/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qrceditor.h" #include "undocommands_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ResourceEditor; using namespace ResourceEditor::Internal; QrcEditor::QrcEditor(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), m_treeview(new ResourceView(&m_history)), m_addFileAction(0) { m_ui.setupUi(this); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setMargin(0); m_ui.centralWidget->setLayout(layout); m_treeview->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); layout->addWidget(m_treeview); connect(m_ui.removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRemove())); // 'Add' button with menu QMenu *addMenu = new QMenu(this); m_addFileAction = addMenu->addAction(tr("Add Files"), this, SLOT(onAddFiles())); addMenu->addAction(tr("Add Prefix"), this, SLOT(onAddPrefix())); m_ui.addButton->setMenu(addMenu); connect(m_treeview, SIGNAL(removeItem()), this, SLOT(onRemove())); connect(m_treeview->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateCurrent())); connect(m_treeview, SIGNAL(dirtyChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(dirtyChanged(bool))); connect(m_treeview, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QString)), this, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QString))); connect(m_treeview, SIGNAL(showContextMenu(QPoint,QString)), this, SIGNAL(showContextMenu(QPoint,QString))); m_treeview->setFocus(); connect(m_ui.aliasText, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(onAliasChanged(QString))); connect(m_ui.prefixText, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(onPrefixChanged(QString))); connect(m_ui.languageText, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(onLanguageChanged(QString))); // Prevent undo command merging after a switch of focus: // (0) The initial text is "Green". // (1) The user appends " is a color." --> text is "Green is a color." // (2) The user clicks into some other line edit --> loss of focus // (3) The user gives focuse again and substitutes "Green" with "Red" // --> text now is "Red is a color." // (4) The user hits undo --> text now is "Green is a color." // Without calling advanceMergeId() it would have been "Green", instead. connect(m_ui.aliasText, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), m_treeview, SLOT(advanceMergeId())); connect(m_ui.prefixText, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), m_treeview, SLOT(advanceMergeId())); connect(m_ui.languageText, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), m_treeview, SLOT(advanceMergeId())); connect(&m_history, SIGNAL(canRedoChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateHistoryControls())); connect(&m_history, SIGNAL(canUndoChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateHistoryControls())); updateHistoryControls(); updateCurrent(); } QrcEditor::~QrcEditor() { } QString QrcEditor::fileName() const { return m_treeview->fileName(); } void QrcEditor::setFileName(const QString &fileName) { m_treeview->setFileName(fileName); } bool QrcEditor::load(const QString &fileName) { const bool success = m_treeview->load(fileName); if (success) { // Set "focus" m_treeview->setCurrentIndex(m_treeview->model()->index(0,0)); // Expand prefix nodes m_treeview->expandAll(); } return success; } void QrcEditor::refresh() { m_treeview->refresh(); } bool QrcEditor::save() { return m_treeview->save(); } QString QrcEditor::contents() const { return m_treeview->contents(); } bool QrcEditor::isDirty() { return m_treeview->isDirty(); } void QrcEditor::setDirty(bool dirty) { m_treeview->setDirty(dirty); } // Propagates a change of selection in the tree // to the alias/prefix/language edit controls void QrcEditor::updateCurrent() { const bool isValid = m_treeview->currentIndex().isValid(); const bool isPrefix = m_treeview->isPrefix(m_treeview->currentIndex()) && isValid; const bool isFile = !isPrefix && isValid; m_ui.aliasLabel->setEnabled(isFile); m_ui.aliasText->setEnabled(isFile); m_currentAlias = m_treeview->currentAlias(); m_ui.aliasText->setText(m_currentAlias); m_ui.prefixLabel->setEnabled(isPrefix); m_ui.prefixText->setEnabled(isPrefix); m_currentPrefix = m_treeview->currentPrefix(); m_ui.prefixText->setText(m_currentPrefix); m_ui.languageLabel->setEnabled(isPrefix); m_ui.languageText->setEnabled(isPrefix); m_currentLanguage = m_treeview->currentLanguage(); m_ui.languageText->setText(m_currentLanguage); m_ui.addButton->setEnabled(true); m_addFileAction->setEnabled(isValid); m_ui.removeButton->setEnabled(isValid); } void QrcEditor::updateHistoryControls() { emit undoStackChanged(m_history.canUndo(), m_history.canRedo()); } // Helper for resolveLocationIssues(): // For code clarity, a context with convenience functions to execute // the dialogs required for checking the image file paths // (and keep them around for file dialog execution speed). // Basically, resolveLocationIssues() checks the paths of the images // and asks the user to copy them into the resource file location. // When the user does a multiselection of files, this requires popping // up the dialog several times in a row. struct ResolveLocationContext { ResolveLocationContext() : copyButton(0), skipButton(0), abortButton(0) {} QAbstractButton *execLocationMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString &file, bool wantSkipButton); QString execCopyFileDialog(QWidget *parent, const QDir &dir, const QString &targetPath); QScopedPointer messageBox; QScopedPointer copyFileDialog; QPushButton *copyButton; QPushButton *skipButton; QPushButton *abortButton; }; QAbstractButton *ResolveLocationContext::execLocationMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString &file, bool wantSkipButton) { if (messageBox.isNull()) { messageBox.reset(new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, QrcEditor::tr("Invalid file location"), QString(), QMessageBox::NoButton, parent)); copyButton = messageBox->addButton(QrcEditor::tr("Copy"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); abortButton = messageBox->addButton(QrcEditor::tr("Abort"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); messageBox->setDefaultButton(copyButton); } if (wantSkipButton && !skipButton) { skipButton = messageBox->addButton(QrcEditor::tr("Skip"), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole); messageBox->setEscapeButton(skipButton); } messageBox->setText(QrcEditor::tr("The file %1 is not in a subdirectory of the resource file. You now have the option to copy this file to a valid location.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file))); messageBox->exec(); return messageBox->clickedButton(); } QString ResolveLocationContext::execCopyFileDialog(QWidget *parent, const QDir &dir, const QString &targetPath) { // Delayed creation of file dialog. if (copyFileDialog.isNull()) { copyFileDialog.reset(new QFileDialog(parent, QrcEditor::tr("Choose Copy Location"))); copyFileDialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); copyFileDialog->setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); } copyFileDialog->selectFile(targetPath); // Repeat until the path entered is no longer above 'dir' // (relative is not "../"). while (true) { if (copyFileDialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return QString(); const QStringList files = copyFileDialog->selectedFiles(); if (files.isEmpty()) return QString(); const QString relPath = dir.relativeFilePath(files.front()); if (!relPath.startsWith(QLatin1String("../"))) return files.front(); } return QString(); } // Helper to copy a file with message boxes static inline bool copyFile(const QString &file, const QString ©Name, QWidget *parent) { if (QFile::exists(copyName)) { if (!QFile::remove(copyName)) { QMessageBox::critical(parent, QrcEditor::tr("Overwriting Failed"), QrcEditor::tr("Could not overwrite file %1.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(copyName))); return false; } } if (!QFile::copy(file, copyName)) { QMessageBox::critical(parent, QrcEditor::tr("Copying Failed"), QrcEditor::tr("Could not copy the file to %1.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(copyName))); return false; } return true; } void QrcEditor::resolveLocationIssues(QStringList &files) { const QDir dir = QFileInfo(m_treeview->fileName()).absoluteDir(); const QString dotdotSlash = QLatin1String("../"); int i = 0; const int count = files.count(); const int initialCount = files.count(); // Find first troublesome file for (; i < count; i++) { QString const &file = files.at(i); const QString relativePath = dir.relativeFilePath(file); if (relativePath.startsWith(dotdotSlash)) break; } // All paths fine -> no interaction needed if (i == count) return; // Interact with user from now on ResolveLocationContext context; bool abort = false; for (QStringList::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ) { // Path