/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (info@qt.nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at info@qt.nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "timelineview.h" #include #include #include using namespace QmlProfiler::Internal; #define CACHE_ENABLED true #define CACHE_UPDATEDELAY 10 #define CACHE_STEP 200 TimelineView::TimelineView(QDeclarativeItem *parent) : QDeclarativeItem(parent), m_delegate(0), m_itemCount(0), m_startTime(0), m_endTime(0), m_startX(0), m_spacing(0), prevMin(0), prevMax(0), m_eventList(0), m_totalWidth(0), m_lastCachedIndex(0), m_creatingCache(false), m_oldCacheSize(0) { } void TimelineView::componentComplete() { QDeclarativeItem::componentComplete(); } void TimelineView::clearData() { if (CACHE_ENABLED) foreach (QDeclarativeItem *item, m_items.values()) item->setVisible(false); else foreach (QDeclarativeItem *item, m_items.values()) delete m_items.take(m_items.key(item)); m_startTime = 0; m_endTime = 0; m_startX = 0; prevMin = 0; prevMax = 0; m_totalWidth = 0; m_lastCachedIndex = 0; } void TimelineView::setStartX(qreal arg) { if (arg == m_startX) return; qreal window = m_endTime - m_startTime; if (window == 0) //### return; qreal spacing = width() / window; qreal oldStart = m_startTime; m_startTime = arg / spacing; m_endTime += m_startTime - oldStart; updateTimeline(false); m_startX = arg; emit startXChanged(m_startX); } void TimelineView::updateTimeline(bool updateStartX) { if (!m_delegate) return; if (!m_eventList) return; qreal totalRange = m_eventList->lastTimeMark() - m_eventList->firstTimeMark(); qreal window = m_endTime - m_startTime; if (window == 0) //### return; qreal newSpacing = width() / window; bool spacingChanged = (newSpacing != m_spacing); m_spacing = newSpacing; qreal oldtw = m_totalWidth; m_totalWidth = totalRange * m_spacing; int minsample = m_eventList->findFirstIndex(m_startTime + m_eventList->firstTimeMark()); int maxsample = m_eventList->findLastIndex(m_endTime + m_eventList->firstTimeMark()); if (updateStartX) { qreal oldStartX = m_startX; m_startX = qRound(m_startTime * m_spacing); if (m_startX != oldStartX) { emit startXChanged(m_startX); } } //### emitting this before startXChanged was causing issues if (m_totalWidth != oldtw) emit totalWidthChanged(m_totalWidth); // the next loops have to be modified with the new implementation of the cache // hide items that are not visible any more if (maxsample < prevMin || minsample > prevMax) { for (int i = prevMin; i <= prevMax; ++i) if (m_items.contains(i)) { if (CACHE_ENABLED) m_items.value(i)->setVisible(false); else delete m_items.take(i); } } else { if (minsample > prevMin && minsample <= prevMax) for (int i = prevMin; i < minsample; ++i) if (m_items.contains(i)) { if (CACHE_ENABLED) m_items.value(i)->setVisible(false); else delete m_items.take(i); } if (maxsample >= prevMin && maxsample < prevMax) for (int i = maxsample + 1; i <= prevMax; ++i) if (m_items.contains(i)) { if (CACHE_ENABLED) m_items.value(i)->setVisible(false); else delete m_items.take(i); } } // Update visible items for (int i = minsample; i <= maxsample; ++i) { if (!m_items.contains(i)) { createItem(i); m_items.value(i)->setVisible(true); } else if (spacingChanged || !m_items.value(i)->isVisible()) { m_items.value(i)->setVisible(true); updateItemPosition(i); } } prevMin = minsample; prevMax = maxsample; } void TimelineView::createItem(int itemIndex) { QDeclarativeContext *ctxt = new QDeclarativeContext(qmlContext(this)); QDeclarativeItem *item = qobject_cast(m_delegate->beginCreate(ctxt)); m_items.insert(itemIndex, item); ctxt->setParent(item); //### QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(ctxt, item); instead? ctxt->setContextProperty("index", itemIndex); ctxt->setContextProperty("type", m_eventList->getType(itemIndex)); ctxt->setContextProperty("nestingLevel", m_eventList->getNestingLevel(itemIndex)); ctxt->setContextProperty("nestingDepth", m_eventList->getNestingDepth(itemIndex)); updateItemPosition(itemIndex); item->setVisible(false); item->setParentItem(this); m_delegate->completeCreate(); m_itemCount++; } void TimelineView::updateItemPosition(int itemIndex) { QDeclarativeItem *item = m_items.value(itemIndex); if (item) { qreal itemStartPos = (m_eventList->getStartTime(itemIndex) - m_eventList->firstTimeMark()) * m_spacing; item->setX(itemStartPos); qreal width = (m_eventList->getEndTime(itemIndex) - m_eventList->getStartTime(itemIndex)) * m_spacing; item->setWidth(width > 1 ? width : 1); } } void TimelineView::rebuildCache() { if (CACHE_ENABLED) { m_lastCachedIndex = 0; m_creatingCache = false; m_oldCacheSize = m_items.count(); emit cachedProgressChanged(); QTimer::singleShot(CACHE_UPDATEDELAY, this, SLOT(purgeCache())); } else { m_creatingCache = true; m_lastCachedIndex = m_eventList->count(); emit cacheReady(); } } qreal TimelineView::cachedProgress() const { qreal progress; if (!m_creatingCache) { if (m_oldCacheSize == 0) progress = 0.5; else progress = (m_lastCachedIndex * 0.5) / m_oldCacheSize; } else progress = 0.5 + (m_lastCachedIndex * 0.5) / m_eventList->count(); return progress; } void TimelineView::increaseCache() { int totalCount = m_eventList->count(); if (m_lastCachedIndex >= totalCount) { emit cacheReady(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < CACHE_STEP; i++) { createItem(m_lastCachedIndex); m_lastCachedIndex++; if (m_lastCachedIndex >= totalCount) break; } emit cachedProgressChanged(); QTimer::singleShot(CACHE_UPDATEDELAY, this, SLOT(increaseCache())); } void TimelineView::purgeCache() { if (m_items.isEmpty()) { m_creatingCache = true; m_lastCachedIndex = 0; QTimer::singleShot(CACHE_UPDATEDELAY, this, SLOT(increaseCache())); return; } for (int i=0; i < CACHE_STEP; i++) { if (m_items.contains(m_lastCachedIndex)) delete m_items.take(m_lastCachedIndex); m_lastCachedIndex++; if (m_items.isEmpty()) break; } emit cachedProgressChanged(); QTimer::singleShot(CACHE_UPDATEDELAY, this, SLOT(purgeCache())); } qint64 TimelineView::getDuration(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(m_eventList); return m_eventList->getEndTime(index) - m_eventList->getStartTime(index); } QString TimelineView::getFilename(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(m_eventList); return m_eventList->getFilename(index); } int TimelineView::getLine(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(m_eventList); return m_eventList->getLine(index); } QString TimelineView::getDetails(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(m_eventList); return m_eventList->getDetails(index); }