/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team * * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "CLucene/StdHeader.h" #include "condition.h" #include "CLucene/util/Misc.h" #ifdef _CL__CND_DEBUG #define __CND_STR_PRECONDITION "PRECONDITION" #define __CND_STR_CONDITION "CONDITION" #define __CND_STR_WARNING "WARNING" #define __CND_STR_MESSAGE "MESSAGE" #define __CND_STR_DEBUGMESSAGE "DEBUG MESSAGE" #define __CND_STR_EXIT "EXIT" #ifndef _CND_DEBUG_DONTIMPLEMENT_OUTDEBUG void _Cnd_OutDebug( const char* FormattedMsg, const char* StrTitle, const char* File, int32_t Line, int32_t Title, const char* Mes2, int32_t fatal ){ #ifdef __WINDOWS_H /*Display a standard messagebox*/ MessageBox(NULL, FormattedMsg, StrTitle, (fatal==1 ? MB_ICONSTOP:MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) | MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL); #else printf("%s\n",FormattedMsg); #endif #if defined(_CND_DEBUG_WARN_DEBUGGER) /*attempt to signal windows debugger*/ OutputDebugString(FormattedMsg); DebugBreak(); /*Position debugger just before exit program*/ #endif if ( fatal ) debugFatalExit(1); } #endif void __cnd_FormatDebug( const char* File, int32_t Line, int32_t Title, const char* Mes2, int32_t fatal ) { char M[512]; char* StrTitle = NULL; if( Mes2 ) _snprintf(M,512,"file:%s line:%d\n%s",File,Line,Mes2); else _snprintf(M,512,"file:%s line:%d",File,Line); /*Determine which title to use*/ switch( Title ) { case CND_STR_PRECONDITION: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_PRECONDITION; break; } case CND_STR_CONDITION: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_CONDITION; break; } case CND_STR_WARNING: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_WARNING; break; } case CND_STR_MESSAGE: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_MESSAGE; break; } case CND_STR_DEBUGMESSAGE: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_DEBUGMESSAGE; break; } case CND_STR_EXIT: { StrTitle = __CND_STR_EXIT; break; } default: break; }/*switch*/ _Cnd_OutDebug(M, StrTitle, File, Line, Title, Mes2, fatal); } #endif