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console.info('info message2'); console.debug()", 'console.warn("warning message")', "console.error('error message')") expected = (["info message", "info message2", "", ""], ["warning message", ""], ["error message", ""]) filterToolTips = ("Show debug, log, and info messages.", "Show warning messages.", "Show error messages.", ) for expression, expect, tooltip in zip(expressions, expected, filterToolTips): typeToQmlConsole(expression) output = getQmlJSConsoleOutput()[1:] test.compare(output, expect, "Verifying expected output.") filterButton = waitForObject("{container=':Qt Creator.DebugModeWidget_QSplitter' " "toolTip='%s' type='QToolButton' unnamed='1' visible='1'}" % tooltip) ensureChecked(filterButton, False) output = getQmlJSConsoleOutput()[1:] test.compare(output, [""], "Verifying expected filtered output.") ensureChecked(filterButton, True) output = getQmlJSConsoleOutput()[1:] test.compare(output, expect, "Verifying unfiltered output is displayed again.") clickButton(":*Qt Creator.Clear_QToolButton") def main(): projName = "simpleQuickUI2.qmlproject" projFolder = os.path.dirname(findFile("testdata", "simpleQuickUI2/%s" % projName)) if not neededFilePresent(os.path.join(projFolder, projName)): return qmlProjDir = prepareTemplate(projFolder) if qmlProjDir == None: test.fatal("Could not prepare test files - leaving test") return qmlProjFile = os.path.join(qmlProjDir, projName) # start Creator by passing a .qmlproject file startApplication('qtcreator -load QmlProjectManager' + SettingsPath + ' "%s"' % qmlProjFile) if not startedWithoutPluginError(): return # if Debug is enabled - 1 valid kit is assigned - real check for this is done in tst_qml_locals fancyDebugButton = findObject(":*Qt Creator.Start Debugging_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton") if test.verify(waitFor('fancyDebugButton.enabled', 5000), "Start Debugging is enabled."): # make sure QML Debugging is enabled switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(1, 0, ProjectSettings.RUN, True) ensureChecked("{container=':Qt Creator.scrollArea_QScrollArea' text='Enable QML' " "type='QCheckBox' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) # start debugging clickButton(fancyDebugButton) locAndExprTV = waitForObject(":Locals and Expressions_Debugger::Internal::WatchTreeView") rootIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='Rectangle'", ":Locals and Expressions_Debugger::Internal::WatchTreeView") # make sure the items inside the root item are visible if JIRA.isBugStillOpen(14210): doubleClick(waitForObject(rootIndex)) else: test.warning("QTCREATORBUG-14210 is not open anymore. Can the workaround be removed?") doubleClick(waitForObject(rootIndex)) if not object.exists(":DebugModeWidget_QmlJSTools::Internal::QmlConsoleView"): invokeMenuItem("Window", "Output Panes", "QML/JS Console") progressBarWait() # color and float values have additional ZERO WIDTH SPACE (\u200b), different usage of # whitespaces inside expressions is part of the test checks = [("color", u"#\u200b008000"), ("width", "50"), ("color ='silver'", "silver", "color", u"#\u200bc0c0c0"), ("width=66", "66", "width"), ("anchors.centerIn", ""), ("opacity", "1"), ("opacity = .2", u"0.\u200b2", "opacity")] # check green inner Rectangle runChecks("text='Rectangle'", rootIndex, checks) checks = [("color", u"#\u200bff0000"), ("width", "100"), ("height", "100"), ("radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2", "50", "radius"), ("parent.objectName= 'mainRect'", "mainRect")] # check red inner Rectangle runChecks("text='Rectangle' occurrence='2'", rootIndex, checks) checks = [("color", u"#\u200b000000"), ("font.pointSize=14", "14", "font.pointSize"), ("font.bold", "false"), ("font.weight=Font.Bold", "75", "font.bold", "true"), ("rotation", "0"), ("rotation = 180", "180", "rotation")] # check Text element runChecks("text='Text'", rootIndex, checks) # extended check must be done separately originalVal = useQmlJSConsole("x", None) if originalVal: # Text element uses anchors.centerIn, so modification of x should not do anything useQmlJSConsole("x=0", "0", "x", originalVal) useQmlJSConsole("anchors.centerIn", "mainRect") # ignore output as it has none useQmlJSConsole("anchors.centerIn = null", None) useQmlJSConsole("x = 0", "0", "x") testLoggingFeatures() test.log("Calling Qt.quit() from inside Qml/JS Console - inferior should quit.") useQmlJSConsole("Qt.quit()", "") if not debuggerHasStopped(): __stopDebugger__() invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit")