/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the ActiveQt framework of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #include "qaxscript.h" #ifndef QT_NO_WIN_ACTIVEQT #if defined(Q_CC_GNU) # define QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT #elif defined(Q_CC_BOR) && __BORLANDC__ < 0x560 # define QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT #include #include #endif #include "../shared/qaxtypes.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE struct QAxEngineDescriptor { QString name, extension, code; }; static QList engines; class QAxScriptManagerPrivate { public: QHash scriptDict; QHash objectDict; }; /* \class QAxScriptSite \brief The QAxScriptSite class implements a Windows Scripting Host \internal The QAxScriptSite is used internally to communicate callbacks from the script engine to the script manager. */ #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT class QAxScriptSite : public IActiveScriptSite, public IActiveScriptSiteWindow { public: QAxScriptSite(QAxScript *script); ULONG WINAPI AddRef(); ULONG WINAPI Release(); HRESULT WINAPI QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObject); HRESULT WINAPI GetLCID(LCID *plcid); HRESULT WINAPI GetItemInfo(LPCOLESTR pstrName, DWORD dwReturnMask, IUnknown **ppiunkItem, ITypeInfo **ppti); HRESULT WINAPI GetDocVersionString(BSTR *pbstrVersion); HRESULT WINAPI OnScriptTerminate(const VARIANT *pvarResult, const EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo); HRESULT WINAPI OnStateChange(SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState); HRESULT WINAPI OnScriptError(IActiveScriptError *pscripterror); HRESULT WINAPI OnEnterScript(); HRESULT WINAPI OnLeaveScript(); HRESULT WINAPI GetWindow(HWND *phwnd); HRESULT WINAPI EnableModeless(BOOL fEnable); protected: QWidget *window() const; private: QAxScript *script; unsigned long ref; }; /* Constructs the site for the \a s. */ QAxScriptSite::QAxScriptSite(QAxScript *s) : script(s), ref(1) { } /* Implements IUnknown::AddRef */ ULONG WINAPI QAxScriptSite::AddRef() { return ++ref; } /* Implements IUnknown::Release */ ULONG WINAPI QAxScriptSite::Release() { if (!--ref) { delete this; return 0; } return ref; } /* Implements IUnknown::QueryInterface */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObject) { *ppvObject = 0; if (iid == IID_IUnknown) *ppvObject = (IUnknown*)(IActiveScriptSite*)this; else if (iid == IID_IActiveScriptSite) *ppvObject = (IActiveScriptSite*)this; else if (iid == IID_IActiveScriptSiteWindow) *ppvObject = (IActiveScriptSiteWindow*)this; else return E_NOINTERFACE; AddRef(); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::GetLCID This method is not implemented. Use the system-defined locale. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::GetLCID(LCID * /*plcid*/) { return E_NOTIMPL; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::GetItemInfo Tries to find the QAxBase for \a pstrName and returns the relevant interfaces in \a item and \a type as requested through \a mask. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::GetItemInfo(LPCOLESTR pstrName, DWORD mask, IUnknown **item, ITypeInfo **type) { if (item) *item = 0; else if (mask & SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN) return E_POINTER; if (type) *type = 0; else if (mask & SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO) return E_POINTER; QAxBase *object = script->findObject(QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)pstrName)); if (!object) return TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND; if (mask & SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN) object->queryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)item); if (mask & SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO) { IProvideClassInfo *classInfo = 0; object->queryInterface(IID_IProvideClassInfo, (void**)&classInfo); if (classInfo) { classInfo->GetClassInfo(type); classInfo->Release(); } } return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::GetDocVersionString This method is not implemented. The scripting engine should assume that the script is in sync with the document. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::GetDocVersionString(BSTR * /*version*/) { return E_NOTIMPL; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::OnScriptTerminate This method is usually not called, but if it is it fires QAxScript::finished(). */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::OnScriptTerminate(const VARIANT *result, const EXCEPINFO *exception) { emit script->finished(); if (result && result->vt != VT_EMPTY) emit script->finished(VARIANTToQVariant(*result, 0)); if (exception) emit script->finished(exception->wCode, QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)exception->bstrSource), QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)exception->bstrDescription), QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)exception->bstrHelpFile) ); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::OnEnterScript Fires QAxScript::entered() to inform the host that the scripting engine has begun executing the script code. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::OnEnterScript() { emit script->entered(); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::OnLeaveScript Fires QAxScript::finished() to inform the host that the scripting engine has returned from executing the script code. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::OnLeaveScript() { emit script->finished(); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::OnScriptError Fires QAxScript::error() to inform the host that an that an execution error occurred while the engine was running the script. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::OnScriptError(IActiveScriptError *error) { EXCEPINFO exception; memset(&exception, 0, sizeof(exception)); DWORD context; ULONG lineNumber; LONG charPos; BSTR bstrLineText; QString lineText; error->GetExceptionInfo(&exception); error->GetSourcePosition(&context, &lineNumber, &charPos); HRESULT hres = error->GetSourceLineText(&bstrLineText); if (hres == S_OK) { lineText = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)bstrLineText); SysFreeString(bstrLineText); } SysFreeString(exception.bstrSource); SysFreeString(exception.bstrDescription); SysFreeString(exception.bstrHelpFile); emit script->error(exception.wCode, QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)exception.bstrDescription), lineNumber, lineText); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSite::OnStateChange Fires QAxScript::stateChanged() to inform the the host that the scripting engine has changed states. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::OnStateChange(SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState) { emit script->stateChanged(ssScriptState); return S_OK; } /* \internal Returns the toplevel widget parent of this script, or the application' active window if there is no widget parent. */ QWidget *QAxScriptSite::window() const { QWidget *w = 0; QObject *p = script->parent(); while (!w && p) { w = qobject_cast(p); p = p->parent(); } if (w) w = w->window(); if (!w && qApp) w = qApp->activeWindow(); return w; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSiteWindow::GetWindow Retrieves the handle to a window that can act as the owner of a pop-up window that the scripting engine must display. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::GetWindow(HWND *phwnd) { if (!phwnd) return E_POINTER; *phwnd = 0; QWidget *w = window(); if (!w) return E_FAIL; *phwnd = w->winId(); return S_OK; } /* Implements IActiveScriptSiteWindow::EnableModeless Causes the host to enable or disable its main window as well as any modeless dialog boxes. */ HRESULT WINAPI QAxScriptSite::EnableModeless(BOOL fEnable) { QWidget *w = window(); if (!w) return E_FAIL; EnableWindow(w->winId(), fEnable); return S_OK; } #endif //QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT /*! \class QAxScriptEngine \brief The QAxScriptEngine class provides a wrapper around a script engine. \inmodule QAxContainer Every instance of the QAxScriptEngine class represents an interpreter for script code in a particular scripting language. The class is usually not used directly. The QAxScript and QAxScriptManager classes provide convenient functions to handle and call script code. Direct access to the script engine is provided through queryInterface(). \warning This class is not available with the bcc5.5 and MingW compilers. \sa QAxScript, QAxScriptManager, QAxBase, {ActiveQt Framework} */ /*! \enum QAxScriptEngine::State The State enumeration defines the different states a script engine can be in. \value Uninitialized The script has been created, but not yet initialized \value Initialized The script has been initialized, but is not running \value Started The script can execute code, but does not yet handle events \value Connected The script can execute code and is connected so that it can handle events \value Disconnected The script is loaded, but is not connected to event sources \value Closed The script has been closed. */ /*! Constructs a QAxScriptEngine object interpreting script code in \a language provided by the code in \a script. This is usually done by the QAxScript class when \link QAxScript::load() loading a script\endlink. Instances of QAxScriptEngine should always have both a language and a script. */ QAxScriptEngine::QAxScriptEngine(const QString &language, QAxScript *script) : QAxObject(script), script_code(script), engine(0), script_language(language) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE if (language.isEmpty()) qWarning("QAxScriptEngine: created without language"); if (!script_code) qWarning("QAxScriptEngine: created without script"); #endif setObjectName(QLatin1String("QAxScriptEngine_") + language); disableClassInfo(); disableEventSink(); } /*! Destroys the QAxScriptEngine object, releasing all allocated resources. */ QAxScriptEngine::~QAxScriptEngine() { #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT if (engine) { engine->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED); engine->Close(); engine->Release(); } #endif } /*! \fn QString QAxScriptEngine::scriptLanguage() const Returns the scripting language, for example "VBScript", or "JScript". */ /*! \reimp */ bool QAxScriptEngine::initialize(IUnknown **ptr) { *ptr = 0; #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT if (!script_code || script_language.isEmpty()) return false; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hres = CLSIDFromProgID((WCHAR*)script_language.utf16(), &clsid); if(FAILED(hres)) return false; CoCreateInstance(clsid, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IActiveScript, (void**)&engine); if (!engine) return false; IActiveScriptParse *parser = 0; engine->QueryInterface(IID_IActiveScriptParse, (void**)&parser); if (!parser) { engine->Release(); engine = 0; return false; } if (engine->SetScriptSite(script_code->script_site) != S_OK) { engine->Release(); engine = 0; return false; } if (parser->InitNew() != S_OK) { parser->Release(); engine->Release(); engine = 0; return false; } BSTR bstrCode = QStringToBSTR(script_code->scriptCode()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN64 hres = parser->ParseScriptText(bstrCode, 0, 0, 0, DWORDLONG(this), 0, SCRIPTTEXT_ISVISIBLE, 0, 0); #else hres = parser->ParseScriptText(bstrCode, 0, 0, 0, DWORD(this), 0, SCRIPTTEXT_ISVISIBLE, 0, 0); #endif SysFreeString(bstrCode); parser->Release(); parser = 0; script_code->updateObjects(); if (engine->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED) != S_OK) { engine = 0; return false; } IDispatch *scriptDispatch = 0; engine->GetScriptDispatch(0, &scriptDispatch); if (scriptDispatch) { scriptDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)ptr); scriptDispatch->Release(); } #endif return *ptr != 0; } /*! \fn bool QAxScriptEngine::isValid() const Returns true if the script engine has been initialized correctly; otherwise returns false. */ /*! Returns true if the script engine supports introspection; otherwise returns false. */ bool QAxScriptEngine::hasIntrospection() const { if (!isValid()) return false; IDispatch *scriptDispatch = 0; QAxBase::queryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&scriptDispatch); if (!scriptDispatch) return false; UINT tic = 0; HRESULT hres = scriptDispatch->GetTypeInfoCount(&tic); scriptDispatch->Release(); return hres == S_OK && tic > 0; } /*! Requests the interface \a uuid from the script engine object and sets the value of \a iface to the provided interface, or to 0 if the requested interface could not be provided. Returns the result of the QueryInterface implementation of the COM object. */ long QAxScriptEngine::queryInterface(const QUuid &uuid, void **iface) const { *iface = 0; if (!engine) return E_NOTIMPL; #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT return engine->QueryInterface(uuid, iface); #else return E_NOTIMPL; #endif } /*! Returns the state of the script engine. */ QAxScriptEngine::State QAxScriptEngine::state() const { if (!engine) return Uninitialized; #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT SCRIPTSTATE state; engine->GetScriptState(&state); return (State)state; #else return Uninitialized; #endif } /*! Sets the state of the script engine to \a st. Calling this function is usually not necessary. */ void QAxScriptEngine::setState(State st) { #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT if (!engine) return; engine->SetScriptState((SCRIPTSTATE)st); #endif } /*! Registers an item with the script engine. Script code can refer to this item using \a name. */ void QAxScriptEngine::addItem(const QString &name) { #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT if (!engine) return; engine->AddNamedItem((WCHAR*)name.utf16(), SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE|SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE); #endif } /*! \class QAxScript \brief The QAxScript class provides a wrapper around script code. \inmodule QAxContainer Every instance of the QAxScript class represents a piece of scripting code in a