/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "fontsettings.h" #include "fontsettingspage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char fontFamilyKey[] = "FontFamily"; static const char fontSizeKey[] = "FontSize"; static const char fontZoomKey[] = "FontZoom"; static const char antialiasKey[] = "FontAntialias"; static const char schemeFileNameKey[] = "ColorScheme"; namespace { static const bool DEFAULT_ANTIALIAS = true; } // anonymous namespace namespace TextEditor { // -- FontSettings FontSettings::FontSettings() : m_family(defaultFixedFontFamily()), m_fontSize(defaultFontSize()), m_fontZoom(100), m_antialias(DEFAULT_ANTIALIAS) { } void FontSettings::clear() { m_family = defaultFixedFontFamily(); m_fontSize = defaultFontSize(); m_fontZoom = 100; m_antialias = DEFAULT_ANTIALIAS; m_scheme.clear(); m_formatCache.clear(); } void FontSettings::toSettings(const QString &category, QSettings *s) const { s->beginGroup(category); if (m_family != defaultFixedFontFamily() || s->contains(QLatin1String(fontFamilyKey))) s->setValue(QLatin1String(fontFamilyKey), m_family); if (m_fontSize != defaultFontSize() || s->contains(QLatin1String(fontSizeKey))) s->setValue(QLatin1String(fontSizeKey), m_fontSize); if (m_fontZoom!= 100 || s->contains(QLatin1String(fontZoomKey))) s->setValue(QLatin1String(fontZoomKey), m_fontZoom); if (m_antialias != DEFAULT_ANTIALIAS || s->contains(QLatin1String(antialiasKey))) s->setValue(QLatin1String(antialiasKey), m_antialias); if (m_schemeFileName != defaultSchemeFileName() || s->contains(QLatin1String(schemeFileNameKey))) s->setValue(QLatin1String(schemeFileNameKey), m_schemeFileName); s->endGroup(); } bool FontSettings::fromSettings(const QString &category, const FormatDescriptions &descriptions, const QSettings *s) { clear(); if (!s->childGroups().contains(category)) return false; QString group = category; group += QLatin1Char('/'); m_family = s->value(group + QLatin1String(fontFamilyKey), defaultFixedFontFamily()).toString(); m_fontSize = s->value(group + QLatin1String(fontSizeKey), m_fontSize).toInt(); m_fontZoom= s->value(group + QLatin1String(fontZoomKey), m_fontZoom).toInt(); m_antialias = s->value(group + QLatin1String(antialiasKey), DEFAULT_ANTIALIAS).toBool(); if (s->contains(group + QLatin1String(schemeFileNameKey))) { // Load the selected color scheme QString scheme = s->value(group + QLatin1String(schemeFileNameKey)).toString(); if (scheme.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(scheme)) scheme = defaultSchemeFileName(QFileInfo(scheme).fileName()); loadColorScheme(scheme, descriptions); } else { // Load color scheme from ini file foreach (const FormatDescription &desc, descriptions) { const TextStyle id = desc.id(); const QString fmt = s->value(group + QLatin1String(Constants::nameForStyle(id)), QString()).toString(); Format format; if (fmt.isEmpty()) { format.setForeground(desc.foreground()); format.setBackground(desc.background()); format.setBold(desc.format().bold()); format.setItalic(desc.format().italic()); } else { format.fromString(fmt); } m_scheme.setFormatFor(id, format); } m_scheme.setDisplayName(QCoreApplication::translate("TextEditor::Internal::FontSettings", "Customized")); } return true; } bool FontSettings::equals(const FontSettings &f) const { return m_family == f.m_family && m_schemeFileName == f.m_schemeFileName && m_fontSize == f.m_fontSize && m_fontZoom == f.m_fontZoom && m_antialias == f.m_antialias && m_scheme == f.m_scheme; } /** * Returns the QTextCharFormat of the given format category. */ QTextCharFormat FontSettings::toTextCharFormat(TextStyle category) const { if (m_formatCache.contains(category)) return m_formatCache.value(category); const Format &f = m_scheme.formatFor(category); QTextCharFormat tf; if (category == C_TEXT) { tf.setFontFamily(m_family); tf.setFontPointSize(m_fontSize * m_fontZoom / 100.); tf.setFontStyleStrategy(m_antialias ? QFont::PreferAntialias : QFont::NoAntialias); } if (category == C_OCCURRENCES_UNUSED) { tf.