/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "canvas.h" // We use a global variable to save memory - all the brushes and pens in // the mesh are shared. static QBrush *tb = 0; static QPen *tp = 0; class EdgeItem; class NodeItem; class EdgeItem: public QGraphicsLineItem { public: EdgeItem( NodeItem*, NodeItem* ); void setFromPoint( int x, int y ) ; void setToPoint( int x, int y ); static int count() { return c; } private: static int c; }; class ImageItem: public QGraphicsRectItem { public: ImageItem( QImage img ); protected: void paint( QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget ); private: QImage image; QPixmap pixmap; }; ImageItem::ImageItem( QImage img ) : image(img) { setRect(0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); setFlag(ItemIsMovable); #if !defined(Q_WS_QWS) pixmap.fromImage(image, Qt::OrderedAlphaDither); #endif } void ImageItem::paint( QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget * ) { // On Qt/Embedded, we can paint a QImage as fast as a QPixmap, // but on other platforms, we need to use a QPixmap. #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) p->drawImage( option->exposedRect, image, option->exposedRect, Qt::OrderedAlphaDither ); #else p->drawPixmap( option->exposedRect, pixmap, option->exposedRect ); #endif } class NodeItem: public QGraphicsEllipseItem { public: NodeItem(); ~NodeItem() {} void addInEdge( EdgeItem *edge ) { inList.append( edge ); } void addOutEdge( EdgeItem *edge ) { outList.append( edge ); } protected: QVariant itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value); // QPoint center() { return boundingRect().center(); } private: QList inList; QList outList; }; int EdgeItem::c = 0; EdgeItem::EdgeItem( NodeItem *from, NodeItem *to ) : QGraphicsLineItem( ) { c++; setPen( *tp ); from->addOutEdge( this ); to->addInEdge( this ); setLine( QLineF(int(from->x()), int(from->y()), int(to->x()), int(to->y()) )); setZValue( 127 ); setBoundingRegionGranularity(0.05); } void EdgeItem::setFromPoint( int x, int y ) { setLine(QLineF( x,y, line().p2().x(), line().p2().y() )); } void EdgeItem::setToPoint( int x, int y ) { setLine(QLineF( line().p1().x(), line().p1().y(), x, y )); } QVariant NodeItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if (change == ItemPositionHasChanged) { EdgeItem *edge; foreach(edge, inList) { edge->setToPoint( int(x()), int(y()) ); } foreach(edge, outList) { edge->setFromPoint( int(x()), int(y()) ); } } return QGraphicsEllipseItem::itemChange(change, value); } NodeItem::NodeItem( ) : QGraphicsEllipseItem( QRectF(-3, -3, 6, 6) ) { setPen( *tp ); setBrush( *tb ); setZValue( 128 ); setFlag(ItemIsMovable); } FigureEditor::FigureEditor( QGraphicsScene& c, QWidget* parent, const char* name, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QGraphicsView(&c,parent) { setObjectName(name); setWindowFlags(f); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); } void FigureEditor::clear() { scene()->clear(); } BouncyLogo::BouncyLogo() : xvel(0), yvel(0) { setPixmap(QPixmap(":/trolltech/examples/graphicsview/portedcanvas/qt-trans.xpm")); } const int logo_rtti = 1234; int BouncyLogo::type() const { return logo_rtti; } QPainterPath BouncyLogo::shape() const { QPainterPath path; path.addRect(boundingRect()); return path; } void BouncyLogo::initPos() { initSpeed(); int trial=1000; do { setPos(qrand()%int(scene()->width()),qrand()%int(scene()->height())); advance(0); } while (trial-- && xvel==0.0 && yvel==0.0); } void BouncyLogo::initSpeed() { const double speed = 4.0; double d = (double)(qrand()%1024) / 1024.0; xvel = d*speed*2-speed; yvel = (1-d)*speed*2-speed; } void BouncyLogo::advance(int stage) { switch ( stage ) { case 0: { double vx = xvel; double vy = yvel; if ( vx == 0.0 && vy == 0.0 ) { // stopped last turn initSpeed(); vx = xvel; vy = yvel; } double nx = x() + vx; double ny = y() + vy; if ( nx < 0 || nx >= scene()->width() ) vx = -vx; if ( ny < 0 || ny >= scene()->height() ) vy = -vy; for (int bounce=0; bounce<4; bounce++) { QList l=scene()->collidingItems(this); for (QList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { QGraphicsItem *hit = *it; QPainterPath advancedShape = QMatrix().translate(xvel, yvel).map(shape()); if ( hit->type()==logo_rtti && hit->collidesWithPath(mapToItem(hit, advancedShape)) ) { switch ( bounce ) { case 0: vx = -vx; break; case 1: vy = -vy; vx = -vx; break; case 2: vx = -vx; break; case 3: // Stop for this turn vx = 0; vy = 0; break; } xvel = vx; yvel = vy; break; } } } if ( x()+vx < 0 || x()+vx >= scene()->width() ) vx = 0; if ( y()+vy < 0 || y()+vy >= scene()->height() ) vy = 0; xvel = vx; yvel = vy; } break; case 1: moveBy(xvel, yvel); break; } } static uint mainCount = 0; static QImage *butterflyimg; static QImage *logoimg; Main::Main(QGraphicsScene& c, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent, f), canvas(c) { editor = new FigureEditor(canvas,this); QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); QMenu* file = new QMenu("&File", menu ); file->addAction("&Fill canvas", this, SLOT(init()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F); file->addAction("&Erase canvas", this, SLOT(clear()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E); file->addAction("&New view", this, SLOT(newView()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_N); file->addSeparator(); file->addAction("&Print...", this, SLOT(print()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_P); file->addSeparator(); file->addAction("E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Q); menu->addMenu(file); QMenu* edit = new QMenu("&Edit", menu ); edit->addAction("Add &Circle", this, SLOT(addCircle()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_C); edit->addAction("Add &Hexagon", this, SLOT(addHexagon()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_H); edit->addAction("Add &Polygon", this, SLOT(addPolygon()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_P); edit->addAction("Add Spl&ine", this, SLOT(addSpline()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_I); edit->addAction("Add &Text", this, SLOT(addText()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_T); edit->addAction("Add &Line", this, SLOT(addLine()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_L); edit->addAction("Add &Rectangle", this, SLOT(addRectangle()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_R); edit->addAction("Add &Sprite", this, SLOT(addSprite()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_S); edit->addAction("Create &Mesh", this, SLOT(addMesh()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_M ); edit->addAction("Add &Alpha-blended image", this, SLOT(addButterfly()), Qt::ALT+Qt::Key_A); menu->addMenu(edit); QMenu* view = new QMenu("&View", menu ); view->addAction("&Enlarge", this, SLOT(enlarge()), Qt::SHIFT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Plus); view->addAction("Shr&ink", this, SLOT(shrink()), Qt::SHIFT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Minus); view->addSeparator(); view->addAction("&Rotate clockwise", this, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageDown); view->addAction("Rotate &counterclockwise", this, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageUp); view->addAction("&Zoom in", this, SLOT(zoomIn()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Plus); view->addAction("Zoom &out", this, SLOT(zoomOut()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Minus); view->addAction("Translate left", this, SLOT(moveL()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Left); view->addAction("Translate right", this, SLOT(moveR()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Right); view->addAction("Translate up", this, SLOT(moveU()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Up); view->addAction("Translate down", this, SLOT(moveD()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Down); view->addAction("&Mirror", this, SLOT(mirror()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Home); menu->addMenu(view); menu->addSeparator(); QMenu* help = new QMenu("&Help", menu ); help->addAction("&About", this, SLOT(help()), Qt::Key_F1); menu->addMenu(help); statusBar(); setCentralWidget(editor); #if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) printer = 0; #endif init(); } void Main::init() { clear(); static int r=24; qsrand(++r); mainCount++; butterflyimg = 0; logoimg = 0; int i; for ( i=0; i < int(canvas.width()) / 56; i++) { addButterfly(); } for ( i=0; i < int(canvas.width()) / 85; i++) { addHexagon(); } for ( i=0; i < int(canvas.width()) / 128; i++) { addLogo(); } } Main::~Main() { #if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) delete printer; #endif if ( !--mainCount ) { delete[] butterflyimg; butterflyimg = 0; delete[] logoimg; logoimg = 0; } } void Main::newView() { // Open a new view... have it delete when closed. Main *m = new Main(canvas, 0); // AKr, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); m->show(); } void Main::clear() { editor->clear(); } void Main::help() { static QMessageBox* about = new QMessageBox( "Qt Canvas Example", "