particular scripting language. The code is loaded into the script engine using load(). Functions declared in the code can be called using call(). The script provides scriptEngine() provides feedback to the application through signals. The most important signal is the error() signal. Direct access to the QAxScriptEngine is provided through the scriptEngine() function. \warning This class is not available with the bcc5.5 and MingW compilers. \sa QAxScriptEngine, QAxScriptManager, QAxBase, {ActiveQt Framework} */ /*! \enum QAxScript::FunctionFlags This FunctionFlags enum describes formatting for function introspection. \value FunctionNames Only function names are returned. \value FunctionSignatures Returns the functions with signatures. */ /*! Constructs a QAxScript object called \a name and registers it with the QAxScriptManager \a manager. This is usually done by the QAxScriptManager class when \link QAxScriptManager::load() loading a script\endlink. A script should always have a name. A manager is necessary to allow the script code to reference objects in the application. The \a manager takes ownership of the object. */ QAxScript::QAxScript(const QString &name, QAxScriptManager *manager) : QObject(manager), script_name(name), script_manager(manager), script_engine(0) { if (manager) { manager->d->scriptDict.insert(name, this); connect(this, SIGNAL(error(int,QString,int,QString)), manager, SLOT(scriptError(int,QString,int,QString))); } #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT script_site = new QAxScriptSite(this); #else script_site = 0; #endif } /*! Destroys the object, releasing all allocated resources. */ QAxScript::~QAxScript() { delete script_engine; script_engine = 0; #ifndef QT_NO_QAXSCRIPT script_site->Release(); #endif } /*! Loads the script source \a code written in language \a language into the script engine. Returns true if \a code was successfully entered into the script engine; otherwise returns false. If \a language is empty (the default) it will be determined heuristically. If \a code contains the string \c {End Sub} it will be interpreted as VBScript, otherwise as JScript. Additional scripting languages can be registered using QAxScript::registerEngine(). This function can only be called once for each QAxScript object, which is done automatically when using QAxScriptManager::load(). */ bool QAxScript::load(const QString &code, const QString &language) { if (script_engine || code.isEmpty()) return false; script_code = code; QString lang = language; if (lang.isEmpty()) { if (code.contains(QLatin1String("End Sub"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) lang = QLatin1String("VBScript"); QList::ConstIterator it; for (it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); ++it) { QAxEngineDescriptor engine = *it; if (engine.code.isEmpty()) continue; if (code.contains(engine.code)) { lang = engine.name; break; } } } if (lang.isEmpty()) lang = QLatin1String("JScript"); script_engine = new QAxScriptEngine(lang, this); // trigger call to initialize script_engine->metaObject(); return script_engine->isValid(); } /*! Returns a list of all the functions in this script if the respective script engine supports introspection; otherwise returns an empty list. The functions are either provided with full prototypes or only as names, depending on the value of \a flags. \sa QAxScriptEngine::hasIntrospection() */ QStringList QAxScript::functions(FunctionFlags flags) const { QStringList functions; const QMetaObject *mo = script_engine->metaObject(); for (int i = mo->methodOffset(); i < mo->methodCount(); ++i) { const QMetaMethod slot(mo->method(i)); if (slot.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Slot || slot.access() != QMetaMethod::Public) continue; QString slotname = QString::fromLatin1(slot.signature()); if (slotname.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) continue; if (flags == FunctionSignatures) functions << slotname; else functions << slotname.left(slotname.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('))); } return functions; } /*! Calls \a function, passing the parameters \a var1, \a var1, \a var2, \a var3, \a var4, \a var5, \a var6, \a var7 and \a var8 as arguments and returns the value returned by the function, or an invalid QVariant if the function does not return a value or when the function call failed. See QAxScriptManager::call() for more information about how to call script functions. */ QVariant QAxScript::call(const QString &function, const QVariant &var1, const QVariant &var2, const QVariant &var3, const QVariant &var4, const QVariant &var5, const QVariant &var6, const QVariant &var7, const QVariant &var8) { if (!script_engine) return QVariant(); return