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat::WaveUnderline); tf.setUnderlineColor(f.foreground()); tf.setToolTip(QCoreApplication::translate("FontSettings_C_OCCURRENCES_UNUSED", "Unused variable")); } if (f.foreground().isValid() && category != C_OCCURRENCES && category != C_OCCURRENCES_RENAME && category != C_OCCURRENCES_UNUSED && category != C_SEARCH_RESULT) tf.setForeground(f.foreground()); if (f.background().isValid() && (category == C_TEXT || f.background() != m_scheme.formatFor(C_TEXT).background())) tf.setBackground(f.background()); tf.setFontWeight(f.bold() ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); tf.setFontItalic(f.italic()); m_formatCache.insert(category, tf); return tf; } /** * Returns the list of QTextCharFormats that corresponds to the list of * requested format categories. */ QVector FontSettings::toTextCharFormats(const QVector &categories) const { QVector rc; const int size = categories.size(); rc.reserve(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) rc.append(toTextCharFormat(categories.at(i))); return rc; } /** * Returns the configured font family. */ QString FontSettings::family() const { return m_family; } void FontSettings::setFamily(const QString &family) { m_family = family; m_formatCache.clear(); } /** * Returns the configured font size. */ int FontSettings::fontSize() const { return m_fontSize; } void FontSettings::setFontSize(int size) { m_fontSize = size; m_formatCache.clear(); } /** * Returns the configured font zoom factor in percent. */ int FontSettings::fontZoom() const { return m_fontZoom; } void FontSettings::setFontZoom(int zoom) { m_fontZoom = zoom; m_formatCache.clear(); } QFont FontSettings::font() const { QFont f(family(), fontSize()); f.setStyleStrategy(m_antialias ? QFont::PreferAntialias : QFont::NoAntialias); return f; } /** * Returns the configured antialiasing behavior. */ bool FontSettings::antialias() const { return m_antialias; } void FontSettings::setAntialias(bool antialias) { m_antialias = antialias; m_formatCache.clear(); } /** * Returns the format for the given font category. */ Format &FontSettings::formatFor(TextStyle category) { return m_scheme.formatFor(category); } Format FontSettings::formatFor(TextStyle category) const { return m_scheme.formatFor(category); } /** * Returns the file name of the currently selected color scheme. */ QString FontSettings::colorSchemeFileName() const { return m_schemeFileName; } /** * Sets the file name of the color scheme. Does not load the scheme from the * given file. If you want to load a scheme, use loadColorScheme() instead. */ void FontSettings::setColorSchemeFileName(const QString &fileName) { m_schemeFileName = fileName; } bool FontSettings::loadColorScheme(const QString &fileName, const FormatDescriptions &descriptions) { m_formatCache.clear(); bool loaded = true; m_schemeFileName = fileName; if (!m_scheme.load(m_schemeFileName)) { loaded = false; m_schemeFileName.clear(); qWarning() << "Failed to load color scheme:" << fileName; } // Apply default formats to undefined categories foreach (const FormatDescription &desc, descriptions) { const TextStyle id = desc.id(); if (!m_scheme.contains(id)) { Format format; format.setForeground(desc.foreground()); format.setBackground(desc.background()); format.setBold(desc.format().bold()); format.setItalic(desc.format().italic()); m_scheme.setFormatFor(id, format); } } return loaded; } bool FontSettings::saveColorScheme(const QString &fileName) { const bool saved = m_scheme.save(fileName, Core::ICore::mainWindow()); if (saved) m_schemeFileName = fileName; return saved; } /** * Returns the currently active color scheme. */ const ColorScheme &FontSettings::colorScheme() const { return m_scheme; } void FontSettings::setColorScheme(const ColorScheme &scheme) { m_scheme = scheme; m_formatCache.clear(); } static QString defaultFontFamily() { if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) return QLatin1String("Monaco"); if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isAnyUnixHost()) return QLatin1String("Monospace"); return QLatin1String("Courier"); } QString FontSettings::defaultFixedFontFamily() { static QString rc; if (rc.isEmpty()) { QFont f = QFont(defaultFontFamily()); f.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); rc = f.family(); } return rc; } int FontSettings::defaultFontSize() { if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) return 12; if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isAnyUnixHost()) return 9; return 10; } /** * Returns the default scheme file name, or the path to a shipped scheme when * one exists with the given \a fileName. */ QString FontSettings::defaultSchemeFileName(const QString &fileName) { QString defaultScheme = Core::ICore::resourcePath(); defaultScheme += QLatin1String("/styles/"); if (!fileName.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(defaultScheme + fileName)) defaultScheme += fileName; else defaultScheme += QLatin1String("default.xml"); return defaultScheme; } } // namespace TextEditor