#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 # This script calls Inkscape to rasterize several images into png files. # The images end up in the final position of the source tree. # Each image is generated as normal and high resolution variant. # Each png file is afterwards optimized with optipng. import argparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from distutils import spawn def qtcRoot(): return os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../../..')).replace('\\', '/') def svgIDs(svgFile, svgElementFilter): # The svg element IDs of images to export. They correspond to the # path and base name of each image in the Qt Creator sources. svgIDs = [] svgTree = ET.ElementTree() svgTree.parse(os.path.join(qtcRoot(), svgFile)) svgTreeRoot = svgTree.getroot() pattern = re.compile(svgElementFilter) for svgElement in svgTreeRoot.iter(): try: svgElementID = svgElement.attrib['id'] if '/' in svgElementID and pattern.match(svgElementID): svgIDs.append(svgElementID) except Exception: pass print("\n==== {} elements found which match {}" .format(len(svgIDs), svgElementFilter)) return svgIDs def pngName(svgID, scale): # File name is relative to qtcRoot() return svgID + ("" if scale == 1 else "@{}x".format(scale)) + ".png" def checkDirectories(svgIDs): invalidDirectories = [] for id in svgIDs: dirForId = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(qtcRoot(), id, os.pardir)) if not os.path.isdir(dirForId): invalidDirectories.append(id) if invalidDirectories: print("\n==== {} IDs for which the output directory is missing:" .format(len(invalidDirectories))) print("\n".join(invalidDirectories)) sys.exit("Output directories are missing.") def printOutUnexported(svgIDs, scaleFactors): unexported = [] partiallyExported = [] for id in svgIDs: exportedCount = 0 for scaleFactor in scaleFactors: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(qtcRoot(), pngName(id, scaleFactor))): exportedCount += 1 if exportedCount == 0: unexported.append(id) elif (exportedCount < len(scaleFactors)): partiallyExported.append(id) if partiallyExported: print("\n==== {} IDs for which not each .png is exported:" .format(len(partiallyExported))) print("\n".join(partiallyExported)) if unexported: print("\n==== {} IDs for which all .pngs are missing:" .format(len(unexported))) print("\n".join(unexported)) if partiallyExported or unexported: input("\nPress Enter to continue...") def exportPngs(svgIDs, svgFile, scaleFactors, inkscape): inkscapeProcess = subprocess.Popen([inkscape, '--shell'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=qtcRoot()) actions = ["file-open:" + svgFile] for id in svgIDs: for scale in scaleFactors: actions += [ "export-id:{}".format(id), "export-id-only", "export-dpi:{}".format(scale * 96), "export-filename:{}".format(pngName(id, scale)), "export-do" ] actions += ["quit-inkscape"] actionLine = "; ".join(actions) + "\n" print("Exporting pngs for {} Ids in {} scale factors." .format(len(svgIDs), len(scaleFactors))) inkscapeProcess.communicate(input=actionLine.encode()) def optimizePngs(svgIDs, scaleFactors, optipng): for id in svgIDs: for scale in scaleFactors: png = pngName(id, scale) print("Optimizing: {}".format(png)) try: subprocess.check_call([optipng, "-o7", "-strip", "all", png], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=qtcRoot()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: sys.exit("Failed to optimize {}.".format(png)) def export(svgFile, filter, scaleFactors, inkscape, optipng): ids = svgIDs(svgFile, filter) if not ids: sys.exit("{} does not match any Id.".format(filter)) checkDirectories(ids) printOutUnexported(ids, scaleFactors) exportPngs(ids, svgFile, scaleFactors, inkscape) optimizePngs(ids, scaleFactors, optipng) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export svg elements to .png ' 'files and optimize the png. ' 'Requires Inkscape 1.x and optipng in Path.') parser.add_argument('filter', help='a RegExp filter for svg element Ids, e.g.: .*device.*') args = parser.parse_args() inkscape = spawn.find_executable("inkscape") if inkscape is None: sys.exit("Inkscape was not found in Path.") optipng = spawn.find_executable("optipng") if optipng is None: sys.exit("Optipng was not found in Path.") export("src/tools/icons/qtcreatoricons.svg", args.filter, [1, 2], inkscape, optipng) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())