script_engine->dynamicCall(function.toLatin1(), var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8); } /*! \overload Calls \a function passing \a arguments as parameters, and returns the result. Returns when the script's execution has finished. See QAxScriptManager::call() for more information about how to call script functions. */ QVariant QAxScript::call(const QString &function, QList &arguments) { if (!script_engine) return QVariant(); return script_engine->dynamicCall(function.toLatin1(), arguments); } /*! \internal Registers all objects in the manager with the script engine. */ void QAxScript::updateObjects() { if (!script_manager) return; script_manager->updateScript(this); } /*! \internal Returns the object \a name registered with the manager. */ QAxBase *QAxScript::findObject(const QString &name) { if (!script_manager) return 0; return script_manager->d->objectDict.value(name); } /*! \fn QString QAxScript::scriptName() const Returns the name of the script. */ /*! \fn QString QAxScript::scriptCode() const Returns the script's code, or the null-string if no code has been loaded yet. \sa load() */ /*! \fn QAxScriptEngine* QAxScript::scriptEngine() const Returns a pointer to the script engine. You can use the object returned to connect signals to the script functions, or to access the script engine directly. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::entered() This signal is emitted when a script engine has started executing code. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::finished() This signal is emitted when a script engine has finished executing code. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::finished(const QVariant &result) \overload \a result contains the script's result. This will be an invalid QVariant if the script has no return value. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::finished(int code, const QString &source, const QString &description, const QString &help) \overload \a code, \a source, \a description and \a help contain exception information when the script terminated. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::stateChanged(int state); This signal is emitted when a script engine changes state. \a state can be any value in the QAxScriptEngineState enumeration. */ /*! \fn void QAxScript::error(int code, const QString &description, int sourcePosition, const QString &sourceText) This signal is emitted when an execution error occurred while running a script. \a code, \a description, \a sourcePosition and \a sourceText contain information about the execution error. */ /*! \class QAxScriptManager \brief The QAxScriptManager class provides a bridge between application objects and script code. \inmodule QAxContainer The QAxScriptManager acts as a bridge between the COM objects embedded in the Qt application through QAxObject or QAxWidget, and the scripting languages available through the Windows Script technologies, usually JScript and VBScript. Create one QAxScriptManager for each separate document in your application, and add the COM objects the scripts need to access using addObject(). Then load() the script sources and invoke the functions using call(). \warning This class is not available with the bcc5.5 and MingW compilers. \sa QAxScript, QAxScriptEngine, QAxBase, {ActiveQt Framework} */ /*! Creates a QAxScriptManager object. \a parent is passed on to the QObject constructor. It is usual to create one QAxScriptManager for each document in an application. */ QAxScriptManager::QAxScriptManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { d = new QAxScriptManagerPrivate; } /*! Destroys the objects, releasing all allocated resources. */ QAxScriptManager::~QAxScriptManager() { delete d; } /*! Returns a list with all the functions that are available. Functions provided by script engines that don't support introspection are not included in the list. The functions are either provided with full prototypes or only as names, depending on the value of \a flags. */ QStringList QAxScriptManager::functions(QAxScript::FunctionFlags flags) const { QStringList functions; QHash::ConstIterator scriptIt; for (scriptIt = d->scriptDict.begin(); scriptIt != d->scriptDict.end(); ++scriptIt) { QAxScript *script = scriptIt.value(); functions += script->functions(flags); } return functions; } /*! Returns a list with the names of all the scripts. */ QStringList QAxScriptManager::scriptNames() const { QStringList scripts; QHash::ConstIterator scriptIt; for (scriptIt = d->scriptDict.begin(); scriptIt != d->scriptDict.end(); ++scriptIt) { scripts << scriptIt.key(); } return scripts; } /*! Returns the script called \a name. You can use the returned pointer to call functions directly