/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmakebuildconfiguration.h" #include "qmakebuildinfo.h" #include "qmakekitinformation.h" #include "qmakeproject.h" #include "qmakeprojectconfigwidget.h" #include "qmakeprojectmanagerconstants.h" #include "qmakenodes.h" #include "qmakesettings.h" #include "qmakestep.h" #include "qmakemakestep.h" #include "makefileparse.h" #include "qmakebuildconfiguration.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace QtSupport; using namespace Utils; using namespace QmakeProjectManager::Internal; namespace QmakeProjectManager { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- QString QmakeBuildConfiguration::shadowBuildDirectory(const FilePath &proFilePath, const Kit *k, const QString &suffix, BuildConfiguration::BuildType buildType) { if (proFilePath.isEmpty()) return QString(); const QString projectName = proFilePath.toFileInfo().completeBaseName(); ProjectMacroExpander expander(proFilePath, projectName, k, suffix, buildType); QString projectDir = Project::projectDirectory(proFilePath).toString(); QString buildPath = expander.expand(ProjectExplorerPlugin::buildDirectoryTemplate()); return FileUtils::resolvePath(projectDir, buildPath); } static FilePath defaultBuildDirectory(const FilePath &projectPath, const Kit *k, const QString &suffix, BuildConfiguration::BuildType type) { return FilePath::fromString(QmakeBuildConfiguration::shadowBuildDirectory(projectPath, k, suffix, type)); } const char BUILD_CONFIGURATION_KEY[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4BuildConfiguration.BuildConfiguration"; enum { debug = 0 }; QmakeBuildConfiguration::QmakeBuildConfiguration(Target *target, Core::Id id) : BuildConfiguration(target, id) { connect(this, &BuildConfiguration::buildDirectoryChanged, this, &QmakeBuildConfiguration::emitProFileEvaluateNeeded); connect(this, &BuildConfiguration::environmentChanged, this, &QmakeBuildConfiguration::emitProFileEvaluateNeeded); connect(target, &Target::kitChanged, this, &QmakeBuildConfiguration::kitChanged); MacroExpander *expander = macroExpander(); expander->registerVariable("Qmake:Makefile", "Qmake makefile", [this]() -> QString { const QString file = makefile(); if (!file.isEmpty()) return file; return QLatin1String("Makefile"); }); connect(ToolChainManager::instance(), &ToolChainManager::toolChainUpdated, this, &QmakeBuildConfiguration::toolChainUpdated); connect(QtVersionManager::instance(), &QtVersionManager::qtVersionsChanged, this, &QmakeBuildConfiguration::qtVersionsChanged); } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::initialize() { BuildConfiguration::initialize(); BuildStepList *buildSteps = stepList(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_BUILD); auto qmakeStep = new QMakeStep(buildSteps); buildSteps->appendStep(qmakeStep); buildSteps->appendStep(Constants::MAKESTEP_BS_ID); BuildStepList *cleanSteps = stepList(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_CLEAN); cleanSteps->appendStep(Constants::MAKESTEP_BS_ID); const QmakeExtraBuildInfo qmakeExtra = extraInfo().value(); BaseQtVersion *version = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(target()->kit()); BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs config = version->defaultBuildConfig(); if (initialBuildType() == BuildConfiguration::Debug) config |= BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild; else config &= ~BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild; QString additionalArguments = qmakeExtra.additionalArguments; if (!additionalArguments.isEmpty()) qmakeStep->setUserArguments(additionalArguments); qmakeStep->setLinkQmlDebuggingLibrary(qmakeExtra.config.linkQmlDebuggingQQ2); qmakeStep->setSeparateDebugInfo(qmakeExtra.config.separateDebugInfo); qmakeStep->setUseQtQuickCompiler(qmakeExtra.config.useQtQuickCompiler); setQMakeBuildConfiguration(config); FilePath directory = initialBuildDirectory(); if (directory.isEmpty()) { directory = defaultBuildDirectory(target()->project()->projectFilePath(), target()->kit(), initialDisplayName(), initialBuildType()); } setBuildDirectory(directory); if (DeviceTypeKitAspect::deviceTypeId(target()->kit()) == Android::Constants::ANDROID_DEVICE_TYPE) { buildSteps->appendStep(Android::Constants::ANDROID_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_STEP_ID); buildSteps->appendStep(Android::Constants::ANDROID_BUILD_APK_ID); } updateCacheAndEmitEnvironmentChanged(); } QmakeBuildConfiguration::~QmakeBuildConfiguration() = default; QVariantMap QmakeBuildConfiguration::toMap() const { QVariantMap map(BuildConfiguration::toMap()); map.insert(QLatin1String(BUILD_CONFIGURATION_KEY), int(m_qmakeBuildConfiguration)); return map; } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::fromMap(const QVariantMap &map) { if (!BuildConfiguration::fromMap(map)) return