TextEditor::Internal::TabSettingsWidget 0 0 335 224 Form 0 Tabs And Indentation Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 0 0 Spaces Only Tabs Only Mixed 0 0 Ta&b size: tabSize 0 0 1 20 0 0 &Indent size: indentSize 0 0 1 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 <html><head/><body> Influences the indentation of continuation lines. <ul> <li>Not At All: Do not align at all. Lines will only be indented to the current logical indentation depth. <pre> (tab)int i = foo(a, b (tab)c, d); </pre> </li> <li>With Spaces: Always use spaces for alignment, regardless of the other indentation settings. <pre> (tab)int i = foo(a, b (tab) c, d); </pre> </li> <li>With Regular Indent: Use tabs and/or spaces for alignment, as configured above. <pre> (tab)int i = foo(a, b (tab)(tab)(tab) c, d); </pre> </li> </ul></body></html> Not At All With Spaces With Regular Indent Tab policy: Align continuation lines: The text editor indentation setting is used for non-code files only. See the C++ and Qt Quick coding style settings to configure indentation for code files. <i>Code indentation is configured in <a href="C++">C++</a> and <a href="QtQuick">Qt Quick</a> settings.</i> true tabPolicy tabSize indentSize continuationAlignBehavior