/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. 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These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "tst_testtrie.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QmlJS::PersistentTrie; void tst_TestTrie::initTestCase() { } const bool VERBOSE=false; tst_TestTrie::tst_TestTrie() { } void tst_TestTrie::testListAll_data() { QTest::addColumn("strs"); QFile f(QString(TESTSRCDIR)+QString("/listAll.data")); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream stream(&f); int iline = 0; while (true) { QStringList list; QString line; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list.append(line); } QTest::newRow(QString::number(iline++).toLatin1()) << list; list.clear(); if (stream.atEnd()) break; } } void tst_TestTrie::testListAll() { QFETCH(QStringList, strs); Trie trie; foreach (const QString &s, strs) trie.insert(s); QStringList ref=strs; ref.sort(); ref.removeDuplicates(); QStringList content=trie.stringList(); content.sort(); if (VERBOSE && ref != content) { QDebug dbg = qDebug(); dbg << "ERROR inserting ["; bool comma = false; foreach (const QString &s, strs) { if (comma) dbg << ","; else comma = true; dbg << s; } dbg << "] one gets " << trie; } QCOMPARE(ref, content); foreach (const QString &s,strs) { if (VERBOSE && ! trie.contains(s)) { qDebug() << "ERROR could not find " << s << "in" << trie; } QVERIFY(trie.contains(s)); } } void tst_TestTrie::testMerge_data() { QTest::addColumn("str1"); QTest::addColumn("str2"); QFile f(QString(TESTSRCDIR)+QString("/merge.data")); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream stream(&f); int iline = 0; while (true) { QStringList list1; QString line; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list1.append(line); } QStringList list2; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list2.append(line); } QTest::newRow(QString::number(iline++).toLatin1()) << list1 << list2; list1.clear(); list2.clear(); if (stream.atEnd()) break; } } void tst_TestTrie::testMerge() { QFETCH(QStringList, str1); QFETCH(QStringList, str2); Trie trie1; foreach (const QString &s, str1) trie1.insert(s); Trie trie2; foreach (const QString &s, str2) trie2.insert(s); QStringList ref=str1; ref.append(str2); ref.sort(); ref.removeDuplicates(); Trie trie3 = trie1.mergeF(trie2); QStringList content=trie3.stringList(); content.sort(); if (VERBOSE && ref != content) { QDebug dbg=qDebug(); dbg << "ERROR merging ["; bool comma = false; foreach (const QString &s, str1) { if (comma) dbg << ","; else comma = true; dbg << s; } dbg << "] => " << trie1 << " and ["; comma = false; foreach (const QString &s, str2) { if (comma) dbg << ","; else comma = true; dbg << s; } dbg << "] => " << trie2 << " to " << trie3; } QCOMPARE(ref, content); } void tst_TestTrie::testIntersect_data() { QTest::addColumn("str1"); QTest::addColumn("str2"); QFile f(QString(TESTSRCDIR)+QString("/intersect.data")); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream stream(&f); int iline = 0; while (true) { QStringList list1; QString line; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list1.append(line); } QStringList list2; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list2.append(line); } QTest::newRow(QString::number(iline++).toLatin1()) << list1 << list2; list1.clear(); list2.clear(); if (stream.atEnd()) break; } } void tst_TestTrie::testIntersect() { QFETCH(QStringList, str1); QFETCH(QStringList, str2); Trie trie1; foreach (const QString &s, str1) trie1.insert(s); Trie trie2; foreach (const QString &s, str2) trie2.insert(s); QSet ref1; foreach (const QString &s, str1) ref1.insert(s); QSet ref2; foreach (const QString &s, str2) ref2.insert(s); ref1.intersect(ref2); Trie trie3 = trie1.intersectF(trie2); ref2.clear(); foreach (const QString &s, trie3.stringList()) ref2.insert(s); if (VERBOSE && ref1 != ref2) { QDebug dbg=qDebug(); dbg << "ERROR intersecting ["; bool comma = false; foreach (const QString &s, str1) { if (comma) dbg << ","; else comma = true; dbg << s; } dbg << "] => " << trie1 << " and ["; comma = false; foreach (const QString &s, str2) { if (comma) dbg << ","; else comma = true; dbg << s; } dbg << "] => " << trie2 << " to " << trie3; } QCOMPARE(ref1, ref2); } void tst_TestTrie::testCompletion_data() { QTest::addColumn("trieContents"); QTest::addColumn("str"); QTest::addColumn("completions"); QTest::addColumn("flags"); QFile f(QString(TESTSRCDIR)+QString("/completion.data")); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream stream(&f); int iline = 0; while (true) { QStringList list1; QString line; while (true) { line = stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list1.append(line); } QString str = stream.readLine(); QStringList list2; while (true) { line = stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; list2.append(line); } int flags = stream.readLine().toInt(); QTest::newRow(QString::number(iline++).toLatin1()) << list1 << str << list2 << flags; list1.clear(); list2.clear(); if (stream.atEnd()) break; } } void tst_TestTrie::testCompletion() { QFETCH(QStringList, trieContents); QFETCH(QString, str); QFETCH(QStringList, completions); QFETCH(int, flags); Trie trie; foreach (const QString &s, trieContents) trie.insert(s); QStringList res = trie.complete(str, QString(), LookupFlags(flags)); res = matchStrengthSort(str, res); if (VERBOSE && res != completions) { qDebug() << "unexpected completions for " << str << " in " << trie; qDebug() << "expected :["; foreach (const QString &s, completions) { qDebug() << s; } qDebug() << "] got ["; foreach (const QString &s, res) { qDebug() << s; } qDebug() << "]"; } QCOMPARE(res, completions); } void interactiveCompletionTester(){ Trie trie; qDebug() << "interactive completion tester, insert the strings int the trie (empty line to stop)"; QTextStream stream(stdin); QString line; while (true) { line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; trie.insert(line); } qDebug() << "testing Complete on " << trie; while (true) { qDebug() << "insert a string to complete (empty line to stop)"; line=stream.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) break; QStringList res=trie.complete(line, QString(), LookupFlags(CaseInsensitive|SkipChars|SkipSpaces)); res = matchStrengthSort(line,res); qDebug() << "possible completions:["; foreach (const QString &s, res) { qDebug() << matchStrength(line,s) << " " << s; } qDebug() << "]"; } } #ifdef INTERACTIVE_COMPLETION_TEST int main(int , const char *[]) { interactiveCompletionTester(); return 0; } #else QTEST_MAIN(tst_TestTrie); //#include "moc_tst_testtrie.cpp" #endif