/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmlprofilertraceclient.h" #include #include #include namespace QmlProfiler { class QmlProfilerTraceClientPrivate { public: QmlProfilerTraceClientPrivate(QmlProfilerTraceClient *_q, QmlDebug::QmlDebugConnection *client) : q(_q) , engineControl(client) , inProgressRanges(0) , maximumTime(0) , recording(false) , requestedFeatures(0) , recordedFeatures(0) , flushInterval(0) { ::memset(rangeCount, 0, MaximumRangeType * sizeof(int)); } void sendRecordingStatus(int engineId); bool updateFeatures(ProfileFeature feature); QmlProfilerTraceClient *q; QmlDebug::QmlEngineControlClient engineControl; QScopedPointer messageClient; qint64 inProgressRanges; QStack rangeStartTimes[MaximumRangeType]; QStack rangeDatas[MaximumRangeType]; QStack rangeLocations[MaximumRangeType]; QStack bindingTypes; int rangeCount[MaximumRangeType]; qint64 maximumTime; bool recording; quint64 requestedFeatures; quint64 recordedFeatures; quint32 flushInterval; }; } // namespace QmlProfiler using namespace QmlProfiler; void QmlProfilerTraceClientPrivate::sendRecordingStatus(int engineId) { QmlDebug::QPacket stream(q->connection()->currentDataStreamVersion()); stream << recording << engineId; // engineId -1 is OK. It means "all of them" if (recording) stream << requestedFeatures << flushInterval; q->sendMessage(stream.data()); } QmlProfilerTraceClient::QmlProfilerTraceClient(QmlDebug::QmlDebugConnection *client, quint64 features) : QmlDebugClient(QLatin1String("CanvasFrameRate"), client) , d(new QmlProfilerTraceClientPrivate(this, client)) { setRequestedFeatures(features); connect(&d->engineControl, &QmlDebug::QmlEngineControlClient::engineAboutToBeAdded, this, &QmlProfilerTraceClient::newEngine); } QmlProfilerTraceClient::~QmlProfilerTraceClient() { //Disable profiling if started by client //Profiling data will be lost!! if (isRecording()) setRecording(false); delete d; } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::clearData() { ::memset(d->rangeCount, 0, MaximumRangeType * sizeof(int)); for (int eventType = 0; eventType < MaximumRangeType; eventType++) { d->rangeDatas[eventType].clear(); d->rangeLocations[eventType].clear(); d->rangeStartTimes[eventType].clear(); } d->bindingTypes.clear(); if (d->recordedFeatures != 0) { d->recordedFeatures = 0; emit recordedFeaturesChanged(0); } emit cleared(); } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::sendRecordingStatus(int engineId) { d->sendRecordingStatus(engineId); } bool QmlProfilerTraceClient::isRecording() const { return d->recording; } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::setRecording(bool v) { if (v == d->recording) return; d->recording = v; if (state() == Enabled) sendRecordingStatus(); emit recordingChanged(v); } quint64 QmlProfilerTraceClient::recordedFeatures() const { return d->recordedFeatures; } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::setRequestedFeatures(quint64 features) { d->requestedFeatures = features; if (features & static_cast(1) << ProfileDebugMessages) { d->messageClient.reset(new QmlDebug::QDebugMessageClient(connection())); connect(d->messageClient.data(), &QmlDebug::QDebugMessageClient::message, this, [this](QtMsgType type, const QString &text, const QmlDebug::QDebugContextInfo &context) { d->updateFeatures(ProfileDebugMessages); emit debugMessage(type, context.timestamp, text, QmlEventLocation(context.file, context.line, 1)); }); } else { d->messageClient.reset(); } } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::setFlushInterval(quint32 flushInterval) { d->flushInterval = flushInterval; } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::setRecordingFromServer(bool v) { if (v == d->recording) return; d->recording = v; emit recordingChanged(v); } bool QmlProfilerTraceClientPrivate::updateFeatures(ProfileFeature feature) { quint64 flag = 1ULL << feature; if (!(requestedFeatures & flag)) return false; if (!(recordedFeatures & flag)) { recordedFeatures |= flag; emit q->recordedFeaturesChanged(recordedFeatures); } return true; } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::stateChanged(State status) { if (status == Enabled) sendRecordingStatus(-1); } void QmlProfilerTraceClient::messageReceived(const QByteArray &data) { QmlDebug::QPacket stream(connection()->currentDataStreamVersion(), data); qint64 time; int messageType; int subtype; stream >> time >> messageType; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> subtype; else subtype = -1; switch (messageType) { case Event: { switch (subtype) { case StartTrace: { if (!d->recording) setRecordingFromServer(true); QList engineIds; while (!stream.atEnd()) { int id; stream >> id; engineIds << id; } emit traceStarted(time, engineIds); d->maximumTime = time; break; } case