Valgrind::Internal::ValgrindConfigWidget 0 0 655 364 0 0 Generic Settings Valgrind executable: 1 0 Detect self-modifying code: 1 No Only on Stack Everywhere Everywhere Except in File-backend Mappings Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 Profiling Options Limits the amount of results the profiler gives you. A lower limit will likely increase performance. Result view: Minimum event cost: minimumInclusiveCostRatio % 2 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Show additional information for events in tooltips true <html><head/><body> <p>Does full cache simulation.</p> <p>By default, only instruction read accesses will be counted ("Ir").</p> <p> With cache simulation, further event counters are enabled: <ul><li>Cache misses on instruction reads ("I1mr"/"I2mr")</li> <li>Data read accesses ("Dr") and related cache misses ("D1mr"/"D2mr")</li> <li>Data write accesses ("Dw") and related cache misses ("D1mw"/"D2mw")</li></ul> </p> </body></html> Enable cache simulation <html><head/><body> <p>Do branch prediction simulation.</p> <p>Further event counters are enabled: </p> <ul><li>Number of executed conditional branches and related predictor misses ( "Bc"/"Bcm")</li> <li>Executed indirect jumps and related misses of the jump address predictor ( "Bi"/"Bim")</li></ul></body></html> Enable branch prediction simulation Collect information for system call times. Collect system call time Collect the number of global bus events that are executed. The event type "Ge" is used for these events. Collect global bus events Visualization: Minimum event cost: % 0.000000000000000 50.000000000000000 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 1 500 0 0 Memory Analysis Options Track origins of uninitialized memory true Show reachable and indirectly lost blocks Check for leaks on finish: 0 No Summary Only Full Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Backtrace frame count: numCallers 5 50 12 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Suppression files: suppressionList 0 1 QLayout::SetMinimumSize Add... Remove false Qt::Vertical 20 40 Utils::PathChooser QWidget