import tempfile def neededFilePresent(path): found = os.path.exists(path) if not found: test.fatal("Missing file or directory: " + path) return found def tempDir(): Result = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()+"/../../testing") if not os.path.exists(Result): os.mkdir(Result) return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="qtcreator_", dir=Result) def deleteDirIfExists(path): shutil.rmtree(path, True) def verifyChecked(objectName): object = waitForObject(objectName, 20000), True) return object def ensureChecked(objectName, shouldBeChecked = True): object = waitForObject(objectName, 20000) if object.checked ^ shouldBeChecked: clickButton(object) if shouldBeChecked: state = "checked" else: state = "unchecked" test.log("New state for QCheckBox: %s" % state) test.verify(object.checked == shouldBeChecked) return object # verify that an object is in an expected enable state. Returns the object. # param objectSpec specifies the object to check. It can either be a string determining an object # or the object itself. If it is an object, it must exist already. # param expectedState is the expected enable state of the object def verifyEnabled(objectSpec, expectedState = True): if isinstance(objectSpec, (str, unicode)): waitFor("object.exists('" + objectSpec + "')", 20000) foundObject = findObject(objectSpec) else: foundObject = objectSpec if objectSpec == None: test.warning("No valid object in function verifyEnabled.") else:, expectedState) return foundObject # select an item from a combo box # param objectSpec specifies the combo box. It can either be a string determining an object # or the object itself. If it is an object, it must exist already. # param itemName is the item to be selected in the combo box def selectFromCombo(objectSpec, itemName): object = verifyEnabled(objectSpec) mouseClick(object, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(object, itemName), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) def selectFromLocator(filter, itemName = None): if itemName == None: itemName = filter itemName = itemName.replace(".", "\\.") locator = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator_Utils::FilterLineEdit", 20000) mouseClick(locator, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) replaceEditorContent(locator, filter) # clicking the wanted item # if you replace this by pressing ENTER, be sure that something is selected # otherwise you will run into unwanted behavior wantedItem = waitForObjectItem("{type='QTreeView' unnamed='1' visible='1'}", itemName) doubleClick(wantedItem, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) def wordUnderCursor(window): cursor = window.textCursor() oldposition = cursor.position() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfWord) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfWord, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) returnValue = cursor.selectedText() cursor.setPosition(oldposition) return returnValue def lineUnderCursor(window): cursor = window.textCursor() oldposition = cursor.position() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfLine) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfLine, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) returnValue = cursor.selectedText() cursor.setPosition(oldposition) return returnValue def which(program): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): if is_exe(program + ".exe"): return program + ".exe" else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): if is_exe(exe_file + ".exe"): return exe_file + ".exe" return None signalObjects = {} # do not call this function directly - it's only a helper def __callbackFunction__(object, *args): global signalObjects # test.log("__callbackFunction__: "+objectMap.realName(object)) signalObjects[objectMap.realName(object)] += 1 def waitForSignal(object, signal, timeout=30000): global signalObjects realName = prepareForSignal(object, signal) beforeCount = signalObjects[realName] waitFor("signalObjects[realName] > beforeCount", timeout) def prepareForSignal(object, signal): global signalObjects overrideInstallLazySignalHandler() realName = objectMap.realName(object) # test.log("waitForSignal: "+realName) if not (realName in signalObjects): signalObjects[realName] = 0 installLazySignalHandler(object, signal, "__callbackFunction__") return realName # this function removes the user files of given pro file(s) # can be called with a single string object or a list of strings holding path(s) to # the pro file(s) returns False if it could not remove all user files or has been # called with an unsupported object def cleanUpUserFiles(pathsToProFiles=None): if pathsToProFiles==None: return False if isinstance(pathsToProFiles, (str, unicode)): filelist = glob.glob(pathsToProFiles+".user*") elif isinstance(pathsToProFiles, (list, tuple)): filelist = [] for p in pathsToProFiles: filelist.extend(glob.glob(p+".user*")) else: test.fatal("Got an unsupported object.") return False doneWithoutErrors = True for file in filelist: try: file = os.path.abspath(file) os.remove(file) except: doneWithoutErrors = False return doneWithoutErrors def invokeMenuItem(menu, item): menuObject = waitForObjectItem("{type='QMenuBar' visible='true'}", menu) activateItem(menuObject) activateItem(waitForObjectItem(objectMap.realName(menuObject), item)) def logApplicationOutput(): # make sure application output is shown ensureChecked("{type='Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow' occurrence='3'}") output = waitForObject("{type='Core::OutputWindow' visible='1' windowTitle='Application Output Window'}", 20000) test.log("Application Output:\n%s" % output.plainText) # get the output from a given cmdline call def getOutputFromCmdline(cmdline): versCall = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) result = versCall.communicate()[0] versCall.stdout.close() return result