/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "jsonwizard.h" #include "jsonwizardfactory.h" #include "jsonwizardgeneratorfactory.h" #include "../project.h" #include "../projectexplorer.h" #include "../projectexplorerconstants.h" #include "../projecttree.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_TESTS #include "jsonwizard_test.cpp" #endif namespace ProjectExplorer { namespace Internal { class ProjectFileTreeItem : public Utils::TreeItem { public: ProjectFileTreeItem(JsonWizard::GeneratorFile *candidate) : m_candidate(candidate) { toggleProjectFileStatus(false); } void toggleProjectFileStatus(bool on) { m_candidate->file.setAttributes(m_candidate->file.attributes() .setFlag(Core::GeneratedFile::OpenProjectAttribute, on)); } private: QVariant data(int column, int role) const override { if (column != 0 || role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); return QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_candidate->file.path()); } JsonWizard::GeneratorFile * const m_candidate; }; class ProjectFilesModel : public Utils::TreeModel { public: ProjectFilesModel(const QList &candidates, QObject *parent) : TreeModel(parent) { setHeader({QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "Project File")}); for (JsonWizard::GeneratorFile * const candidate : candidates) rootItem()->appendChild(new ProjectFileTreeItem(candidate)); } }; class ProjectFileChooser : public QDialog { public: ProjectFileChooser(const QList &candidates, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), m_view(new Utils::TreeView(this)) { setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "Choose Project File")); const auto model = new ProjectFilesModel(candidates, this); m_view->setSelectionMode(Utils::TreeView::ExtendedSelection); m_view->setSelectionBehavior(Utils::TreeView::SelectRows); m_view->setModel(model); const auto buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); const auto updateOkButton = [buttonBox, this] { buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok) ->setEnabled(m_view->selectionModel()->hasSelection()); }; connect(m_view->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, updateOkButton); updateOkButton(); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept); const auto layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "The project contains more than one project file. " "Select the one you would like to use."))); layout->addWidget(m_view); layout->addWidget(buttonBox); } private: void accept() override { const QModelIndexList selected = m_view->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); const auto * const model = static_cast(m_view->model()); for (const QModelIndex &index : selected) { const auto item = static_cast(model->itemForIndex(index)); QTC_ASSERT(item, continue); item->toggleProjectFileStatus(true); } QDialog::accept(); } Utils::TreeView * const m_view; }; } // namespace Internal JsonWizard::JsonWizard(QWidget *parent) : Utils::Wizard(parent) { setMinimumSize(800, 500); m_expander.registerExtraResolver([this](const QString &name, QString *ret) -> bool { *ret = stringValue(name); return !ret->isNull(); }); m_expander.registerPrefix("Exists", tr("Check whether a variable exists.
" "Returns \"true\" if it does and an empty string if not."), [this](const QString &value) -> QString { const QString key = QString::fromLatin1("%{") + value + QLatin1Char('}'); return m_expander.expand(key) == key ? QString() : QLatin1String("true"); }); // override default JS macro by custom one that adds Wizard specific features m_jsExpander.registerObject("Wizard", new Internal::JsonWizardJsExtension(this)); m_jsExpander.engine().evaluate("var value = Wizard.value"); m_jsExpander.registerForExpander(&m_expander); } JsonWizard::~JsonWizard() { qDeleteAll(m_generators); } void JsonWizard::addGenerator(JsonWizardGenerator *gen) { QTC_ASSERT(gen, return); QTC_ASSERT(!m_generators.contains(gen), return); m_generators.append(gen); } Utils::MacroExpander *JsonWizard::expander() { return &m_expander; } JsonWizard::GeneratorFiles JsonWizard::generateFileList() { QString errorMessage; GeneratorFiles list; QString targetPath = stringValue(QLatin1String("TargetPath")); if (targetPath.isEmpty()) errorMessage = tr("Could not determine target path. \"TargetPath\" was not set on any page."); if (m_files.isEmpty() && errorMessage.isEmpty()) { emit preGenerateFiles(); foreach (JsonWizardGenerator *gen, m_generators) { Core::GeneratedFiles tmp = gen->fileList(&m_expander, stringValue(QStringLiteral("WizardDir")), targetPath, &errorMessage); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) break; list.append(Utils::transform(tmp, [&gen](const Core::GeneratedFile &f) { return JsonWizard::GeneratorFile(f, gen); })); } } if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("File Generation Failed"), tr("The wizard failed to generate files.
