depfile = $$replace(_PRO_FILE_PWD_, ([^/]+$), \\1/\\1_dependencies.pri) exists($$depfile) { include($$depfile) isEmpty(QTC_PLUGIN_NAME): \ error("$$basename(depfile) does not define QTC_PLUGIN_NAME.") } else { isEmpty(QTC_PLUGIN_NAME): \ error("QTC_PLUGIN_NAME is empty. Maybe you meant to create $$basename(depfile)?") } TARGET = $$QTC_PLUGIN_NAME plugin_deps = $$QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS plugin_test_deps = $$QTC_TEST_DEPENDS plugin_recmds = $$QTC_PLUGIN_RECOMMENDS include(../qtcreator.pri) defineReplace(dependencyName) { dependencies_file = for(dir, QTC_PLUGIN_DIRS) { exists($$dir/$$1/$${1}_dependencies.pri) { dependencies_file = $$dir/$$1/$${1}_dependencies.pri break() } } isEmpty(dependencies_file): \ error("Plugin dependency $$dep not found") include($$dependencies_file) return($$QTC_PLUGIN_NAME) } # for substitution in the .json dependencyList = for(dep, plugin_deps) { dependencyList += " { \"Name\" : \"$$dependencyName($$dep)\", \"Version\" : \"$$QTCREATOR_VERSION\" }" } for(dep, plugin_recmds) { dependencyList += " { \"Name\" : \"$$dependencyName($$dep)\", \"Version\" : \"$$QTCREATOR_VERSION\", \"Type\" : \"optional\" }" } for(dep, plugin_test_deps) { dependencyList += " { \"Name\" : \"$$dependencyName($$dep)\", \"Version\" : \"$$QTCREATOR_VERSION\", \"Type\" : \"test\" }" } dependencyList = $$join(dependencyList, ",$$escape_expand(\\n)") dependencyList = "\"Dependencies\" : [$$escape_expand(\\n)$$dependencyList$$escape_expand(\\n) ]" # use gui precompiled header for plugins by default isEmpty(PRECOMPILED_HEADER):PRECOMPILED_HEADER = $$PWD/shared/qtcreator_gui_pch.h isEmpty(USE_USER_DESTDIR) { DESTDIR = $$IDE_PLUGIN_PATH } else { win32 { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "qtcreator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(LOCALAPPDATA)" isEmpty(DESTDIRBASE):DESTDIRBASE="$$(USERPROFILE)\Local Settings\Application Data" } else:macx { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "Qt Creator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(HOME)/Library/Application Support" } else:unix { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "qtcreator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(XDG_DATA_HOME)" isEmpty(DESTDIRBASE):DESTDIRBASE = "$$(HOME)/.local/share/data" else:DESTDIRBASE = "$$DESTDIRBASE/data" } DESTDIR = "$$DESTDIRBASE/QtProject/$$DESTDIRAPPNAME/plugins/$$QTCREATOR_VERSION" } LIBS += -L$$DESTDIR INCLUDEPATH += $$OUT_PWD # copy the plugin spec isEmpty(TARGET) { error("qtcreatorplugin.pri: You must provide a TARGET") } PLUGINJSON = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$${TARGET}.json PLUGINJSON_IN = $${PLUGINJSON}.in exists($$PLUGINJSON_IN) { DISTFILES += $$PLUGINJSON_IN QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += $$PLUGINJSON_IN PLUGINJSON = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.json } else { # need to support that for external plugins DISTFILES += $$PLUGINJSON } osx: QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = -Wl,-install_name,@rpath/PlugIns/ include(rpath.pri) contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin plugin_with_soname linux*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_NOUNDEF !macx { target.path = $$INSTALL_PLUGIN_PATH INSTALLS += target } MIMETYPES = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$${TARGET}.mimetypes.xml exists($$MIMETYPES):DISTFILES += $$MIMETYPES TARGET = $$qtLibraryName($$TARGET)