through QAxScript::call(), to access the script engine directly, or to delete and thus unload the script. */ QAxScript *QAxScriptManager::script(const QString &name) const { return d->scriptDict.value(name); } /*! Adds \a object to the manager. Scripts handled by this manager can access the object in the code using the object's \l{QObject::objectName}{objectName} property. You must add all the necessary objects before loading any scripts. */ void QAxScriptManager::addObject(QAxBase *object) { QObject *obj = object->qObject(); QString name = obj->objectName(); if (d->objectDict.contains(name)) return; d->objectDict.insert(name, object); connect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed(QObject*))); } /*! \fn void QAxScriptManager::addObject(QObject *object) \overload Adds a generic COM wrapper for \a object to the manager. \a object must be exposed as a COM object using the functionality provided by the QAxServer module. Applications using this function you must link against the qaxserver library. */ /*! Loads the script source \a code using the script engine for \a language. The script can later be referred to using its \a name which should not be empty. The function returns a pointer to the script for the given \a code if the \a code was loaded successfully; otherwise it returns 0. If \a language is empty it will be determined heuristically. If \a code contains the string "End Sub" it will be interpreted as VBScript, otherwise as JScript. Additional script engines can be registered using registerEngine(). You must add all the objects necessary (using addObject()) \e before loading any scripts. If \a code declares a function that is already available (no matter in which language) the first function is overloaded and can no longer be called via call(); but it will still be available by calling its \link script() script \endlink directly. \sa addObject(), scriptNames(), functions() */ QAxScript *QAxScriptManager::load(const QString &code, const QString &name, const QString &language) { QAxScript *script = new QAxScript(name, this); if (script->load(code, language)) return script; delete script; return 0; } /*! \overload Loads the source code from the \a file. The script can later be referred to using its \a name which should not be empty. The function returns a pointer to the script engine for the code in \a file if \a file was loaded successfully; otherwise it returns 0. The script engine used is determined from the file's extension. By default ".js" files are interpreted as JScript files, and ".vbs" and ".dsm" files are interpreted as VBScript. Additional script engines can be registered using registerEngine(). */ QAxScript *QAxScriptManager::load(const QString &file, const QString &name) { QFile f(file); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return 0; QByteArray data = f.readAll(); QString contents = QString::fromLocal8Bit(data, data.size()); f.close(); if (contents.isEmpty()) return 0; QString language; if (file.endsWith(QLatin1String(".js"))) { language = QLatin1String("JScript"); } else { QList::ConstIterator it; for (it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); ++it) { QAxEngineDescriptor engine = *it; if (engine.extension.isEmpty()) continue; if (file.endsWith(engine.extension)) { language = engine.name; break; } } } if (language.isEmpty()) language = QLatin1String("VBScript"); QAxScript *script = new QAxScript(name, this); if (script->load(contents, language)) return script; delete script; return 0; } /*! Calls \a function, passing the parameters \a var1, \a var1, \a var2, \a var3, \a var4, \a var5, \a var6, \a var7 and \a var8 as arguments and returns the value returned by the function, or an invalid QVariant if the function does not return a value or when the function call failed. The call returns when the script's execution has finished. In most script engines the only supported parameter type is "const QVariant&", for example, to call a JavaScript function \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_activeqt_container_qaxscript.cpp 0 use \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_activeqt_container_qaxscript.cpp 1 As with \link QAxBase::dynamicCall() dynamicCall \endlink the parameters can directly be embedded in the function string. \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_activeqt_container_qaxscript.cpp 2 However, this is slower. Functions provided by script engines that don't support introspection are not available and must be called directly using QAxScript::call() on the respective \link script() script \endlink object. Note that calling this function can be significantely slower than using call() on the respective QAxScript directly. */ QVariant