/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qt4nodes.h" #include "qt4project.h" #include "qt4projectmanager.h" #include "qt4projectmanagerconstants.h" #include "qt4buildconfiguration.h" #include "qmakerunconfigurationfactory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Static cached data in struct Qt4NodeStaticData providing information and icons // for file types and the project. Do some magic via qAddPostRoutine() // to make sure the icons do not outlive QApplication, triggering warnings on X11. struct FileTypeDataStorage { ProjectExplorer::FileType type; const char *typeName; const char *icon; }; static const FileTypeDataStorage fileTypeDataStorage[] = { { ProjectExplorer::HeaderType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "Headers"), ":/qt4projectmanager/images/headers.png" }, { ProjectExplorer::SourceType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "Sources"), ":/qt4projectmanager/images/sources.png" }, { ProjectExplorer::FormType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "Forms"), ":/qtsupport/images/forms.png" }, { ProjectExplorer::ResourceType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "Resources"), ":/qtsupport/images/qt_qrc.png" }, { ProjectExplorer::QMLType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "QML"), ":/qtsupport/images/qml.png" }, { ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode", "Other files"), ":/qt4projectmanager/images/unknown.png" } }; bool sortNodesByPath(ProjectExplorer::Node *a, ProjectExplorer::Node *b) { return a->path() < b->path(); } class Qt4NodeStaticData { public: class FileTypeData { public: FileTypeData(ProjectExplorer::FileType t = ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType, const QString &tN = QString(), const QIcon &i = QIcon()) : type(t), typeName(tN), icon(i) { } ProjectExplorer::FileType type; QString typeName; QIcon icon; }; Qt4NodeStaticData(); QVector fileTypeData; QIcon projectIcon; }; static void clearQt4NodeStaticData(); Qt4NodeStaticData::Qt4NodeStaticData() { // File type data const unsigned count = sizeof(fileTypeDataStorage)/sizeof(FileTypeDataStorage); fileTypeData.reserve(count); // Overlay the SP_DirIcon with the custom icons const QSize desiredSize = QSize(16, 16); for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < count; ++i) { const QIcon overlayIcon = QIcon(QLatin1String(fileTypeDataStorage[i].icon)); const QPixmap folderPixmap = Core::FileIconProvider::overlayIcon(QStyle::SP_DirIcon, overlayIcon, desiredSize); QIcon folderIcon; folderIcon.addPixmap(folderPixmap); const QString desc = Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode::tr(fileTypeDataStorage[i].typeName); fileTypeData.push_back(Qt4NodeStaticData::FileTypeData(fileTypeDataStorage[i].type, desc, folderIcon)); } // Project icon const QIcon projectBaseIcon(QLatin1String(":/qtsupport/images/qt_project.png")); const QPixmap projectPixmap = Core::FileIconProvider::overlayIcon(QStyle::SP_DirIcon, projectBaseIcon, desiredSize); projectIcon.addPixmap(projectPixmap); qAddPostRoutine(clearQt4NodeStaticData); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(Qt4NodeStaticData, qt4NodeStaticData) static void clearQt4NodeStaticData() { qt4NodeStaticData()->fileTypeData.clear(); qt4NodeStaticData()->projectIcon = QIcon(); } enum { debug = 0 }; using namespace Qt4ProjectManager; using namespace Qt4ProjectManager::Internal; Qt4PriFile::Qt4PriFile(Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode *qt4PriFile) : IDocument(qt4PriFile), m_priFile(qt4PriFile) { setFilePath(m_priFile->path()); } bool Qt4PriFile::save(QString *errorString, const QString &fileName, bool autoSave) { Q_UNUSED(errorString); Q_UNUSED(fileName); Q_UNUSED(autoSave); return false; } QString Qt4PriFile::defaultPath() const { return QString(); } QString Qt4PriFile::suggestedFileName() const { return QString(); } QString Qt4PriFile::mimeType() const { return QLatin1String(Qt4ProjectManager::Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE); } bool Qt4PriFile::isModified() const { return false; } bool Qt4PriFile::isSaveAsAllowed() const { return false; } Core::IDocument::ReloadBehavior Qt4PriFile::reloadBehavior(ChangeTrigger state, ChangeType type) const { Q_UNUSED(state) Q_UNUSED(type) return BehaviorSilent; } bool Qt4PriFile::reload(QString *errorString, ReloadFlag flag, ChangeType type) { Q_UNUSED(errorString) Q_UNUSED(flag) if (type == TypePermissions) return true; m_priFile->scheduleUpdate(); return true; } /*! \class Qt4PriFileNode Implements abstract ProjectNode class */ namespace Qt4ProjectManager { Qt4PriFileNode::Qt4PriFileNode(Qt4Project *project, Qt4ProFileNode* qt4ProFileNode, const QString &filePath) : ProjectNode(filePath), m_project(project), m_qt4ProFileNode(qt4ProFileNode), m_projectFilePath(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(filePath)), m_projectDir(QFileInfo(filePath).absolutePath()), m_includedInExactParse(true) { Q_ASSERT(project); m_qt4PriFile = new Qt4PriFile(this); Core::DocumentManager::addDocument(m_qt4PriFile); setDisplayName(QFileInfo(filePath).completeBaseName()); setIcon(qt4NodeStaticData()->projectIcon); } Qt4PriFileNode::~Qt4PriFileNode() { watchFolders(QSet()); } void Qt4PriFileNode::scheduleUpdate() { QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->discardFile(m_projectFilePath); m_qt4ProFileNode->scheduleUpdate(); } namespace Internal { struct InternalNode { QList virtualfolders; QMap subnodes; QStringList files; ProjectExplorer::FileType type; int priority; QString displayName; QString typeName; QString fullPath; QIcon icon; InternalNode() { type = ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType; priority = 0; } ~InternalNode() { qDeleteAll(virtualfolders); qDeleteAll(subnodes); } // Creates: a tree structure from a list of absolute file paths. // Empty directories are compressed into a single entry with a longer path. // * project // * /absolute/path // * file1 // * relative // * path1 // * file1 // * file2 // * path2 // * file1 // The method first creates a tree that looks like the directory structure, i.e. // * / // * absolute // * path // ... // and afterwards calls compress() which merges directory nodes with single children, i.e. to // * /absolute/path void create(const QString &projectDir, const QSet &newFilePaths, ProjectExplorer::FileType type) { static const QChar separator = QLatin1Char('/'); const Utils::FileName projectDirFileName = Utils::FileName::fromString(projectDir); foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, newFilePaths) { Utils::FileName fileWithoutPrefix; bool isRelative; if (file.isChildOf(projectDirFileName)) { isRelative = true; fileWithoutPrefix = file.relativeChildPath(projectDirFileName); } else { isRelative = false; fileWithoutPrefix = file; } QStringList parts = fileWithoutPrefix.toString().split(separator, QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!Utils::HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() && !isRelative && parts.count() > 0) parts[0].prepend(separator); QStringListIterator it(parts); InternalNode *currentNode = this; QString path = (isRelative ? (projectDirFileName.toString() + QLatin1Char('/')) : QString()); while (it.hasNext()) { const QString &key = it.next(); if (it.hasNext()) { // key is directory path += key; if (!currentNode->subnodes.contains(path)) { InternalNode *val = new InternalNode; val->type = type; val->fullPath = path; val->displayName = key; currentNode->subnodes.insert(path, val); currentNode = val; } else { currentNode = currentNode->subnodes.value(path); } path += separator; } else { // key is filename currentNode->files.append(file.toString()); } } } this->compress(); } // Removes folder nodes with only a single sub folder in it void compress() { QMap newSubnodes; QMapIterator i(subnodes); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); i.value()->compress(); if (i.value()->files.isEmpty() && i.value()->subnodes.size() == 1) { // replace i.value() by i.value()->subnodes.begin() QString key = i.value()->subnodes.begin().key(); InternalNode *keep = i.value()->subnodes.value(key); keep->displayName = i.value()->displayName + QLatin1Char('/') + keep->displayName; newSubnodes.insert(key, keep); i.value()->subnodes.clear(); delete i.value(); } else { newSubnodes.