import re; # dictionary to hold a list of all installed handler functions for all object-signalSignature pairs installedSignalHandlers = {} # flag to indicate whether overrideInstallLazySignalHandler() has been called already overridenInstallLazySignalHandlers = False # flag to indicate whether a tasks file should be created when building ends with errors createTasksFileOnError = True # currently used directory for tasks files tasksFileDir = None # counter for written tasks files tasksFileCount = 0 # call this function to override installLazySignalHandler() def overrideInstallLazySignalHandler(): global overridenInstallLazySignalHandlers if overridenInstallLazySignalHandlers: return overridenInstallLazySignalHandlers = True global installLazySignalHandler installLazySignalHandler = __addSignalHandlerDict__(installLazySignalHandler) # avoids adding a handler to a signal twice or more often # do not call this function directly - use overrideInstallLazySignalHandler() instead def __addSignalHandlerDict__(lazySignalHandlerFunction): global installedSignalHandlers def wrappedFunction(name, signalSignature, handlerFunctionName): handlers = installedSignalHandlers.get("%s____%s" % (name,signalSignature)) if handlers == None: lazySignalHandlerFunction(name, signalSignature, handlerFunctionName) installedSignalHandlers.setdefault("%s____%s" % (name,signalSignature), [handlerFunctionName]) else: if not handlerFunctionName in handlers: lazySignalHandlerFunction(name, signalSignature, handlerFunctionName) handlers.append(handlerFunctionName) installedSignalHandlers.setdefault("%s____%s" % (name,signalSignature), handlers) return wrappedFunction # returns the currently assigned handler functions for a given object and signal def getInstalledSignalHandlers(name, signalSignature): return installedSignalHandlers.get("%s____%s" % (name,signalSignature)) # this method checks the last build (if there's one) and logs the number of errors, warnings and # lines within the Issues output # optional parameter can be used to tell this function if the build was expected to fail or not def checkLastBuild(expectedToFail=False): try: # can't use waitForObject() 'cause visible is always 0 buildProg = findObject("{type='ProjectExplorer::Internal::BuildProgress' unnamed='1' }") except LookupError: test.log("checkLastBuild called without a build") return # get labels for errors and warnings children = object.children(buildProg) if len(children)<4: test.fatal("Leaving checkLastBuild()", "Referred code seems to have changed - method has to get adjusted") return errors = children[2].text if errors == "": errors = "none" warnings = children[4].text if warnings == "": warnings = "none" gotErrors = errors != "none" and errors != "0" if not (gotErrors ^ expectedToFail): test.passes("Errors: %s | Warnings: %s" % (errors, warnings)) else:"Errors: %s | Warnings: %s" % (errors, warnings)) # additional stuff - could be removed... or improved :) ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_Issues_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") list=waitForObject(":Qt Creator.Issues_QListView") model = list.model() test.log("Rows inside issues: %d" % model.rowCount()) if gotErrors and createTasksFileOnError: createTasksFile(list) return not gotErrors # helper function to check the compilation when build wasn't successful def checkCompile(): ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_CompileOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") output = waitForObject(":Qt Creator.Compile Output_Core::OutputWindow") waitFor("len(str(output.plainText))>0",5000) success = str(output.plainText).endswith("exited normally.") if success: if os.getenv("SYSTEST_DEBUG") == "1": test.log("Compile Output:\n%s" % output.plainText) else: test.passes("Compile successful") else:"Compile Output:\n%s" % output.plainText) return success # helper method that parses the Issues output and writes a tasks file def createTasksFile(list): global tasksFileDir, tasksFileCount model = list.model() if tasksFileDir == None: tasksFileDir = os.getcwd() + "/tasks" tasksFileDir = os.path.abspath(tasksFileDir) if not os.path.exists(tasksFileDir): try: os.makedirs(tasksFileDir) except OSError: test.log("Could not create %s - falling back to a temporary directory" % tasksFileDir) tasksFileDir = tempDir() tasksFileCount += 1 outfile = os.path.join(tasksFileDir, os.path.basename(squishinfo.testCase)+"_%d.tasks" % tasksFileCount) file =, "w", "utf-8") test.log("Writing tasks file - can take some time (according to number of issues)") rows = model.rowCount() if os.environ.get("SYSTEST_DEBUG") == "1": firstrow = 0 else: firstrow = max(0, rows - 100) for row in range(firstrow, rows): index = model.index(row,0) # the following is currently a bad work-around fData = # file lData = + 1).toString() # line -> linenumber or empty tData = + 5).toString() # type -> 1==error 2==warning dData = + 3).toString() # description if lData == "": lData = "-1" if tData == "1": tData = "error" elif tData == "2": tData = "warning" else: tData = "unknown" file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (fData, lData, tData, dData)) file.close() test.log("Written tasks file %s" % outfile) # returns a list of pairs each containing the zero based number of a kit # and the name of the matching build configuration # param kitCount specifies the number of kits currently defined (must be correct!) # param filter is a regular expression to filter the configuration by their name def iterateBuildConfigs(kitCount, filter = ""): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) configs = [] for currentKit in range(kitCount): switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(kitCount, currentKit, ProjectSettings.BUILD) model = waitForObject(":scrollArea.Edit build configuration:_QComboBox").model() prog = re.compile(filter) # for each row in the model, write its data to a list configNames = dumpItems(model) # pick only those configuration names which pass the filter configs += zip([currentKit] * len(configNames), [config for config in configNames if prog.match(config)]) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) return configs # selects a build configuration for building the current project # param targetCount specifies the number of targets currently defined (must be correct!) # param currentTarget specifies the target for which to switch into the specified settings (zero based index) # param configName is the name of the configuration that should be selected def selectBuildConfig(targetCount, currentTarget, configName): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, currentTarget, ProjectSettings.BUILD) if selectFromCombo(":scrollArea.Edit build configuration:_QComboBox", configName): waitForSignal("{type='CppTools::Internal::CppModelManager' unnamed='1'}", "sourceFilesRefreshed(QStringList)") switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) # This will not trigger a rebuild. If needed, caller has to do this. def verifyBuildConfig(targetCount, currentTarget, shouldBeDebug=False, enableShadowBuild=False, enableQmlDebug=False): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, currentTarget, ProjectSettings.BUILD) ensureChecked(waitForObject(":scrollArea.Details_Utils::DetailsButton")) ensureChecked("{name='shadowBuildCheckBox' type='QCheckBox' visible='1'}", enableShadowBuild) buildCfCombo = waitForObject("{type='QComboBox' name='buildConfigurationComboBox' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}") if shouldBeDebug:, 'Debug', "Verifying whether it's a debug build") else:, 'Release', "Verifying whether it's a release build") try: libLabel = waitForObject(":scrollArea.Library not available_QLabel", 2000) mouseClick(libLabel, libLabel.width - 10, libLabel.height / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton) except: pass # Since waitForObject waits for the object to be enabled, # it will wait here until compilation of the debug libraries has finished. qmlDebugCheckbox = waitForObject(":scrollArea.qmlDebuggingLibraryCheckBox_QCheckBox", 150000) if qmlDebugCheckbox.checked != enableQmlDebug: clickButton(qmlDebugCheckbox) # Don't rebuild now clickButton(waitForObject(":QML Debugging.No_QPushButton", 5000)) try: problemFound = waitForObject("{window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow' " "type='QLabel' name='problemLabel' visible='1'}", 1000) if problemFound: test.warning('%s' % problemFound.text) except: pass clickButton(waitForObject(":scrollArea.Details_Utils::DetailsButton")) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT)