Form1 Form1 0 0 584 331 Form1 unnamed layout10 unnamed textLabel3 NoFrame Plain Size textLabel4 Stretch textLabel1 Family styles families sizebox pt 1000 10 10 textLabel2 Style stretchbox % 4000 1 100 line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal viewer 3 3 0 0 500 32767 Andy, I'm sorry but that does not quite help me. I've already seen that the new functional equivalent is drawPrimitive witrh a PE_ArrowDown flag. The problem is that I do not see how to translate the parameters used in the old function to the QRect parameter that is required in the new function. Sinve there is no one-to-one correspondance in parameters I do not see how to move form the old function to the new. The purpose of this method is to pain t a combobox-like down arrow to the right of a QLineEdit widget that is contained in the class. How do I convert the old code to the new? Thanks! ...Jake WordBreak|AlignTop families activated(const QString&) Form1 changeFamily(const QString&) sizebox valueChanged(int) Form1 changeSize(int) stretchbox valueChanged(int) Form1 changeStretch(int) families styles sizebox stretchbox form1.ui.h changeFamily( const QString & newfamily ) changeSize( int newsize ) changeStretch( int newstretch ) init()