// Copyright (C) 2015 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB). // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef _USE_MATH_DEFINES # define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // For MSVC #endif #include "qcylindergeometry.h" #include "qcylindergeometry_p.h" #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt3DCore; namespace Qt3DExtras { namespace { int faceCount(int slices, int rings) { return (slices * 2) * (rings - 1) // two tris per side, for each pair of adjacent rings + slices * 2; // two caps } int vertexCount(int slices, int rings) { return (slices + 1) * rings + 2 * (slices + 1) + 2; } void createSidesVertices(float *&verticesPtr, int rings, int slices, double radius, double length) { const float dY = length / static_cast(rings - 1); const float dTheta = (M_PI * 2) / static_cast(slices); for (int ring = 0; ring < rings; ++ring) { const float y = -length / 2.0f + static_cast(ring) * dY; for (int slice = 0; slice <= slices; ++slice) { const float theta = static_cast(slice) * dTheta; const float ct = qCos(theta); const float st = qSin(theta); *verticesPtr++ = radius * ct; *verticesPtr++ = y; *verticesPtr++ = radius * st; *verticesPtr++ = (y + length / 2.0) / length; *verticesPtr++ = theta / (M_PI * 2); QVector3D n(ct, 0.0f, st); n.normalize(); *verticesPtr++ = n.x(); *verticesPtr++ = n.y(); *verticesPtr++ = n.z(); } } } void createSidesIndices(quint16 *&indicesPtr, int rings, int slices) { for (int ring = 0; ring < rings - 1; ++ring) { const int ringIndexStart = ring * (slices + 1); const int nextRingIndexStart = (ring + 1) * (slices + 1); for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; ++slice) { const int nextSlice = slice + 1; *indicesPtr++ = (ringIndexStart + slice); *indicesPtr++ = (nextRingIndexStart + slice); *indicesPtr++ = (ringIndexStart + nextSlice); *indicesPtr++ = (ringIndexStart + nextSlice); *indicesPtr++ = (nextRingIndexStart + slice); *indicesPtr++ = (nextRingIndexStart + nextSlice); } } } void createDiscVertices(float *&verticesPtr, int slices, double radius, double yPosition) { const float dTheta = (M_PI * 2) / static_cast(slices); const double yNormal = (yPosition < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; *verticesPtr++ = yPosition; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; *verticesPtr++ = 1.0f; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; *verticesPtr++ = yNormal; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; for (int slice = 0; slice <= slices; ++slice) { const float theta = static_cast(slice) * dTheta; const float ct = qCos(theta); const float st = qSin(theta); *verticesPtr++ = radius * ct; *verticesPtr++ = yPosition; *verticesPtr++ = radius * st; *verticesPtr++ = 1.0f; *verticesPtr++ = theta / (M_PI * 2); *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; *verticesPtr++ = yNormal; *verticesPtr++ = 0.0f; } } void createDiscIndices(quint16 *&indicesPtr, int discCenterIndex, int slices, double yPosition) { const double yNormal = (yPosition < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f; for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; ++slice) { const int nextSlice = slice + 1; *indicesPtr++ = discCenterIndex; *indicesPtr++ = (discCenterIndex + 1 + nextSlice); *indicesPtr++ = (discCenterIndex + 1 + slice); if (yNormal < 0.0f) qSwap(*(indicesPtr -1), *(indicesPtr - 2)); } } } // anonymous QCylinderGeometryPrivate::QCylinderGeometryPrivate() : QGeometryPrivate() , m_rings(16) , m_slices(16) , m_radius(1.0f) , m_length(1.0f) , m_positionAttribute(nullptr) , m_normalAttribute(nullptr) , m_texCoordAttribute(nullptr) , m_indexAttribute(nullptr) , m_vertexBuffer(nullptr) , m_indexBuffer(nullptr) { } void QCylinderGeometryPrivate::init() { Q_Q(QCylinderGeometry); m_positionAttribute = new QAttribute(q); m_normalAttribute = new QAttribute(q); m_texCoordAttribute = new QAttribute(q); m_indexAttribute = new QAttribute(q); m_vertexBuffer = new Qt3DCore::QBuffer(q); m_indexBuffer = new Qt3DCore::QBuffer(q); // vec3 pos, vec2 tex, vec3 normal const quint32 elementSize = 3 + 2 + 3; const quint32 stride = elementSize * sizeof(float); const int nVerts = vertexCount(m_slices, m_rings); const int faces = faceCount(m_slices, m_rings); m_positionAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultPositionAttributeName()); m_positionAttribute->setVertexBaseType(QAttribute::Float); m_positionAttribute->setVertexSize(3); m_positionAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute); m_positionAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer); m_positionAttribute->setByteStride(stride); m_positionAttribute->setCount(nVerts); m_texCoordAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName()); m_texCoordAttribute->setVertexBaseType(QAttribute::Float); m_texCoordAttribute->setVertexSize(2); m_texCoordAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute); m_texCoordAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer); m_texCoordAttribute->setByteStride(stride); m_texCoordAttribute->setByteOffset(3 * sizeof(float)); m_texCoordAttribute->setCount(nVerts); m_normalAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultNormalAttributeName()); m_normalAttribute->setVertexBaseType(QAttribute::Float); m_normalAttribute->setVertexSize(3); m_normalAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute); m_normalAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer); m_normalAttribute->setByteStride(stride); m_normalAttribute->setByteOffset(5 * sizeof(float)); m_normalAttribute->setCount(nVerts); m_indexAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::IndexAttribute); m_indexAttribute->setVertexBaseType(QAttribute::UnsignedShort); m_indexAttribute->setBuffer(m_indexBuffer); m_indexAttribute->setCount(faces * 3); m_vertexBuffer->setData(generateVertexData()); m_indexBuffer->setData(generateIndexData()); q->addAttribute(m_positionAttribute); q->addAttribute(m_texCoordAttribute); q->addAttribute(m_normalAttribute); q->addAttribute(m_indexAttribute); } QByteArray QCylinderGeometryPrivate::generateVertexData() const { const int verticesCount = vertexCount(m_slices, m_rings); // vec3 pos, vec2 texCoord, vec3 normal const quint32 vertexSize = (3 + 2 + 3) * sizeof(float); QByteArray verticesData; verticesData.resize(vertexSize * verticesCount); float *verticesPtr = reinterpret_cast(verticesData.data()); createSidesVertices(verticesPtr, m_rings, m_slices, m_radius, m_length); createDiscVertices(verticesPtr, m_slices, m_radius, -m_length * 0.5f); createDiscVertices(verticesPtr, m_slices, m_radius, m_length * 0.5f); return verticesData; } QByteArray QCylinderGeometryPrivate::generateIndexData() const { const int facesCount = faceCount(m_slices, m_rings); const int indicesCount = facesCount * 3; const int indexSize = sizeof(quint16); Q_ASSERT(indicesCount < 65536); QByteArray indicesBytes; indicesBytes.resize(indicesCount * indexSize); quint16 *indicesPtr = reinterpret_cast(indicesBytes.data()); createSidesIndices(indicesPtr, m_rings, m_slices); createDiscIndices(indicesPtr, m_rings * (m_slices + 1), m_slices, -m_length * 0.5); createDiscIndices(indicesPtr, m_rings * (m_slices + 1) + m_slices + 2, m_slices, m_length * 0.5); Q_ASSERT(indicesPtr == (reinterpret_cast(indicesBytes.data()) + indicesCount)); return indicesBytes; } /*! * \qmltype CylinderGeometry * \instantiates Qt3DExtras::QCylinderGeometry * \inqmlmodule Qt3D.Extras * \brief CylinderGeometry allows creation of a cylinder in 3D space. * * The CylinderGeometry type is most commonly used internally by the CylinderMesh type * but can also be used in custom GeometryRenderer types. */ /*! * \qmlproperty int CylinderGeometry::rings * * Holds the number of rings in the cylinder. */ /*! * \qmlproperty int CylinderGeometry::slices * * Holds the number of slices in the cylinder. */ /*! * \qmlproperty real CylinderGeometry::radius * * Holds the radius of the cylinder. */ /*! * \qmlproperty real CylinderGeometry::length * * Holds the length of the cylinder. */ /*! * \qmlproperty Attribute CylinderGeometry::positionAttribute * * Holds the geometry position attribute. */ /*! * \qmlproperty Attribute CylinderGeometry::normalAttribute * * Holds the geometry normal attribute. */ /*! * \qmlproperty Attribute CylinderGeometry::texCoordAttribute * * Holds the geometry texture coordinate attribute. */ /*! * \qmlproperty Attribute CylinderGeometry::indexAttribute * * Holds the geometry index attribute. */ /*! * \class Qt3DExtras::QCylinderGeometry \ingroup