QT += sql \ xml \ network TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = QtHelp DEFINES += QHELP_LIB \ QT_CLUCENE_SUPPORT CONFIG += qt \ warn_on include(../../../src/qbase.pri) QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = Help QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = Help \ application \ framework. DEFINES -= QT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS qclucene = QtCLucene$${QT_LIBINFIX} if(!debug_and_release|build_pass):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { mac:qclucene = $${qclucene}_debug win32:qclucene = $${qclucene}d } linux-lsb-g++:LIBS += --lsb-shared-libs=$$qclucene unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES += QtNetwork \ QtSql \ QtXml LIBS += -l$$qclucene unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES += QtNetwork \ QtSql \ QtXml RESOURCES += helpsystem.qrc SOURCES += qhelpenginecore.cpp \ qhelpengine.cpp \ qhelpdbreader.cpp \ qhelpcontentwidget.cpp \ qhelpindexwidget.cpp \ qhelpgenerator.cpp \ qhelpdatainterface.cpp \ qhelpprojectdata.cpp \ qhelpcollectionhandler.cpp \ qhelpsearchengine.cpp \ qhelpsearchquerywidget.cpp \ qhelpsearchresultwidget.cpp \ qhelpsearchindex_default.cpp \ qhelpsearchindexwriter_default.cpp \ qhelpsearchindexreader_default.cpp \ qhelpsearchindexreader.cpp # access to clucene SOURCES += qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene.cpp \ qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene.cpp HEADERS += qhelpenginecore.h \ qhelpengine.h \ qhelpengine_p.h \ qhelp_global.h \ qhelpdbreader_p.h \ qhelpcontentwidget.h \ qhelpindexwidget.h \ qhelpgenerator_p.h \ qhelpdatainterface_p.h \ qhelpprojectdata_p.h \ qhelpcollectionhandler_p.h \ qhelpsearchengine.h \ qhelpsearchquerywidget.h \ qhelpsearchresultwidget.h \ qhelpsearchindex_default_p.h \ qhelpsearchindexwriter_default_p.h \ qhelpsearchindexreader_default_p.h \ qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h # access to clucene HEADERS += qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene_p.h \ qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h