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } } subnodes = newSubnodes; } FolderNode *createFolderNode(InternalNode *node) { FolderNode *newNode = 0; if (node->typeName.isEmpty()) newNode = new FolderNode(node->fullPath); else newNode = new ProVirtualFolderNode(node->fullPath, node->priority, node->typeName); newNode->setDisplayName(node->displayName); if (!node->icon.isNull()) newNode->setIcon(node->icon); return newNode; } // Makes the projectNode's subtree below the given folder match this internal node's subtree void updateSubFolders(Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode *projectNode, ProjectExplorer::FolderNode *folder) { updateFiles(projectNode, folder, type); // updateFolders QMultiMap existingFolderNodes; foreach (FolderNode *node, folder->subFolderNodes()) if (node->nodeType() != ProjectNodeType) existingFolderNodes.insert(node->path(), node); QList foldersToRemove; QList foldersToAdd; typedef QPair NodePair; QList nodesToUpdate; // Check virtual { QList::const_iterator it = virtualfolders.constBegin(); QList::const_iterator end = virtualfolders.constEnd(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { bool found = false; QString path = (*it)->fullPath; QMultiMap::const_iterator oldit = existingFolderNodes.constFind(path); while (oldit != existingFolderNodes.constEnd() && oldit.key() == path) { if (oldit.value()->nodeType() == ProjectExplorer::VirtualFolderNodeType) { ProjectExplorer::VirtualFolderNode *vfn = qobject_cast(oldit.value()); if (vfn->priority() == (*it)->priority) { found = true; break; } } ++oldit; } if (found) { nodesToUpdate << NodePair(*it, *oldit); } else { FolderNode *newNode = createFolderNode(*it); foldersToAdd << newNode; nodesToUpdate << NodePair(*it, newNode); } } } // Check subnodes { QMap::const_iterator it = subnodes.constBegin(); QMap::const_iterator end = subnodes.constEnd(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { bool found = false; QString path = it.value()->fullPath; QMultiMap::const_iterator oldit = existingFolderNodes.constFind(path); while (oldit != existingFolderNodes.constEnd() && oldit.key() == path) { if (oldit.value()->nodeType() == ProjectExplorer::FolderNodeType) { found = true; break; } ++oldit; } if (found) { nodesToUpdate << NodePair(it.value(), *oldit); } else { FolderNode *newNode = createFolderNode(it.value()); foldersToAdd << newNode; nodesToUpdate << NodePair(it.value(), newNode); } } } QSet toKeep; foreach (const NodePair &np, nodesToUpdate) toKeep << np.second; QMultiMap::const_iterator jit = existingFolderNodes.constBegin(); QMultiMap::const_iterator jend = existingFolderNodes.constEnd(); for ( ; jit != jend; ++jit) if (!toKeep.contains(jit.value())) foldersToRemove << jit.value(); if (!foldersToRemove.isEmpty()) projectNode->removeFolderNodes(foldersToRemove, folder); if (!foldersToAdd.isEmpty()) projectNode->addFolderNodes(foldersToAdd, folder); foreach (const NodePair &np, nodesToUpdate) np.first->updateSubFolders(projectNode, np.second); } // Makes the folder's files match this internal node's file list void updateFiles(Qt4ProjectManager::Qt4PriFileNode *projectNode, FolderNode *folder, FileType type) { QList existingFileNodes; foreach (FileNode *fileNode, folder->fileNodes()) { if (fileNode->fileType() == type && !fileNode->isGenerated()) existingFileNodes << fileNode; } QList filesToRemove; QList filesToAdd; qSort(files); qSort(existingFileNodes.begin(), existingFileNodes.end(), sortNodesByPath); QList::const_iterator existingNodeIter = existingFileNodes.constBegin(); QList::const_iterator newPathIter = files.constBegin(); while (existingNodeIter != existingFileNodes.constEnd() && newPathIter != files.constEnd()) { if ((*existingNodeIter)->path() < *newPathIter) { filesToRemove << *existingNodeIter; ++existingNodeIter; } else if ((*existingNodeIter)->path() > *newPathIter) { filesToAdd << new ProjectExplorer::FileNode(*newPathIter, type, false); ++newPathIter; } else { // *existingNodeIter->path() == *newPathIter ++existingNodeIter; ++newPathIter; } } while (existingNodeIter != existingFileNodes.constEnd()) { filesToRemove << *existingNodeIter; ++existingNodeIter; } while (newPathIter != files.constEnd()) { filesToAdd << new ProjectExplorer::FileNode(*newPathIter, type, false); ++newPathIter; } if (!filesToRemove.isEmpty()) projectNode->removeFileNodes(filesToRemove, folder); if (!filesToAdd.isEmpty()) projectNode->addFileNodes(filesToAdd, folder); } }; } QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::baseVPaths(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader, const QString &projectDir, const QString &buildDir) const { QStringList result; if (!reader) return result; result += reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("VPATH"), projectDir); result << projectDir; // QMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH result << buildDir; result.removeDuplicates(); return result; } QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::fullVPaths(const QStringList &baseVPaths, QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader, const QString &qmakeVariable, const QString &projectDir) const { QStringList vPaths; if (!reader) return vPaths; vPaths = reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("VPATH_") + qmakeVariable, projectDir); vPaths += baseVPaths; vPaths.removeDuplicates(); return vPaths; } QSet Qt4PriFileNode::recursiveEnumerate(const QString &folder) { QSet result; QFileInfo fi(folder); if (fi.isDir()) { QDir dir(folder); dir.setFilter(dir.filter() | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach (const QFileInfo &file, dir.entryInfoList()) { if (file.isDir() && !file.isSymLink()) result += recursiveEnumerate(file.absoluteFilePath()); else if (!Core::EditorManager::isAutoSaveFile(file.fileName())) result += Utils::FileName(file); } } else if (fi.exists()) { result << Utils::FileName(fi); } return result; } void Qt4PriFileNode::update(ProFile *includeFileExact, QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerExact, ProFile *includeFileCumlative, QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerCumulative) { // add project file node if (m_fileNodes.isEmpty()) addFileNodes(QList() << new ProjectExplorer::FileNode(m_projectFilePath, ProjectExplorer::ProjectFileType, false), this); const QString &projectDir = m_qt4ProFileNode->m_projectDir; InternalNode contents; ProjectExplorer::Target *t = m_project->activeTarget(); ProjectExplorer::Kit *k = t ? t->kit() : ProjectExplorer::KitManager::defaultKit(); QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *qtVersion = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); // Figure out DEPLOYMENT and INSTALL folders QStringList folders; QStringList dynamicVariables = dynamicVarNames(readerExact, readerCumulative, qtVersion); if (includeFileExact) foreach (const QString &dynamicVar, dynamicVariables) { folders += readerExact->values(dynamicVar, includeFileExact); // Ignore stuff from cumulative parse // we are recursively enumerating all the files from those folders // and add watchers for them, that's too dangerous if we get the foldrs // wrong and enumerate the whole project tree multiple times } for (int i=0; i < folders.size(); ++i) { const QFileInfo fi(folders.at(i)); if (fi.isRelative()) folders[i] = QDir::cleanPath(projectDir + QLatin1Char('/') + folders.at(i)); } folders.removeDuplicates(); m_recursiveEnumerateFiles.clear(); // Remove non existing items and non folders QStringList::iterator it = folders.begin(); while (it != folders.end()) { QFileInfo fi(*it); if (fi.exists()) { if (fi.isDir()) { // keep directories ++it; } else { // move files directly to m_recursiveEnumerateFiles m_recursiveEnumerateFiles << Utils::FileName::fromString(*it); it = folders.erase(it); } } else { // do remove non exsting stuff it = folders.erase(it); } } watchFolders(folders.toSet()); foreach (const QString &folder, folders) { m_recursiveEnumerateFiles += recursiveEnumerate(folder); } QMap > foundFiles; QStringList baseVPathsExact; if (includeFileExact) baseVPathsExact = baseVPaths(readerExact, projectDir, m_qt4ProFileNode->buildDir()); QStringList baseVPathsCumulative; if (includeFileCumlative) baseVPathsCumulative = baseVPaths(readerCumulative, projectDir, m_qt4ProFileNode->buildDir()); const QVector &fileTypes = qt4NodeStaticData()->fileTypeData; // update files QFileInfo tmpFi; for (int i = 0; i < fileTypes.size(); ++i) { FileType type = fileTypes.at(i).type; QStringList qmakeVariables = varNames(type); QSet newFilePaths; foreach (const QString &qmakeVariable, qmakeVariables) { if (includeFileExact) { QStringList vPathsExact = fullVPaths(baseVPathsExact, readerExact, qmakeVariable, projectDir); QStringList tmp = readerExact->absoluteFileValues(qmakeVariable, projectDir, vPathsExact, includeFileExact); foreach (const QString &t, tmp) { tmpFi.setFile(t); if (tmpFi.isFile()) newFilePaths += Utils::FileName::fromString(t); } } if (includeFileCumlative) { QStringList vPathsCumulative = fullVPaths(baseVPathsCumulative, readerCumulative, qmakeVariable, projectDir); QStringList tmp = readerCumulative->absoluteFileValues(qmakeVariable, projectDir, vPathsCumulative, includeFileCumlative); foreach (const QString &t, tmp) { tmpFi.setFile(t); if (tmpFi.isFile()) newFilePaths += Utils::FileName::fromString(t); } } } foundFiles[type] = newFilePaths; m_recursiveEnumerateFiles.subtract(newFilePaths); } for (int i = 0; i < fileTypes.size(); ++i) { FileType type = fileTypes.at(i).type; QSet newFilePaths = filterFilesProVariables(type, foundFiles[type]); newFilePaths += filterFilesRecursiveEnumerata(type, m_recursiveEnumerateFiles); // We only need to save this information if // we are watching folders if (!folders.isEmpty()) m_files[type] = newFilePaths; else m_files[type].clear(); if (!newFilePaths.isEmpty()) { InternalNode *subfolder = new InternalNode; subfolder->type = type; subfolder->icon = fileTypes.at(i).icon; subfolder->fullPath = m_projectDir; subfolder->typeName = fileTypes.at(i).typeName; subfolder->priority = -i; subfolder->displayName = fileTypes.at(i).typeName; contents.virtualfolders.append(subfolder); // create the hierarchy with subdirectories subfolder->create(m_projectDir, newFilePaths, type); } } contents.updateSubFolders(this, this); } void Qt4PriFileNode::watchFolders(const QSet &folders) { QSet toUnwatch = m_watchedFolders; toUnwatch.subtract(folders); QSet toWatch = folders; toWatch.subtract(m_watchedFolders); if (!toUnwatch.isEmpty()) m_project->unwatchFolders(toUnwatch.toList(), this); if (!toWatch.isEmpty()) m_project->watchFolders(toWatch.toList(), this); m_watchedFolders = folders; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::folderChanged(const QString &changedFolder, const QSet &newFiles) { //qDebug()<<"########## Qt4PriFileNode::folderChanged"; // So, we need to figure out which files changed. QSet addedFiles = newFiles; addedFiles.subtract(m_recursiveEnumerateFiles); QSet removedFiles = m_recursiveEnumerateFiles; removedFiles.subtract(newFiles); foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, removedFiles) { if (!file.isChildOf(Utils::FileName::fromString(changedFolder))) removedFiles.remove(file); } if (addedFiles.isEmpty() && removedFiles.isEmpty()) return false; m_recursiveEnumerateFiles = newFiles; // Apply the differences // per file type const QVector &fileTypes = qt4NodeStaticData()->fileTypeData; for (int i = 0; i < fileTypes.size(); ++i) { FileType type = fileTypes.at(i).type; QSet add = filterFilesRecursiveEnumerata(type, addedFiles); QSet remove = filterFilesRecursiveEnumerata(type, removedFiles); if (!add.isEmpty() || !remove.isEmpty()) { // Scream :) // qDebug()<<"For type"<type = type; subfolder->icon = fileTypes.at(i).icon; subfolder->fullPath = m_projectDir; subfolder->typeName = fileTypes.at(i).typeName; subfolder->priority = -i; subfolder->displayName = fileTypes.at(i).typeName; contents.virtualfolders.append(subfolder); // create the hierarchy with subdirectories subfolder->create(m_projectDir, m_files[type], type); } } contents.updateSubFolders(this, this); return true; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::deploysFolder(const QString &folder) const { QString f = folder; const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/'); if (!f.endsWith(slash)) f.append(slash); foreach (const QString &wf, m_watchedFolders) { if (f.startsWith(wf) && (wf.endsWith(slash) || (wf.length() < f.length() && f.at(wf.length()) == slash))) return true; } return false; } QList Qt4PriFileNode::runConfigurationsFor(Node *node) { QmakeRunConfigurationFactory *factory = QmakeRunConfigurationFactory::find(m_project->activeTarget()); if (factory) return factory->runConfigurationsForNode(m_project->activeTarget(), node); return QList(); } QList Qt4PriFileNode::subProjectNodesExact() const { QList nodes; foreach (ProjectNode *node, subProjectNodes()) { Qt4PriFileNode *n = qobject_cast(node); if (n && n->includedInExactParse()) nodes << n; } return nodes; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::includedInExactParse() const { return m_includedInExactParse; } void Qt4PriFileNode::setIncludedInExactParse(bool b) { m_includedInExactParse = b; } QList Qt4PriFileNode::supportedActions(Node *node) const { QList actions; const FolderNode *folderNode = this; const Qt4ProFileNode *proFileNode; while (!(proFileNode = qobject_cast(folderNode))) folderNode = folderNode->parentFolderNode(); Q_ASSERT(proFileNode); switch (proFileNode->projectType()) { case ApplicationTemplate: case LibraryTemplate: case AuxTemplate: { // TODO: Some of the file types don't make much sense for aux // projects (e.g. cpp). It'd be nice if the "add" action could // work on a subset of the file types according to project type. actions << AddNewFile; if (m_recursiveEnumerateFiles.contains(Utils::FileName::fromString(node->path()))) actions << EraseFile; else actions << RemoveFile; bool addExistingFiles = true; if (node->nodeType() == ProjectExplorer::VirtualFolderNodeType) { // A virtual folder, we do what the projectexplorer does FolderNode *folder = qobject_cast(node); if (folder) { QStringList list; foreach (FolderNode *f, folder->subFolderNodes()) list << f->path() + QLatin1Char('/'); if (deploysFolder(Utils::commonPath(list))) addExistingFiles = false; } } addExistingFiles = addExistingFiles && !deploysFolder(node->path()); if (addExistingFiles) actions << AddExistingFile; break; } case SubDirsTemplate: actions << AddSubProject << RemoveSubProject; break; default: break; } ProjectExplorer::FileNode *fileNode = qobject_cast(node); if (fileNode && fileNode->fileType() != ProjectExplorer::ProjectFileType) actions << Rename; ProjectExplorer::Target *target = m_project->activeTarget(); QmakeRunConfigurationFactory *factory = QmakeRunConfigurationFactory::find(target); if (factory && !factory->runConfigurationsForNode(target, node).isEmpty()) actions << HasSubProjectRunConfigurations; return actions; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::canAddSubProject(const QString &proFilePath) const { QFileInfo fi(proFilePath); if (fi.suffix() == QLatin1String("pro") || fi.suffix() == QLatin1String("pri")) return true; return false; } static QString simplifyProFilePath(const QString &proFilePath) { // if proFilePath is like: _path_/projectName/projectName.pro // we simplify it to: _path_/projectName QFileInfo fi(proFilePath); const QString parentPath = fi.absolutePath(); QFileInfo parentFi(parentPath); if (parentFi.fileName() == fi.completeBaseName()) return parentPath; return proFilePath; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::addSubProjects(const QStringList &proFilePaths) { ProjectExplorer::FindAllFilesVisitor visitor; accept(&visitor); const QStringList &allFiles = visitor.filePaths(); QStringList uniqueProFilePaths; foreach (const QString &proFile, proFilePaths) if (!allFiles.contains(proFile)) uniqueProFilePaths.append(simplifyProFilePath(proFile)); QStringList failedFiles; changeFiles(QLatin1String(Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE), uniqueProFilePaths, &failedFiles, AddToProFile); return failedFiles.isEmpty(); } bool Qt4PriFileNode::removeSubProjects(const QStringList &proFilePaths) { QStringList failedOriginalFiles; changeFiles(QLatin1String(Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE), proFilePaths, &failedOriginalFiles, RemoveFromProFile); QStringList simplifiedProFiles; foreach (const QString &proFile, failedOriginalFiles) simplifiedProFiles.append(simplifyProFilePath(proFile)); QStringList failedSimplifiedFiles; changeFiles(QLatin1String(Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE), simplifiedProFiles, &failedSimplifiedFiles, RemoveFromProFile); return failedSimplifiedFiles.isEmpty(); } bool Qt4PriFileNode::addFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *notAdded) { // If a file is already referenced in the .pro file then we don't add them. // That ignores scopes and which variable was used to reference the file // So it's obviously a bit limited, but in those cases you need to edit the // project files manually anyway. ProjectExplorer::FindAllFilesVisitor visitor; accept(&visitor); const QStringList &allFiles = visitor.filePaths(); typedef QMap TypeFileMap; // Split into lists by file type and bulk-add them. TypeFileMap typeFileMap; foreach (const QString file, filePaths) { const Core::MimeType mt = Core::MimeDatabase::findByFile(file); typeFileMap[mt.type()] << file; } QStringList failedFiles; foreach (const QString &type, typeFileMap.keys()) { const QStringList typeFiles = typeFileMap.value(type); QStringList qrcFiles; // the list of qrc files referenced from ui files if (type == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::RESOURCE_MIMETYPE)) { foreach (const QString &formFile, typeFiles) { QStringList resourceFiles = formResources(formFile); foreach (const QString &resourceFile, resourceFiles) if (!qrcFiles.contains(resourceFile)) qrcFiles.append(resourceFile); } } QStringList uniqueQrcFiles; foreach (const QString &file, qrcFiles) { if (!allFiles.contains(file)) uniqueQrcFiles.append(file); } QStringList uniqueFilePaths; foreach (const QString &file, typeFiles) { if (!allFiles.contains(file)) uniqueFilePaths.append(file); } changeFiles(type, uniqueFilePaths, &failedFiles, AddToProFile); if (notAdded) *notAdded += failedFiles; changeFiles(QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::RESOURCE_MIMETYPE), uniqueQrcFiles, &failedFiles, AddToProFile); if (notAdded) *notAdded += failedFiles; } return failedFiles.isEmpty(); } bool Qt4PriFileNode::removeFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *notRemoved) { QStringList failedFiles; typedef QMap TypeFileMap; // Split into lists by file type and bulk-add them. TypeFileMap typeFileMap; foreach (const QString file, filePaths) { const Core::MimeType mt = Core::MimeDatabase::findByFile(file); typeFileMap[mt.type()] << file; } foreach (const QString &type, typeFileMap.keys()) { const QStringList typeFiles = typeFileMap.value(type); changeFiles(type, typeFiles, &failedFiles, RemoveFromProFile); if (notRemoved) *notRemoved = failedFiles; } return failedFiles.isEmpty(); } bool Qt4PriFileNode::deleteFiles(const QStringList &filePaths) { QStringList failedFiles; typedef QMap TypeFileMap; // Split into lists by file type and bulk-add them. TypeFileMap typeFileMap; foreach (const QString file, filePaths) { const Core::MimeType mt = Core::MimeDatabase::findByFile(file); typeFileMap[mt.type()] << file; } foreach (const QString &type, typeFileMap.keys()) { const QStringList typeFiles = typeFileMap.value(type); changeFiles(type, typeFiles, &failedFiles, RemoveFromProFile); } return true; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::renameFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath) { if (newFilePath.isEmpty()) return false; bool changeProFileOptional = deploysFolder(QFileInfo(filePath).absolutePath()); const Core::MimeType mt = Core::MimeDatabase::findByFile(newFilePath); QStringList dummy; changeFiles(mt.type(), QStringList() << filePath, &dummy, RemoveFromProFile); if (!dummy.isEmpty() && !changeProFileOptional) return false; changeFiles(mt.type(), QStringList() << newFilePath, &dummy, AddToProFile); if (!dummy.isEmpty() && !changeProFileOptional) return false; return true; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::priFileWritable(const QString &path) { Core::Internal::ReadOnlyFilesDialog roDialog(path, Core::ICore::mainWindow()); roDialog.setShowFailWarning(true); return roDialog.exec() != Core::Internal::ReadOnlyFilesDialog::RO_Cancel; } bool Qt4PriFileNode::saveModifiedEditors() { Core::IDocument *document = Core::EditorManager::documentModel()->documentForFilePath(m_projectFilePath); if (!document || !document->isModified()) return true; bool cancelled; Core::DocumentManager::saveModifiedDocuments(QList() << document, &cancelled, tr("There are unsaved changes for project file %1.").arg(m_projectFilePath)); if (cancelled) return false; // force instant reload of ourselves QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->discardFile(m_projectFilePath); m_project->qt4ProjectManager()->notifyChanged(m_projectFilePath); return true; } QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::formResources(const QString &formFile) const { QStringList resourceFiles; QFile file(formFile); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return resourceFiles; QXmlStreamReader reader(&file); QFileInfo fi(formFile); QDir formDir = fi.absoluteDir(); while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("iconset")) { const QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes(); if (attributes.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("resource"))) resourceFiles.append(QDir::cleanPath(formDir.absoluteFilePath( attributes.value(QLatin1String("resource")).toString()))); } else if (reader.name() == QLatin1String("include")) { const QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes(); if (attributes.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("location"))) resourceFiles.append(QDir::cleanPath(formDir.absoluteFilePath( attributes.value(QLatin1String("location")).toString()))); } } } if (reader.hasError()) qWarning() << "Could not read form file:" << formFile; return resourceFiles; } void Qt4PriFileNode::changeFiles(const QString &mimeType, const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *notChanged, ChangeType change) { if (filePaths.isEmpty()) return; *notChanged = filePaths; // Check for modified editors if (!saveModifiedEditors()) return; // Ensure that the file is not read only QFileInfo fi(m_projectFilePath); if (!fi.isWritable()) { // Try via vcs manager Core::IVersionControl *versionControl = Core::VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(fi.absolutePath()); if (!versionControl || versionControl->vcsOpen(m_projectFilePath)) { bool makeWritable = QFile::setPermissions(m_projectFilePath, fi.permissions() | QFile::WriteUser); if (!makeWritable) { QMessageBox::warning(Core::ICore::mainWindow(), tr("Failed!"), tr("Could not write project file %1.").arg(m_projectFilePath)); return; } } } QStringList lines; ProFile *includeFile; { QString contents; { Utils::FileReader reader; if (!reader.fetch(m_projectFilePath, QIODevice::Text)) { m_project->proFileParseError(reader.errorString()); return; } contents = QString::fromLocal8Bit(reader.data()); lines = contents.split(QLatin1Char('\n')); } QMakeVfs vfs; QtSupport::ProMessageHandler handler; QMakeParser parser(0, &vfs, &handler); includeFile = parser.parsedProBlock(contents, m_projectFilePath, 1); } QDir priFileDir = QDir(m_qt4ProFileNode->m_projectDir); if (change == AddToProFile) { // Use the first variable for adding. ProWriter::addFiles(includeFile, &lines, priFileDir, filePaths, varNameForAdding(mimeType)); notChanged->clear(); } else { // RemoveFromProFile *notChanged = ProWriter::removeFiles(includeFile, &lines, priFileDir, filePaths, varNamesForRemoving()); } // save file Core::DocumentManager::expectFileChange(m_projectFilePath); save(lines); Core::DocumentManager::unexpectFileChange(m_projectFilePath); // This is a hack. // We are saving twice in a very short timeframe, once the editor and once the ProFile. // So the modification time might not change between those two saves. // We manually tell each editor to reload it's file. // (The .pro files are notified by the file system watcher.) QStringList errorStrings; Core::IDocument *document = Core::EditorManager::documentModel()->documentForFilePath(m_projectFilePath); if (document) { QString errorString; if (!document->reload(&errorString, Core::IDocument::FlagReload, Core::IDocument::TypeContents)) errorStrings << errorString; } if (!errorStrings.