay() { qIntegrationDebug(); // Close connection to EGL eglTerminate(m_eglDisplay); } #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE