/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmakeproject.h" #include "qmakeprojectmanager.h" #include "qmakeprojectimporter.h" #include "qmakebuildinfo.h" #include "qmakestep.h" #include "qmakenodes.h" #include "qmakeprojectmanagerconstants.h" #include "qmakebuildconfiguration.h" #include "findqmakeprofiles.h" #include "wizards/abstractmobileapp.h" #include "wizards/qtquickapp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QmakeProjectManager; using namespace QmakeProjectManager::Internal; using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace Utils; enum { debug = 0 }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { QmakeBuildConfiguration *enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(ProjectExplorer::Target *t, bool enabled) { if (!t) return 0; QmakeBuildConfiguration *bc = static_cast(t->activeBuildConfiguration()); if (!bc) return 0; bc->setEnabled(enabled); return bc; } void updateBoilerPlateCodeFiles(const AbstractMobileApp *app, const QString &proFile) { const QList updates = app->fileUpdates(proFile); const QString nativeProFile = QDir::toNativeSeparators(proFile); if (!updates.empty()) { const QString title = QmakeManager::tr("Update of Generated Files"); QStringList fileNames; foreach (const AbstractGeneratedFileInfo &info, updates) fileNames.append(QDir::toNativeSeparators(info.fileInfo.fileName())); const QString message = QmakeManager::tr("In project


The following files are either " "outdated or have been modified:


Do you want " "Qt Creator to update the files? Any changes will be lost.") .arg(nativeProFile, fileNames.join(QLatin1String(", "))); if (QMessageBox::question(Core::ICore::dialogParent(), title, message, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { QString error; if (!app->updateFiles(updates, error)) QMessageBox::critical(0, title, error); } } } } // namespace namespace QmakeProjectManager { namespace Internal { class QmakeProjectFile : public Core::IDocument { Q_OBJECT public: QmakeProjectFile(const QString &filePath, QObject *parent = 0); bool save(QString *errorString, const QString &fileName, bool autoSave); QString defaultPath() const; QString suggestedFileName() const; bool isModified() const; bool isSaveAsAllowed() const; ReloadBehavior reloadBehavior(ChangeTrigger state, ChangeType type) const; bool reload(QString *errorString, ReloadFlag flag, ChangeType type); }; /// Watches folders for QmakePriFile nodes /// use one file system watcher to watch all folders /// such minimizing system ressouce usage class CentralizedFolderWatcher : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: CentralizedFolderWatcher(QmakeProject *parent); ~CentralizedFolderWatcher(); void watchFolders(const QList &folders, QmakePriFileNode *node); void unwatchFolders(const QList &folders, QmakePriFileNode *node); private slots: void folderChanged(const QString &folder); void onTimer(); void delayedFolderChanged(const QString &folder); private: QmakeProject *m_project; QSet recursiveDirs(const QString &folder); QFileSystemWatcher m_watcher; QMultiMap m_map; QSet m_recursiveWatchedFolders; QTimer m_compressTimer; QSet m_changedFolders; }; // QmakeProjectFiles: Struct for (Cached) lists of files in a project class QmakeProjectFiles { public: void clear(); bool equals(const QmakeProjectFiles &f) const; QStringList files[ProjectExplorer::FileTypeSize]; QStringList generatedFiles[ProjectExplorer::FileTypeSize]; QStringList proFiles; }; void QmakeProjectFiles::clear() { for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) { files[i].clear(); generatedFiles[i].clear(); } proFiles.clear(); } bool QmakeProjectFiles::equals(const QmakeProjectFiles &f) const { for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) if (files[i] != f.files[i] || generatedFiles[i] != f.generatedFiles[i]) return false; if (proFiles != f.proFiles) return false; return true; } inline bool operator==(const QmakeProjectFiles &f1, const QmakeProjectFiles &f2) { return f1.equals(f2); } inline bool operator!=(const QmakeProjectFiles &f1, const QmakeProjectFiles &f2) { return !f1.equals(f2); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QmakeProjectFiles &f) { QDebug nsp = d.nospace(); nsp << "QmakeProjectFiles: proFiles=" << f.proFiles << '\n'; for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) nsp << "Type " << i << " files=" << f.files[i] << " generated=" << f.generatedFiles[i] << '\n'; return d; } // A visitor to collect all files of a project in a QmakeProjectFiles struct class ProjectFilesVisitor : public ProjectExplorer::NodesVisitor { ProjectFilesVisitor(QmakeProjectFiles *files); public: static void findProjectFiles(QmakeProFileNode *rootNode, QmakeProjectFiles *files); void visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *projectNode); void visitFolderNode(FolderNode *folderNode); private: QmakeProjectFiles *m_files; }; ProjectFilesVisitor::ProjectFilesVisitor(QmakeProjectFiles *files) : m_files(files) { } void ProjectFilesVisitor::findProjectFiles(QmakeProFileNode *rootNode, QmakeProjectFiles *files) { files->clear(); ProjectFilesVisitor visitor(files); rootNode->accept(&visitor); for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) { Utils::sort(files->files[i]); Utils::sort(files->generatedFiles[i]); } Utils::sort(files->proFiles); } void ProjectFilesVisitor::visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *projectNode) { const QString path = projectNode->path(); if (!m_files->proFiles.contains(path)) m_files->proFiles.append(path); visitFolderNode(projectNode); } void ProjectFilesVisitor::visitFolderNode(FolderNode *folderNode) { if (qobject_cast(folderNode)) m_files->files[ResourceType].push_back(folderNode->path()); foreach (FileNode *fileNode, folderNode->fileNodes()) { const QString path = fileNode->path(); const int type = fileNode->fileType(); QStringList &targetList = fileNode->isGenerated() ? m_files->generatedFiles[type] : m_files->files[type]; if (!targetList.contains(path)) targetList.push_back(path); } } } // ----------- QmakeProjectFile namespace Internal { QmakeProjectFile::QmakeProjectFile(const QString &filePath, QObject *parent) : Core::IDocument(parent) { setId("Qmake.ProFile"); setMimeType(QLatin1String(QmakeProjectManager::Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE)); setFilePath(filePath); } bool QmakeProjectFile::save(QString *, const QString &, bool) { // This is never used return false; } QString QmakeProjectFile::defaultPath() const { return QString(); } QString QmakeProjectFile::suggestedFileName() const { return QString(); } bool QmakeProjectFile::isModified() const { return false; // we save after changing anyway } bool QmakeProjectFile::isSaveAsAllowed() const { return false; } Core::IDocument::ReloadBehavior QmakeProjectFile::reloadBehavior(ChangeTrigger state, ChangeType type) const { Q_UNUSED(state) Q_UNUSED(type) return BehaviorSilent; } bool QmakeProjectFile::reload(QString *errorString, ReloadFlag flag, ChangeType type) { Q_UNUSED(errorString) Q_UNUSED(flag) Q_UNUSED(type) return true; } } // namespace Internal /*! \class QmakeProject QmakeProject manages information about an individual Qt 4 (.pro) project file. */ QmakeProject::QmakeProject(QmakeManager *manager, const QString &fileName) : m_manager(manager), m_rootProjectNode(0), m_nodesWatcher(new Internal::QmakeNodesWatcher(this)), m_fileInfo(new QmakeProjectFile(fileName, this)), m_projectFiles(new QmakeProjectFiles), m_qmakeVfs(new QMakeVfs), m_qmakeGlobals(0), m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface(0), m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount(0), m_asyncUpdateState(NoState), m_cancelEvaluate(false), m_centralizedFolderWatcher(0), m_activeTarget(0) { setId(Constants::QMAKEPROJECT_ID); setProjectContext(Core::Context(QmakeProjectManager::Constants::PROJECT_ID)); setProjectLanguages(Core::Context(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX)); setRequiredKitMatcher(QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersionMatcher()); m_asyncUpdateTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_asyncUpdateTimer.setInterval(3000); connect(&m_asyncUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(asyncUpdate())); connect(BuildManager::instance(), SIGNAL(buildQueueFinished(bool)), SLOT(buildFinished(bool))); } QmakeProject::~QmakeProject() { m_codeModelFuture.cancel(); m_asyncUpdateState = ShuttingDown; m_manager->unregisterProject(this); delete m_qmakeVfs; delete m_projectFiles; m_cancelEvaluate = true; // Deleting the root node triggers a few things, make sure rootProjectNode // returns 0 already QmakeProFileNode *root = m_rootProjectNode; m_rootProjectNode = 0; delete root; } void QmakeProject::updateFileList() { QmakeProjectFiles newFiles; ProjectFilesVisitor::findProjectFiles(m_rootProjectNode, &newFiles); if (newFiles != *m_projectFiles) { *m_projectFiles = newFiles; emit fileListChanged(); if (debug) qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << *m_projectFiles; } } bool QmakeProject::fromMap(const QVariantMap &map) { if (!Project::fromMap(map)) return false; // Prune targets without buildconfigurations: // This can happen esp. when updating from a old version of Qt Creator QListts = targets(); foreach (Target *t, ts) { if (t->buildConfigurations().isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Removing" << t->id().name() << "since it has no buildconfigurations!"; removeTarget(t); } } m_manager->registerProject(this); m_rootProjectNode = new QmakeProFileNode(this, m_fileInfo->filePath(), this); m_rootProjectNode->registerWatcher(m_nodesWatcher); update(); updateFileList(); // This might be incorrect, need a full update updateCodeModels(); // We have the profile nodes now, so we know the runconfigs! connect(m_nodesWatcher, SIGNAL(proFileUpdated(QmakeProjectManager::QmakeProFileNode*,bool,bool)), this, SIGNAL(proFileUpdated(QmakeProjectManager::QmakeProFileNode*,bool,bool))); // Now we emit update once :) m_rootProjectNode->emitProFileUpdatedRecursive(); // On active buildconfiguration changes, reevaluate the .pro files m_activeTarget = activeTarget(); if (m_activeTarget) connect(m_activeTarget, SIGNAL(activeBuildConfigurationChanged(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration*)), this, SLOT(scheduleAsyncUpdate())); connect(this, SIGNAL(activeTargetChanged(ProjectExplorer::Target*)), this, SLOT(activeTargetWasChanged())); // // Update boiler plate code for subprojects. QtQuickApp qtQuickApp; foreach (QmakeProFileNode *node, applicationProFiles(QmakeProject::ExactAndCumulativeParse)) { const QString path = node->path(); foreach (TemplateInfo info, QtQuickApp::templateInfos()) { qtQuickApp.setTemplateInfo(info); updateBoilerPlateCodeFiles(&qtQuickApp, path); } } return true; } /// equalFileList compares two file lists ignoring /// without generating temporary lists bool QmakeProject::equalFileList(const QStringList &a, const QStringList &b) { if (abs(a.length() - b.length()) > 1) return false; QStringList::const_iterator ait = a.constBegin(); QStringList::const_iterator bit = b.constBegin(); QStringList::const_iterator aend = a.constEnd(); QStringList::const_iterator bend = b.constEnd(); while (ait != aend && bit != bend) { if (*ait == CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::configurationFileName()) ++ait; else if (*bit == CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::configurationFileName()) ++bit; else if (*ait == *bit) ++ait, ++bit; else return false; } return (ait == aend && bit == bend); } void QmakeProject::updateCodeModels() { if (debug) qDebug() << "QmakeProject::updateCodeModel()"; if (activeTarget() && !activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration()) return; updateCppCodeModel(); updateQmlJSCodeModel(); } void QmakeProject::updateCppCodeModel() { typedef CppTools::ProjectPart ProjectPart; typedef CppTools::ProjectFile ProjectFile; Kit *k = 0; QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *qtVersion = 0; if (ProjectExplorer::Target *target = activeTarget()) k = target->kit(); else k = KitManager::defaultKit(); qtVersion = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *modelmanager = CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::instance(); if (!modelmanager) return; FindQmakeProFiles findQmakeProFiles; QList proFiles = findQmakeProFiles(rootProjectNode()); CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo pinfo = modelmanager->projectInfo(this); pinfo.clearProjectParts(); ProjectPart::QtVersion qtVersionForPart = ProjectPart::NoQt; if (qtVersion) { if (qtVersion->qtVersion() < QtSupport::QtVersionNumber(5,0,0)) qtVersionForPart = ProjectPart::Qt4; else qtVersionForPart = ProjectPart::Qt5; } QHash uiCodeModelData; QStringList allFiles; foreach (QmakeProFileNode *pro, proFiles) { ProjectPart::Ptr part(new ProjectPart); part->project = this; part->displayName = pro->displayName(); part->projectFile = pro->path(); if (pro->variableValue(ConfigVar).contains(QLatin1String("qt"))) part->qtVersion = qtVersionForPart; else part->qtVersion = ProjectPart::NoQt; // part->defines part->projectDefines += pro->cxxDefines(); // part->headerPaths foreach (const QString &inc, pro->variableValue(IncludePathVar)) part->headerPaths += ProjectPart::HeaderPath(inc, ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath); if (qtVersion) { foreach (const HeaderPath &header, qtVersion->systemHeaderPathes(k)) { ProjectPart::HeaderPath::Type type = ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath; if (header.kind() == HeaderPath::FrameworkHeaderPath) type = ProjectPart::HeaderPath::FrameworkPath; part->headerPaths += ProjectPart::HeaderPath(header.path(), type); } if (!qtVersion->frameworkInstallPath().isEmpty()) { part->headerPaths += ProjectPart::HeaderPath( qtVersion->frameworkInstallPath(), ProjectPart::HeaderPath::FrameworkPath); } } if (QmakeProFileNode *node = rootQmakeProjectNode()) part->headerPaths += ProjectPart::HeaderPath(node->resolvedMkspecPath(), ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath); // part->precompiledHeaders part->precompiledHeaders.append(pro->variableValue(PrecompiledHeaderVar)); // part->files foreach (const QString &file, pro->variableValue(CppSourceVar)) { allFiles << file; part->files << ProjectFile(file, ProjectFile::CXXSource); } foreach (const QString &file, pro->variableValue(CppHeaderVar)) { allFiles << file; part->files << ProjectFile(file, ProjectFile::CXXHeader); } // Ui Files: QHash uiData = pro->uiFiles(); for (QHash::const_iterator i = uiData.constBegin(); i != uiData.constEnd(); ++i) { allFiles << i.value(); part->files << ProjectFile(i.value(), ProjectFile::CXXHeader); } uiCodeModelData.unite(uiData); part->files.prepend(ProjectFile(CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::configurationFileName(), ProjectFile::CXXSource)); foreach (const QString &file, pro->variableValue(ObjCSourceVar)) { allFiles << file; // Although the enum constant is called ObjCSourceVar, it actually is ObjC++ source // code, as qmake does not handle C (and ObjC). part->files << ProjectFile(file, ProjectFile::ObjCXXSource); } foreach (const QString &file, pro->variableValue(ObjCHeaderVar)) { allFiles << file; part->files << ProjectFile(file, ProjectFile::ObjCXXHeader); } const QStringList cxxflags = pro->variableValue(CppFlagsVar); part->evaluateToolchain(ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(k), cxxflags, cxxflags, SysRootKitInformation::sysRoot(k)); pinfo.appendProjectPart(part); } setProjectLanguage(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX, !allFiles.isEmpty()); // Also update Ui Code Model Support: QtSupport::UiCodeModelManager::update(this, uiCodeModelData); m_codeModelFuture = modelmanager->updateProjectInfo(pinfo); } void QmakeProject::updateQmlJSCodeModel() { QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface *modelManager = QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::instance(); if (!modelManager) return; QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo projectInfo = modelManager->defaultProjectInfoForProject(this); FindQmakeProFiles findQt4ProFiles; QList proFiles = findQt4ProFiles(rootProjectNode()); projectInfo.importPaths.clear(); bool hasQmlLib = false; foreach (QmakeProFileNode *node, proFiles) { foreach (const QString &path, node->variableValue(QmlImportPathVar)) projectInfo.importPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FileName::fromString(path), QmlJS::Dialect::Qml); projectInfo.activeResourceFiles.append(node->variableValue(ExactResourceVar)); projectInfo.allResourceFiles.append(node->variableValue(ResourceVar)); if (!hasQmlLib) { QStringList qtLibs = node->variableValue(QtVar); hasQmlLib = qtLibs.contains(QLatin1String("declarative")) || qtLibs.contains(QLatin1String("qml")) || qtLibs.contains(QLatin1String("quick")); } } // If the project directory has a pro/pri file that includes a qml or quick or declarative // library then chances of the project being a QML project is quite high. // This assumption fails when there are no QDeclarativeEngine/QDeclarativeView (QtQuick 1) // or QQmlEngine/QQuickView (QtQuick 2) instances. Core::Context pl(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX); if (hasQmlLib) pl.add(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_QMLJS); setProjectLanguages(pl); projectInfo.activeResourceFiles.removeDuplicates(); projectInfo.allResourceFiles.removeDuplicates(); setProjectLanguage(ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_QMLJS, !projectInfo.sourceFiles.isEmpty()); modelManager->updateProjectInfo(projectInfo, this); } ///*! // Updates complete project // */ void QmakeProject::update() { if (debug) qDebug()<<"Doing sync update"; m_rootProjectNode->update(); if (debug) qDebug()<<"State is now Base"; m_asyncUpdateState = Base; enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(activeTarget(), true); updateBuildSystemData(); if (activeTarget()) activeTarget()->updateDefaultDeployConfigurations(); updateRunConfigurations(); emit proFilesEvaluated(); } void QmakeProject::updateRunConfigurations() { if (activeTarget()) activeTarget()->updateDefaultRunConfigurations(); } void QmakeProject::scheduleAsyncUpdate(QmakeProFileNode *node) { if (m_asyncUpdateState == ShuttingDown) return; if (debug) qDebug()<<"schduleAsyncUpdate (node)"<path(); Q_ASSERT(m_asyncUpdateState != NoState); if (m_cancelEvaluate) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" Already canceling, nothing to do"; // A cancel is in progress // That implies that a full update is going to happen afterwards // So we don't need to do anything return; } enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(activeTarget(), false); if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending) { // Just postpone if (debug) qDebug()<<" full update pending, restarting timer"; m_asyncUpdateTimer.start(); } else if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncPartialUpdatePending || m_asyncUpdateState == Base) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" adding node to async update list, setting state to AsyncPartialUpdatePending"; // Add the node m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncPartialUpdatePending; QList::iterator it; bool add = true; if (debug) qDebug()<<"scheduleAsyncUpdate();"<isParent(*it)) { // We already have the parent in the list, nothing to do it = m_partialEvaluate.erase(it); } else if ((*it)->isParent(node)) { // The node is the parent of a child already in the list add = false; break; } else { ++it; } } if (add) m_partialEvaluate.append(node); // and start the timer anew m_asyncUpdateTimer.start(); // Cancel running code model update m_codeModelFuture.cancel(); } else if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncUpdateInProgress) { // A update is in progress // And this slot only gets called if a file changed on disc // So we'll play it safe and schedule a complete evaluate // This might trigger if due to version control a few files // change a partial update gets in progress and then another // batch of changes come in, which triggers a full update // even if that's not really needed if (debug) qDebug()<<" Async update in progress, scheduling new one afterwards"; scheduleAsyncUpdate(); } } void QmakeProject::scheduleAsyncUpdate() { if (debug) qDebug()<<"scheduleAsyncUpdate"; if (m_asyncUpdateState == ShuttingDown) return; Q_ASSERT(m_asyncUpdateState != NoState); if (m_cancelEvaluate) { // we are in progress of canceling // and will start the evaluation after that if (debug) qDebug()<<" canceling is in progress, doing nothing"; return; } if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncUpdateInProgress) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" update in progress, canceling and setting state to full update pending"; m_cancelEvaluate = true; m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncFullUpdatePending; enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(activeTarget(), false); m_rootProjectNode->setParseInProgressRecursive(true); return; } if (debug) qDebug()<<" starting timer for full update, setting state to full update pending"; m_partialEvaluate.clear(); enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(activeTarget(), false); m_rootProjectNode->setParseInProgressRecursive(true); m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncFullUpdatePending; m_asyncUpdateTimer.start(); // Cancel running code model update m_codeModelFuture.cancel(); } void QmakeProject::incrementPendingEvaluateFutures() { ++m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount; if (debug) qDebug()<<"incrementPendingEvaluateFutures to"<setProgressRange(m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->progressMinimum(), m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->progressMaximum() + 1); } void QmakeProject::decrementPendingEvaluateFutures() { --m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount; if (debug) qDebug()<<"decrementPendingEvaluateFutures to"<setProgressValue(m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->progressValue() + 1); if (m_pendingEvaluateFuturesCount == 0) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" WOHOO, no pending futures, cleaning up"; // We are done! if (debug) qDebug()<<" reporting finished"; m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->reportFinished(); delete m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface; m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface = 0; m_cancelEvaluate = false; // TODO clear the profile cache ? if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending || m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncPartialUpdatePending) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" Oh update is pending start the timer"; m_asyncUpdateTimer.start(); } else if (m_asyncUpdateState != ShuttingDown){ // After being done, we need to call: m_asyncUpdateState = Base; enableActiveQmakeBuildConfiguration(activeTarget(), true); updateFileList(); updateCodeModels(); updateBuildSystemData(); updateRunConfigurations(); emit proFilesEvaluated(); if (debug) qDebug()<<" Setting