TextEditor::Internal::CompletionSettingsPage 0 0 551 493 Behavior Activate completion: Qt::Horizontal 70 24 &Case-sensitivity: caseSensitivity 0 0 Full None First Letter Manually When Triggered Always Timeout in ms: 500 50 400 Qt::Horizontal 40 24 Inserts the common prefix of available completion items. Autocomplete common &prefix true Splits a string into two lines by adding an end quote at the cursor position when you press Enter and a start quote to the next line, before the rest of the string. In addition, Shift+Enter inserts an escape character at the cursor position and moves the rest of the string to the next line. Automatically split strings &Automatically insert matching characters Insert opening or closing brackets true Insert closing quote true When typing a matching bracket and there is a text selection, instead of removing the selection, surrounds it with the corresponding characters. Surround text selection with brackets true true Insert &space after function name When typing a matching quote and there is a text selection, instead of removing the selection, surrounds it with the corresponding characters. Surround text selection with quotes true Show a visual hint when for example a brace or a quote is automatically inserted by the editor. Animate automatically inserted text true Highlight automatically inserted text true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 Skip automatically inserted character if re-typed manually after completion. Skip automatically inserted character when typing true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 Remove the automatically inserted character if the trigger is deleted by backspace after the completion. Remove automatically inserted text on backspace true Documentation Comments Automatically creates a Doxygen comment upon pressing enter after a '/**', '/*!', '//!' or '///'. Enable Doxygen blocks Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 Generates a <i>brief</i> command with an initial description for the corresponding declaration. Generate brief description Adds leading asterisks when continuing C/C++ "/*", Qt "/*!" and Java "/**" style comments on new lines. Add leading asterisks Qt::Vertical 20 40 caseSensitivity completionTrigger automaticProposalTimeoutSpinBox partiallyComplete autoSplitStrings insertBrackets insertQuotes surroundBrackets surroundQuotes spaceAfterFunctionName animateAutoComplete highlightAutoComplete skipAutoComplete removeAutoComplete enableDoxygenCheckBox generateBriefCheckBox leadingAsterisksCheckBox enableDoxygenCheckBox toggled(bool) generateBriefCheckBox setEnabled(bool) 216 411 378 438 highlightAutoComplete toggled(bool) skipAutoComplete setEnabled(bool) 176 277 186 306 highlightAutoComplete toggled(bool) removeAutoComplete setEnabled(bool) 223 275 226 333