QAxScriptManager::call(const QString &function, const QVariant &var1, const QVariant &var2, const QVariant &var3, const QVariant &var4, const QVariant &var5, const QVariant &var6, const QVariant &var7, const QVariant &var8) { QAxScript *s = script(function); if (!s) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QAxScriptManager::call: No script provides function %s, or this function\n" "\tis provided through an engine that does not support introspection", function.latin1()); #endif return QVariant(); } return s->call(function, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8); } /*! \overload Calls \a function passing \a arguments as parameters, and returns the result. Returns when the script's execution has finished. */ QVariant QAxScriptManager::call(const QString &function, QList &arguments) { QAxScript *s = script(function); if (!s) { #ifdef QT_CHECK_STATE qWarning("QAxScriptManager::call: No script provides function %s, or this function\n" "\tis provided through an engine that does not support introspection", function.latin1()); #endif return QVariant(); } QList args(arguments); return s->call(function, args); } /*! Registers the script engine called \a name and returns true if the engine was found; otherwise does nothing and returns false. The script engine will be used when loading files with the given \a extension, or when loading source code that contains the string \a code. */ bool QAxScriptManager::registerEngine(const QString &name, const QString &extension, const QString &code) { if (name.isEmpty()) return false; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hres = CLSIDFromProgID((WCHAR*)name.utf16(), &clsid); if (hres != S_OK) return false; QAxEngineDescriptor engine; engine.name = name; engine.extension = extension; engine.code = code; engines.prepend(engine); return true; } /*! Returns a file filter listing all the supported script languages. This filter string is convenient for use with QFileDialog. */ QString QAxScriptManager::scriptFileFilter() { QString allFiles = QLatin1String("Script Files (*.js *.vbs *.dsm"); QString specialFiles = QLatin1String(";;VBScript Files (*.vbs *.dsm)" ";;JavaScript Files (*.js)"); QList::ConstIterator it; for (it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); ++it) { QAxEngineDescriptor engine = *it; if (engine.extension.isEmpty()) continue; allFiles += QLatin1String(" *") + engine.extension; specialFiles += QLatin1String(";;") + engine.name + QLatin1String(" Files (*") + engine.extension + QLatin1Char(')'); } allFiles += QLatin1Char(')'); return allFiles + specialFiles + QLatin1String(";;All Files (*.*)"); } /*! \fn void QAxScriptManager::error(QAxScript *script, int code, const QString &description, int sourcePosition, const QString &sourceText) This signal is emitted when an execution error occurred while running \a script. \a code, \a description, \a sourcePosition and \a sourceText contain information about the execution error. \warning Do not delete \a script in a slot connected to this signal. Use deleteLater() instead. */ /*! \internal Returns a pointer to the first QAxScript that knows about \a function, or 0 if this function is unknown. */ QAxScript *QAxScriptManager::scriptForFunction(const QString &function) const { // check full prototypes if included if (function.contains(QLatin1Char('('))) { QHash::ConstIterator scriptIt; for (scriptIt = d->scriptDict.begin(); scriptIt != d->scriptDict.end(); ++scriptIt) { QAxScript *script = scriptIt.value(); if (script->functions(QAxScript::FunctionSignatures).contains(function)) return script; } } QString funcName = function; funcName = funcName.left(funcName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('))); // second try, checking only names, not prototypes QHash::ConstIterator scriptIt; for (scriptIt = d->scriptDict.begin(); scriptIt != d->scriptDict.end(); ++scriptIt) { QAxScript *script = scriptIt.value(); if (script->functions(QAxScript::FunctionNames).contains(funcName)) return script; } return 0; } /*! \internal */ void QAxScriptManager::updateScript(QAxScript *script) { QHash::ConstIterator objectIt; for (objectIt = d->objectDict.constBegin(); objectIt != d->objectDict.constEnd(); ++objectIt) { QString name = objectIt.key(); QAxScriptEngine *engine = script->scriptEngine(); if (engine) engine->addItem(name); } } /*! \internal */ void QAxScriptManager::objectDestroyed(QObject *o) { d->objectDict.take(o->objectName()); } /*! \internal */ void QAxScriptManager::scriptError(int code, const QString &desc, int spos, const QString &stext) { QAxScript *source = qobject_cast(sender()); emit error(source, code, desc, spos, stext); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QT_NO_WIN_ACTIVEQT