/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "kit.h" #include "devicesupport/idevicefactory.h" #include "kitinformation.h" #include "kitmanager.h" #include "ioutputparser.h" #include "osparser.h" #include "projectexplorerconstants.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Core; using namespace Utils; const char ID_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.Id"; const char DISPLAYNAME_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.Name"; const char FILESYSTEMFRIENDLYNAME_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.FileSystemFriendlyName"; const char AUTODETECTED_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.AutoDetected"; const char AUTODETECTIONSOURCE_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.AutoDetectionSource"; const char SDK_PROVIDED_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.SDK"; const char DATA_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.Data"; const char ICON_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.Icon"; const char DEVICE_TYPE_FOR_ICON_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.DeviceTypeForIcon"; const char MUTABLE_INFO_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.MutableInfo"; const char STICKY_INFO_KEY[] = "PE.Profile.StickyInfo"; const char IRRELEVANT_ASPECTS_KEY[] = "PE.Kit.IrrelevantAspects"; namespace ProjectExplorer { namespace Internal { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KitPrivate // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class KitPrivate { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(ProjectExplorer::Kit) public: KitPrivate(Id id, Kit *kit) : m_id(id) { if (!id.isValid()) m_id = Id::fromString(QUuid::createUuid().toString()); m_unexpandedDisplayName = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::Kit", "Unnamed"); m_macroExpander.setDisplayName(tr("Kit")); m_macroExpander.setAccumulating(true); m_macroExpander.registerVariable("Kit:Id", tr("Kit ID"), [kit] { return kit->id().toString(); }); m_macroExpander.registerVariable("Kit:FileSystemName", tr("Kit filesystem-friendly name"), [kit] { return kit->fileSystemFriendlyName(); }); for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) aspect->addToMacroExpander(kit, &m_macroExpander); // This provides the same global fall back as the global expander // without relying on the currentKit() discovery process there. m_macroExpander.registerVariable(Constants::VAR_CURRENTKIT_NAME, tr("The name of the currently active kit."), [kit] { return kit->displayName(); }, false); m_macroExpander.registerVariable(Constants::VAR_CURRENTKIT_FILESYSTEMNAME, tr("The name of the currently active kit in a filesystem-friendly version."), [kit] { return kit->fileSystemFriendlyName(); }, false); m_macroExpander.registerVariable(Constants::VAR_CURRENTKIT_ID, tr("The id of the currently active kit."), [kit] { return kit->id().toString(); }, false); } QString m_unexpandedDisplayName; QString m_fileSystemFriendlyName; QString m_autoDetectionSource; Id m_id; int m_nestedBlockingLevel = 0; bool m_autodetected = false; bool m_sdkProvided = false; bool m_hasError = false; bool m_hasWarning = false; bool m_hasValidityInfo = false; bool m_mustNotify = false; QIcon m_cachedIcon; FilePath m_iconPath; Id m_deviceTypeForIcon; QHash m_data; QSet m_sticky; QSet m_mutable; optional> m_irrelevantAspects; MacroExpander m_macroExpander; }; } // namespace Internal // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kit: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit::Kit(Id id) : d(std::make_unique(id, this)) { } Kit::Kit(const QVariantMap &data) : d(std::make_unique(Id(), this)) { d->m_id = Id::fromSetting(data.value(QLatin1String(ID_KEY))); d->m_autodetected = data.value(QLatin1String(AUTODETECTED_KEY)).toBool(); d->m_autoDetectionSource = data.value(QLatin1String(AUTODETECTIONSOURCE_KEY)).toString(); // if we don't have that setting assume that autodetected implies sdk QVariant value = data.value(QLatin1String(SDK_PROVIDED_KEY)); if (value.isValid()) d->m_sdkProvided = value.toBool(); else d->m_sdkProvided = d->m_autodetected; d->m_unexpandedDisplayName = data.value(QLatin1String(DISPLAYNAME_KEY), d->m_unexpandedDisplayName).toString(); d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName = data.value(QLatin1String(FILESYSTEMFRIENDLYNAME_KEY)).toString(); d->m_iconPath = FilePath::fromString(data.value(QLatin1String(ICON_KEY), d->m_iconPath.toString()).toString()); d->m_deviceTypeForIcon = Id::fromSetting(data.value(DEVICE_TYPE_FOR_ICON_KEY)); const auto it = data.constFind(IRRELEVANT_ASPECTS_KEY); if (it != data.constEnd()) d->m_irrelevantAspects = transform>(it.value().toList(), &Id::fromSetting); QVariantMap extra = data.value(QLatin1String(DATA_KEY)).toMap(); d->m_data.clear(); // remove default values const QVariantMap::ConstIterator cend = extra.constEnd(); for (QVariantMap::ConstIterator it = extra.