import re # flag that caches the information whether Windows firewall is running or not fireWallState = None # this function modifies all necessary run settings to make it possible to hook into # the application compiled by Creator def modifyRunSettingsForHookInto(projectName, port): prepareBuildSettings(1, 0) # this uses the defaultQtVersion currently switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(1, 0, ProjectSettings.BUILD) qtVersionTT = str(waitForObject("{type='QComboBox' name='qtVersionComboBox' visible='1'}").toolTip) mkspec = __getMkspec__(qtVersionTT) qmakeVersion = __getQMakeVersion__(qtVersionTT) qmakeLibPath = __getQMakeLibPath__(qtVersionTT) qmakeBinPath = __getQMakeBinPath__(qtVersionTT) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(1, 0, ProjectSettings.RUN) result = __configureCustomExecutable__(projectName, port, mkspec, qmakeVersion) if result: clickButton(waitForObject("{container=':Qt Creator.scrollArea_QScrollArea' text='Details' " "type='Utils::DetailsButton' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "leftWidget={type='QLabel' text='Using Build Environment' unnamed='1' visible='1'}}")) envVarsTableView = waitForObject("{type='QTableView' visible='1' unnamed='1'}") model = envVarsTableView.model() for row in range(model.rowCount()): # get var name index = model.index(row, 0) envVarsTableView.scrollTo(index) varName = str( # if its a special SQUISH var simply unset it if varName == "PATH": currentItem = __doubleClickQTableView__(row, 1) test.log("replacing PATH with '%s'" % qmakeBinPath) replaceEditorContent(currentItem, qmakeBinPath) elif varName.find("SQUISH") == 0: if varName == "SQUISH_LIBQTDIR": currentItem = __doubleClickQTableView__(row, 1) if platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows'): replacement = qmakeBinPath else: replacement = qmakeLibPath test.log("Changing SQUISH_LIBQTDIR", "Replacing '%s' with '%s'" % (currentItem.text, replacement)) replaceEditorContent(currentItem, replacement) else: mouseClick(waitForObject("{container=':scrollArea_QTableView' " "type='QModelIndex' row='%d' column='1'}" % row), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' text='Unset' unnamed='1' visible='1'}")) #test.log("Unsetting %s for run" % varName) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) return result # helper that double clicks the table view at specified row and column # returns the QExpandingLineEdit (the editable table cell) def __doubleClickQTableView__(row, column): doubleClick(waitForObject("{container=':scrollArea_QTableView' " "type='QModelIndex' row='%d' column='%d'}" % (row, column)), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) return waitForObject("{type='QExpandingLineEdit' visible='1' unnamed='1'}") # this function configures the custom executable onto the run settings page (using startaut from Squish) def __configureCustomExecutable__(projectName, port, mkspec, qmakeVersion): startAUT = getSquishPath(mkspec, qmakeVersion) if startAUT == None: test.warning("Something went wrong determining the right Squish for %s / %s combination - " "using fallback without hooking into subprocess." % (qmakeVersion, mkspec)) return False else: startAUT = os.path.abspath(startAUT + "/bin/startaut") if platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows'): startAUT += ".exe" if not os.path.exists(startAUT): test.warning("Configured Squish directory seems to be missing - using fallback without hooking into subprocess.", "Failed to find '%s'" % startAUT) return False clickButton("{container=':Qt Creator.scrollArea_QScrollArea' occurrence='2' text='Add' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") activateItem(waitForObject("{type='QMenu' visible='1' unnamed='1'}"), "Custom Executable") exePathChooser = waitForObject("{buddy={container=':Qt Creator.scrollArea_QScrollArea' text='Executable:' type='QLabel'} " "type='Utils::PathChooser' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") exeLineEd = getChildByClass(exePathChooser, "Utils::BaseValidatingLineEdit") argLineEd = waitForObject("{buddy={container={type='QScrollArea' name='scrollArea'} " "type='QLabel' text='Arguments:' visible='1'} type='QLineEdit' " "unnamed='1' visible='1'}") wdPathChooser = waitForObject("{buddy={container=':Qt Creator.scrollArea_QScrollArea' text='Working directory:' type='QLabel'} " "type='Utils::PathChooser' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") replaceEditorContent(exeLineEd, startAUT) # the following is currently only configured for release builds (will be enhanced later) if platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows'): debOrRel = "release" + os.sep else: debOrRel = "" replaceEditorContent(argLineEd, "--verbose --port=%d %s%s" % (port, debOrRel, projectName)) return True # function that retrieves a specific child object by its class # this is sometimes the best way to avoid using waitForObject() on objects that # occur more than once - but could easily be found by using a compound object # (e.g. search for Utils::PathChooser instead of Utils::BaseValidatingLineEdit and get the child) def getChildByClass(parent, classToSearchFor, occurence=1): counter = 0 for child in object.children(parent): if className(child) == classToSearchFor: counter = counter + 1 if counter == occurence: return child return None # helper that tries to get the mkspec entry of the QtVersion ToolTip def __getMkspec__(qtToolTip): return ___searchInsideQtVersionToolTip___(qtToolTip, "mkspec:") # helper that tries to get the qmake version entry of the QtVersion ToolTip def __getQMakeVersion__(qtToolTip): return ___searchInsideQtVersionToolTip___(qtToolTip, "Version:") # helper that tries to get the path of the qmake libraries of the QtVersion ToolTip def __getQMakeLibPath__(qtToolTip): qmake = ___searchInsideQtVersionToolTip___(qtToolTip, "qmake:") result = getOutputFromCmdline("%s -v" % qmake) for line in result.splitlines(): if "Using Qt version" in line: return line.rsplit(" ", 1)[1] # helper that tries to get the path of qmake of the QtVersion ToolTip def __getQMakeBinPath__(qtToolTip): qmake = ___searchInsideQtVersionToolTip___(qtToolTip, "qmake:") endIndex = qmake.find("/qmake") return qmake[:endIndex] # helper that does the work for __getMkspec__() and __getQMakeVersion__() def ___searchInsideQtVersionToolTip___(qtToolTip, what): result = None tmp = qtToolTip.split("") for i in range(len(tmp)): if i % 2 == 0: continue if what in tmp[i]: result = tmp[i + 1].split("", 1)[0] break return result # get the Squish path that is needed to successfully hook into the compiled app def getSquishPath(mkspec, qmakev): qmakev = ".".join(qmakev.split(".")