/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "snippet.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TextEditor; const char UCMANGLER_ID[] = "TextEditor::UppercaseMangler"; const char LCMANGLER_ID[] = "TextEditor::LowercaseMangler"; const char TCMANGLER_ID[] = "TextEditor::TitlecaseMangler"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Manglers: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- NameMangler::~NameMangler() = default; class UppercaseMangler : public NameMangler { public: Core::Id id() const final { return UCMANGLER_ID; } QString mangle(const QString &unmangled) const final { return unmangled.toUpper(); } }; class LowercaseMangler : public NameMangler { public: Core::Id id() const final { return LCMANGLER_ID; } QString mangle(const QString &unmangled) const final { return unmangled.toLower(); } }; class TitlecaseMangler : public NameMangler { public: Core::Id id() const final { return TCMANGLER_ID; } QString mangle(const QString &unmangled) const final { QString result = unmangled; if (!result.isEmpty()) result[0] = unmangled.at(0).toTitleCase(); return result; } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Snippet: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const QChar Snippet::kVariableDelimiter(QLatin1Char('$')); const QChar Snippet::kEscapeChar(QLatin1Char('\\')); Snippet::Snippet(const QString &groupId, const QString &id) : m_groupId(groupId), m_id(id) {} Snippet::~Snippet() = default; const QString &Snippet::id() const { return m_id; } const QString &Snippet::groupId() const { return m_groupId; } bool Snippet::isBuiltIn() const { return !m_id.isEmpty(); } void Snippet::setTrigger(const QString &trigger) { m_trigger = trigger; } const QString &Snippet::trigger() const { return m_trigger; } void Snippet::setContent(const QString &content) { m_content = content; } const QString &Snippet::content() const { return m_content; } void Snippet::setComplement(const QString &complement) { m_complement = complement; } const QString &Snippet::complement() const { return m_complement; } void Snippet::setIsRemoved(bool removed) { m_isRemoved = removed; } bool Snippet::isRemoved() const { return m_isRemoved; } void Snippet::setIsModified(bool modified) { m_isModified = modified; } bool Snippet::isModified() const { return m_isModified; } QString Snippet::generateTip() const { static const QLatin1Char kNewLine('\n'); static const QLatin1Char kSpace(' '); static const QLatin1String kBr("
"); static const QLatin1String kNbsp(" "); static const QLatin1String kNoBr(""); static const QLatin1String kOpenBold(""); static const QLatin1String kCloseBold(""); static const QLatin1String kEllipsis("..."); QString escapedContent(m_content.toHtmlEscaped()); escapedContent.replace(kNewLine, kBr); escapedContent.replace(kSpace, kNbsp); QString tip(kNoBr); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < escapedContent.count(); ++i) { if (escapedContent.at(i) != kVariableDelimiter) { tip += escapedContent.at(i); continue; } if (++count % 2) { tip += kOpenBold; } else { if (escapedContent.at(i-1) == kVariableDelimiter) tip += kEllipsis; tip += kCloseBold; } } return tip; } Snippet::ParsedSnippet Snippet::parse(const QString &snippet) { static UppercaseMangler ucMangler; static LowercaseMangler lcMangler; static TitlecaseMangler tcMangler; Snippet::ParsedSnippet result; QString errorMessage; QString preprocessedSnippet = Utils::TemplateEngine::processText(Utils::globalMacroExpander(), snippet, &errorMessage); result.success = errorMessage.isEmpty(); if (!result.success) { result.text = snippet; result.errorMessage = errorMessage; return result; } const int count = preprocessedSnippet.count(); bool success = true; int start = -1; NameMangler *mangler = nullptr; result.text.reserve(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { QChar current = preprocessedSnippet.at(i); QChar next = (i + 1) < count ? preprocessedSnippet.at(i + 1) : QChar(); if (current == Snippet::kVariableDelimiter) { if (start < 0) { // start delimiter: start = result.text.count(); } else { int length = result.text.count() - start; result.ranges << ParsedSnippet::Range(start, length, mangler); mangler = nullptr; start = -1; } continue; } if (mangler) { success = false; break; } if (current == QLatin1Char(':') && start >= 0) { if (next == QLatin1Char('l')) { mangler = &lcMangler; } else if (next == QLatin1Char('u')) { mangler = &ucMangler; } else if (next == QLatin1Char('c')) { mangler = &tcMangler; } else { success = false; break; } ++i; continue; } if (current == kEscapeChar && (next == kEscapeChar || next == kVariableDelimiter)) { result.text.append(next); ++i; continue; } result.text.append(current); } if (start >= 0) success = false; result.success = success; if (!success) { result.ranges.clear(); result.text = preprocessedSnippet; } return result; } #ifdef WITH_TESTS # include # include "../texteditorplugin.h" const char NOMANGLER_ID[] = "TextEditor::NoMangler"; void Internal::TextEditorPlugin::testSnippetParsing_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("success"); QTest::addColumn >("ranges_start"); QTest::addColumn >("ranges_length"); QTest::addColumn >("ranges_mangler"); QTest::newRow("no input") << QString() << QString() << true << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("empty input") << QString::fromLatin1("") << QString::fromLatin1("") << true << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("newline only") << QString::fromLatin1("\n") << QString::fromLatin1("\n") << true << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("simple identifier") << QString::fromLatin1("$tESt$") << QString::fromLatin1("tESt") << true << (QList() << 0) << (QList() << 4) << (QList() << NOMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("simple identifier with lc") << QString::fromLatin1("$tESt:l$") << QString::fromLatin1("tESt") << true << (QList() << 0) << (QList() << 4) << (QList() << LCMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("simple identifier with uc") << QString::fromLatin1("$tESt:u$") << QString::fromLatin1("tESt") << true << (QList() << 0) << (QList() << 4) << (QList() << UCMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("simple identifier with tc") << QString::fromLatin1("$tESt:c$") << QString::fromLatin1("tESt") << true << (QList() << 0) << (QList() << 4) << (QList() << TCMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("escaped string") << QString::fromLatin1("\\\\$test\\\\$") << QString::fromLatin1("$test$") << true << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("escaped escape") << QString::fromLatin1("\\\\\\\\$test$\\\\\\\\") << QString::fromLatin1("\\test\\") << true << (QList() << 1) << (QList() << 4) << (QList() << NOMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("broken escape") << QString::fromLatin1("\\\\$test\\\\\\\\$\\\\") << QString::fromLatin1("\\$test\\\\$\\") << false << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("Q_PROPERTY") << QString::fromLatin1("Q_PROPERTY($type$ $name$ READ $name$ WRITE set$name:c$ NOTIFY $name$Changed)") << QString::fromLatin1("Q_PROPERTY(type name READ name WRITE setname NOTIFY nameChanged)") << true << (QList() << 11 << 16 << 26 << 40 << 52) << (QList() << 4 << 4 << 4 << 4 << 4) << (QList() << NOMANGLER_ID << NOMANGLER_ID << NOMANGLER_ID << TCMANGLER_ID << NOMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("open identifier") << QString::fromLatin1("$test") << QString::fromLatin1("$test") << false << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("wrong mangler") << QString::fromLatin1("$test:X$") << QString::fromLatin1("$test:X$") << false << (QList()) << (QList()) << (QList()); QTest::newRow("multiline with :") << QString::fromLatin1("class $name$\n" "{\n" "public:\n" " $name$() {}\n" "};") << QString::fromLatin1("class name\n" "{\n" "public:\n" " name() {}\n" "};") << true << (QList() << 6 << 25) << (QList() << 4 << 4) << (QList() << NOMANGLER_ID << NOMANGLER_ID); QTest::newRow("escape sequences") << QString::fromLatin1("class $name$\\n" "{\\n" "public\\\\:\\n" "\\t$name$() {}\\n" "};") << QString::fromLatin1("class name\n" "{\n" "public\\:\n" "\tname() {}\n" "};") << true << (QList() << 6 << 23) << (QList() << 4 << 4) << (QList() << NOMANGLER_ID << NOMANGLER_ID); } void Internal::TextEditorPlugin::testSnippetParsing() { QFETCH(QString, input); QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(bool, success); QFETCH(QList, ranges_start); QFETCH(QList, ranges_length); QFETCH(QList, ranges_mangler); Q_ASSERT(ranges_start.count() == ranges_length.count()); // sanity check for the test data Q_ASSERT(ranges_start.count() == ranges_mangler.count()); // sanity check for the test data Snippet::ParsedSnippet result = Snippet::parse(input); QCOMPARE(result.text, text); QCOMPARE(result.success, success); QCOMPARE(result.ranges.count(), ranges_start.count()); for (int i = 0; i < ranges_start.count(); ++i) { QCOMPARE(result.ranges.at(i).start, ranges_start.at(i)); QCOMPARE(result.ranges.at(i).length, ranges_length.at(i)); Core::Id id = NOMANGLER_ID; if (result.ranges.at(i).mangler) id = result.ranges.at(i).mangler->id(); QCOMPARE(id, ranges_mangler.at(i)); } } #endif