false; m_qmakeBuildConfiguration = BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs(map.value(QLatin1String(BUILD_CONFIGURATION_KEY)).toInt()); m_lastKitState = LastKitState(target()->kit()); return true; } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::kitChanged() { LastKitState newState = LastKitState(target()->kit()); if (newState != m_lastKitState) { // This only checks if the ids have changed! // For that reason the QmakeBuildConfiguration is also connected // to the toolchain and qtversion managers emitProFileEvaluateNeeded(); m_lastKitState = newState; } } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::toolChainUpdated(ToolChain *tc) { if (ToolChainKitAspect::toolChain(target()->kit(), ProjectExplorer::Constants::CXX_LANGUAGE_ID) == tc) emitProFileEvaluateNeeded(); } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::qtVersionsChanged(const QList &,const QList &, const QList &changed) { if (changed.contains(QtKitAspect::qtVersionId(target()->kit()))) emitProFileEvaluateNeeded(); } NamedWidget *QmakeBuildConfiguration::createConfigWidget() { return new QmakeProjectConfigWidget(this); } /// If only a sub tree should be build this function returns which sub node /// should be build /// \see QMakeBuildConfiguration::setSubNodeBuild QmakeProFileNode *QmakeBuildConfiguration::subNodeBuild() const { return m_subNodeBuild; } /// A sub node build on builds a sub node of the project /// That is triggered by a right click in the project explorer tree /// The sub node to be build is set via this function immediately before /// calling BuildManager::buildProject( BuildConfiguration * ) /// and reset immediately afterwards /// That is m_subNodesBuild is set only temporarly void QmakeBuildConfiguration::setSubNodeBuild(QmakeProFileNode *node) { m_subNodeBuild = node; } FileNode *QmakeBuildConfiguration::fileNodeBuild() const { return m_fileNodeBuild; } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::setFileNodeBuild(FileNode *node) { m_fileNodeBuild = node; } QString QmakeBuildConfiguration::makefile() const { auto rootNode = dynamic_cast(target()->project()->rootProjectNode()); return rootNode ? rootNode->makefile() : QString(); } BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs QmakeBuildConfiguration::qmakeBuildConfiguration() const { return m_qmakeBuildConfiguration; } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::setQMakeBuildConfiguration(BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs config) { if (m_qmakeBuildConfiguration == config) return; m_qmakeBuildConfiguration = config; emit qmakeBuildConfigurationChanged(); emitProFileEvaluateNeeded(); emit buildTypeChanged(); } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::emitProFileEvaluateNeeded() { Target *t = target(); Project *p = t->project(); if (t->activeBuildConfiguration() == this && p->activeTarget() == t) static_cast(p)->scheduleAsyncUpdate(); } QString QmakeBuildConfiguration::unalignedBuildDirWarning() { return tr("The build directory should be at the same level as the source directory."); } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::isBuildDirAtSafeLocation(const QString &sourceDir, const QString &buildDir) { return buildDir.count('/') == sourceDir.count('/'); } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::isBuildDirAtSafeLocation() const { return isBuildDirAtSafeLocation(project()->projectDirectory().toString(), buildDirectory().toString()); } QStringList QmakeBuildConfiguration::configCommandLineArguments() const { QStringList result; BaseQtVersion *version = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(target()->kit()); BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs defaultBuildConfiguration = version ? version->defaultBuildConfig() : BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs(BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild | BaseQtVersion::BuildAll); BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs userBuildConfiguration = m_qmakeBuildConfiguration; if ((defaultBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::BuildAll) && !(userBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::BuildAll)) result << QLatin1String("CONFIG-=debug_and_release"); if (!(defaultBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::BuildAll) && (userBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::BuildAll)) result << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=debug_and_release"); if ((defaultBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild) && !(userBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild)) result << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=release"); if (!(defaultBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild) && (userBuildConfiguration & BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild)) result << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=debug"); return result; } QMakeStep *QmakeBuildConfiguration::qmakeStep() const { QMakeStep *qs = nullptr; BuildStepList *bsl = stepList(Core::Id(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_BUILD)); Q_ASSERT(bsl); for (int i = 0; i < bsl->count(); ++i) if ((qs = qobject_cast(bsl->at(i))) != nullptr) return qs; return nullptr; } QmakeMakeStep *QmakeBuildConfiguration::makeStep() const { QmakeMakeStep *ms = nullptr; BuildStepList *bsl = stepList(Core::Id(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_BUILD)); Q_ASSERT(bsl); for (int i = 0; i < bsl->count(); ++i) if ((ms = qobject_cast(bsl->at(i))) != nullptr) return ms; return nullptr; } // Returns true if both are equal. QmakeBuildConfiguration::MakefileState QmakeBuildConfiguration::compareToImportFrom(const QString &makefile, QString *errorString) { const QLoggingCategory &logs = MakeFileParse::logging(); qCDebug(logs) << "QMakeBuildConfiguration::compareToImport"; QMakeStep *qs = qmakeStep(); MakeFileParse parse(makefile); if (parse.makeFileState() == MakeFileParse::MakefileMissing) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Makefile missing"; return MakefileMissing; } if (parse.makeFileState() == MakeFileParse::CouldNotParse) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Makefile incompatible"; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("Could not parse Makefile."); return MakefileIncompatible; } if (!qs) { qCDebug(logs) << "**No qmake step"; return MakefileMissing; } BaseQtVersion *version = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(target()->kit()); if (!version) { qCDebug(logs) << "**No qt version in kit"; return MakefileForWrongProject; } const Utils::FilePath projectPath = m_subNodeBuild ? m_subNodeBuild->filePath() : qs->project()->projectFilePath(); if (parse.srcProFile() != projectPath.toString()) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Different profile used to generate the Makefile:" << parse.srcProFile() << " expected profile:" << projectPath; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("The Makefile is for a different project."); return MakefileIncompatible; } if (version->qmakeCommand() != parse.qmakePath()) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Different Qt versions, buildconfiguration:" << version->qmakeCommand().toString() << " Makefile:"<< parse.qmakePath().toString(); return MakefileForWrongProject; } // same qtversion BaseQtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs buildConfig = parse.effectiveBuildConfig(version->defaultBuildConfig()); if (qmakeBuildConfiguration() != buildConfig) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Different qmake buildconfigurations buildconfiguration:" << qmakeBuildConfiguration() << " Makefile:" << buildConfig; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("The build type has changed."); return MakefileIncompatible; } // The qmake Build Configuration are the same, // now compare arguments lists // we have to compare without the spec/platform cmd argument // and compare that on its own QString workingDirectory = QFileInfo(makefile).absolutePath(); QStringList actualArgs; QString userArgs = macroExpander()->expandProcessArgs(qs->userArguments()); // This copies the settings from userArgs to actualArgs (minus some we // are not interested in), splitting them up into individual strings: extractSpecFromArguments(&userArgs, workingDirectory, version, &actualArgs); const QString actualSpec = qs->mkspec(); QString qmakeArgs = parse.unparsedArguments(); QStringList parsedArgs; QString parsedSpec = extractSpecFromArguments(&qmakeArgs, workingDirectory, version, &parsedArgs); qCDebug(logs) << " Actual args:" << actualArgs; qCDebug(logs) << " Parsed args:" << parsedArgs; qCDebug(logs) << " Actual spec:" << actualSpec; qCDebug(logs) << " Parsed spec:" << parsedSpec; qCDebug(logs) << " Actual config:" << qs->deducedArguments(); qCDebug(logs) << " Parsed config:" << parse.config(); // Comparing the sorted list is obviously wrong // Though haven written a more complete version // that managed had around 200 lines and yet faild // to be actually foolproof at all, I think it's // not feasible without actually taking the qmake // command line parsing code // Things, sorting gets wrong: // parameters to positional parameters matter // e.g. -o -spec is different from -spec -o // -o 1 -spec 2 is diffrent from -spec 1 -o 2 // variable assignment order matters // variable assignment vs -after // -norecursive vs. recursive actualArgs.sort(); parsedArgs.sort(); if (actualArgs != parsedArgs) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Mismatched args"; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("The