/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "genericproposalmodel.h" #include "assistproposalitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TextEditor; uint qHash(const AssistProposalItem &item) { return qHash(item.text()); } namespace { constexpr int kMaxSort = 1000; constexpr int kMaxPrefixFilter = 100; struct ContentLessThan { ContentLessThan(const QString &prefix) : m_prefix(prefix) {} bool operator()(const AssistProposalItemInterface *a, const AssistProposalItemInterface *b) { // The order is case-insensitive in principle, but case-sensitive when this // would otherwise mean equality const QString &lowera = a->text().toLower(); const QString &lowerb = b->text().toLower(); const QString &lowerprefix = m_prefix.toLower(); // All continuations should go before all fuzzy matches if (int diff = lowera.startsWith(lowerprefix) - lowerb.startsWith(lowerprefix)) return diff > 0; if (int diff = a->text().startsWith(m_prefix) - b->text().startsWith(m_prefix)) return diff > 0; // If order is different, show higher ones first. if (a->order() != b->order()) return a->order() > b->order(); if (lowera == lowerb) return lessThan(a->text(), b->text()); else return lessThan(lowera, lowerb); } bool lessThan(const QString &a, const QString &b) { QString::const_iterator pa = a.begin(); QString::const_iterator pb = b.begin(); CharLessThan charLessThan; enum { Letter, SmallerNumber, BiggerNumber } state = Letter; for (; pa != a.end() && pb != b.end(); ++pa, ++pb) { if (*pa == *pb) continue; if (state != Letter) { if (!pa->isDigit() || !pb->isDigit()) break; } else if (pa->isDigit() && pb->isDigit()) { if (charLessThan(*pa, *pb)) state = SmallerNumber; else state = BiggerNumber; } else { return charLessThan(*pa, *pb); } } if (state == Letter) return pa == a.end() && pb != b.end(); if (pa != a.end() && pa->isDigit()) return false; //more digits if (pb != b.end() && pb->isDigit()) return true; //fewer digits return state == SmallerNumber; //same length, compare first different digit in the sequence } struct CharLessThan { bool operator()(const QChar &a, const QChar &b) { if (a == QLatin1Char('_')) return false; else if (b == QLatin1Char('_')) return true; else return a < b; } }; private: QString m_prefix; }; } // Anonymous GenericProposalModel::GenericProposalModel() {} GenericProposalModel::~GenericProposalModel() { qDeleteAll(m_originalItems); } void GenericProposalModel::loadContent(const QList &items) { m_originalItems = items; m_currentItems = items; m_duplicatesRemoved = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_originalItems.size(); ++i) m_idByText.insert(m_originalItems.at(i)->text(), i); } bool GenericProposalModel::hasItemsToPropose(const QString &prefix, AssistReason reason) const { return size() != 0 && (keepPerfectMatch(reason) || !isPerfectMatch(prefix)); } static QString cleanText(const QString &original) { QString clean = original; int ignore = 0; for (int i = clean.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i, ++ignore) { const QChar &c = clean.at(i); if (c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == QLatin1Char('_') || c.isHighSurrogate() || c.isLowSurrogate()) { break; } } if (ignore) clean.chop(ignore); return clean; } bool GenericProposalModel::isPerfectMatch(const QString &prefix) const { if (prefix.isEmpty()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { const QString ¤t = cleanText(text(i)); if (!current.isEmpty()) { CaseSensitivity cs = TextEditorSettings::completionSettings().m_caseSensitivity; if (cs == TextEditor::CaseSensitive) { if (prefix == current) return true; } else if (cs == TextEditor::CaseInsensitive) { if (prefix.compare(current, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return true; } else if (cs == TextEditor::FirstLetterCaseSensitive) { if (prefix.at(0) == current.at(0) && prefix.midRef(1).compare(current.midRef(1), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return true; } } } return false; } bool