The QCanvas classes example

" "
    " "
  • Press ALT-S for some sprites." "
  • Press ALT-C for some circles." "
  • Press ALT-L for some lines." "
  • Drag the objects around." "
  • Read the code!" "
", QMessageBox::Information, 1, 0, 0, this, 0); about->setButtonText( 1, "Dismiss" ); about->show(); } void Main::aboutQt() { QMessageBox::aboutQt( this, "Qt Canvas Example" ); } void Main::enlarge() { canvas.setSceneRect(0, 0, canvas.width()*4/3, canvas.height()*4/3); } void Main::shrink() { canvas.setSceneRect(0, 0, qMax(canvas.width()*3/4, qreal(1.0)), qMax(canvas.height()*3/4, qreal(1.0))); } void Main::rotateClockwise() { editor->rotate( 22.5 ); } void Main::rotateCounterClockwise() { editor->rotate( -22.5 ); } void Main::zoomIn() { editor->scale( 2.0, 2.0 ); } void Main::zoomOut() { editor->scale( 0.5, 0.5 ); } void Main::mirror() { editor->scale( -1, 1 ); } void Main::moveL() { editor->translate( -16, 0 ); } void Main::moveR() { editor->translate( +16, 0 ); } void Main::moveU() { editor->translate( 0, -16 ); } void Main::moveD() { editor->translate( 0, +16 ); } void Main::print() { #if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) if ( !printer ) printer = new QPrinter; QPrintDialog dialog(printer, this); if(dialog.exec()) { QPainter pp(printer); canvas.render(&pp); } #endif } void Main::addSprite() { BouncyLogo* i = new BouncyLogo; canvas.addItem(i); i->initPos(); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } QString butterfly_fn; QString logo_fn; void Main::addButterfly() { if ( butterfly_fn.isEmpty() ) return; if ( !butterflyimg ) { butterflyimg = new QImage[4]; butterflyimg[0].load( butterfly_fn ); butterflyimg[1] = butterflyimg[0].scaled( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.75), int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.75), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); butterflyimg[2] = butterflyimg[0].scaled( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.5), int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.5), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); butterflyimg[3] = butterflyimg[0].scaled( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.25), int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.25), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem* i = new ImageItem(butterflyimg[qrand()%4]); canvas.addItem(i); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()-butterflyimg->width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()-butterflyimg->height())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256+250); } void Main::addLogo() { if ( logo_fn.isEmpty() ) return; if ( !logoimg ) { logoimg = new QImage[4]; logoimg[0].load( logo_fn ); logoimg[1] = logoimg[0].scaled( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.75), int(logoimg[0].height()*0.75), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); logoimg[2] = logoimg[0].scaled( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.5), int(logoimg[0].height()*0.5), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); logoimg[3] = logoimg[0].scaled( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.25), int(logoimg[0].height()*0.25), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem* i = new ImageItem(logoimg[qrand()%4]); canvas.addItem(i); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()-logoimg->width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()-logoimg->width())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256+256); } void Main::addCircle() { QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem* i = canvas.addEllipse(QRectF(0,0,50,50)); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPen(Qt::NoPen); i->setBrush( QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8) ); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()),qrand()%int(canvas.height())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addHexagon() { const int size = int(canvas.width() / 25); QPolygon polygon; polygon << QPoint(2*size,0) << QPoint(size,-size*173/100) << QPoint(-size,-size*173/100) << QPoint(-2*size,0) << QPoint(-size,size*173/100) << QPoint(size,size*173/100); QGraphicsPolygonItem* i = canvas.addPolygon(polygon); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPen(Qt::NoPen); i->setBrush( QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8) ); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()),qrand()%int(canvas.height())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addPolygon() { const int size = int(canvas.width()/2); QPolygon polygon; polygon << QPoint(0,0) << QPoint(size,size/5) << QPoint(size*4/5,size) << QPoint(size/6,size*5/4) << QPoint(size*3/4,size*3/4) << QPoint(size*3/4,size/4); QGraphicsPolygonItem* i = canvas.addPolygon(polygon); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPen(Qt::NoPen); i->setBrush( QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8) ); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()),qrand()%int(canvas.height())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addSpline() { const int size = int(canvas.width()/6); QPolygon polygon; polygon << QPoint(0,0) << QPoint(size/2,0) << QPoint(size,size/2) << QPoint(size,size) << QPoint(size,size*3/2) << QPoint(size/2,size*2) << QPoint(0,size*2) << QPoint(-size/2,size*2) << QPoint(size/4,size*3/2) << QPoint(0,size) << QPoint(-size/4,size/2) << QPoint(-size/2,0); QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(polygon[0]); for (int i = 1; i < polygon.size(); i += 3) path.cubicTo(polygon[i], polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()], polygon[(i + 2) % polygon.size()]); QGraphicsPathItem* item = canvas.addPath(path); item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); item->setPen(Qt::NoPen); item->setBrush( QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8) ); item->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()),qrand()%int(canvas.height())); item->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addText() { QGraphicsTextItem* i = canvas.addText("QCanvasText"); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPos(qrand()%int(canvas.width()),qrand()%int(canvas.height())); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addLine() { QGraphicsLineItem* i = canvas.addLine(QLineF( qrand()%int(canvas.width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()), qrand()%int(canvas.width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()) )); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); i->setPen( QPen(QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8), 6) ); i->setZValue(qrand()%256); } void Main::addMesh() { int x0 = 0; int y0 = 0; if ( !tb ) tb = new QBrush( Qt::red ); if ( !tp ) tp = new QPen( Qt::black ); int nodecount = 0; int w = int(canvas.width()); int h = int(canvas.height()); const int dist = 30; int rows = h / dist; int cols = w / dist; #ifndef QT_NO_PROGRESSDIALOG QProgressDialog progress("Creating mesh...", "Abort", 0, rows, this); #endif canvas.update(); QVector lastRow(cols); for ( int j = 0; j < rows; j++ ) { int n = j%2 ? cols-1 : cols; NodeItem *prev = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { NodeItem *el = new NodeItem; canvas.addItem(el); nodecount++; int r = qrand(); int xrand = r %20; int yrand = (r/20) %20; el->setPos( xrand + x0 + i*dist + (j%2 ? dist/2 : 0 ), yrand + y0 + j*dist ); if ( j > 0 ) { if ( i < cols-1 ) canvas.addItem(new EdgeItem( lastRow[i], el)); if ( j%2 ) canvas.addItem(new EdgeItem( lastRow[i+1], el)); else if ( i > 0 ) canvas.addItem(new EdgeItem( lastRow[i-1], el)); } if ( prev ) { canvas.addItem(new EdgeItem( prev, el)); } if ( i > 0 ) lastRow[i-1] = prev; prev = el; } lastRow[n-1]=prev; #ifndef QT_NO_PROGRESSDIALOG progress.setValue( j ); if ( progress.wasCanceled() ) break; #endif } #ifndef QT_NO_PROGRESSDIALOG progress.setValue( rows ); #endif // qDebug( "%d nodes, %d edges", nodecount, EdgeItem::count() ); } void Main::addRectangle() { QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem *i = canvas.addRect( QRectF(qrand()%int(canvas.width()), qrand()%int(canvas.height()), canvas.width()/5, canvas.width()/5) ); i->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); int z = qrand()%256; i->setBrush( QColor(z,z,z) ); i->setPen( QPen(QColor(qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8,qrand()%32*8), 6) ); i->setZValue(z); }