EndTrace: { QList engineIds; while (!stream.atEnd()) { int id; stream >> id; engineIds << id; } emit traceFinished(time, engineIds); d->maximumTime = time; d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); break; } case AnimationFrame: { if (!d->updateFeatures(ProfileAnimations)) break; int frameRate, animationCount; int threadId; stream >> frameRate >> animationCount; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> threadId; else threadId = 0; emit rangedEvent(Event, MaximumRangeType, AnimationFrame, time, 0, QString(), QmlEventLocation(), frameRate, animationCount, threadId, 0, 0); d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); break; } case Key: case Mouse: if (!d->updateFeatures(ProfileInputEvents)) break; int inputType = (subtype == Key ? InputKeyUnknown : InputMouseUnknown); if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> inputType; int a = -1; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> a; int b = -1; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> b; emit rangedEvent(Event, MaximumRangeType, subtype, time, 0, QString(), QmlEventLocation(), inputType, a, b, 0, 0); d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); break; } break; } case Complete: emit complete(d->maximumTime); setRecordingFromServer(false); break; case SceneGraphFrame: { if (!d->updateFeatures(ProfileSceneGraph)) break; int count = 0; qint64 params[5]; while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> params[count++]; } while (count<5) params[count++] = 0; emit rangedEvent(SceneGraphFrame, MaximumRangeType, subtype,time, 0, QString(), QmlEventLocation(), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]); break; } case PixmapCacheEvent: { if (!d->updateFeatures(ProfilePixmapCache)) break; int width = 0, height = 0, refcount = 0; QString pixUrl; stream >> pixUrl; if (subtype == (int)PixmapReferenceCountChanged || subtype == (int)PixmapCacheCountChanged) { stream >> refcount; } else if (subtype == (int)PixmapSizeKnown) { stream >> width >> height; refcount = 1; } emit rangedEvent(PixmapCacheEvent, MaximumRangeType, subtype, time, 0, QString(), QmlEventLocation(pixUrl,0,0), width, height, refcount, 0, 0); d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); break; } case MemoryAllocation: { if (!d->updateFeatures(ProfileMemory)) break; qint64 delta; stream >> delta; emit rangedEvent(MemoryAllocation, MaximumRangeType, subtype, time, 0, QString(), QmlEventLocation(), delta, 0, 0, 0, 0); d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); break; } case RangeStart: { if (!d->updateFeatures(featureFromRangeType(static_cast(subtype)))) break; d->rangeStartTimes[subtype].push(time); d->inProgressRanges |= (static_cast(1) << subtype); ++d->rangeCount[subtype]; // read binding type if ((RangeType)subtype == Binding) { int bindingType = (int)QmlBinding; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> bindingType; d->bindingTypes.push((BindingType)bindingType); } break; } case RangeData: { if (!d->updateFeatures(featureFromRangeType(static_cast(subtype)))) break; QString data; stream >> data; int count = d->rangeCount[subtype]; if (count > 0) { while (d->rangeDatas[subtype].count() < count) d->rangeDatas[subtype].push(QString()); d->rangeDatas[subtype][count-1] = data; } break; } case RangeLocation: { if (!d->updateFeatures(featureFromRangeType(static_cast(subtype)))) break; QString fileName; int line; int column = -1; stream >> fileName >> line; if (!stream.atEnd()) stream >> column; if (d->rangeCount[subtype] > 0) d->rangeLocations[subtype].push(QmlEventLocation(fileName, line, column)); break; } case RangeEnd: { if (!d->updateFeatures(featureFromRangeType(static_cast(subtype)))) break; if (d->rangeCount[subtype] == 0) break; --d->rangeCount[subtype]; if (d->inProgressRanges & (static_cast(1) << subtype)) d->inProgressRanges &= ~(static_cast(1) << subtype); d->maximumTime = qMax(time, d->maximumTime); QString data = d->rangeDatas[subtype].count() ? d->rangeDatas[subtype].pop() : QString(); QmlEventLocation location = d->rangeLocations[subtype].count() ? d->rangeLocations[subtype].pop() : QmlEventLocation(); qint64 startTime = d->rangeStartTimes[subtype].pop(); BindingType bindingType = QmlBinding; if ((RangeType)subtype == Binding) bindingType = d->bindingTypes.pop(); if ((RangeType)subtype == Painting) bindingType = QPainterEvent; emit rangedEvent(MaximumMessage, (RangeType)subtype, bindingType, startTime, time - startTime, data, location, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (d->rangeCount[subtype] == 0) { int count = d->rangeDatas[subtype].count() + d->rangeStartTimes[subtype].count() + d->rangeLocations[subtype].count(); if (count != 0) qWarning() << "incorrectly nested data"; } break; } default: break; } }