/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "projectfilewizardextension.h" #include "projectexplorer.h" #include "session.h" #include "projectnodes.h" #include "nodesvisitor.h" #include "projectwizardpage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace TextEditor; using namespace Core; /*! \class ProjectExplorer::Internal::ProjectFileWizardExtension \brief The ProjectFileWizardExtension class implements the post-file generating steps of a project wizard. This class provides the following functions: \list \li Add to a project file (*.pri/ *.pro) \li Initialize a version control system repository (unless the path is already managed) and do 'add' if the VCS supports it. \endlist \sa ProjectExplorer::Internal::ProjectWizardPage */ enum { debugExtension = 0 }; namespace ProjectExplorer { typedef QList ProjectNodeList; namespace Internal { // AllProjectNodesVisitor: Retrieve all projects (*.pri/*.pro) // which support adding files class AllProjectNodesVisitor : public NodesVisitor { public: AllProjectNodesVisitor(ProjectNode::ProjectAction action) : m_action(action) {} static ProjectNodeList allProjects(ProjectNode::ProjectAction action); virtual void visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *node); private: ProjectNodeList m_projectNodes; ProjectNode::ProjectAction m_action; }; ProjectNodeList AllProjectNodesVisitor::allProjects(ProjectNode::ProjectAction action) { AllProjectNodesVisitor visitor(action); SessionManager::sessionNode()->accept(&visitor); return visitor.m_projectNodes; } void AllProjectNodesVisitor::visitProjectNode(ProjectNode *node) { if (node->supportedActions(node).contains(m_action)) m_projectNodes.push_back(node); } // ProjectEntry: Context entry for a *.pri/*.pro file. Stores name and path // for quick sort and path search, provides operator<() for maps. struct ProjectEntry { enum Type { ProFile, PriFile }; // Sort order: 'pro' before 'pri' ProjectEntry() : node(0), type(ProFile) {} explicit ProjectEntry(ProjectNode *node); int compare(const ProjectEntry &rhs) const; ProjectNode *node; QString directory; // For matching against wizards' files, which are native. QString fileName; QString baseName; Type type; }; ProjectEntry::ProjectEntry(ProjectNode *n) : node(n), type(ProFile) { const QFileInfo fi(node->path()); fileName = fi.fileName(); baseName = fi.baseName(); if (fi.suffix() != QLatin1String("pro")) type = PriFile; directory = fi.absolutePath(); } // Sort helper that sorts by base name and puts '*.pro' before '*.pri' int ProjectEntry::compare(const ProjectEntry &rhs) const { if (const int drc = directory.compare(rhs.directory)) return drc; if (const int brc = baseName.compare(rhs.baseName)) return brc; if (type < rhs.type) return -1; if (type > rhs.type) return 1; return 0; } inline bool operator<(const ProjectEntry &pe1, const ProjectEntry &pe2) { return pe1.compare(pe2) < 0; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const ProjectEntry &e) { d.nospace() << e.directory << ' ' << e.fileName << ' ' << e.type; return d; } // --------- ProjectWizardContext struct ProjectWizardContext { ProjectWizardContext(); void clear(); QList versionControls; QList activeVersionControls; QList projects; QPointer page; // this is managed by the wizard! bool repositoryExists; // Is VCS 'add' sufficient, or should a repository be created? QString commonDirectory; const IWizard *wizard; }; ProjectWizardContext::ProjectWizardContext() : page(0), repositoryExists(false), wizard(0) { } void ProjectWizardContext::clear() { activeVersionControls.clear(); projects.clear(); commonDirectory.clear(); page = 0; repositoryExists = false; wizard = 0; } // ---- ProjectFileWizardExtension ProjectFileWizardExtension::ProjectFileWizardExtension() : m_context(0) { } ProjectFileWizardExtension::~ProjectFileWizardExtension() { delete m_context; } static QList findDeployProject(const QList &projects, QString &commonPath) { QList filtered; foreach (const ProjectEntry &project, projects) if (project.node->deploysFolder(commonPath)) filtered << project; return filtered; } // Find the project the new files should be added to given their common // path. Either a direct match on the directory or the directory with // the longest matching path (list containing"/project/subproject1" matching // common path "/project/subproject1/newuserpath"). static int findMatchingProject(const QList &projects, const QString &commonPath, const