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(Core::ICore::mainWindow(), tr("File Error"), errorStrings.join(QLatin1String("\n"))); includeFile->deref(); } void Qt4PriFileNode::save(const QStringList &lines) { Utils::FileSaver saver(m_projectFilePath, QIODevice::Text); saver.write(lines.join(QLatin1String("\n")).toLocal8Bit()); saver.finalize(Core::ICore::mainWindow()); m_project->qt4ProjectManager()->notifyChanged(m_projectFilePath); } QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::varNames(ProjectExplorer::FileType type) { QStringList vars; switch (type) { case ProjectExplorer::HeaderType: vars << QLatin1String("HEADERS"); vars << QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_HEADERS"); break; case ProjectExplorer::SourceType: vars << QLatin1String("SOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_SOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("LEXSOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("YACCSOURCES"); break; case ProjectExplorer::ResourceType: vars << QLatin1String("RESOURCES"); break; case ProjectExplorer::FormType: vars << QLatin1String("FORMS"); break; case ProjectExplorer::ProjectFileType: vars << QLatin1String("SUBDIRS"); break; case ProjectExplorer::QMLType: vars << QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); break; default: vars << QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); vars << QLatin1String("ICON"); break; } return vars; } //! //! \brief Qt4PriFileNode::varNames //! \param mimeType //! \return the qmake variable name for the mime type //! Note: Only used for adding. //! QString Qt4PriFileNode::varNameForAdding(const QString &mimeType) { if (mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::CPP_HEADER_MIMETYPE) || mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::C_HEADER_MIMETYPE)) { return QLatin1String("HEADERS"); } if (mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::CPP_SOURCE_MIMETYPE) || mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::C_SOURCE_MIMETYPE)) { return QLatin1String("SOURCES"); } if (mimeType == QLatin1String(CppTools::Constants::OBJECTIVE_CPP_SOURCE_MIMETYPE)) return QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_SOURCES"); if (mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::RESOURCE_MIMETYPE)) return QLatin1String("RESOURCES"); if (mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::FORM_MIMETYPE)) return QLatin1String("FORMS"); if (mimeType == QLatin1String(ProjectExplorer::Constants::QML_MIMETYPE)) return QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); if (mimeType == QLatin1String(Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE)) return QLatin1String("SUBDIRS"); return QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); } //! //! \brief Qt4PriFileNode::varNamesForRemoving //! \return all qmake variables which are displayed in the project tree //! Note: Only used for removing. //! QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::varNamesForRemoving() { QStringList vars; vars << QLatin1String("HEADERS"); vars << QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_HEADERS"); vars << QLatin1String("SOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_SOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("RESOURCES"); vars << QLatin1String("FORMS"); vars << QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); vars << QLatin1String("SUBDIRS"); vars << QLatin1String("OTHER_FILES"); vars << QLatin1String("ICON"); return vars; } QStringList Qt4PriFileNode::dynamicVarNames(QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerExact, QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerCumulative, QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *qtVersion) { QStringList result; // Figure out DEPLOYMENT and INSTALLS const QString deployment = QLatin1String("DEPLOYMENT"); const QString sources = QLatin1String(qtVersion && qtVersion->qtVersion() < QtSupport::QtVersionNumber(5,0,0) ? ".sources" : ".files"); QStringList listOfVars = readerExact->values(deployment); foreach (const QString &var, listOfVars) { result << (var + sources); } if (readerCumulative) { QStringList listOfVars = readerCumulative->values(deployment); foreach (const QString &var, listOfVars) { result << (var + sources); } } const QString installs = QLatin1String("INSTALLS"); const QString files = QLatin1String(".files"); listOfVars = readerExact->values(installs); foreach (const QString &var, listOfVars) { result << (var + files); } if (readerCumulative) { QStringList listOfVars = readerCumulative->values(installs); foreach (const QString &var, listOfVars) { result << (var + files); } } result.removeDuplicates(); return result; } QSet Qt4PriFileNode::filterFilesProVariables(ProjectExplorer::FileType fileType, const QSet &files) { if (fileType != ProjectExplorer::QMLType && fileType != ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType) return files; QSet result; if (fileType == ProjectExplorer::QMLType) { foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, files) if (file.toString().endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) result << file; } else { foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, files) if (!file.toString().endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) result << file; } return result; } QSet Qt4PriFileNode::filterFilesRecursiveEnumerata(ProjectExplorer::FileType fileType, const QSet &files) { QSet result; if (fileType != ProjectExplorer::QMLType && fileType != ProjectExplorer::UnknownFileType) return result; if (fileType == ProjectExplorer::QMLType) { foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, files) if (file.toString().endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) result << file; } else { foreach (const Utils::FileName &file, files) if (!file.toString().endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) result << file; } return result; } } // namespace Qt4ProjectManager static Qt4ProjectType proFileTemplateTypeToProjectType(ProFileEvaluator::TemplateType type) { switch (type) { case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Unknown: case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Application: return ApplicationTemplate; case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Library: return LibraryTemplate; case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Script: return ScriptTemplate; case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Aux: return AuxTemplate; case ProFileEvaluator::TT_Subdirs: return SubDirsTemplate; default: return InvalidProject; } } namespace { // find all ui files in project class FindUiFileNodesVisitor : public ProjectExplorer::NodesVisitor { public: void visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *projectNode) { visitFolderNode(projectNode); } void visitFolderNode(FolderNode *folderNode) { foreach (FileNode *fileNode, folderNode->fileNodes()) { if (fileNode->fileType() == ProjectExplorer::FormType) uiFileNodes << fileNode; } } QList uiFileNodes; }; } Qt4NodesWatcher::Qt4NodesWatcher(QObject *parent) : NodesWatcher(parent) { } const Qt4ProFileNode *Qt4ProFileNode::findProFileFor(const QString &fileName) const { if (fileName == path()) return this; foreach (ProjectNode *pn, subProjectNodes()) if (Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = qobject_cast(pn)) if (const Qt4ProFileNode *result = qt4ProFileNode->findProFileFor(fileName)) return result; return 0; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::makefile() const { return singleVariableValue(Makefile); } QString Qt4ProFileNode::objectExtension() const { if (m_varValues[ObjectExt].isEmpty()) return Utils::HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() ? QLatin1String(".obj") : QLatin1String(".o"); return m_varValues[ObjectExt].first(); } QString Qt4ProFileNode::objectsDirectory() const { return singleVariableValue(ObjectsDir); } QByteArray Qt4ProFileNode::cxxDefines() const { QByteArray result; foreach (const QString &def, variableValue(DefinesVar)) { result += "#define "; const int index = def.indexOf(QLatin1Char('=')); if (index == -1) { result += def.toLatin1(); result += " 1\n"; } else { const QString name = def.left(index); const QString value = def.mid(index + 1); result += name.toLatin1(); result += ' '; result += value.toLocal8Bit(); result += '\n'; } } return result; } bool Qt4ProFileNode::isDeployable() const { return m_isDeployable; } /*! \class Qt4ProFileNode Implements abstract ProjectNode class */ Qt4ProFileNode::Qt4ProFileNode(Qt4Project *project, const QString &filePath, QObject *parent) : Qt4PriFileNode(project, this, filePath), m_validParse(false), m_parseInProgress(true), m_projectType(InvalidProject), m_readerExact(0), m_readerCumulative(0) { if (parent) setParent(parent); connect(&m_parseFutureWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(applyAsyncEvaluate())); } Qt4ProFileNode::~Qt4ProFileNode() { m_parseFutureWatcher.waitForFinished(); if (m_readerExact) { // Oh we need to clean up applyEvaluate(EvalAbort, true); m_project->decrementPendingEvaluateFutures(); } } bool Qt4ProFileNode::isParent(Qt4ProFileNode *node) { while ((node = qobject_cast(node->parentFolderNode()))) { if (node == this) return true; } return false; } bool Qt4ProFileNode::hasBuildTargets() const { return hasBuildTargets(projectType()); } bool Qt4ProFileNode::hasBuildTargets(Qt4ProjectType projectType) const { return (projectType == ApplicationTemplate || projectType == LibraryTemplate); } bool Qt4ProFileNode::isDebugAndRelease() const { const QStringList configValues = m_varValues.value(ConfigVar); return configValues.contains(QLatin1String("debug_and_release")); } Qt4ProjectType