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) d->m_data.insert(Id::fromString(it.key()), it.value()); QStringList mutableInfoList = data.value(QLatin1String(MUTABLE_INFO_KEY)).toStringList(); foreach (const QString &mutableInfo, mutableInfoList) d->m_mutable.insert(Id::fromString(mutableInfo)); QStringList stickyInfoList = data.value(QLatin1String(STICKY_INFO_KEY)).toStringList(); foreach (const QString &stickyInfo, stickyInfoList) d->m_sticky.insert(Id::fromString(stickyInfo)); } Kit::~Kit() = default; void Kit::blockNotification() { ++d->m_nestedBlockingLevel; } void Kit::unblockNotification() { --d->m_nestedBlockingLevel; if (d->m_nestedBlockingLevel > 0) return; if (d->m_mustNotify) kitUpdated(); } void Kit::copyKitCommon(Kit *target, const Kit *source) { target->d->m_data = source->d->m_data; target->d->m_iconPath = source->d->m_iconPath; target->d->m_deviceTypeForIcon = source->d->m_deviceTypeForIcon; target->d->m_cachedIcon = source->d->m_cachedIcon; target->d->m_sticky = source->d->m_sticky; target->d->m_mutable = source->d->m_mutable; target->d->m_irrelevantAspects = source->d->m_irrelevantAspects; } Kit *Kit::clone(bool keepName) const { auto k = new Kit; copyKitCommon(k, this); if (keepName) k->d->m_unexpandedDisplayName = d->m_unexpandedDisplayName; else k->d->m_unexpandedDisplayName = newKitName(KitManager::kits()); k->d->m_autodetected = false; // Do not clone m_fileSystemFriendlyName, needs to be unique k->d->m_hasError = d->m_hasError; // TODO: Is this intentionally not done for copyFrom()? return k; } void Kit::copyFrom(const Kit *k) { copyKitCommon(this, k); d->m_autodetected = k->d->m_autodetected; d->m_autoDetectionSource = k->d->m_autoDetectionSource; d->m_unexpandedDisplayName = k->d->m_unexpandedDisplayName; d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName = k->d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName; } bool Kit::isValid() const { if (!d->m_id.isValid()) return false; if (!d->m_hasValidityInfo) validate(); return !d->m_hasError; } bool Kit::hasWarning() const { if (!d->m_hasValidityInfo) validate(); return d->m_hasWarning; } Tasks Kit::validate() const { Tasks result; for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) result.append(aspect->validate(this)); d->m_hasError = containsType(result, Task::TaskType::Error); d->m_hasWarning = containsType(result, Task::TaskType::Warning); Utils::sort(result); d->m_hasValidityInfo = true; return result; } void Kit::fix() { KitGuard g(this); for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) aspect->fix(this); } void Kit::setup() { KitGuard g(this); const QList aspects = KitManager::kitAspects(); for (KitAspect * const aspect : aspects) aspect->setup(this); } void Kit::upgrade() { KitGuard g(this); // Process the KitAspects in reverse order: They may only be based on other information // lower in the stack. for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) aspect->upgrade(this); } QString Kit::unexpandedDisplayName() const { return d->m_unexpandedDisplayName; } QString Kit::displayName() const { return d->m_macroExpander.expand(d->m_unexpandedDisplayName); } void Kit::setUnexpandedDisplayName(const QString &name) { if (d->m_unexpandedDisplayName == name) return; d->m_unexpandedDisplayName = name; kitUpdated(); } void Kit::setCustomFileSystemFriendlyName(const QString &fileSystemFriendlyName) { d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName = fileSystemFriendlyName; } QString Kit::customFileSystemFriendlyName() const { return d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName; } QString Kit::fileSystemFriendlyName() const { QString name = customFileSystemFriendlyName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = FileUtils::qmakeFriendlyName(displayName()); foreach (Kit *i, KitManager::kits()) { if (i == this) continue; if (name == FileUtils::qmakeFriendlyName(i->displayName())) { // append part of the kit id: That should be unique enough;-) // Leading { will be