QbsProjectManager::Internal::QbsBuildStepConfigWidget 0 0 723 247 Build variant: 0 0 Debug Release Qt::Horizontal 70 13 Parallel Jobs: Number of concurrent build jobs. Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Enable QML debugging: :/core/images/warning.png Qt::Horizontal 40 5 Properties: Properties to pass to the project. Flags: No commands will be executed and no permanent changes to the build graph will be done. Dry run Keep going when errors occur (if at all possible). Keep going Show command lines Install Clean install root Qt::Horizontal 40 5 Equivalent command line: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop false true Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse buildVariantLabel qmlDebuggingLabel propertyLabel propertyEdit commandLineKeyLabel flagsLabel jobsLabel commandLineTextEdit QbsPropertyLineEdit QLineEdit