Qt4ProFileNode::projectType() const { return m_projectType; } QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::variableValue(const Qt4Variable var) const { return m_varValues.value(var); } QString Qt4ProFileNode::singleVariableValue(const Qt4Variable var) const { const QStringList &values = variableValue(var); return values.isEmpty() ? QString() : values.first(); } QHash Qt4ProFileNode::uiFiles() const { return m_uiFiles; } void Qt4ProFileNode::emitProFileUpdatedRecursive() { foreach (ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers()) if (Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast(watcher)) emit qt4Watcher->proFileUpdated(this, m_validParse, m_parseInProgress); foreach (ProjectNode *subNode, subProjectNodes()) { if (Qt4ProFileNode *node = qobject_cast(subNode)) node->emitProFileUpdatedRecursive(); } } void Qt4ProFileNode::setParseInProgressRecursive(bool b) { setParseInProgress(b); foreach (ProjectNode *subNode, subProjectNodes()) { if (Qt4ProFileNode *node = qobject_cast(subNode)) node->setParseInProgressRecursive(b); } } void Qt4ProFileNode::setParseInProgress(bool b) { if (m_parseInProgress == b) return; m_parseInProgress = b; foreach (ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers()) if (Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast(watcher)) emit qt4Watcher->proFileUpdated(this, m_validParse, m_parseInProgress); } void Qt4ProFileNode::setValidParseRecursive(bool b) { setValidParse(b); foreach (ProjectNode *subNode, subProjectNodes()) { if (Qt4ProFileNode *node = qobject_cast(subNode)) node->setValidParseRecursive(b); } } // Do note the absence of signal emission, always set validParse // before setParseInProgress, as that will emit the signals void Qt4ProFileNode::setValidParse(bool b) { if (m_validParse == b) return; m_validParse = b; } bool Qt4ProFileNode::validParse() const { return m_validParse; } bool Qt4ProFileNode::parseInProgress() const { return m_parseInProgress; } void Qt4ProFileNode::scheduleUpdate() { setParseInProgressRecursive(true); m_project->scheduleAsyncUpdate(this); } void Qt4ProFileNode::asyncUpdate() { m_project->incrementPendingEvaluateFutures(); setupReader(); m_parseFutureWatcher.waitForFinished(); QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(&Qt4ProFileNode::asyncEvaluate, this); m_parseFutureWatcher.setFuture(future); } void Qt4ProFileNode::update() { setParseInProgressRecursive(true); setupReader(); EvalResult evalResult = evaluate(); applyEvaluate(evalResult, false); } void Qt4ProFileNode::setupReader() { Q_ASSERT(!m_readerExact); Q_ASSERT(!m_readerCumulative); m_readerExact = m_project->createProFileReader(this); m_readerCumulative = m_project->createProFileReader(this); m_readerCumulative->setCumulative(true); } Qt4ProFileNode::EvalResult Qt4ProFileNode::evaluate() { EvalResult evalResult = EvalOk; if (ProFile *pro = m_readerExact->parsedProFile(m_projectFilePath)) { if (!m_readerExact->accept(pro, QMakeEvaluator::LoadAll)) evalResult = EvalPartial; if (!m_readerCumulative->accept(pro, QMakeEvaluator::LoadPreFiles)) evalResult = EvalFail; pro->deref(); } else { evalResult = EvalFail; } return evalResult; } void Qt4ProFileNode::asyncEvaluate(QFutureInterface &fi) { EvalResult evalResult = evaluate(); fi.reportResult(evalResult); } void Qt4ProFileNode::applyAsyncEvaluate() { applyEvaluate(m_parseFutureWatcher.result(), true); m_project->decrementPendingEvaluateFutures(); } bool sortByNodes(Node *a, Node *b) { return a->path() < b->path(); } void Qt4ProFileNode::applyEvaluate(EvalResult evalResult, bool async) { if (!m_readerExact) return; if (evalResult == EvalFail || m_project->wasEvaluateCanceled()) { m_validParse = false; m_project->destroyProFileReader(m_readerExact); m_project->destroyProFileReader(m_readerCumulative); m_readerExact = m_readerCumulative = 0; setValidParseRecursive(false); setParseInProgressRecursive(false); if (evalResult == EvalFail) { m_project->proFileParseError(tr("Error while parsing file %1. Giving up.").arg(m_projectFilePath)); if (m_projectType == InvalidProject) return; // delete files && folders && projects removeFileNodes(fileNodes(), this); removeProjectNodes(subProjectNodes()); removeFolderNodes(subFolderNodes(), this); // change project type Qt4ProjectType oldType = m_projectType; m_projectType = InvalidProject; foreach (ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers()) if (Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast(watcher)) emit qt4Watcher->projectTypeChanged(this, oldType, InvalidProject); } return; } if (debug) qDebug() << "Qt4ProFileNode - updating files for file " << m_projectFilePath; Qt4ProjectType projectType = proFileTemplateTypeToProjectType( (evalResult == EvalOk ? m_readerExact : m_readerCumulative)->templateType()); if (projectType != m_projectType) { Qt4ProjectType oldType = m_projectType; // probably all subfiles/projects have changed anyway // delete files && folders && projects foreach (ProjectNode *projectNode, subProjectNodes()) { if (Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = qobject_cast(projectNode)) { qt4ProFileNode->setValidParseRecursive(false); qt4ProFileNode->setParseInProgressRecursive(false); } } removeFileNodes(fileNodes(), this); removeProjectNodes(subProjectNodes()); removeFolderNodes(subFolderNodes(), this); bool changesHasBuildTargets = hasBuildTargets() ^ hasBuildTargets(projectType); if (changesHasBuildTargets) aboutToChangeHasBuildTargets(); m_projectType = projectType; if (changesHasBuildTargets) hasBuildTargetsChanged(); // really emit here? or at the end? Nobody is connected to this signal at the moment // so we kind of can ignore that question for now foreach (ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers()) if (Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast(watcher)) emit qt4Watcher->projectTypeChanged(this, oldType, projectType); } // // Add/Remove pri files, sub projects // QList existingProjectNodes = subProjectNodes(); QStringList newProjectFilesExact; QHash includeFilesExact; QSet exactSubdirs; ProFile *fileForCurrentProjectExact = 0; QStringList subProjectsNotToDeploy; if (evalResult == EvalOk) { if (m_projectType == SubDirsTemplate) { newProjectFilesExact = subDirsPaths(m_readerExact, &subProjectsNotToDeploy, false); exactSubdirs = newProjectFilesExact.toSet(); } foreach (ProFile *includeFile, m_readerExact->includeFiles()) { if (includeFile->fileName() == m_projectFilePath) { // this file fileForCurrentProjectExact = includeFile; } else { newProjectFilesExact << includeFile->fileName(); includeFilesExact.insert(includeFile->fileName(), includeFile); } } } QStringList newProjectFilesCumlative; QHash includeFilesCumlative; ProFile *fileForCurrentProjectCumlative = 0; if (m_projectType == SubDirsTemplate) newProjectFilesCumlative = subDirsPaths(m_readerCumulative, 0, true); foreach (ProFile *includeFile, m_readerCumulative->includeFiles()) { if (includeFile->fileName() == m_projectFilePath) { fileForCurrentProjectCumlative = includeFile; } else { newProjectFilesCumlative << includeFile->fileName(); includeFilesCumlative.insert(includeFile->fileName(), includeFile); } } qSort(existingProjectNodes.begin(), existingProjectNodes.end(), sortNodesByPath); qSort(newProjectFilesExact); qSort(newProjectFilesCumlative); QList toAdd; QList toRemove; QList::const_iterator existingIt = existingProjectNodes.constBegin(); QStringList::const_iterator newExactIt = newProjectFilesExact.constBegin(); QStringList::const_iterator newCumlativeIt = newProjectFilesCumlative.constBegin(); forever { bool existingAtEnd = (existingIt == existingProjectNodes.constEnd()); bool newExactAtEnd = (newExactIt == newProjectFilesExact.constEnd()); bool newCumlativeAtEnd = (newCumlativeIt == newProjectFilesCumlative.constEnd()); if (existingAtEnd && newExactAtEnd && newCumlativeAtEnd) break; // we are done, hurray! // So this is one giant loop comparing 3 lists at once and sorting the comparison // into mainly 2 buckets: toAdd and toRemove // We need to distinguish between nodes that came from exact and cumalative // parsing, since the update call is diffrent for them // I believe this code to be correct, be careful in changing it QString nodeToAdd; if (! existingAtEnd && (newExactAtEnd || (*existingIt)->path() < *newExactIt) && (newCumlativeAtEnd || (*existingIt)->path() < *newCumlativeIt)) { // Remove case toRemove << *existingIt; ++existingIt; } else if (! newExactAtEnd && (existingAtEnd || *newExactIt < (*existingIt)->path()) && (newCumlativeAtEnd || *newExactIt < *newCumlativeIt)) { // Mark node from exact for adding nodeToAdd = *newExactIt; ++newExactIt; } else if (! newCumlativeAtEnd && (existingAtEnd || *newCumlativeIt < (*existingIt)->path()) && (newExactAtEnd || *newCumlativeIt < *newExactIt)) { // Mark node from cumalative for adding nodeToAdd = *newCumlativeIt; ++newCumlativeIt; } else if (!newExactAtEnd && !newCumlativeAtEnd && (existingAtEnd || *newExactIt < (*existingIt)->path()) && (existingAtEnd || *newCumlativeIt < (*existingIt)->path())) { // Mark node from both for adding nodeToAdd = *newExactIt; ++newExactIt; ++newCumlativeIt; } else { Q_ASSERT(!newExactAtEnd || !newCumlativeAtEnd); // update case, figure out which case exactly if (newExactAtEnd) { ++newCumlativeIt; } else if (newCumlativeAtEnd) { ++newExactIt; } else if (*newExactIt < *newCumlativeIt) { ++newExactIt; } else if (*newCumlativeIt < *newExactIt) { ++newCumlativeIt; } else { ++newExactIt; ++newCumlativeIt; } // Update existingNodeIte ProFile *fileExact = includeFilesExact.value((*existingIt)->path()); ProFile *fileCumlative = includeFilesCumlative.value((*existingIt)->path()); if (fileExact || fileCumlative) { Qt4PriFileNode *priFileNode = static_cast(*existingIt); priFileNode->update(fileExact, m_readerExact, fileCumlative, m_readerCumulative); priFileNode->setIncludedInExactParse(fileExact != 0 && includedInExactParse()); } else { // We always parse exactly, because we later when async parsing don't know whether // the .pro file is included in this .pro file // So to compare that later parse with the sync one Qt4ProFileNode *proFileNode = static_cast(*existingIt); proFileNode->setIncludedInExactParse(exactSubdirs.contains(proFileNode->path()) && includedInExactParse()); if (async) proFileNode->asyncUpdate(); else proFileNode->update(); } ++existingIt; // newCumalativeIt and newExactIt are already incremented } // If we found something to add, do it if (!nodeToAdd.isEmpty()) { ProFile *fileExact = includeFilesExact.value(nodeToAdd); ProFile *fileCumlative = includeFilesCumlative.value(nodeToAdd); // Loop preventation, make sure that exact same node is not in our parent chain bool loop = false; ProjectExplorer::Node *n = this; while ((n = n->parentFolderNode())) { if (qobject_cast(n) && n->path() == nodeToAdd) { loop = true; break; } } if (loop) { // Do nothing } else if (fileExact || fileCumlative) { Qt4PriFileNode *qt4PriFileNode = new Qt4PriFileNode(m_project, this, nodeToAdd); qt4PriFileNode->setParentFolderNode(this); // Needed for loop detection qt4PriFileNode->setIncludedInExactParse(fileExact != 0 && includedInExactParse()); qt4PriFileNode->update(fileExact, m_readerExact, fileCumlative, m_readerCumulative); toAdd << qt4PriFileNode; } else { Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = new Qt4ProFileNode(m_project, nodeToAdd); qt4ProFileNode->setParentFolderNode(this); // Needed for loop detection qt4ProFileNode->setIncludedInExactParse(exactSubdirs.contains(qt4ProFileNode->path()) && includedInExactParse()); if (async) qt4ProFileNode->asyncUpdate(); else qt4ProFileNode->update(); toAdd << qt4ProFileNode; } } } // for foreach (ProjectNode *node, toRemove) { if (Qt4ProFileNode *qt4ProFileNode = qobject_cast(node)) { qt4ProFileNode->setValidParseRecursive(false); qt4ProFileNode->setParseInProgressRecursive(false); } } if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) removeProjectNodes(toRemove); if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) addProjectNodes(toAdd); Qt4PriFileNode::update(fileForCurrentProjectExact, m_readerExact, fileForCurrentProjectCumlative, m_readerCumulative); m_validParse = (evalResult == EvalOk); if (m_validParse) { // update TargetInformation m_qt4targetInformation = targetInformation(m_readerExact); m_resolvedMkspecPath = m_readerExact->resolvedMkSpec(); m_subProjectsNotToDeploy = subProjectsNotToDeploy; setupInstallsList(m_readerExact); QString buildDirectory = buildDir(); // update other variables QHash newVarValues; newVarValues[DefinesVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("DEFINES")); newVarValues[IncludePathVar] = includePaths(m_readerExact); newVarValues[CppFlagsVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS")); newVarValues[CppHeaderVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, m_readerCumulative, QLatin1String("HEADERS"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[CppSourceVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, m_readerCumulative, QLatin1String("SOURCES"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[ObjCSourceVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, m_readerCumulative, QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_SOURCES"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[ObjCHeaderVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, m_readerCumulative, QLatin1String("OBJECTIVE_HEADERS"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[UiDirVar] = QStringList() << uiDirPath(m_readerExact); newVarValues[MocDirVar] = QStringList() << mocDirPath(m_readerExact); newVarValues[ResourceVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, m_readerCumulative, QLatin1String("RESOURCES"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[ExactResourceVar] = fileListForVar(m_readerExact, 0, QLatin1String("RESOURCES"), m_projectDir, buildDirectory); newVarValues[PkgConfigVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("PKGCONFIG")); newVarValues[PrecompiledHeaderVar] = m_readerExact->absoluteFileValues(QLatin1String("PRECOMPILED_HEADER"), m_projectDir, QStringList() << m_projectDir, 0); newVarValues[LibDirectoriesVar] = libDirectories(m_readerExact); newVarValues[ConfigVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("CONFIG")); newVarValues[QmlImportPathVar] = m_readerExact->absolutePathValues( QLatin1String("QML_IMPORT_PATH"), m_projectDir); newVarValues[Makefile] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("MAKEFILE")); newVarValues[QtVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QT")); newVarValues[ObjectExt] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_EXT_OBJ")); newVarValues[ObjectsDir] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("OBJECTS_DIR")); newVarValues[VersionVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("VERSION")); newVarValues[TargetExtVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("TARGET_EXT")); newVarValues[TargetVersionExtVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("TARGET_VERSION_EXT")); newVarValues[StaticLibExtensionVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB")); newVarValues[ShLibExtensionVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); newVarValues[AndroidArchVar] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH")); newVarValues[AndroidDeploySettingsFile] = m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE")); m_isDeployable = false; if (m_projectType == ApplicationTemplate) { m_isDeployable = true; } else { foreach (const QString &item, m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("DEPLOYMENT"))) { if (!m_readerExact->values(item + QLatin1String(".sources")).isEmpty()) { m_isDeployable = true; break; } } } if (m_varValues != newVarValues) { Qt4VariablesHash oldValues = m_varValues; m_varValues = newVarValues; foreach (ProjectExplorer::NodesWatcher *watcher, watchers()) if (Internal::Qt4NodesWatcher *qt4Watcher = qobject_cast(watcher)) emit qt4Watcher->variablesChanged(this, oldValues, m_varValues); } } // evalResult == EvalOk setParseInProgress(false); updateUiFiles(); m_project->destroyProFileReader(m_readerExact); m_project->destroyProFileReader(m_readerCumulative); m_readerExact = 0; m_readerCumulative = 0; } QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::fileListForVar(QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerExact, QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerCumulative, const QString &varName, const QString &projectDir, const QString &buildDir) const { QStringList baseVPathsExact = baseVPaths(readerExact, projectDir, buildDir); QStringList vPathsExact = fullVPaths(baseVPathsExact, readerExact, varName, projectDir); QStringList result; result = readerExact->absoluteFileValues(varName, projectDir, vPathsExact, 0); if (readerCumulative) { QStringList baseVPathsCumulative = baseVPaths(readerCumulative, projectDir, buildDir); QStringList vPathsCumulative = fullVPaths(baseVPathsCumulative, readerCumulative, varName, projectDir); result += readerCumulative->absoluteFileValues(varName, projectDir, vPathsCumulative, 