/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** Author: Frank Osterfeld, KDAB (frank.osterfeld@kdab.com) ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "parser.h" #include "announcethread.h" #include "error.h" #include "frame.h" #include "stack.h" #include "status.h" #include "suppression.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class ParserException { public: explicit ParserException(const QString &message) : m_message(message) {} ~ParserException() throw() {} QString message() const { return m_message; } private: QString m_message; }; struct XWhat { XWhat() : leakedblocks(0), leakedbytes(0), hthreadid(-1) {} QString text; qint64 leakedblocks; qint64 leakedbytes; qint64 hthreadid; }; struct XauxWhat { XauxWhat() : line(-1), hthreadid(-1) {} void clear() { *this = XauxWhat(); } QString text; QString file; QString dir; qint64 line; qint64 hthreadid; }; } // namespace anon namespace Valgrind { namespace XmlProtocol { class Parser::Private { public: explicit Private(Parser *qq); void parse(QIODevice *device); QString errorString; private: void parseError(); QVector parseStack(); Suppression parseSuppression(); SuppressionFrame parseSuppressionFrame(); Frame parseFrame(); void parseStatus(); void parseErrorCounts(); void parseSuppressionCounts(); void parseAnnounceThread(); void checkProtocolVersion(const QString &versionStr); void checkTool(const QString &tool); XWhat parseXWhat(); XauxWhat parseXauxWhat(); MemcheckErrorKind parseMemcheckErrorKind(const QString &kind); HelgrindErrorKind parseHelgrindErrorKind(const QString &kind); PtrcheckErrorKind parsePtrcheckErrorKind(const QString &kind); int parseErrorKind(const QString &kind); void reportInternalError(const QString &errorString); QXmlStreamReader::TokenType blockingReadNext(); bool notAtEnd() const; QString blockingReadElementText(); Tool tool; QXmlStreamReader reader; QHash errorKindsByName_memcheck; QHash errorKindsByName_helgrind; QHash errorKindsByName_ptrcheck; QHash toolsByName; private: Parser *const q; }; #undef ADD_ENUM #define ADD_ENUM(tool,enumV) { errorKindsByName_##tool.insert(QLatin1String(#enumV), enumV); } Parser::Private::Private(Parser *qq) : q(qq) { tool = Parser::Unknown; toolsByName.insert(QLatin1String("memcheck"), Parser::Memcheck); toolsByName.insert(QLatin1String("ptrcheck"), Parser::Ptrcheck); toolsByName.insert(QLatin1String("exp-ptrcheck"), Parser::Ptrcheck); toolsByName.insert(QLatin1String("helgrind"), Parser::Helgrind); ADD_ENUM(memcheck, ClientCheck) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, InvalidFree) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, InvalidJump) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, InvalidRead) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, InvalidWrite) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, Leak_DefinitelyLost) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, Leak_PossiblyLost) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, Leak_StillReachable) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, Leak_IndirectlyLost) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, MismatchedFree) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, Overlap) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, SyscallParam) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, UninitCondition) ADD_ENUM(memcheck, UninitValue) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, Race) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, UnlockUnlocked) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, UnlockForeign) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, UnlockBogus) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, PthAPIerror) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, LockOrder) ADD_ENUM(helgrind, Misc) ADD_ENUM(ptrcheck, SorG) ADD_ENUM(ptrcheck, Heap) ADD_ENUM(ptrcheck, Arith) ADD_ENUM(ptrcheck, SysParam) } #undef ADD_ENUM static quint64 parseHex(const QString &str, const QString &context) { bool ok; const quint64 v = str.toULongLong(&ok, 16); if (!ok) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Could not parse hex number from \"%1\" (%2)").arg(str, context)); return v; } static qint64 parseInt64(const QString &str, const QString &context) { bool ok; const quint64 v = str.toLongLong(&ok); if (!ok) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Could not parse hex number from \"%1\" (%2)").arg(str, context)); return v; } QXmlStreamReader::TokenType Parser::Private::blockingReadNext() { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = QXmlStreamReader::Invalid; forever { token = reader.readNext(); if (reader.error() == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { if (reader.device()->waitForReadyRead(1000)) { // let's try again continue; } else { // device error, e.g. remote host closed connection, or timeout // ### we have no way to know if waitForReadyRead() timed out or failed with a real // error, and sensible heuristics based on QIODevice fail. // - error strings are translated and in any case not guaranteed to stay the same, // so we can't use them. // - errorString().isEmpty() does not work because errorString() is // "network timeout error" if the waitFor... timed out. // - isSequential() [for socket] && isOpen() doesn't work because isOpen() // returns true if the remote host closed the connection. // ...so we fall back to knowing it might be a QAbstractSocket. QIODevice *dev = reader.device(); QAbstractSocket *sock = qobject_cast(dev); if (!sock || sock->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) throw ParserException(dev->errorString()); } } else if (reader.hasError()) { throw ParserException(reader.errorString()); //TODO add line, column? break; } else { // read a valid next token break; } } return token; } bool Parser::Private::notAtEnd() const { return !reader.atEnd() || reader.error() == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError; } QString Parser::Private::blockingReadElementText() { //analogous to QXmlStreamReader::readElementText(), but blocking. readElementText() doesn't