turned into _ which should be fine. name = FileUtils::qmakeFriendlyName(name + QLatin1Char('_') + (id().toString().left(7))); break; } } return name; } bool Kit::isAutoDetected() const { return d->m_autodetected; } QString Kit::autoDetectionSource() const { return d->m_autoDetectionSource; } bool Kit::isSdkProvided() const { return d->m_sdkProvided; } Id Kit::id() const { return d->m_id; } int Kit::weight() const { const QList &aspects = KitManager::kitAspects(); return std::accumulate(aspects.begin(), aspects.end(), 0, [this](int sum, const KitAspect *aspect) { return sum + aspect->weight(this); }); } static QIcon iconForDeviceType(Core::Id deviceType) { const IDeviceFactory *factory = Utils::findOrDefault(IDeviceFactory::allDeviceFactories(), [&deviceType](const IDeviceFactory *factory) { return factory->deviceType() == deviceType; }); return factory ? factory->icon() : QIcon(); } QIcon Kit::icon() const { if (!d->m_cachedIcon.isNull()) return d->m_cachedIcon; if (!d->m_deviceTypeForIcon.isValid() && !d->m_iconPath.isEmpty() && d->m_iconPath.exists()) { d->m_cachedIcon = QIcon(d->m_iconPath.toString()); return d->m_cachedIcon; } const Core::Id deviceType = d->m_deviceTypeForIcon.isValid() ? d->m_deviceTypeForIcon : DeviceTypeKitAspect::deviceTypeId(this); const QIcon deviceTypeIcon = iconForDeviceType(deviceType); if (!deviceTypeIcon.isNull()) { d->m_cachedIcon = deviceTypeIcon; return d->m_cachedIcon; } d->m_cachedIcon = iconForDeviceType(Constants::DESKTOP_DEVICE_TYPE); return d->m_cachedIcon; } QIcon Kit::displayIcon() const { QIcon result = icon(); if (hasWarning()) { static const QIcon warningIcon(Utils::Icons::WARNING.icon()); result = warningIcon; } if (!isValid()) { static const QIcon errorIcon(Utils::Icons::CRITICAL.icon()); result = errorIcon; } return result; } FilePath Kit::iconPath() const { return d->m_iconPath; } void Kit::setIconPath(const FilePath &path) { if (d->m_iconPath == path) return; d->m_deviceTypeForIcon = Id(); d->m_iconPath = path; kitUpdated(); } void Kit::setDeviceTypeForIcon(Id deviceType) { if (d->m_deviceTypeForIcon == deviceType) return; d->m_iconPath.clear(); d->m_deviceTypeForIcon = deviceType; kitUpdated(); } QList Kit::allKeys() const { return d->m_data.keys(); } QVariant Kit::value(Id key, const QVariant &unset) const { return d->m_data.value(key, unset); } bool Kit::hasValue(Id key) const { return d->m_data.contains(key); } void Kit::setValue(Id key, const QVariant &value) { if (d->m_data.value(key) == value) return; d->m_data.insert(key, value); kitUpdated(); } /// \internal void Kit::setValueSilently(Id key, const QVariant &value) { if (d->m_data.value(key) == value) return; d->m_data.insert(key, value); } /// \internal void Kit::removeKeySilently(Id key) { if (!d->m_data.contains(key)) return; d->m_data.remove(key); d->m_sticky.remove(key); d->m_mutable.remove(key); } void Kit::removeKey(Id key) { if (!d->m_data.contains(key)) return; d->m_data.remove(key); d->m_sticky.remove(key); d->m_mutable.remove(key); kitUpdated(); } bool Kit::isSticky(Id id) const { return d->m_sticky.contains(id); } bool Kit::isDataEqual(const Kit *other) const { return d->m_data == other->d->m_data; } bool Kit::isEqual(const Kit *other) const { return isDataEqual(other) && d->m_iconPath == other->d->m_iconPath && d->m_deviceTypeForIcon == other->d->m_deviceTypeForIcon && d->m_unexpandedDisplayName == other->d->m_unexpandedDisplayName && d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName == other->d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName && d->m_irrelevantAspects == other->d->m_irrelevantAspects && d->m_mutable == other->d->m_mutable; } QVariantMap Kit::toMap() const { using IdVariantConstIt = QHash::ConstIterator; QVariantMap data; data.insert(QLatin1String(ID_KEY), QString::fromLatin1(d->m_id.name())); data.insert(QLatin1String(DISPLAYNAME_KEY), d->m_unexpandedDisplayName); data.insert(QLatin1String(AUTODETECTED_KEY), d->m_autodetected); if (!d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName.isEmpty()) data.insert(QLatin1String(FILESYSTEMFRIENDLYNAME_KEY), d->m_fileSystemFriendlyName); data.insert(QLatin1String(AUTODETECTIONSOURCE_KEY), d->m_autoDetectionSource); data.insert(QLatin1String(SDK_PROVIDED_KEY), d->m_sdkProvided); data.insert(QLatin1String(ICON_KEY), d->m_iconPath.toString()); data.insert(DEVICE_TYPE_FOR_ICON_KEY, d->m_deviceTypeForIcon.toSetting()); QStringList mutableInfo; foreach (Id id, d->m_mutable) mutableInfo << id.toString(); data.insert(QLatin1String(MUTABLE_INFO_KEY), mutableInfo); QStringList stickyInfo; foreach (Id id, d->m_sticky) stickyInfo << id.toString(); data.insert(QLatin1String(STICKY_INFO_KEY), stickyInfo); if (d->m_irrelevantAspects) { data.insert(IRRELEVANT_ASPECTS_KEY, transform(d->m_irrelevantAspects.value(), &Id::toSetting)); } QVariantMap extra; const IdVariantConstIt cend = d->m_data.constEnd(); for (IdVariantConstIt it = d->m_data.