CONFIG += designer plugin debug_and_release TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(qtcreatorwidgets) TEMPLATE = lib HEADERS = customwidgets.h \ customwidget.h SOURCES = customwidgets.cpp # Link against the qtcreator utils lib isEmpty(IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME) { IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME = lib } linux-*||win32 { # form abs path to qtcreator lib dir QTC_LIBS=$$dirname(OUT_PWD) QTC_LIBS=$$dirname(QTC_LIBS) QTC_LIBS=$$dirname(QTC_LIBS) QTC_LIBS=$$QTC_LIBS/$$IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME/qtcreator } linux-*{ QMAKE_RPATHDIR *= $$QTC_LIBS } INCLUDEPATH += ../../../src/libs macx { LIBS += -L"../../../bin/Qt" CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -lUtils_debug else:LIBS += -lUtils } else:win32 { message($$QTC_LIBS) LIBS += -L$$QTC_LIBS CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -lUtilsd else:LIBS += -lUtils } else { message($$QTC_LIBS) LIBS += -L$$QTC_LIBS -lUtils } DESTDIR= $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/designer