QString &preferedProjectNode) { if (projects.isEmpty() || commonPath.isEmpty()) return -1; const int count = projects.size(); if (!preferedProjectNode.isEmpty()) { for (int p = 0; p < count; ++p) { if (projects.at(p).node->path() == preferedProjectNode) return p; } } int bestMatch = -1; int bestMatchLength = 0; bool bestMatchIsProFile = false; for (int p = 0; p < count; p++) { // Direct match or better match? (note that the wizards' files are native). const ProjectEntry &entry = projects.at(p); const QString &projectDirectory = entry.directory; const int projectDirectorySize = projectDirectory.size(); if (projectDirectorySize == bestMatchLength && bestMatchIsProFile) continue; // prefer first pro file over all other files with same bestMatchLength if (projectDirectorySize == bestMatchLength && entry.type == ProjectEntry::PriFile) continue; // we already have a match with same bestMatchLength that is at least a pri file if (projectDirectorySize >= bestMatchLength && commonPath.startsWith(projectDirectory)) { bestMatchIsProFile = (entry.type == ProjectEntry::ProFile); bestMatchLength = projectDirectory.size(); bestMatch = p; } } return bestMatch; } static QString generatedProjectFilePath(const QList &files) { foreach (const GeneratedFile &file, files) if (file.attributes() & GeneratedFile::OpenProjectAttribute) return file.path(); return QString(); } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::firstExtensionPageShown( const QList &files, const QVariantMap &extraValues) { initProjectChoices(generatedProjectFilePath(files)); if (debugExtension) qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << files.size(); // Parametrize wizard page: find best project to add to, set up files display and // version control depending on path QStringList fileNames; foreach (const GeneratedFile &f, files) fileNames.push_back(f.path()); m_context->commonDirectory = Utils::commonPath(fileNames); m_context->page->setFilesDisplay(m_context->commonDirectory, fileNames); // Find best project (Entry at 0 is 'None'). int bestProjectIndex = -1; QList deployingProjects = findDeployProject(m_context->projects, m_context->commonDirectory); if (!deployingProjects.isEmpty()) { // Oh we do have someone that deploys it // then the best match is NONE // We display a label explaining that and rename to // m_context->page->setNoneLabel(tr("")); QString text = tr("The files are implicitly added to the projects:"); text += QLatin1Char('\n'); foreach (const ProjectEntry &project, deployingProjects) { text += project.fileName; text += QLatin1Char('\n'); } m_context->page->setAdditionalInfo(text); bestProjectIndex = -1; } else { bestProjectIndex = findMatchingProject(m_context->projects, m_context->commonDirectory, extraValues.value(QLatin1String(Constants::PREFERED_PROJECT_NODE)).toString()); m_context->page->setNoneLabel(tr("")); } if (bestProjectIndex == -1) m_context->page->setCurrentProjectIndex(0); else m_context->page->setCurrentProjectIndex(bestProjectIndex + 1); // Store all version controls for later use: if (m_context->versionControls.isEmpty()) { foreach (IVersionControl *vc, ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::getObjects()) { m_context->versionControls.append(vc); connect(vc, SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), this, SLOT(initializeVersionControlChoices())); } } initializeVersionControlChoices(); } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::initializeVersionControlChoices() { if (m_context->page.isNull()) return; // Figure out version control situation: // 1) Directory is managed and VCS supports "Add" -> List it // 2) Directory is managed and VCS does not support "Add" -> None available // 3) Directory is not managed -> Offer all VCS that support "CreateRepository" IVersionControl *currentSelection = 0; int currentIdx = m_context->page->versionControlIndex() - 1; if (currentIdx >= 0 && currentIdx <= m_context->activeVersionControls.size() - 1) currentSelection = m_context->activeVersionControls.at(currentIdx); m_context->activeVersionControls.clear(); QStringList versionControlChoices = QStringList(tr("")); if (!m_context->commonDirectory.isEmpty()) { IVersionControl *managingControl = VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(m_context->commonDirectory); if (managingControl) { // Under VCS if (managingControl->supportsOperation(IVersionControl::AddOperation)) { versionControlChoices.append(managingControl->displayName()); m_context->activeVersionControls.push_back(managingControl); m_context->repositoryExists = true; } } else { // Create foreach (IVersionControl *vc, m_context->versionControls) if (vc->supportsOperation(IVersionControl::CreateRepositoryOperation)) { versionControlChoices.append(vc->displayName()); m_context->activeVersionControls.append(vc); } m_context->repositoryExists = false; } } // has a common root. m_context->page->setVersionControls(versionControlChoices); // Enable adding to version control by default. if (m_context->repositoryExists && versionControlChoices.size() >= 2) m_context->page->setVersionControlIndex(1); if (!m_context->repositoryExists) { int newIdx = m_context->activeVersionControls.indexOf(currentSelection) + 1; m_context->page->setVersionControlIndex(newIdx); } } QList ProjectFileWizardExtension::extensionPages(const IWizard *wizard) { if (!m_context) m_context = new ProjectWizardContext; else m_context->clear(); // Init context with page and projects m_context->page = new ProjectWizardPage; m_context->wizard = wizard; return QList() << m_context->page; } static inline void getProjectChoicesAndToolTips(QStringList *projectChoicesParam, QStringList *projectToolTipsParam, ProjectNode::ProjectAction *projectActionParam, const QString &generatedProjectFilePath, ProjectWizardContext *context) { // Set up project list which remains the same over duration of wizard execution // As tooltip, set the directory for disambiguation (should someone have // duplicate base names in differing directories). //: No project selected QStringList projectChoices(ProjectFileWizardExtension::tr("")); QStringList projectToolTips((QString())); typedef QMap ProjectEntryMap; // Sort by base name and purge duplicated entries (resulting from dependencies) // via Map. ProjectEntryMap entryMap; ProjectNode::ProjectAction projectAction = context->wizard->kind() == IWizard::ProjectWizard ? ProjectNode::AddSubProject : ProjectNode::AddNewFile; foreach (ProjectNode *n, AllProjectNodesVisitor::allProjects(projectAction)) { if (projectAction == ProjectNode::AddNewFile || (projectAction == ProjectNode::AddSubProject && (generatedProjectFilePath.isEmpty() ? true : n->canAddSubProject(generatedProjectFilePath)))) entryMap.insert(ProjectEntry(n), true); } context->projects.clear(); // Collect names const ProjectEntryMap::const_iterator cend = entryMap.constEnd(); for (ProjectEntryMap::const_iterator it = entryMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) { context->projects.push_back(it.key()); projectChoices.push_back(it.key().fileName); projectToolTips.push_back(QDir::toNativeSeparators(it.key().directory)); } *projectChoicesParam = projectChoices; *projectToolTipsParam = projectToolTips; *projectActionParam = projectAction; } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::initProjectChoices(const QString &generatedProjectFilePath) { QStringList projectChoices; QStringList projectToolTips; ProjectNode::ProjectAction projectAction; getProjectChoicesAndToolTips(&projectChoices, &projectToolTips, &projectAction, generatedProjectFilePath, m_context); m_context->page->setProjects(projectChoices); m_context->page->setProjectToolTips(projectToolTips); m_context->page->setAddingSubProject(projectAction == ProjectNode::AddSubProject); } bool ProjectFileWizardExtension::processFiles( const QList &files, bool *removeOpenProjectAttribute, QString *errorMessage) { if (!processProject(files, removeOpenProjectAttribute, errorMessage)) return false; if (!processVersionControl(files, errorMessage)) { QString message; if (errorMessage) { message = *errorMessage; message.append(QLatin1String("\n\n")); errorMessage->clear(); } message.append(tr("Open project anyway?")); if (QMessageBox::question(ICore::mainWindow(), tr("Version Control Failure"), message, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) return false; } return true; } // Add files to project && version control bool ProjectFileWizardExtension::processProject( const QList &files, bool *removeOpenProjectAttribute, QString *errorMessage) { *removeOpenProjectAttribute = false; QString generatedProject = generatedProjectFilePath(files); // Add files to project (Entry at 0 is 'None'). const int projectIndex = m_context->page->currentProjectIndex() - 1; if (projectIndex < 0 || projectIndex >= m_context->projects.size()) return true; ProjectNode *project = m_context->projects.at(projectIndex).node; if (m_context->wizard->kind() == IWizard::ProjectWizard) { if (!project->addSubProjects(QStringList(generatedProject))) { *errorMessage = tr("Failed to add subproject '%1'\nto project '%2'.") .arg(generatedProject).arg(project->path()); return false; } *removeOpenProjectAttribute = true; } else { QStringList filePaths; foreach (const GeneratedFile &generatedFile, files) filePaths << generatedFile.path(); if (!project->addFiles(filePaths)) { *errorMessage = tr("Failed to add one or more files to project\n'%1' (%2)."). arg(project->path(), filePaths.join(QString(QLatin1Char(',')))); return false; } } return true; } bool ProjectFileWizardExtension::processVersionControl(const QList &files, QString *errorMessage) { // Add files to version control (Entry at 0 is 'None'). const int vcsIndex = m_context->page->versionControlIndex() - 1; if (vcsIndex < 0 || vcsIndex >= m_context->activeVersionControls.size()) return true; QTC_ASSERT(!m_context->commonDirectory.isEmpty(), return false); IVersionControl *versionControl = m_context->activeVersionControls.at(vcsIndex); // Create repository? if (!m_context->repositoryExists) { QTC_ASSERT(versionControl->supportsOperation(IVersionControl::CreateRepositoryOperation), return false); if (!versionControl->vcsCreateRepository(m_context->commonDirectory)) { *errorMessage = tr("A version control system repository could not be created in '%1'.").arg(m_context->commonDirectory); return false; } } // Add files if supported. if (versionControl->supportsOperation(IVersionControl::AddOperation)) { foreach (const GeneratedFile &generatedFile, files) { if (!versionControl->vcsAdd(generatedFile.path())) { *errorMessage = tr("Failed to add '%1' to the version control system.").arg(generatedFile.path()); return false; } } } return true; } static ICodeStylePreferences *codeStylePreferences(Project *project, Id languageId) { if (!languageId.isValid()) return 0; if (project) return project->editorConfiguration()->codeStyle(languageId); return TextEditorSettings::codeStyle(languageId); } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::applyCodeStyle(GeneratedFile *file) const { if (file->isBinary() || file->contents().isEmpty()) return; // nothing to do MimeType mt = MimeDatabase::findByFile(QFileInfo(file->path())); Id languageId = TextEditorSettings::languageId(mt.type()); if (!languageId.isValid()) return; // don't modify files like *.ui *.pro ProjectNode *project = 0; const int projectIndex = m_context->page->currentProjectIndex() - 1; if (projectIndex >= 0 && projectIndex < m_context->projects.size()) project = m_context->projects.at(projectIndex).node; Project *baseProject = SessionManager::projectForNode(project); ICodeStylePreferencesFactory *factory = TextEditorSettings::codeStyleFactory(languageId); Indenter *indenter = 0; if (factory) indenter = factory->createIndenter(); if (!indenter) indenter = new NormalIndenter(); ICodeStylePreferences *codeStylePrefs = codeStylePreferences(baseProject, languageId); indenter->setCodeStylePreferences(codeStylePrefs); QTextDocument doc(file->contents()); QTextCursor cursor(&doc); cursor.select(QTextCursor::Document); indenter->indent(&doc, cursor, QChar::Null, codeStylePrefs->currentTabSettings()); delete indenter; if (TextEditorSettings::storageSettings().m_cleanWhitespace) { QTextBlock block = doc.firstBlock(); while (block.isValid()) { codeStylePrefs->currentTabSettings().removeTrailingWhitespace(cursor, block); block = block.next(); } } file->setContents(doc.toPlainText()); } QStringList ProjectFileWizardExtension::getProjectChoices() const { QStringList projectChoices; QStringList projectToolTips; ProjectNode::ProjectAction projectAction; getProjectChoicesAndToolTips(&projectChoices, &projectToolTips, &projectAction, QString(), m_context); return projectChoices; } QStringList ProjectFileWizardExtension::getProjectToolTips() const { QStringList projectChoices; QStringList projectToolTips; ProjectNode::ProjectAction projectAction; getProjectChoicesAndToolTips(&projectChoices, &projectToolTips, &projectAction, QString(), m_context); return projectToolTips; } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::hideProjectComboBox() { m_context->page->setProjectComoBoxVisible(false); } void ProjectFileWizardExtension::setProjectIndex(int i) { m_context->page->setCurrentProjectIndex(i); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace ProjectExplorer