0); } result.removeDuplicates(); return result; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::uiDirPath(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) const { QString path = reader->value(QLatin1String("UI_DIR")); if (QFileInfo(path).isRelative()) path = QDir::cleanPath(buildDir() + QLatin1Char('/') + path); return path; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::mocDirPath(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) const { QString path = reader->value(QLatin1String("MOC_DIR")); if (QFileInfo(path).isRelative()) path = QDir::cleanPath(buildDir() + QLatin1Char('/') + path); return path; } QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::includePaths(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) const { QStringList paths; foreach (const QString &cxxflags, m_readerExact->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS"))) { if (cxxflags.startsWith(QLatin1String("-I"))) paths.append(cxxflags.mid(2)); } paths.append(reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("INCLUDEPATH"), m_projectDir)); paths.append(reader->absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("QMAKE_INCDIR"), m_projectDir)); // paths already contains moc dir and ui dir, due to corrrectly parsing uic.prf and moc.prf // except if those directories don't exist at the time of parsing // thus we add those directories manually (without checking for existence) paths << mocDirPath(reader) << uiDirPath(reader); // qmake always adds "." paths << m_projectDir; paths.removeDuplicates(); return paths; } QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::libDirectories(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) const { QStringList result; foreach (const QString &str, reader->values(QLatin1String("LIBS"))) { if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("-L"))) result.append(str.mid(2)); } return result; } QStringList Qt4ProFileNode::subDirsPaths(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader, QStringList *subProjectsNotToDeploy, bool silent) const { QStringList subProjectPaths; const QStringList subDirVars = reader->values(QLatin1String("SUBDIRS")); foreach (const QString &subDirVar, subDirVars) { // Special case were subdir is just an identifier: // "SUBDIR = subid // subid.subdir = realdir" // or // "SUBDIR = subid // subid.file = realdir/realfile.pro" QString realDir; const QString subDirKey = subDirVar + QLatin1String(".subdir"); const QString subDirFileKey = subDirVar + QLatin1String(".file"); if (reader->contains(subDirKey)) realDir = reader->value(subDirKey); else if (reader->contains(subDirFileKey)) realDir = reader->value(subDirFileKey); else realDir = subDirVar; QFileInfo info(realDir); if (!info.isAbsolute()) info.setFile(m_projectDir + QLatin1Char('/') + realDir); realDir = info.filePath(); QString realFile; if (info.isDir()) realFile = QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2.pro").arg(realDir, info.fileName()); else realFile = realDir; if (QFile::exists(realFile)) { realFile = QDir::cleanPath(realFile); subProjectPaths << realFile; if (subProjectsNotToDeploy && !subProjectsNotToDeploy->contains(realFile) && reader->values(subDirVar + QLatin1String(".CONFIG")) .contains(QLatin1String("no_default_target"))) { subProjectsNotToDeploy->append(realFile); } } else { if (!silent) m_project->proFileParseError(tr("Could not find .pro file for sub dir '%1' in '%2'") .arg(subDirVar).arg(realDir)); } } subProjectPaths.removeDuplicates(); return subProjectPaths; } TargetInformation Qt4ProFileNode::targetInformation(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) const { TargetInformation result; if (!reader) return result; QtSupport::ProFileReader *readerBP = 0; QStringList builds = reader->values(QLatin1String("BUILDS")); if (!builds.isEmpty()) { QString build = builds.first(); result.buildTarget = reader->value(build + QLatin1String(".target")); QHash basevars; QStringList basecfgs = reader->values(build + QLatin1String(".CONFIG")); basecfgs += build; basecfgs += QLatin1String("build_pass"); basevars[QLatin1String("BUILD_PASS")] = QStringList(build); QStringList buildname = reader->values(build + QLatin1String(".name")); basevars[QLatin1String("BUILD_NAME")] = (buildname.isEmpty() ? QStringList(build) : buildname); readerBP = m_project->createProFileReader(this); readerBP->setExtraVars(basevars); readerBP->setExtraConfigs(basecfgs); EvalResult evalResult = EvalOk; if (ProFile *pro = readerBP->parsedProFile(m_projectFilePath)) { if (!readerBP->accept(pro, QMakeEvaluator::LoadAll)) evalResult = EvalPartial; pro->deref(); } else { evalResult = EvalFail; } if (evalResult != EvalOk) return result; reader = readerBP; } // BUILD DIR result.buildDir = buildDir(); if (reader->contains(QLatin1String("DESTDIR"))) result.destDir = reader->value(QLatin1String("DESTDIR")); // Target result.target = reader->value(QLatin1String("TARGET")); if (result.target.isEmpty()) result.target = QFileInfo(m_projectFilePath).baseName(); result.valid = true; if (readerBP) m_project->destroyProFileReader(readerBP); return result; } TargetInformation Qt4ProFileNode::targetInformation() const { return m_qt4targetInformation; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::resolvedMkspecPath() const { return m_resolvedMkspecPath; } void Qt4ProFileNode::setupInstallsList(const QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) { m_installsList.clear(); if (!reader) return; const QStringList &itemList = reader->values(QLatin1String("INSTALLS")); foreach (const QString &item, itemList) { if (reader->values(item + QLatin1String(".CONFIG")).contains(QLatin1String("no_default_install"))) continue; QString itemPath; const QString pathVar = item + QLatin1String(".path"); const QStringList &itemPaths = reader->values(pathVar); if (itemPaths.count() != 1) { qDebug("Invalid RHS: Variable '%s' has %d values.", qPrintable(pathVar), itemPaths.count()); if (itemPaths.isEmpty()) { qDebug("%s: Ignoring INSTALLS item '%s', because it has no path.", qPrintable(m_projectFilePath), qPrintable(item)); continue; } } itemPath = itemPaths.last(); const QStringList &itemFiles = reader->absoluteFileValues(item + QLatin1String(".files"), m_projectDir, QStringList() << m_projectDir, 0); if (item == QLatin1String("target")) { m_installsList.targetPath = itemPath; } else { if (itemFiles.isEmpty()) { // TODO: Fix QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES handling in pro file reader, then uncomment again // if (!reader->values(item + QLatin1String(".CONFIG")) // .contains(QLatin1String("no_check_exist"))) { // qDebug("%s: Ignoring INSTALLS item '%s', because it has no files.", // qPrintable(m_projectFilePath), qPrintable(item)); // } continue; } m_installsList.items << InstallsItem(itemPath, itemFiles); } } } InstallsList Qt4ProFileNode::installsList() const { return m_installsList; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::sourceDir() const { return m_projectDir; } QString Qt4ProFileNode::buildDir(Qt4BuildConfiguration *bc) const { const QDir srcDirRoot = m_project->rootQt4ProjectNode()->sourceDir(); const QString relativeDir = srcDirRoot.relativeFilePath(m_projectDir); if (!bc && m_project->activeTarget()) bc = static_cast(m_project->activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration()); if (!bc) return QString(); return QDir::cleanPath(QDir(bc->buildDirectory().toString()).absoluteFilePath(relativeDir)); } QString Qt4ProFileNode::uiDirectory() const { const Qt4VariablesHash::const_iterator it = m_varValues.constFind(UiDirVar); if (it != m_varValues.constEnd() && !it.value().isEmpty()) return it.value().front(); return buildDir(); } QString Qt4ProFileNode::uiHeaderFile(const QString &uiDir, const QString &formFile) { QString uiHeaderFilePath = uiDir; uiHeaderFilePath += QLatin1String("/ui_"); uiHeaderFilePath += QFileInfo(formFile).completeBaseName(); uiHeaderFilePath += QLatin1String(".h"); return QDir::cleanPath(uiHeaderFilePath); } void Qt4ProFileNode::updateUiFiles() { m_uiFiles.clear(); // Only those two project types can have ui files for us if (m_projectType == ApplicationTemplate || m_projectType == LibraryTemplate) { // Find all ui files FindUiFileNodesVisitor uiFilesVisitor; this->accept(&uiFilesVisitor); const QList uiFiles = uiFilesVisitor.uiFileNodes; // Find the UiDir, there can only ever be one const QString uiDir = uiDirectory(); foreach (const ProjectExplorer::FileNode *uiFile, uiFiles) m_uiFiles.insert(uiFile->path(), uiHeaderFile(uiDir, uiFile->path())); } }