[0:2]) path = None mapfile = os.environ.get("QT_SQUISH_MAPFILE") if mapfile and os.path.isfile(mapfile): file =, "r", "utf-8") pattern = re.compile("\s+") for line in file: if line[0] == "#": continue tmp = pattern.split(line, 2) if tmp[0].strip("'\"") == qmakev and tmp[1].strip("'\"") == mkspec: path = os.path.expanduser(tmp[2].strip().strip("'\"")) break file.close() else: if not mapfile: test.warning("Environment variable QT_SQUISH_MAPFILE isn't set. Using fallback test data.", "See the README file how to use it.") else: test.warning("Environment variable QT_SQUISH_MAPFILE isn't set correctly or map file does not exist. Using fallback test data.", "See the README file how to use it.") # try the test data fallback mapData = testData.dataset(os.getcwd() + "/../../shared_data/qt_squish_mapping.tsv") for row, record in enumerate(mapData): if testData.field(record, "qtversion") == qmakev and testData.field(record, "mkspec") == mkspec: path = os.path.expanduser(testData.field(record, "path")) break return path # function to add a program to allow communication through the win firewall # param workingDir this directory is the parent of the project folder # param projectName this is the name of the project (the folder inside workingDir as well as the name for the executable) # param isReleaseBuild should currently always be set to True (will later add debug build testing) def allowAppThroughWinFW(workingDir, projectName, isReleaseBuild=True): if not __isWinFirewallRunning__(): return # WinFirewall seems to run - hopefully no other result = __configureFW__(projectName, isReleaseBuild) if result == 0: test.log("Added %s to firewall" % projectName) else: test.fatal("Could not add %s as allowed program to win firewall" % projectName) # function to delete a (former added) program from the win firewall # param workingDir this directory is the parent of the project folder # param projectName this is the name of the project (the folder inside workingDir as well as the name for the executable) # param isReleaseBuild should currently always be set to True (will later add debug build testing) def deleteAppFromWinFW(workingDir, projectName, isReleaseBuild=True): if not __isWinFirewallRunning__(): return # WinFirewall seems to run - hopefully no other result = __configureFW__(projectName, isReleaseBuild, False) if result == 0: test.log("Deleted %s from firewall" % projectName) else: test.fatal("Could not delete %s as allowed program from win firewall" % (mode, projectName)) # helper that can modify the win firewall to allow a program to communicate through it or delete it # param addToFW defines whether to add (True) or delete (False) this programm to/from the firewall def __configureFW__(projectName, isReleaseBuild, addToFW=True): if isReleaseBuild: path = "%s%s%s%srelease%s%s" % (workingDir, os.sep, projectName, os.sep, os.sep, projectName) else: path = "%s%s%s%sdebug%s%s" % (workingDir, os.sep, projectName, os.sep, os.sep, projectName) if addToFW: mode = "add" enable = "ENABLE" else: mode = "delete" enable = "" return'netsh firewall %s allowedprogram "%s.exe" %s %s' % (mode, path, projectName, enable)) # helper to check whether win firewall is running or not # this doesn't check for other firewalls! def __isWinFirewallRunning__(): global fireWallState if fireWallState != None: return fireWallState if not platform.system() in ('Microsoft' 'Windows'): fireWallState = False return False result = getOutputFromCmdline("netsh firewall show state") for line in result.splitlines(): if "Operational mode" in line: fireWallState = not "Disable" in line return fireWallState return None # this function adds the given executable as an attachable AUT # Bad: executable/port could be empty strings - you should be aware of this def addExecutableAsAttachableAUT(executable, port, host=None): if not __checkParamsForAttachableAUT__(executable, port): return False if host == None: host = "localhost" squishSrv = __getSquishServer__() if (squishSrv == None): return False result ='%s --config addAttachableAUT "%s" %s:%s' % (squishSrv, executable, host, port), shell=True) if result == 0: test.passes("Added %s as attachable AUT" % executable) else:"Failed to add %s as attachable AUT" % executable) return result == 0 # this function removes the given executable as an attachable AUT # Bad: executable/port could be empty strings - you should be aware of this def removeExecutableAsAttachableAUT(executable, port, host=None): if not __checkParamsForAttachableAUT__(executable, port): return False if host == None: host = "localhost" squishSrv = __getSquishServer__() if (squishSrv == None): return False result ='%s --config removeAttachableAUT "%s" %s:%s' % (squishSrv, executable, host, port), shell=True) if result == 0: test.passes("Removed %s as attachable AUT" % executable) else:"Failed to remove %s as attachable AUT" % executable) return result == 0 def __checkParamsForAttachableAUT__(executable, port): return port != None and executable != None def __getSquishServer__(): squishSrv = currentApplicationContext().environmentVariable("SQUISH_PREFIX") if (squishSrv == ""): test.fatal("SQUISH_PREFIX isn't set - leaving test") return None return os.path.abspath(squishSrv + "/bin/squishserver")