state to Base"; } } } bool QmakeProject::wasEvaluateCanceled() { return m_cancelEvaluate; } void QmakeProject::asyncUpdate() { if (debug) qDebug()<<"async update, timer expired, doing now"; m_qmakeVfs->invalidateCache(); Q_ASSERT(!m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface); m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface = new QFutureInterface(); m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->setProgressRange(0, 0); Core::ProgressManager::addTask(m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->future(), tr("Reading Project \"%1\"").arg(displayName()), Constants::PROFILE_EVALUATE); if (debug) qDebug()<<" adding task"; m_asyncUpdateFutureInterface->reportStarted(); if (m_asyncUpdateState == AsyncFullUpdatePending) { if (debug) qDebug()<<" full update, starting with root node"; m_rootProjectNode->asyncUpdate(); } else { if (debug) qDebug()<<" partial update,"<asyncUpdate(); } m_partialEvaluate.clear(); if (debug) qDebug()<<" Setting state to AsyncUpdateInProgress"; m_asyncUpdateState = AsyncUpdateInProgress; } void QmakeProject::buildFinished(bool success) { if (success) m_qmakeVfs->invalidateContents(); } ProjectExplorer::IProjectManager *QmakeProject::projectManager() const { return m_manager; } QmakeManager *QmakeProject::qmakeProjectManager() const { return m_manager; } bool QmakeProject::supportsKit(Kit *k, QString *errorMessage) const { QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *version = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); if (!version && errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("No Qt version set in kit."); return version; } QString QmakeProject::displayName() const { return projectFilePath().toFileInfo().completeBaseName(); } Core::IDocument *QmakeProject::document() const { return m_fileInfo; } QStringList QmakeProject::files(FilesMode fileMode) const { QStringList files; for (int i = 0; i < FileTypeSize; ++i) { files += m_projectFiles->files[i]; if (fileMode == AllFiles) files += m_projectFiles->generatedFiles[i]; } files.removeDuplicates(); return files; } // Find the folder that contains a file a certain type (recurse down) static FolderNode *folderOf(FolderNode *in, FileType fileType, const QString &fileName) { foreach (FileNode *fn, in->fileNodes()) if (fn->fileType() == fileType && fn->path() == fileName) return in; foreach (FolderNode *folder, in->subFolderNodes()) if (FolderNode *pn = folderOf(folder, fileType, fileName)) return pn; return 0; } // Find the QmakeProFileNode that contains a file of a certain type. // First recurse down to folder, then find the pro-file. static QmakeProFileNode *proFileNodeOf(QmakeProFileNode *in, FileType fileType, const QString &fileName) { for (FolderNode *folder = folderOf(in, fileType, fileName); folder; folder = folder->parentFolderNode()) if (QmakeProFileNode *proFile = qobject_cast(folder)) return proFile; return 0; } QString QmakeProject::generatedUiHeader(const QString &formFile) const { // Look in sub-profiles as SessionManager::projectForFile returns // the top-level project only. if (m_rootProjectNode) if (const QmakeProFileNode *pro = proFileNodeOf(m_rootProjectNode, FormType, formFile)) return QmakeProFileNode::uiHeaderFile(pro->uiDirectory(), formFile); return QString(); } void QmakeProject::proFileParseError(const QString &errorMessage) { Core::MessageManager::write(errorMessage); } QtSupport::ProFileReader *QmakeProject::createProFileReader(const QmakeProFileNode *qmakeProFileNode, QmakeBuildConfiguration *bc) { if (!m_qmakeGlobals) { m_qmakeGlobals = new ProFileGlobals; m_qmakeGlobalsRefCnt = 0; Kit *k; Utils::Environment env = Utils::Environment::systemEnvironment(); QStringList qmakeArgs; if (!bc) bc = activeTarget() ? static_cast(activeTarget()->activeBuildConfiguration()) : 0; if (bc) { k = bc->target()->kit(); env = bc->environment(); if (bc->qmakeStep()) qmakeArgs = bc->qmakeStep()->parserArguments(); else qmakeArgs = bc->configCommandLineArguments(); } else { k = KitManager::defaultKit(); } QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *qtVersion = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); QString systemRoot = SysRootKitInformation::hasSysRoot(k) ? SysRootKitInformation::sysRoot(k).toString() : QString(); if (qtVersion && qtVersion->isValid()) { m_qmakeGlobals->qmake_abslocation = QDir::cleanPath(qtVersion->qmakeCommand().toString()); m_qmakeGlobals->setProperties(qtVersion->versionInfo()); } m_qmakeGlobals->setDirectories(m_rootProjectNode->sourceDir(), m_rootProjectNode->buildDir()); m_qmakeGlobals->sysroot = systemRoot; Utils::Environment::const_iterator eit = env.constBegin(), eend = env.constEnd(); for (; eit != eend; ++eit) m_qmakeGlobals->environment.insert(env.key(eit), env.value(eit)); m_qmakeGlobals->setCommandLineArguments(m_rootProjectNode->buildDir(), qmakeArgs); QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->incRefCount(); // On ios, qmake is called recursively, and the second call with a different // spec. // macx-ios-clang just creates supporting makefiles, and to avoid being // slow does not evaluate everything, and contains misleading information // (that is never used). // macx-xcode correctly evaluates the variables and generates the xcodeproject // that is actually used to build the application. // // It is important to override the spec file only for the creator evaluator, // and not the qmake buildstep used to build the app (as we use the makefiles). const char IOSQT[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Ios"; // from Ios::Constants if (qtVersion && qtVersion->type() == QLatin1String(IOSQT)) m_qmakeGlobals->xqmakespec = QLatin1String("macx-xcode"); } ++m_qmakeGlobalsRefCnt; QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader = new QtSupport::ProFileReader(m_qmakeGlobals, m_qmakeVfs); reader->setOutputDir(qmakeProFileNode->buildDir()); return reader; } ProFileGlobals *QmakeProject::qmakeGlobals() { return m_qmakeGlobals; } void QmakeProject::destroyProFileReader(QtSupport::ProFileReader *reader) { delete reader; if (!