fine -> skip file QString const &file = *it; QString const relativePath = dir.relativeFilePath(file); if (!relativePath.startsWith(dotdotSlash)) continue; // Path troublesome and aborted -> remove file bool ok = false; if (!abort) { // Path troublesome -> query user "Do you want copy/abort/skip". QAbstractButton *clickedButton = context.execLocationMessageBox(this, file, initialCount > 1); if (clickedButton == context.copyButton) { const QFileInfo fi(file); QFileInfo suggestion; QDir tmpTarget(dir.path() + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("Resources")); if (tmpTarget.exists()) suggestion.setFile(tmpTarget, fi.fileName()); else suggestion.setFile(dir, fi.fileName()); // Prompt for copy location, copy and replace name. const QString copyName = context.execCopyFileDialog(this, dir, suggestion.absoluteFilePath()); ok = !copyName.isEmpty() && copyFile(file, copyName, this); if (ok) *it = copyName; } else if (clickedButton == context.abortButton) { abort = true; } } // !abort if (ok) { // Remove files where user canceled or failures occurred. ++it; } else { it = files.erase(it); } } // for files } void QrcEditor::setResourceDragEnabled(bool e) { m_treeview->setResourceDragEnabled(e); } bool QrcEditor::resourceDragEnabled() const { return m_treeview->resourceDragEnabled(); } void QrcEditor::editCurrentItem() { if (m_treeview->selectionModel()->currentIndex().isValid()) m_treeview->edit(m_treeview->selectionModel()->currentIndex()); } QString QrcEditor::currentResourcePath() const { return m_treeview->currentResourcePath(); } // Slot for change of line edit content 'alias' void QrcEditor::onAliasChanged(const QString &alias) { const QString &before = m_currentAlias; const QString &after = alias; m_treeview->setCurrentAlias(before, after); m_currentAlias = alias; updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for change of line edit content 'prefix' void QrcEditor::onPrefixChanged(const QString &prefix) { const QString &before = m_currentPrefix; const QString &after = prefix; m_treeview->setCurrentPrefix(before, after); m_currentPrefix = prefix; updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for change of line edit content 'language' void QrcEditor::onLanguageChanged(const QString &language) { const QString &before = m_currentLanguage; const QString &after = language; m_treeview->setCurrentLanguage(before, after); m_currentLanguage = language; updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for 'Remove' button void QrcEditor::onRemove() { // Find current item, push and execute command const QModelIndex current = m_treeview->currentIndex(); int afterDeletionArrayIndex = current.row(); QModelIndex afterDeletionParent = current.parent(); m_treeview->findSamePlacePostDeletionModelIndex(afterDeletionArrayIndex, afterDeletionParent); QUndoCommand * const removeCommand = new RemoveEntryCommand(m_treeview, current); m_history.push(removeCommand); const QModelIndex afterDeletionModelIndex = m_treeview->model()->index(afterDeletionArrayIndex, 0, afterDeletionParent); m_treeview->setCurrentIndex(afterDeletionModelIndex); updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for 'Add File' button void QrcEditor::onAddFiles() { QModelIndex const current = m_treeview->currentIndex(); int const currentIsPrefixNode = m_treeview->isPrefix(current); int const prefixArrayIndex = currentIsPrefixNode ? current.row() : m_treeview->model()->parent(current).row(); int const cursorFileArrayIndex = currentIsPrefixNode ? 0 : current.row(); QStringList fileNames = m_treeview->fileNamesToAdd(); fileNames = m_treeview->existingFilesSubtracted(prefixArrayIndex, fileNames); resolveLocationIssues(fileNames); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return; QUndoCommand * const addFilesCommand = new AddFilesCommand( m_treeview, prefixArrayIndex, cursorFileArrayIndex, fileNames); m_history.push(addFilesCommand); updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for 'Add Prefix' button void QrcEditor::onAddPrefix() { QUndoCommand * const addEmptyPrefixCommand = new AddEmptyPrefixCommand(m_treeview); m_history.push(addEmptyPrefixCommand); updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for 'Undo' button void QrcEditor::onUndo() { m_history.undo(); updateCurrent(); updateHistoryControls(); } // Slot for 'Redo' button void QrcEditor::onRedo() { m_history.redo(); updateCurrent(); updateHistoryControls(); }