qmake arguments have changed."); return MakefileIncompatible; } if (parse.config() != qs->deducedArguments()) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Mismatched config"; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("The qmake arguments have changed."); return MakefileIncompatible; } // Specs match exactly if (actualSpec == parsedSpec) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Matched specs (1)"; return MakefileMatches; } // Actual spec is the default one // qDebug() << "AS vs VS" << actualSpec << version->mkspec(); if ((actualSpec == version->mkspec() || actualSpec == "default") && (parsedSpec == version->mkspec() || parsedSpec == "default" || parsedSpec.isEmpty())) { qCDebug(logs) << "**Matched specs (2)"; return MakefileMatches; } qCDebug(logs) << "**Incompatible specs"; if (errorString) *errorString = tr("The mkspec has changed."); return MakefileIncompatible; } QString QmakeBuildConfiguration::extractSpecFromArguments(QString *args, const QString &directory, const BaseQtVersion *version, QStringList *outArgs) { FilePath parsedSpec; bool ignoreNext = false; bool nextIsSpec = false; for (QtcProcess::ArgIterator ait(args); ait.next(); ) { if (ignoreNext) { ignoreNext = false; ait.deleteArg(); } else if (nextIsSpec) { nextIsSpec = false; parsedSpec = FilePath::fromUserInput(ait.value()); ait.deleteArg(); } else if (ait.value() == QLatin1String("-spec") || ait.value() == QLatin1String("-platform")) { nextIsSpec = true; ait.deleteArg(); } else if (ait.value() == QLatin1String("-cache")) { // We ignore -cache, because qmake contained a bug that it didn't // mention the -cache in the Makefile. // That means changing the -cache option in the additional arguments // does not automatically rerun qmake. Alas, we could try more // intelligent matching for -cache, but i guess people rarely // do use that. ignoreNext = true; ait.deleteArg(); } else if (outArgs && ait.isSimple()) { outArgs->append(ait.value()); } } if (parsedSpec.isEmpty()) return {}; FilePath baseMkspecDir = FilePath::fromUserInput(version->hostDataPath().toString() + "/mkspecs"); baseMkspecDir = FilePath::fromString(baseMkspecDir.toFileInfo().canonicalFilePath()); // if the path is relative it can be // relative to the working directory (as found in the Makefiles) // or relatively to the mkspec directory // if it is the former we need to get the canonical form // for the other one we don't need to do anything if (parsedSpec.toFileInfo().isRelative()) { if (QFileInfo::exists(directory + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString())) parsedSpec = FilePath::fromUserInput(directory + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString()); else parsedSpec = FilePath::fromUserInput(baseMkspecDir.toString() + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString()); } QFileInfo f2 = parsedSpec.toFileInfo(); while (f2.isSymLink()) { parsedSpec = FilePath::fromString(f2.symLinkTarget()); f2.setFile(parsedSpec.toString()); } if (parsedSpec.isChildOf(baseMkspecDir)) { parsedSpec = parsedSpec.relativeChildPath(baseMkspecDir); } else { FilePath sourceMkSpecPath = FilePath::fromString(version->sourcePath().toString() + QLatin1String("/mkspecs")); if (parsedSpec.isChildOf(sourceMkSpecPath)) parsedSpec = parsedSpec.relativeChildPath(sourceMkSpecPath); } return parsedSpec.toString(); } /*! \class QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory */ QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory::QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory() { registerBuildConfiguration(Constants::QMAKE_BC_ID); setSupportedProjectType(Constants::QMAKEPROJECT_ID); setSupportedProjectMimeTypeName(Constants::PROFILE_MIMETYPE); setIssueReporter([](Kit *k, const QString &projectPath, const QString &buildDir) { QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *version = QtSupport::QtKitAspect::qtVersion(k); Tasks issues; if (version) issues << version->reportIssues(projectPath, buildDir); if (QmakeSettings::warnAgainstUnalignedBuildDir() && !QmakeBuildConfiguration::isBuildDirAtSafeLocation( QFileInfo(projectPath).absoluteDir().path(), QDir(buildDir).absolutePath())) { issues.append(Task(Task::Warning, QmakeBuildConfiguration::unalignedBuildDirWarning(), Utils::FilePath(), -1, ProjectExplorer::Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_BUILDSYSTEM)); } return issues; }); } BuildInfo QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory::createBuildInfo(const Kit *k, const FilePath &projectPath, BuildConfiguration::BuildType type) const { BaseQtVersion *version = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(k); QmakeExtraBuildInfo extraInfo; BuildInfo info(this); QString suffix; if (type == BuildConfiguration::Release) { //: The name of the release build configuration