QUuidBase QUuidBase 0 0 671 246 Create UUID true unnamed 11 6 Spacer1_2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 TextLabel1 Choose the desired format below, then select "Copy" to copy the results to the clipboard (the results can then be pasted into your source code). Choose "Exit" when done. WordBreak|AlignAuto|AlignVCenter formats UUID Format unnamed 11 6 formatMacro &1. #define <<name>>( ... ) formatStatic &2. static const struct QUuid <<name>> = { ... } formatRegistry &3. Registry Format, ie. {xxxxxxxx-xxxx ... xxxx } GroupBox1 7 3 Result unnamed 11 6 Layout3 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_2 5 1 N&ame: nameEdit nameEdit resultLabel RESULT A B C PlainText WordBreak|AlignAuto|AlignVCenter Layout2 unnamed 0 6 PushButton5 0 0 &Copy newButton 0 0 &New UUID PushButton7 0 0 E&xit Spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 20 PushButton5 clicked() QUuidBase copyUuid() PushButton7 clicked() QUuidBase accept() nameEdit textChanged(const QString&) QUuidBase formatChanged() newButton clicked() QUuidBase newUuid() formats clicked(int) QUuidBase formatChanged() init() destroy() formatChanged() newUuid() copyUuid()