The important test here is tst_dumpers. The same build can be used to check the dumpers under different conditions by using environment variables as follows: QTC_DEBUGGER_PATH_FOR_TEST - path to a GDB or LLDB binary QTC_QMAKE_PATH_FOR_TEST - path to a Qt version QTC_MAKE_PATH_FOR_TEST - path to a "make". Used for GDB only, defaults to "make" except on Windows, where it defaults to "mingw32-make" QTC_USE_GLIBCXXDEBUG_FOR_TEST - (0/1) to switch between GCC's "normal" standard library, and the "debug" version (this will add DEFINES += _GLIBCXX_DEBUG) to the .pro (QTC_MSVC_ENV_BAT - to set up MSVC) The tests should be used for automated testing, but can also be used for dumper development and fixing. Combinations that should always succeed are: GDB (>=7.4), Linux (32/64), Python (2/3), Qt (4/5) - debug. Partially work should: Qt (4/5) - release LLDB (Mac) By default, only successful tests are cleaned up (use QTC_KEEP_TEMP_FOR_TEST to override). Failing tests leave a qt_tst_dumpers_XXXXXX directory behind, with a '' which can be directly opened in Creator. There's always a 'main.cpp' file, containing at least one call to a function 'breakHere()'. Put a break point there, and hit F5. The file 'input.txt' contains the commands sent to GDB in case something needs to be examined with the CLI debugger.