GenericProposalModel::isPrefiltered(const QString &prefix) const { return !m_prefilterPrefix.isEmpty() && prefix == m_prefilterPrefix; } void GenericProposalModel::setPrefilterPrefix(const QString &prefix) { m_prefilterPrefix = prefix; } void GenericProposalModel::reset() { m_prefilterPrefix.clear(); m_currentItems = m_originalItems; } int GenericProposalModel::size() const { return m_currentItems.size(); } QString GenericProposalModel::text(int index) const { return m_currentItems.at(index)->text(); } QIcon GenericProposalModel::icon(int index) const { return m_currentItems.at(index)->icon(); } QString GenericProposalModel::detail(int index) const { return m_currentItems.at(index)->detail(); } void GenericProposalModel::removeDuplicates() { if (m_duplicatesRemoved) return; QHash unique; auto it = m_originalItems.begin(); while (it != m_originalItems.end()) { const AssistProposalItemInterface *item = *it; if (unique.contains(item->text()) && unique.value(item->text()) == item->hash()) { delete *it; it = m_originalItems.erase(it); } else { unique.insert(item->text(), item->hash()); ++it; } } m_duplicatesRemoved = true; } void GenericProposalModel::filter(const QString &prefix) { if (prefix.isEmpty()) return; const FuzzyMatcher::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = convertCaseSensitivity(TextEditorSettings::completionSettings().m_caseSensitivity); const QRegularExpression regExp = FuzzyMatcher::createRegExp(prefix, caseSensitivity); m_currentItems.clear(); const QString lowerPrefix = prefix.toLower(); foreach (const auto &item, m_originalItems) { const QString &text = item->text(); if (regExp.match(text).capturedStart() == 0) { m_currentItems.append(item); if (text.startsWith(prefix)) { // Direct match item->setPrefixMatch(text.length() == prefix.length() ? AssistProposalItemInterface::PrefixMatch::Full : AssistProposalItemInterface::PrefixMatch::Exact); continue; } if (text.startsWith(lowerPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) item->setPrefixMatch(AssistProposalItemInterface::PrefixMatch::Lower); } } } FuzzyMatcher::CaseSensitivity GenericProposalModel::convertCaseSensitivity(TextEditor::CaseSensitivity textEditorCaseSensitivity) { switch (textEditorCaseSensitivity) { case TextEditor::CaseSensitive: return FuzzyMatcher::CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive; case TextEditor::FirstLetterCaseSensitive: return FuzzyMatcher::CaseSensitivity::FirstLetterCaseSensitive; default: return FuzzyMatcher::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive; } } bool GenericProposalModel::isSortable(const QString &prefix) const { Q_UNUSED(prefix); if (m_currentItems.size() < kMaxSort) return true; return false; } void GenericProposalModel::sort(const QString &prefix) { std::stable_sort(m_currentItems.begin(), m_currentItems.end(), ContentLessThan(prefix)); } int GenericProposalModel::persistentId(int index) const { return m_idByText.value(m_currentItems.at(index)->text()); } bool GenericProposalModel::containsDuplicates() const { return true; } bool GenericProposalModel::supportsPrefixExpansion() const { return true; } bool GenericProposalModel::keepPerfectMatch(AssistReason reason) const { return reason != IdleEditor; } QString GenericProposalModel::proposalPrefix() const { if (m_currentItems.size() >= kMaxPrefixFilter || m_currentItems.isEmpty()) return QString(); // Compute common prefix QString commonPrefix = m_currentItems.first()->text(); for (int i = 1, ei = m_currentItems.size(); i < ei; ++i) { QString nextItem = m_currentItems.at(i)->text(); const int length = qMin(commonPrefix.length(), nextItem.length()); commonPrefix.truncate(length); nextItem.truncate(length); while (commonPrefix != nextItem) { commonPrefix.chop(1); nextItem.chop(1); } if (commonPrefix.isEmpty()) // there is no common prefix, so return. return commonPrefix; } return commonPrefix; } AssistProposalItemInterface *GenericProposalModel::proposalItem(int index) const { return m_currentItems.at(index); }