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) extra.insert(QString::fromLatin1(it.key().name().constData()), it.value()); data.insert(QLatin1String(DATA_KEY), extra); return data; } void Kit::addToEnvironment(Environment &env) const { for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) aspect->addToEnvironment(this, env); } IOutputParser *Kit::createOutputParser() const { auto first = new OsParser; for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) first->appendOutputParser(aspect->createOutputParser(this)); return first; } QString Kit::toHtml(const Tasks &additional) const { QString result; QTextStream str(&result); str << ""; str << "

" << displayName() << "

"; if (!isValid() || hasWarning() || !additional.isEmpty()) str << "

" << ProjectExplorer::toHtml(additional + validate()) << "

"; str << ""; for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) { const KitAspect::ItemList list = aspect->toUserOutput(this); for (const KitAspect::Item &j : list) { QString contents = j.second; if (contents.count() > 256) { int pos = contents.lastIndexOf("
", 256); if (pos < 0) // no linebreak, so cut early. pos = 80; contents = contents.mid(0, pos); contents += "<...>"; } str << ""; } } str << "
" << j.first << ":" << contents << "
"; return result; } void Kit::setAutoDetected(bool detected) { if (d->m_autodetected == detected) return; d->m_autodetected = detected; kitUpdated(); } void Kit::setAutoDetectionSource(const QString &autoDetectionSource) { if (d->m_autoDetectionSource == autoDetectionSource) return; d->m_autoDetectionSource = autoDetectionSource; kitUpdated(); } void Kit::setSdkProvided(bool sdkProvided) { if (d->m_sdkProvided == sdkProvided) return; d->m_sdkProvided = sdkProvided; kitUpdated(); } void Kit::makeSticky() { for (KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) { if (hasValue(aspect->id())) setSticky(aspect->id(), true); } } void Kit::setSticky(Id id, bool b) { if (d->m_sticky.contains(id) == b) return; if (b) d->m_sticky.insert(id); else d->m_sticky.remove(id); kitUpdated(); } void Kit::makeUnSticky() { if (d->m_sticky.isEmpty()) return; d->m_sticky.clear(); kitUpdated(); } void Kit::setMutable(Id id, bool b) { if (d->m_mutable.contains(id) == b) return; if (b) d->m_mutable.insert(id); else d->m_mutable.remove(id); kitUpdated(); } bool Kit::isMutable(Id id) const { return d->m_mutable.contains(id); } void Kit::setIrrelevantAspects(const QSet &irrelevant) { d->m_irrelevantAspects = irrelevant; } QSet Kit::irrelevantAspects() const { return d->m_irrelevantAspects.value_or(KitManager::irrelevantAspects()); } QSet Kit::supportedPlatforms() const { QSet platforms; for (const KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) { const QSet ip = aspect->supportedPlatforms(this); if (ip.isEmpty()) continue; if (platforms.isEmpty()) platforms = ip; else platforms.intersect(ip); } return platforms; } QSet Kit::availableFeatures() const { QSet features; for (const KitAspect *aspect : KitManager::kitAspects()) features |= aspect->availableFeatures(this); return features; } bool Kit::hasFeatures(const QSet &features) const { return availableFeatures().contains(features); } MacroExpander *Kit::macroExpander() const { return &d->m_macroExpander; } QString Kit::newKitName(const QList &allKits) const { return newKitName(unexpandedDisplayName(), allKits); } QString Kit::newKitName(const QString &name, const QList &allKits) { const QString baseName = name.isEmpty() ? QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::Kit", "Unnamed") : QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::Kit", "Clone of %1").arg(name); return Utils::makeUniquelyNumbered(baseName, transform(allKits, &Kit::unexpandedDisplayName)); } void Kit::kitUpdated() { if (d->m_nestedBlockingLevel > 0) { d->m_mustNotify = true; return; } d->m_hasValidityInfo = false; d->m_cachedIcon = QIcon(); KitManager::notifyAboutUpdate(this); d->m_mustNotify = false; } } // namespace ProjectExplorer