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The widget downloads and parses the XML asynchronously, feeding the data to an XML reader in pieces. This allows the user to interrupt its operation, and also allows very large data sources to be read. */ #include #include #include #include #include "rsslisting.h" /* Constructs an RSSListing widget with a simple user interface, and sets up the XML reader to use a custom handler class. The user interface consists of a line edit, two push buttons, and a list view widget. The line edit is used for entering the URLs of news sources; the push buttons start and abort the process of reading the news. */ RSSListing::RSSListing(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { lineEdit = new QLineEdit(this); fetchButton = new QPushButton(tr("Fetch"), this); abortButton = new QPushButton(tr("Abort"), this); abortButton->setEnabled(false); treeWidget = new QTreeWidget(this); QStringList headerLabels; headerLabels << tr("Title") << tr("Link"); treeWidget->setHeaderLabels(headerLabels); handler = 0; connect(&http, SIGNAL(readyRead(const QHttpResponseHeader &)), this, SLOT(readData(const QHttpResponseHeader &))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(finished(int, bool))); connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(fetch())); connect(fetchButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(fetch())); connect(abortButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &http, SLOT(abort())); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; hboxLayout->addWidget(lineEdit); hboxLayout->addWidget(fetchButton); hboxLayout->addWidget(abortButton); layout->addLayout(hboxLayout); layout->addWidget(treeWidget); setWindowTitle(tr("RSS listing example")); } /* Starts fetching data from a news source specified in the line edit widget. The line edit is made read only to prevent the user from modifying its contents during the fetch; this is only for cosmetic purposes. The fetch button is disabled, and the abort button is enabled to allow the user to interrupt processing. The list view is cleared, and we define the last list view item to be 0, meaning that there are no existing items in the list. We reset the flag used to determine whether parsing should begin again or continue. A new handler is created, if required, and made available to the reader. The HTTP handler is supplied with the raw contents of the line edit and a fetch is initiated. We keep the ID value returned by the HTTP handler for future reference. */ void RSSListing::fetch() { lineEdit->setReadOnly(true); fetchButton->setEnabled(false); abortButton->setEnabled(true); treeWidget->clear(); lastItemCreated = 0; newInformation = true; if (handler != 0) delete handler; handler = new Handler; //! [0] xmlReader.setContentHandler(handler); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(handler); //! [0] connect(handler, SIGNAL(newItem(QString &, QString &)), this, SLOT(addItem(QString &, QString &))); QUrl url(lineEdit->text()); http.setHost(url.host()); connectionId = http.get(url.path()); } /* Reads data received from the RDF source. We read all the available data, and pass it to the XML input source. The first time we receive new information, the reader is set up for a new incremental parse; we continue parsing using a different function on subsequent calls involving the same data source. If parsing fails for any reason, we abort the fetch. */ //! [1] void RSSListing::readData(const QHttpResponseHeader &resp) { bool ok; if (resp.statusCode() != 200) http.abort(); else { xmlInput.setData(http.readAll()); if (newInformation) { ok = xmlReader.parse(&xmlInput, true); newInformation = false; } else ok = xmlReader.parseContinue(); if (!ok) http.abort(); } } //! [1] /* Finishes processing an HTTP request. The default behavior is to keep the text edit read only. If an error has occurred, the user interface is made available to the user for further input, allowing a new fetch to be started. If the HTTP get request has finished, we perform a final parsing operation on the data returned to ensure that it was well-formed. Whether this is successful or not, we make the user interface available to the user for further input. */ void RSSListing::finished(int id, bool error) { if (error) { qWarning("Received error during HTTP fetch."); lineEdit->setReadOnly(false); abortButton->setEnabled(false); fetchButton->setEnabled(true); } else if (id == connectionId) { bool ok = xmlReader.parseContinue(); if (!ok) qWarning("Parse error at the end of input."); lineEdit->setReadOnly(false); abortButton->setEnabled(false); fetchButton->setEnabled(true); } } /* Adds an item to the list view as it is reported by the handler. We keep a record of the last item created to ensure that the items are created in sequence. */ void RSSListing::addItem(QString &title, QString &link) { QTreeWidgetItem *item; item = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeWidget, lastItemCreated); item->setText(0, title); item->setText(1, link); lastItemCreated = item; }