--m_qmakeGlobalsRefCnt) { QString dir = QFileInfo(m_fileInfo->filePath()).absolutePath(); if (!dir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) dir += QLatin1Char('/'); QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->discardFiles(dir); QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->decRefCount(); delete m_qmakeGlobals; m_qmakeGlobals = 0; } } ProjectExplorer::ProjectNode *QmakeProject::rootProjectNode() const { return m_rootProjectNode; } QmakeProFileNode *QmakeProject::rootQmakeProjectNode() const { return m_rootProjectNode; } bool QmakeProject::validParse(const QString &proFilePath) const { if (!m_rootProjectNode) return false; const QmakeProFileNode *node = m_rootProjectNode->findProFileFor(proFilePath); return node && node->validParse(); } bool QmakeProject::parseInProgress(const QString &proFilePath) const { if (!m_rootProjectNode) return false; const QmakeProFileNode *node = m_rootProjectNode->findProFileFor(proFilePath); return node && node->parseInProgress(); } void QmakeProject::collectAllProFiles(QList &list, QmakeProFileNode *node, Parsing parse, const QList &projectTypes) { if (parse == ExactAndCumulativeParse || node->includedInExactParse()) if (projectTypes.isEmpty() || projectTypes.contains(node->projectType())) list.append(node); foreach (ProjectNode *n, node->subProjectNodes()) { QmakeProFileNode *qmakeProFileNode = qobject_cast(n); if (qmakeProFileNode) collectAllProFiles(list, qmakeProFileNode, parse, projectTypes); } } QList QmakeProject::applicationProFiles(Parsing parse) const { return allProFiles(QList() << ApplicationTemplate << ScriptTemplate, parse); } QList QmakeProject::allProFiles(const QList &projectTypes, Parsing parse) const { QList list; if (!rootProjectNode()) return list; collectAllProFiles(list, rootQmakeProjectNode(), parse, projectTypes); return list; } bool QmakeProject::hasApplicationProFile(const QString &path) const { if (path.isEmpty()) return false; QList list = applicationProFiles(); foreach (QmakeProFileNode * node, list) if (node->path() == path) return true; return false; } QList QmakeProject::nodesWithQtcRunnable(QList nodes) { std::function hasQtcRunnable = [](QmakeProFileNode *node) { return node->isQtcRunnable(); }; if (anyOf(nodes, hasQtcRunnable)) erase(nodes, std::not1(hasQtcRunnable)); return nodes; } QList QmakeProject::idsForNodes(Core::Id base, const QList &nodes) { return Utils::transform(nodes, [&base](QmakeProFileNode *node) { return base.withSuffix(node->path()); }); } void QmakeProject::activeTargetWasChanged() { if (m_activeTarget) { disconnect(m_activeTarget, SIGNAL(activeBuildConfigurationChanged(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration*)), this, SLOT(scheduleAsyncUpdate())); } m_activeTarget = activeTarget(); if (!m_activeTarget) return; connect(m_activeTarget, SIGNAL(activeBuildConfigurationChanged(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration*)), this, SLOT(scheduleAsyncUpdate())); scheduleAsyncUpdate(); } bool QmakeProject::hasSubNode(QmakePriFileNode *root, const QString &path) { if (root->path() == path) return true; foreach (FolderNode *fn, root->subFolderNodes()) { if (qobject_cast(fn)) { // we aren't interested in pro file nodes } else if (QmakePriFileNode *qt4prifilenode = qobject_cast(fn)) { if (hasSubNode(qt4prifilenode, path)) return true; } } return false; } void QmakeProject::findProFile(const QString& fileName, QmakeProFileNode *root, QList &list) { if (hasSubNode(root, fileName)) list.append(root); foreach (FolderNode *fn, root->subFolderNodes()) if (QmakeProFileNode *qt4proFileNode = qobject_cast(fn)) findProFile(fileName, qt4proFileNode, list); } void QmakeProject::notifyChanged(const QString &name) { if (files(QmakeProject::ExcludeGeneratedFiles).contains(name)) { QList list; findProFile(name, rootQmakeProjectNode(), list); foreach (QmakeProFileNode *node, list) { QtSupport::ProFileCacheManager::instance()->discardFile(name); node->update(); } updateFileList(); } } void QmakeProject::watchFolders(const QStringList &l, QmakePriFileNode *node) { if (l.isEmpty()) return; if (!m_centralizedFolderWatcher) m_centralizedFolderWatcher = new Internal::CentralizedFolderWatcher(this); m_centralizedFolderWatcher->watchFolders(l, node); } void QmakeProject::unwatchFolders(const QStringList &l, QmakePriFileNode *node) { if (m_centralizedFolderWatcher && !l.isEmpty()) m_centralizedFolderWatcher->unwatchFolders(l, node); } ///////////// /// Centralized Folder Watcher //////////// // All the folder have a trailing slash! namespace { bool debugCFW = false; } CentralizedFolderWatcher::CentralizedFolderWatcher(QmakeProject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_project(parent) { m_compressTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_compressTimer.setInterval(200); connect(&m_compressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimer())); connect (&m_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(folderChanged(QString))); } CentralizedFolderWatcher::~CentralizedFolderWatcher() { } QSet CentralizedFolderWatcher::recursiveDirs(const QString &folder) { QSet result; QDir dir(folder); QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach (const QString &f, list) { const QString a = folder + f + QLatin1Char('/'); result.insert(a); result += recursiveDirs(a); } return result; } void CentralizedFolderWatcher::watchFolders(const QList &folders, QmakePriFileNode *node) { if (debugCFW) qDebug()<<"CFW::watchFolders()"<path(); m_watcher.addPaths(folders); const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/'); foreach (const QString &f, folders) { QString folder = f; if (!folder.endsWith(slash)) folder.append(slash); m_map.insert(folder, node); // Support for recursive watching // we add the recursive directories we find QSet tmp = recursiveDirs(folder); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) m_watcher.addPaths(tmp.toList()); m_recursiveWatchedFolders += tmp; if (debugCFW) qDebug()<<"adding recursive dirs for"<< folder<<":"< &folders, QmakePriFileNode *node) { if (debugCFW) qDebug()<<"CFW::unwatchFolders()"<path(); const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/'); foreach (const QString &f, folders) { QString folder = f; if (!folder.endsWith(slash)) folder.append(slash); m_map.remove(folder, node); if (!m_map.contains(folder)) m_watcher.removePath(folder); // Figure out which recursive directories we can remove // this might not scale. I'm pretty sure it doesn't // A scaling implementation would need to save more information // where a given directory watcher actual comes from... QStringList toRemove; foreach (const QString &rwf, m_recursiveWatchedFolders) { if (rwf.startsWith(folder)) { // So the rwf is a subdirectory of a folder we aren't watching // but maybe someone else wants us to watch bool needToWatch = false; QMultiMap::const_iterator it, end; end = m_map.constEnd(); for (it = m_map.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { if (rwf.startsWith(it.key())) { needToWatch = true; break; } } if (!needToWatch) { m_watcher.removePath(rwf); toRemove << rwf; } } } if (debugCFW) qDebug()<<"removing recursive dirs for"< nodes = m_map.values(dir); if (!nodes.isEmpty()) { // Collect all the files QSet newFiles; newFiles += QmakePriFileNode::recursiveEnumerate(folder); foreach (QmakePriFileNode *node, nodes) { newOrRemovedFiles = newOrRemovedFiles || node->folderChanged(folder, newFiles); } } // Chop off last part, and break if there's nothing to chop off // if (dir.length() < 2) break; // We start before the last slash const int index = dir.lastIndexOf(slash, dir.length() - 2); if (index == -1) break; dir.truncate(index + 1); } QString folderWithSlash = folder; if (!folder.endsWith(slash)) folderWithSlash.append(slash); // If a subdirectory was added, watch it too QSet tmp = recursiveDirs(folderWithSlash); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { if (debugCFW) qDebug()<<"found new recursive dirs"< alreadyAdded = m_watcher.directories().toSet(); tmp.subtract(alreadyAdded); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) m_watcher.addPaths(tmp.toList()); m_recursiveWatchedFolders += tmp; } if (newOrRemovedFiles) { m_project->updateFileList(); m_project->updateCodeModels(); } } bool QmakeProject::needsConfiguration() const { return targets().isEmpty(); } void QmakeProject::configureAsExampleProject(const QStringList &platforms) { QList infoList; QList kits = ProjectExplorer::KitManager::kits(); foreach (Kit *k, kits) { QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *version = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); if (!version) continue; if (!platforms.isEmpty() && !platforms.contains(version->platformName())) continue; IBuildConfigurationFactory *factory = IBuildConfigurationFactory::find(k, projectFilePath().toString()); if (!factory) continue; foreach (BuildInfo *info, factory->availableSetups(k, projectFilePath().toString())) infoList << info; } setup(infoList); qDeleteAll(infoList); ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance()->requestProjectModeUpdate(this); } bool QmakeProject::requiresTargetPanel() const { return false; } // All the Qmake run configurations should share code. // This is a rather suboptimal way to do that for disabledReason() // but more pratical then duplicated the code everywhere QString QmakeProject::disabledReasonForRunConfiguration(const QString &proFilePath) { if (!QFileInfo(proFilePath).exists()) return tr("The .pro file \"%1\" does not exist.") .arg(QFileInfo(proFilePath).fileName()); if (!m_rootProjectNode) // Shutting down return QString(); if (!m_rootProjectNode->findProFileFor(proFilePath)) return tr("The .pro file \"%1\" is not part of the project.") .arg(QFileInfo(proFilePath).fileName()); return tr("The .pro file \"%1\" could not be parsed.") .arg(QFileInfo(proFilePath).fileName()); } QString QmakeProject::shadowBuildDirectory(const QString &proFilePath, const Kit *k, const QString &suffix) { if (proFilePath.isEmpty()) return QString(); QFileInfo info(proFilePath); QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *version = QtSupport::QtKitInformation::qtVersion(k); if (version && !version->supportsShadowBuilds()) return info.absolutePath(); const QString projectName = QFileInfo(proFilePath).completeBaseName(); ProjectExplorer::ProjectMacroExpander expander(proFilePath, projectName, k, suffix); QString projectDir = projectDirectory(Utils::FileName::fromString(proFilePath)).toString(); QString buildPath = Utils::expandMacros(Core::DocumentManager::buildDirectory(), &expander); return Utils::FileUtils::resolvePath(projectDir, buildPath); } QString QmakeProject::buildNameFor(const Kit *k) { if (!k) return QLatin1String("unknown"); return k->fileSystemFriendlyName(); } void QmakeProject::updateBuildSystemData() { Target * const target = activeTarget(); if (!target) return; const QmakeProFileNode * const rootNode = rootQmakeProjectNode(); if (!rootNode || rootNode->parseInProgress()) return; DeploymentData deploymentData; collectData(rootNode, deploymentData); target->setDeploymentData(deploymentData); BuildTargetInfoList appTargetList; foreach (const QmakeProFileNode * const node, applicationProFiles()) appTargetList.list << BuildTargetInfo(executableFor(node), node->path()); target->setApplicationTargets(appTargetList); } void QmakeProject::collectData(const QmakeProFileNode *node, DeploymentData &deploymentData) { if (!node->isSubProjectDeployable(node->path())) return; const InstallsList &installsList = node->installsList(); foreach (const InstallsItem &item, installsList.items) { foreach (const QString &localFile, item.files) deploymentData.addFile(localFile, item.path); } switch (node->projectType()) { case ApplicationTemplate: if (!installsList.targetPath.isEmpty()) collectApplicationData(node, deploymentData); break; case LibraryTemplate: collectLibraryData(node, deploymentData); break; case SubDirsTemplate: foreach (const ProjectNode * const subProject, node->subProjectNodesExact()) { const QmakeProFileNode * const qt4SubProject = qobject_cast(subProject); if (!qt4SubProject) continue; collectData(qt4SubProject, deploymentData); } break; default: break; } } void QmakeProject::collectApplicationData(const QmakeProFileNode *node, DeploymentData &deploymentData) { QString executable = executableFor(node); if (!executable.isEmpty()) deploymentData.addFile(executable, node->installsList().targetPath, DeployableFile::TypeExecutable); } static QString destDirFor(const TargetInformation &ti) { if (ti.destDir.isEmpty()) return ti.buildDir; if (QDir::isRelativePath(ti.destDir)) return QDir::cleanPath(ti.buildDir + QLatin1Char('/') + ti.destDir); return ti.destDir; } void QmakeProject::collectLibraryData(const QmakeProFileNode *node, DeploymentData &deploymentData) { const QString targetPath = node->installsList().targetPath; if (targetPath.isEmpty()) return; const ProjectExplorer::Kit * const kit = activeTarget()->kit(); const ProjectExplorer::ToolChain * const toolchain = ProjectExplorer::ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(kit); if (!toolchain) return; TargetInformation ti = node->targetInformation(); QString targetFileName = ti.target; const QStringList config = node->variableValue(ConfigVar); const bool isStatic = config.contains(QLatin1String("static")); const bool isPlugin = config.contains(QLatin1String("plugin")); switch (toolchain->targetAbi().os()) { case ProjectExplorer::Abi::WindowsOS: { QString targetVersionExt = node->singleVariableValue(TargetVersionExtVar); if (targetVersionExt.isEmpty()) { const QString version = node->singleVariableValue(VersionVar); if (!version.isEmpty()) { targetVersionExt = version.left(version.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))); if (targetVersionExt == QLatin1String("0")) targetVersionExt.clear(); } } targetFileName += targetVersionExt + QLatin1Char('.'); targetFileName += QLatin1String(isStatic ? "lib" : "dll"); deploymentData.addFile(destDirFor(ti) + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFileName, targetPath); break; } case ProjectExplorer::Abi::MacOS: { QString destDir = destDirFor(ti); if (config.contains(QLatin1String("lib_bundle"))) { destDir.append(QLatin1Char('/')).append(ti.target) .append(QLatin1String(".framework")); } else { targetFileName.prepend(QLatin1String("lib")); if (!isPlugin) { targetFileName += QLatin1Char('.'); const QString version = node->singleVariableValue(VersionVar); QString majorVersion = version.left(version.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))); if (majorVersion.isEmpty()) majorVersion = QLatin1String("1"); targetFileName += majorVersion; } targetFileName += QLatin1Char('.'); targetFileName += node->singleVariableValue(isStatic ? StaticLibExtensionVar : ShLibExtensionVar); } deploymentData.addFile(destDir + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFileName, targetPath); break; } case ProjectExplorer::Abi::LinuxOS: case ProjectExplorer::Abi::BsdOS: case ProjectExplorer::Abi::UnixOS: targetFileName.prepend(QLatin1String("lib")); targetFileName += QLatin1Char('.'); if (isStatic) { targetFileName += QLatin1Char('a'); } else { targetFileName += QLatin1String("so"); deploymentData.addFile(destDirFor(ti) + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFileName, targetPath); if (!isPlugin) { QString version = node->singleVariableValue(VersionVar); if (version.isEmpty()) version = QLatin1String("1.0.0"); targetFileName += QLatin1Char('.'); while (true) { deploymentData.addFile(destDirFor(ti) + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFileName + version, targetPath); const QString tmpVersion = version.left(version.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))); if (tmpVersion == version) break; version = tmpVersion; } } } break; default: break; } } QString QmakeProject::executableFor(const QmakeProFileNode *node) { const ProjectExplorer::Kit * const kit = activeTarget()->kit(); const ProjectExplorer::ToolChain * const toolchain = ProjectExplorer::ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(kit); if (!toolchain) return QString(); TargetInformation ti = node->targetInformation(); QString target; switch (toolchain->targetAbi().os()) { case ProjectExplorer::Abi::MacOS: if (node->variableValue(ConfigVar).contains(QLatin1String("app_bundle"))) { target = ti.target + QLatin1String(".app/Contents/MacOS/") + ti.target; break; } // else fall through case ProjectExplorer::Abi::WindowsOS: case ProjectExplorer::Abi::LinuxOS: case ProjectExplorer::Abi::BsdOS: case ProjectExplorer::Abi::UnixOS: { QString extension = node->singleVariableValue(TargetExtVar); target = ti.target + extension; break; } default: return QString(); } return QDir(destDirFor(ti)).absoluteFilePath(target); } void QmakeProject::emitBuildDirectoryInitialized() { emit buildDirectoryInitialized(); } ProjectImporter *QmakeProject::createProjectImporter() const { return new QmakeProjectImporter(projectFilePath().toString()); } } // namespace QmakeProjectManager #include "qmakeproject.moc"