created by default for a qmake project. info.displayName = tr("Release"); //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues. suffix = tr("Release", "Shadow build directory suffix"); if (version && version->isQtQuickCompilerSupported()) extraInfo.config.useQtQuickCompiler = true; } else { if (type == BuildConfiguration::Debug) { //: The name of the debug build configuration created by default for a qmake project. info.displayName = tr("Debug"); //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues. suffix = tr("Debug", "Shadow build directory suffix"); } else if (type == BuildConfiguration::Profile) { //: The name of the profile build configuration created by default for a qmake project. info.displayName = tr("Profile"); //: Non-ASCII characters in directory suffix may cause build issues. suffix = tr("Profile", "Shadow build directory suffix"); extraInfo.config.separateDebugInfo = true; if (version && version->isQtQuickCompilerSupported()) extraInfo.config.useQtQuickCompiler = true; } if (version && version->isQmlDebuggingSupported()) extraInfo.config.linkQmlDebuggingQQ2 = true; } info.typeName = info.displayName; // Leave info.buildDirectory unset; info.kitId = k->id(); // check if this project is in the source directory: if (version && version->isInSourceDirectory(projectPath)) { // assemble build directory QString projectDirectory = projectPath.toFileInfo().absolutePath(); QDir qtSourceDir = QDir(version->sourcePath().toString()); QString relativeProjectPath = qtSourceDir.relativeFilePath(projectDirectory); QString qtBuildDir = version->prefix().toString(); QString absoluteBuildPath = QDir::cleanPath(qtBuildDir + QLatin1Char('/') + relativeProjectPath); info.buildDirectory = FilePath::fromString(absoluteBuildPath); } else { info.buildDirectory = defaultBuildDirectory(projectPath, k, suffix, type); } info.buildType = type; info.extraInfo = QVariant::fromValue(extraInfo); return info; } static const QList availableBuildTypes(const BaseQtVersion *version) { QList types = {BuildConfiguration::Debug, BuildConfiguration::Release}; if (version && version->qtVersion().majorVersion > 4) types << BuildConfiguration::Profile; return types; } QList QmakeBuildConfigurationFactory::availableBuilds(const Kit *k, const FilePath &projectPath, bool forSetup) const { QList result; BaseQtVersion *qtVersion = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(k); if (forSetup && (!qtVersion || !qtVersion->isValid())) return {}; for (BuildConfiguration::BuildType buildType : availableBuildTypes(qtVersion)) { BuildInfo info = createBuildInfo(k, projectPath, buildType); if (!forSetup) { info.displayName.clear(); // ask for a name info.buildDirectory.clear(); // This depends on the displayName } result << info; } return result; } BuildConfiguration::BuildType QmakeBuildConfiguration::buildType() const { QMakeStep *qs = qmakeStep(); if (qmakeBuildConfiguration() & BaseQtVersion::DebugBuild) return Debug; else if (qs && qs->separateDebugInfo()) return Profile; else return Release; } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::addToEnvironment(Environment &env) const { setupBuildEnvironment(target()->kit(), env); } void QmakeBuildConfiguration::setupBuildEnvironment(Kit *k, Environment &env) { prependCompilerPathToEnvironment(k, env); const BaseQtVersion *qt = QtKitAspect::qtVersion(k); if (qt && !qt->hostBinPath().isEmpty()) env.prependOrSetPath(qt->hostBinPath().toString()); } QmakeBuildConfiguration::LastKitState::LastKitState() = default; QmakeBuildConfiguration::LastKitState::LastKitState(Kit *k) : m_qtVersion(QtKitAspect::qtVersionId(k)), m_sysroot(SysRootKitAspect::sysRoot(k).toString()), m_mkspec(QmakeKitAspect::mkspec(k)) { ToolChain *tc = ToolChainKitAspect::toolChain(k, ProjectExplorer::Constants::CXX_LANGUAGE_ID); m_toolchain = tc ? tc->id() : QByteArray(); } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::LastKitState::operator ==(const LastKitState &other) const { return m_qtVersion == other.m_qtVersion && m_toolchain == other.m_toolchain && m_sysroot == other.m_sysroot && m_mkspec == other.m_mkspec; } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::LastKitState::operator !=(const LastKitState &other) const { return !operator ==(other); } bool QmakeBuildConfiguration::regenerateBuildFiles(Node *node) { QMakeStep *qs = qmakeStep(); if (!qs) return false; qs->setForced(true); BuildManager::buildList(stepList(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_CLEAN)); BuildManager::appendStep(qs, ProjectExplorerPlugin::displayNameForStepId(ProjectExplorer::Constants::BUILDSTEPS_CLEAN)); QmakeProFileNode *proFile = nullptr; if (node && node != target()->project()->rootProjectNode()) proFile = dynamic_cast(node); setSubNodeBuild(proFile); return true; } } // namespace QmakeProjectManager