/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "texteditoroverlay.h" #include "texteditor.h" #include "snippets/snippet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TextEditor; using namespace TextEditor::Internal; TextEditorOverlay::TextEditorOverlay(TextEditorWidget *editor) : QObject(editor), m_visible(false), m_alpha(true), m_borderWidth(1), m_dropShadowWidth(2), m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin(-1), m_editor(editor), m_viewport(editor->viewport()) { } void TextEditorOverlay::update() { if (m_visible) m_viewport->update(); } void TextEditorOverlay::setVisible(bool b) { if (m_visible == b) return; m_visible = b; if (!m_selections.isEmpty()) m_viewport->update(); } void TextEditorOverlay::clear() { if (m_selections.isEmpty()) return; m_selections.clear(); m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin = -1; update(); } void TextEditorOverlay::addOverlaySelection(int begin, int end, const QColor &fg, const QColor &bg, uint overlaySelectionFlags) { if (end < begin) return; QTextDocument *document = m_editor->document(); OverlaySelection selection; selection.m_fg = fg; selection.m_bg = bg; selection.m_cursor_begin = QTextCursor(document); selection.m_cursor_begin.setPosition(begin); selection.m_cursor_end = QTextCursor(document); selection.m_cursor_end.setPosition(end); if (overlaySelectionFlags & ExpandBegin) selection.m_cursor_begin.setKeepPositionOnInsert(true); if (overlaySelectionFlags & LockSize) selection.m_fixedLength = (end - begin); selection.m_dropShadow = (overlaySelectionFlags & DropShadow); if (m_selections.isEmpty()) m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin = begin; else if (begin < m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin) qWarning() << "overlay selections not in order"; m_selections.append(selection); update(); } void TextEditorOverlay::addOverlaySelection(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QColor &fg, const QColor &bg, uint overlaySelectionFlags) { addOverlaySelection(cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd(), fg, bg, overlaySelectionFlags); } QRect TextEditorOverlay::rect() const { return m_viewport->rect(); } QPainterPath TextEditorOverlay::createSelectionPath(const QTextCursor &begin, const QTextCursor &end, const QRect &clip) { if (begin.isNull() || end.isNull() || begin.position() > end.position()) return QPainterPath(); QPointF offset = m_editor->contentOffset(); QRect viewportRect = rect(); QTextDocument *document = m_editor->document(); if (m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(begin.block()).translated(offset).top() > clip.bottom() + 10 || m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(end.block()).translated(offset).bottom() < clip.top() - 10 ) return QPainterPath(); // nothing of the selection is visible QTextBlock block = begin.block(); if (block.blockNumber() < m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4) block = m_editor->document()->findBlockByNumber(m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4); bool inSelection = false; QVector selection; if (begin.position() == end.position()) { // special case empty selections const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block); QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout(); int pos = begin.position() - begin.block().position(); QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(pos); QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); int x = line.cursorToX(pos); lineRect.setLeft(x - m_borderWidth); lineRect.setRight(x + m_borderWidth); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } else { for (; block.isValid() && block.blockNumber() <= end.blockNumber(); block = block.next()) { if (! block.isVisible()) continue; const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block); QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout(); QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineAt(0); bool firstOrLastBlock = false; int beginChar = 0; if (!inSelection) { if (block == begin.block()) { beginChar = begin.positionInBlock(); line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(beginChar); firstOrLastBlock = true; } inSelection = true; } else { // while (beginChar < block.length() && document->characterAt(block.position() + beginChar).isSpace()) // ++beginChar; // if (beginChar == block.length()) // beginChar = 0; } int lastLine = blockLayout->lineCount()-1; int endChar = -1; if (block == end.block()) { endChar = end.positionInBlock(); lastLine = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(endChar).lineNumber(); inSelection = false; firstOrLastBlock = true; } else { endChar = block.length(); while (endChar > beginChar && document->characterAt(block.position() + endChar - 1).isSpace()) --endChar; } QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); if (beginChar < endChar) { lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(beginChar)); if (line.lineNumber() == lastLine) lineRect.setRight(line.cursorToX(endChar)); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); for (int lineIndex = line.lineNumber()+1; lineIndex <= lastLine; ++lineIndex) { line = blockLayout->lineAt(lineIndex); lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); if (lineIndex == lastLine) lineRect.setRight(line.cursorToX(endChar)); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } } else { // empty lines const int emptyLineSelectionSize = 16; if (!firstOrLastBlock && !selection.isEmpty()) { // middle lineRect.setLeft(selection.last().left()); } else if (inSelection) { // first line lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(beginChar)); } else { // last line if (endChar == 0) break; lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(endChar) - emptyLineSelectionSize); } lineRect.setRight(lineRect.left() + emptyLineSelectionSize); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } if (!inSelection) break; if (blockGeometry.translated(offset).y() > 2*viewportRect.height()) break; } } if (selection.isEmpty()) return QPainterPath(); QVector points; const int margin = m_borderWidth/2; const int extra = 0; const QRectF &firstSelection = selection.at(0); points += (firstSelection.topLeft() + firstSelection.topRight()) / 2 + QPointF(0, -margin); points += firstSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, -margin); points += firstSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0); const int count = selection.count(); for (int i = 1; i < count-1; ++i) { qreal x = std::max({selection.at(i - 1).right(), selection.at(i).right(), selection.at(i + 1).right()}) + margin; points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).top()); points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).bottom()); } const QRectF &lastSelection = selection.at(count-1); points += lastSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0); points += lastSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, margin+extra); points += lastSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, margin+extra); points += lastSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, 0); for (int i = count-2; i > 0; --i) { qreal x = std::min({selection.at(i - 1).left(), selection.at(i).left(), selection.at(i + 1).left()}) - margin; points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).bottom()+extra); points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).top()); } points += firstSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, extra); points += firstSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, -margin); QPainterPath path; const int corner = 4; path.moveTo(points.at(0)); points += points.at(0); QPointF previous = points.at(0); for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) { QPointF point = points.at(i); if (point.y() == previous.y() && qAbs(point.x() - previous.x()) > 2*corner) { QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x() + corner * ((point.x() > previous.x())?1:-1), previous.y()); path.quadTo(previous, tmp); previous = tmp; i--; continue; } else if (point.x() == previous.x() && qAbs(point.y() - previous.y()) > 2*corner) { QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x(), previous.y() + corner * ((point.y() > previous.y())?1:-1)); path.quadTo(previous, tmp); previous = tmp; i--; continue; } QPointF target = (previous + point) / 2; path.quadTo(previous, target); previous = points.at(i); } path.closeSubpath(); path.translate(offset); return path.simplified(); } void TextEditorOverlay::paintSelection(QPainter *painter, const OverlaySelection &selection) { QTextCursor begin = selection.m_cursor_begin; const QTextCursor &end= selection.m_cursor_end; const QColor &fg = selection.m_fg; const QColor &bg = selection.m_bg; if (begin.isNull() || end.isNull() || begin.position() > end.position() || !bg.isValid()) return; QPainterPath path = createSelectionPath(begin, end, m_editor->viewport()->rect()); painter->save(); QColor penColor = fg; if (m_alpha) penColor.setAlpha(220); QPen pen(penColor, m_borderWidth); painter->translate(-.5, -.5); QRectF pathRect = path.controlPointRect(); if (!m_alpha || begin.blockNumber() != end.blockNumber()) { // gradients are too slow for larger selections :( QColor col = bg; if (m_alpha) col.setAlpha(50); painter->setBrush(col); } else { QLinearGradient linearGrad(pathRect.topLeft(), pathRect.bottomLeft()); QColor col1 = fg.lighter(150); col1.setAlpha(20); QColor col2 = fg; col2.setAlpha(80); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, col1); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, col2); painter->setBrush(QBrush(linearGrad)); } painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); if (selection.m_dropShadow) { painter->save(); QPainterPath shadow = path; shadow.translate(m_dropShadowWidth, m_dropShadowWidth); QPainterPath clip; clip.addRect(m_editor->viewport()->rect()); painter->setClipPath(clip - path); painter->fillPath(shadow, QColor(0, 0, 0, 100)); painter->restore(); } pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin); painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawPath(path); painter->restore(); } void TextEditorOverlay::fillSelection(QPainter *painter, const OverlaySelection &selection, const QColor &color) { const QTextCursor &begin = selection.m_cursor_begin; const QTextCursor &end= selection.m_cursor_end; if (begin.isNull() || end.isNull() || begin.position() > end.position()) return; QPainterPath path = createSelectionPath(begin, end, m_editor->viewport()->rect()); painter->save(); painter->translate(-.5, -.5); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter->fillPath(path, color); painter->restore(); } void TextEditorOverlay::paint(QPainter *painter, const QRect &clip) { Q_UNUSED(clip) for (int i = m_selections.