recover from PrematureEndOfData, //but always returns a null string if isStartElement() is false (which is the case if it already parts of the text) //affects at least Qt <= 4.7.1. Reported as QTBUG-14661. if (!reader.isStartElement()) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "trying to read element text although current position is not start of element")); QString result; forever { const QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = blockingReadNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference: result += reader.text(); break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: return result; case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction: case QXmlStreamReader::Comment: break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unexpected child element while reading element text")); default: //TODO handle throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unexpected token type %1").arg(type)); break; } } return QString(); } void Parser::Private::checkProtocolVersion(const QString &versionStr) { bool ok; const int version = versionStr.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Could not parse protocol version from \"%1\"").arg(versionStr)); if (version != 4) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "XmlProtocol version %1 not supported (supported version: 4)").arg(version)); } void Parser::Private::checkTool(const QString &reportedStr) { const QHash::ConstIterator reported = toolsByName.find(reportedStr); if (reported == toolsByName.constEnd()) throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Valgrind tool \"%1\" not supported").arg(reportedStr)); tool = reported.value(); } XWhat Parser::Private::parseXWhat() { XWhat what; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("text")) what.text = blockingReadElementText(); else if (name == QLatin1String("leakedbytes")) what.leakedbytes = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/xwhat[memcheck]/leakedbytes")); else if (name == QLatin1String("leakedblocks")) what.leakedblocks = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/xwhat[memcheck]/leakedblocks")); else if (name == QLatin1String("hthreadid")) what.hthreadid = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/xwhat[memcheck]/hthreadid")); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } return what; } XauxWhat Parser::Private::parseXauxWhat() { XauxWhat what; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("text")) what.text = blockingReadElementText(); else if (name == QLatin1String("file")) what.file = blockingReadElementText(); else if (name == QLatin1String("dir")) what.dir = blockingReadElementText(); else if (name == QLatin1String("line")) what.line = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/xauxwhat/line")); else if (name == QLatin1String("hthreadid")) what.hthreadid = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/xauxwhat/hthreadid")); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } return what; } MemcheckErrorKind Parser::Private::parseMemcheckErrorKind(const QString &kind) { const QHash::ConstIterator it = errorKindsByName_memcheck.find(kind); if (it != errorKindsByName_memcheck.constEnd()) return *it; else throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unknown memcheck error kind \"%1\"").arg(kind)); } HelgrindErrorKind Parser::Private::parseHelgrindErrorKind(const QString &kind) { const QHash::ConstIterator it = errorKindsByName_helgrind.find(kind); if (it != errorKindsByName_helgrind.constEnd()) return *it; else throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unknown helgrind error kind \"%1\"").arg(kind)); } PtrcheckErrorKind Parser::Private::parsePtrcheckErrorKind(const QString &kind) { const QHash::ConstIterator it = errorKindsByName_ptrcheck.find(kind); if (it != errorKindsByName_ptrcheck.constEnd()) return *it; else throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unknown ptrcheck error kind \"%1\"").arg(kind)); } int Parser::Private::parseErrorKind(const QString &kind) { switch (tool) { case Memcheck: return parseMemcheckErrorKind(kind); case Ptrcheck: return parsePtrcheckErrorKind(kind); case Helgrind: return parseHelgrindErrorKind(kind); case Unknown: default: break; } throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Could not parse error kind, tool not yet set.")); } static Status::State parseState(const QString &state) { if (state == QLatin1String("RUNNING")) return Status::Running; if (state == QLatin1String("FINISHED")) return Status::Finished; throw ParserException(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unknown state \"%1\"").arg(state)); } void Parser::Private::reportInternalError(const QString &e) { errorString = e; emit q->internalError(e); } static Stack makeStack(const XauxWhat &xauxwhat, const QVector &frames) { Stack s; s.setFrames(frames); s.setFile(xauxwhat.file); s.setDirectory(xauxwhat.dir); s.setLine(xauxwhat.line); s.setHelgrindThreadId(xauxwhat.hthreadid); s.setAuxWhat(xauxwhat.text); return s; } void Parser::Private::parseError() { Error e; QVector > frames; XauxWhat currentAux; QVector auxs; int lastAuxWhat = -1; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) lastAuxWhat++; const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("unique")) { e.setUnique(parseHex(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("unique"))); } else if (name == QLatin1String("tid")) { e.setTid(parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/tid"))); } else if (name == QLatin1String("kind")) { //TODO this is memcheck-specific: e.setKind(parseErrorKind(blockingReadElementText())); } else if (name == QLatin1String("suppression")) { e.setSuppression(parseSuppression()); } else if (name == QLatin1String("xwhat")) { const XWhat xw = parseXWhat(); e.setWhat(xw.text); e.setLeakedBlocks(xw.leakedblocks); e.setLeakedBytes(xw.leakedbytes); e.setHelgrindThreadId(xw.hthreadid); } else if (name == QLatin1String("what")) { e.setWhat(blockingReadElementText()); } else if (name == QLatin1String("xauxwhat")) { if (!currentAux.text.isEmpty()) auxs.push_back(currentAux); currentAux = parseXauxWhat(); } else if (name == QLatin1String("auxwhat")) { const QString aux = blockingReadElementText(); //concatenate multiple consecutive tags if (lastAuxWhat > 1) { if (!currentAux.text.isEmpty()) auxs.push_back(currentAux); currentAux.clear(); currentAux.text = aux; } else { if (!currentAux.text.isEmpty()) currentAux.text.append(QLatin1Char(' ')); currentAux.text.append(aux); } lastAuxWhat = 0; } else if (name == QLatin1String("stack")) { frames.push_back(parseStack()); } else if (reader.isStartElement()) { reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } if (!currentAux.text.isEmpty()) auxs.push_back(currentAux); //if we have less xaux/auxwhats than stacks, prepend empty xauxwhats //(the first frame usually has not xauxwhat in helgrind and memcheck) while (auxs.size() < frames.size()) auxs.prepend(XauxWhat()); QVector stacks; for (int i = 0; i < auxs.size(); ++i) stacks.append(makeStack(auxs[i], frames[i])); e.setStacks(stacks); emit q->error(e); } Frame Parser::Private::parseFrame() { Frame frame; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("ip")) frame.setInstructionPointer(parseHex(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/frame/ip"))); else if (name == QLatin1String("obj")) frame.setObject(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("fn")) frame.setFunctionName( blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("dir")) frame.setDirectory(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("file")) frame.setFile( blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("line")) frame.setLine(parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("error/frame/line"))); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } return frame; } void Parser::Private::parseAnnounceThread() { AnnounceThread at; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("hthreadid")) at.setHelgrindThreadId(parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("announcethread/hthreadid"))); else if (name == QLatin1String("stack")) at.setStack(parseStack()); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } emit q->announceThread(at); } void Parser::Private::parseErrorCounts() { while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("pair")) { qint64 unique = 0; qint64 count = 0; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("unique")) unique = parseHex(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("errorcounts/pair/unique")); else if (name == QLatin1String("count")) count = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("errorcounts/pair/count")); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } emit q->errorCount(unique, count); } else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } void Parser::Private::parseSuppressionCounts() { while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("pair")) { QString pairName; qint64 count = 0; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("name")) pairName = blockingReadElementText(); else if (name == QLatin1String("count")) count = parseInt64(blockingReadElementText(), QLatin1String("suppcounts/pair/count")); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } emit q->suppressionCount(pairName, count); } else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } } void Parser::Private::parseStatus() { Status s; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("state")) s.setState(parseState(blockingReadElementText())); else if (name == QLatin1String("time")) s.setTime(blockingReadElementText()); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } emit q->status(s); } QVector Parser::Private::parseStack() { QVector frames; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("frame")) frames.append(parseFrame()); } } return frames; } SuppressionFrame Parser::Private::parseSuppressionFrame() { SuppressionFrame frame; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("obj")) frame.setObject(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("fun")) frame.setFunction( blockingReadElementText()); else if (reader.isStartElement()) reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } return frame; } Suppression Parser::Private::parseSuppression() { Suppression supp; SuppressionFrames frames; while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); if (reader.isEndElement()) break; if (reader.isStartElement()) { const QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("sname")) supp.setName(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("skind")) supp.setKind(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("skaux")) supp.setAuxKind(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("rawtext")) supp.setRawText(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("sframe")) frames.push_back(parseSuppressionFrame()); } } supp.setFrames(frames); return supp; } void Parser::Private::parse(QIODevice *device) { QTC_ASSERT(device, return); reader.setDevice(device); try { while (notAtEnd()) { blockingReadNext(); QStringRef name = reader.name(); if (name == QLatin1String("error")) parseError(); else if (name == QLatin1String("announcethread")) parseAnnounceThread(); else if (name == QLatin1String("status")) parseStatus(); else if (name == QLatin1String("errorcounts")) parseErrorCounts(); else if (name == QLatin1String("suppcounts")) parseSuppressionCounts(); else if (name == QLatin1String("protocolversion")) checkProtocolVersion(blockingReadElementText()); else if (name == QLatin1String("protocoltool")) checkTool(blockingReadElementText()); } } catch (const ParserException &e) { reportInternalError(e.message()); } catch (...) { reportInternalError(QCoreApplication::translate("Valgrind::XmlProtocol::Parser", "Unexpected exception caught during parsing.")); } emit q->finished(); } Parser::Parser(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { } Parser::~Parser() { delete d; } QString Parser::errorString() const { return d->errorString; } void Parser::parse(QIODevice *device) { d->parse(device); } } // namespace XmlParser } // namespace Valgrind