qt3d-extras-geometries * \inheaderfile Qt3DExtras/QCylinderGeometry * \inmodule Qt3DExtras * \brief The QCylinderGeometry class allows creation of a cylinder in 3D space. * \since 5.7 * \ingroup geometries * \inherits Qt3DCore::QGeometry * * The QCylinderGeometry class is most commonly used internally by the QCylinderMesh * but can also be used in custom Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer subclasses. */ /*! * Constructs a new QCylinderMesh with \a parent. */ QCylinderGeometry::QCylinderGeometry(QNode *parent) : QGeometry(*new QCylinderGeometryPrivate, parent) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); d->init(); } /*! * \internal */ QCylinderGeometry::QCylinderGeometry(QCylinderGeometryPrivate &dd, QNode *parent) :QGeometry(dd, parent) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); d->init(); } /*! * \internal */ QCylinderGeometry::~QCylinderGeometry() { } /*! * Updates the vertices based on rings, slices, and length properties. */ void QCylinderGeometry::updateVertices() { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); const int nVerts = vertexCount(d->m_slices, d->m_rings); d->m_positionAttribute->setCount(nVerts); d->m_texCoordAttribute->setCount(nVerts); d->m_normalAttribute->setCount(nVerts); d->m_vertexBuffer->setData(d->generateVertexData()); } /*! * Updates the indices based on rings, slices, and length properties. */ void QCylinderGeometry::updateIndices() { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); const int faces = faceCount(d->m_slices, d->m_rings); d->m_indexAttribute->setCount(faces * 3); d->m_indexBuffer->setData(d->generateIndexData()); } void QCylinderGeometry::setRings(int rings) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); if (rings != d->m_rings) { d->m_rings = rings; updateVertices(); updateIndices(); emit ringsChanged(rings); } } void QCylinderGeometry::setSlices(int slices) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); if (slices != d->m_slices) { d->m_slices = slices; updateVertices(); updateIndices(); emit slicesChanged(slices); } } void QCylinderGeometry::setRadius(float radius) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); if (radius != d->m_radius) { d->m_radius = radius; updateVertices(); emit radiusChanged(radius); } } void QCylinderGeometry::setLength(float length) { Q_D(QCylinderGeometry); if (length != d->m_length) { d->m_length = length; updateVertices(); updateIndices(); emit lengthChanged(length); } } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::rings * * Holds the number of rings in the cylinder. */ int QCylinderGeometry::rings() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_rings; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::slices * * Holds the number of slices in the cylinder. */ int QCylinderGeometry::slices() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_slices; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::radius * * Holds the radius of the cylinder. */ float QCylinderGeometry::radius() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_radius; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::length * * Holds the length of the cylinder. */ float QCylinderGeometry::length() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_length; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::positionAttribute * * Holds the geometry position attribute. */ QAttribute *QCylinderGeometry::positionAttribute() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_positionAttribute; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::normalAttribute * * Holds the geometry normal attribute. */ QAttribute *QCylinderGeometry::normalAttribute() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_normalAttribute; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::texCoordAttribute * * Holds the geometry texture coordinate attribute. */ QAttribute *QCylinderGeometry::texCoordAttribute() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_texCoordAttribute; } /*! * \property QCylinderGeometry::indexAttribute * * Holds the geometry index attribute. */ QAttribute *QCylinderGeometry::indexAttribute() const { Q_D(const QCylinderGeometry); return d->m_indexAttribute; } } // namespace Qt3DExtras QT_END_NAMESPACE