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(i); if (selection.m_dropShadow) continue; if (selection.m_fixedLength >= 0 && selection.m_cursor_end.position() - selection.m_cursor_begin.position() != selection.m_fixedLength) continue; paintSelection(painter, selection); } for (int i = m_selections.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(i); if (!selection.m_dropShadow) continue; if (selection.m_fixedLength >= 0 && selection.m_cursor_end.position() - selection.m_cursor_begin.position() != selection.m_fixedLength) continue; paintSelection(painter, selection); } } void TextEditorOverlay::fill(QPainter *painter, const QColor &color, const QRect &clip) { Q_UNUSED(clip) for (int i = m_selections.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(i); if (selection.m_dropShadow) continue; if (selection.m_fixedLength >= 0 && selection.m_cursor_end.position() - selection.m_cursor_begin.position() != selection.m_fixedLength) continue; fillSelection(painter, selection, color); } for (int i = m_selections.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(i); if (!selection.m_dropShadow) continue; if (selection.m_fixedLength >= 0 && selection.m_cursor_end.position() - selection.m_cursor_begin.position() != selection.m_fixedLength) continue; fillSelection(painter, selection, color); } } /*! \returns true if any selection contains \a cursor, where a cursor on the start or end of a selection is counted as contained. */ bool TextEditorOverlay::hasCursorInSelection(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { if (selectionIndexForCursor(cursor) != -1) return true; return false; } int TextEditorOverlay::selectionIndexForCursor(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_selections.size(); ++i) { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(i); if (cursor.position() >= selection.m_cursor_begin.position() && cursor.position() <= selection.m_cursor_end.position()) return i; } return -1; } QString TextEditorOverlay::selectionText(int selectionIndex) const { return assembleCursorForSelection(selectionIndex).selectedText(); } QTextCursor TextEditorOverlay::assembleCursorForSelection(int selectionIndex) const { const OverlaySelection &selection = m_selections.at(selectionIndex); QTextCursor cursor(m_editor->document()); cursor.setPosition(selection.m_cursor_begin.position()); cursor.setPosition(selection.m_cursor_end.position(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); return cursor; } bool TextEditorOverlay::hasFirstSelectionBeginMoved() const { if (m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin == -1 || m_selections.isEmpty()) return false; return m_selections.at(0).m_cursor_begin.position() != m_firstSelectionOriginalBegin; } void SnippetOverlay::clear() { TextEditorOverlay::clear(); m_equivalentSelections.clear(); m_manglers.clear(); } void SnippetOverlay::mapEquivalentSelections() { m_equivalentSelections.clear(); m_equivalentSelections.resize(selections().size()); QMultiMap all; for (int i = 0; i < selections().size(); ++i) all.insert(selectionText(i).toLower(), i); const QList &uniqueKeys = all.uniqueKeys(); foreach (const QString &key, uniqueKeys) { QList indexes; const auto cAll = all; QMultiMap::const_iterator lbit = cAll.lowerBound(key); QMultiMap::const_iterator ubit = cAll.upperBound(key); while (lbit != ubit) { indexes.append(lbit.value()); ++lbit; } foreach (int index, indexes) m_equivalentSelections[index] = indexes; } } void SnippetOverlay::updateEquivalentSelections(const QTextCursor &cursor) { int selectionIndex = selectionIndexForCursor(cursor); if (selectionIndex == -1) return; const QString ¤tText = selectionText(selectionIndex); const QList &equivalents = m_equivalentSelections.at(selectionIndex); foreach (int i, equivalents) { if (i == selectionIndex) continue; const QString &equivalentText = selectionText(i); if (currentText != equivalentText) { QTextCursor selectionCursor = assembleCursorForSelection(i); selectionCursor.joinPreviousEditBlock(); selectionCursor.removeSelectedText(); selectionCursor.insertText(currentText); selectionCursor.endEditBlock(); } } } void SnippetOverlay::setNameMangler(const QList &manglers) { m_manglers = manglers; } void SnippetOverlay::mangle() { for (int i = 0; i < m_manglers.count(); ++i) { if (!m_manglers.at(i)) continue; const QString current = selectionText(i); const QString result = m_manglers.at(i)->mangle(current); if (result != current) { QTextCursor selectionCursor = assembleCursorForSelection(i); selectionCursor.joinPreviousEditBlock(); selectionCursor.removeSelectedText(); selectionCursor.insertText(result); selectionCursor.endEditBlock(); } } }