" "The error message was: \"%1\".").arg(errorMessage)); reject(); return GeneratorFiles(); } QList projectFiles; for (JsonWizard::GeneratorFile &f : list) { if (f.file.attributes().testFlag(Core::GeneratedFile::OpenProjectAttribute)) projectFiles << &f; } if (projectFiles.count() > 1) Internal::ProjectFileChooser(projectFiles, this).exec(); return list; } void JsonWizard::commitToFileList(const JsonWizard::GeneratorFiles &list) { m_files = list; emit postGenerateFiles(m_files); } QString JsonWizard::stringValue(const QString &n) const { QVariant v = value(n); if (!v.isValid()) return QString(); if (v.type() == QVariant::String) { QString tmp = m_expander.expand(v.toString()); if (tmp.isEmpty()) tmp = QString::fromLatin1(""); // Make sure isNull() is *not* true. return tmp; } if (v.type() == QVariant::StringList) return stringListToArrayString(v.toStringList(), &m_expander); return v.toString(); } void JsonWizard::setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { setProperty(key.toUtf8(), value); } QList JsonWizard::parseOptions(const QVariant &v, QString *errorMessage) { QTC_ASSERT(errorMessage, return { }); QList result; if (!v.isNull()) { const QVariantList optList = JsonWizardFactory::objectOrList(v, errorMessage); foreach (const QVariant &o, optList) { QVariantMap optionObject = o.toMap(); JsonWizard::OptionDefinition odef; odef.m_key = optionObject.value(QLatin1String("key")).toString(); odef.m_value = optionObject.value(QLatin1String("value")).toString(); odef.m_condition = optionObject.value(QLatin1String("condition"), true); odef.m_evaluate = optionObject.value(QLatin1String("evaluate"), false); if (odef.m_key.isEmpty()) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::Internal::JsonWizardFileGenerator", "No 'key' in options object."); result.clear(); break; } result.append(odef); } } QTC_ASSERT(errorMessage->isEmpty() || (!errorMessage->isEmpty() && result.isEmpty()), return result); return result; } QVariant JsonWizard::value(const QString &n) const { QVariant v = property(n.toUtf8()); if (v.isValid()) return v; if (hasField(n)) return field(n); // Cannot contain macros! return QVariant(); } bool JsonWizard::boolFromVariant(const QVariant &v, Utils::MacroExpander *expander) { if (v.type() == QVariant::String) { const QString tmp = expander->expand(v.toString()); return !(tmp.isEmpty() || tmp == QLatin1String("false")); } return v.toBool(); } QString JsonWizard::stringListToArrayString(const QStringList &list, const Utils::MacroExpander *expander) { // Todo: Handle ' embedded in the strings better. if (list.isEmpty()) return QString(); QStringList tmp = Utils::transform(list, [expander](const QString &i) { return expander->expand(i).replace(QLatin1Char('\''), QLatin1String("\\'")); }); QString result; result.append(QLatin1Char('\'')); result.append(tmp.join(QLatin1String("', '"))); result.append(QLatin1Char('\'')); return result; } void JsonWizard::removeAttributeFromAllFiles(Core::GeneratedFile::Attribute a) { for (int i = 0; i < m_files.count(); ++i) { if (m_files.at(i).file.attributes() & a) m_files[i].file.setAttributes(m_files.at(i).file.attributes() ^ a); } } QHash JsonWizard::variables() const { QHash result = Wizard::variables(); foreach (const QByteArray &p, dynamicPropertyNames()) { QString key = QString::fromUtf8(p); result.insert(key, value(key)); } return result; } void JsonWizard::accept() { auto page = qobject_cast(currentPage()); if (page && page->handleAccept()) return; Utils::Wizard::accept(); QString errorMessage; if (m_files.isEmpty()) { commitToFileList(generateFileList()); // The Summary page does this for us, but a wizard // does not need to have one. } QTC_ASSERT(!m_files.isEmpty(), return); emit prePromptForOverwrite(m_files); JsonWizardGenerator::OverwriteResult overwrite = JsonWizardGenerator::promptForOverwrite(&m_files, &errorMessage); if (overwrite != JsonWizardGenerator::OverwriteOk) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Overwrite Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit preFormatFiles(m_files); if (!JsonWizardGenerator::formatFiles(this, &m_files, &errorMessage)) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Format Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit preWriteFiles(m_files); if (!JsonWizardGenerator::writeFiles(this, &m_files, &errorMessage)) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Write Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit postProcessFiles(m_files); if (!JsonWizardGenerator::postWrite(this, &m_files, &errorMessage)) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Post-Process Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit filesReady(m_files); if (!JsonWizardGenerator::polish(this, &m_files, &errorMessage)) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Polish Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit filesPolished(m_files); if (!JsonWizardGenerator::allDone(this, &m_files, &errorMessage)) { if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to Open Files"), errorMessage); return; } emit allDone(m_files); openFiles(m_files); auto node = static_cast(value(ProjectExplorer::Constants::PREFERRED_PROJECT_NODE).value()); if (node && ProjectTree::hasNode(node)) // PREFERRED_PROJECT_NODE is not set for newly created projects openProjectForNode(node); } void JsonWizard::reject() { auto page = qobject_cast(currentPage()); if (page && page->handleReject()) return; Utils::Wizard::reject(); } void JsonWizard::handleNewPages(int pageId) { auto wp = qobject_cast(page(pageId)); if (!wp) return; connect(wp, &Utils::WizardPage::reportError, this, &JsonWizard::handleError); } void JsonWizard::handleError(const QString &message) { Core::MessageManager::writeDisrupting(message); } QString JsonWizard::stringify(const QVariant &v) const { if (v.type() == QVariant::StringList) return stringListToArrayString(v.toStringList(), &m_expander); return Wizard::stringify(v); } QString JsonWizard::evaluate(const QVariant &v) const { return m_expander.expand(stringify(v)); } void JsonWizard::openFiles(const JsonWizard::GeneratorFiles &files) { QString errorMessage; bool openedSomething = false; foreach (const JsonWizard::GeneratorFile &f, files) { const Core::GeneratedFile &file = f.file; if (!QFileInfo::exists(file.path())) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "\"%1\" does not exist in the file system.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file.path())); break; } if (file.attributes() & Core::GeneratedFile::OpenProjectAttribute) { ProjectExplorerPlugin::OpenProjectResult result = ProjectExplorerPlugin::openProject(file.path()); if (!result) { errorMessage = result.errorMessage(); if (errorMessage.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "Failed to open \"%1\" as a project.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file.path())); } break; } result.project()->setNeedsInitialExpansion(true); openedSomething = true; } if (file.attributes() & Core::GeneratedFile::OpenEditorAttribute) { Core::IEditor *editor = Core::EditorManager::openEditor(file.path(), file.editorId()); if (!editor) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "Failed to open an editor for \"%1\".") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file.path())); break; } else if (file.attributes() & Core::GeneratedFile::TemporaryFile) { editor->document()->setTemporary(true); } openedSomething = true; } } const QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_expander.expand(value(QLatin1String("TargetPath")).toString())); // Now try to find the project file and open if (!openedSomething) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "No file to open found in \"%1\".") .arg(path); } if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) { const QString text = path.isEmpty() ? tr("Failed to open project.") : tr("Failed to open project in \"%1\".").arg(path); QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Cannot Open Project"), text); msgBox.setDetailedText(errorMessage); msgBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); } } void JsonWizard::openProjectForNode(Node *node) { using namespace Utils; const ProjectNode *projNode = node->asProjectNode(); if (!projNode) { if (ContainerNode * const cn = node->asContainerNode()) projNode = cn->rootProjectNode(); else projNode = node->parentProjectNode(); } QTC_ASSERT(projNode, return); Utils::optional projFilePath = projNode->visibleAfterAddFileAction(); if (projFilePath && !Core::EditorManager::openEditor(projFilePath.value().toString())) { auto errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard", "Failed to open an editor for \"%1\".") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(projFilePath.value().toString())); QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, tr("Cannot Open Project"), errorMessage); } } QString JsonWizard::OptionDefinition::value(Utils::MacroExpander &expander) const { if (JsonWizard::boolFromVariant(m_evaluate, &expander)) return expander.expand(m_value); return m_value; } bool JsonWizard::OptionDefinition::condition(Utils::MacroExpander &expander) const { return JsonWizard::boolFromVariant(m_condition, &expander); } namespace Internal { JsonWizardJsExtension::JsonWizardJsExtension(JsonWizard *wizard) : m_wizard(wizard) {} QVariant JsonWizardJsExtension::value(const QString &name) const { return m_wizard->expander()->expandVariant(m_wizard->value(name)); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace ProjectExplorer